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Super Bubble Tea and such thread....Snakeee professes his love for pomegranate juice!


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I dunno, since i didn't really see it. Just heard some stuff that went down. The Crew battle is going down to the wire. It's anyone's game I think.

Also, we will live without bubble tea. It's not the answer to life >>


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Snakee/Crismas - Oh don't give me that, Bubble Tea Crack heads. XDI had one Bubble tea two weeks or so ago. I will be fine.

If I have to, I'll MM one of ya. Ya win, I treat you to Bubble Tea. Fair and simple. >=D

EDIT: You came all this way from CT to NYC for Bubble Tea? daaamn. XD


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Rockin you're only fooling yourself if you think you can live without Bubble Tea. Go ahead, see how long you last!
I love this post..

and "oooh nooo.. I was going to ask to join p.e."


and LMAO @ jumpman's outrageous font, although I may have to put you on my ignore list now


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
wtf why? Just cause she's dating PHD?

No offense I'm just being real about this.

And Shin even if they are same day I would like to know ;_;

Also: http://youtube.com/results?search_query=Crismas+peach&search_type=&aq=f

My vids for the main page.
Alright I'm adding it. And her and PhD team a lot and hes been training her a bit. You're right though I was being a bit to simple with allowing new members in. I won't do that again.

I don't know why, but I laughed when youtube said, "Did you mean Christmas Peach?"


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
LOL @ christmas peach XD

I was just being real about it because she's not that active, and I know she'll only extend herself to going to the weeklies *went to college with her and Vlad* I just know her, that's all. I think other ppl deserve to be in this crew more so.

Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
I'm a bit tight that you would even ask that question. Half of us are in this crew due to cool points and nothing, but that. I did'nt say a effing word when we Rockin was let in the crew off cool points. Sorry to bring others into it, but yooz... Its like... shes Ph.ds GF... and she plays smash. Thats reason enough to have her in the crew. it dont matter if shes super active to me. I mean seriously... I would not object to having Alex in the crew out on the strength that hes your man.

One more thing. You say other people deserve to be in the crew more so... who are they and where can I meet them? I dont remember us having a giant list of potenials wanting to ally with us. Sorry if i'm being Shin about it, but this whole thing is just silly and I honestly feel its should have never been asked nor discussed.

I gave mah 2 cents and I wont be like dude in McBowsers. i'll not speak on it again.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
That's crap, it's not based off of "cool points" you join a crew just because you're cool. If I wanted to join something based off of coolness I'd join some trendy crew (not knockin those of course =P). Rockin wasn't let in the crew for cool points alone, he was let in because he got better (o rly?). I agree that we should all get along and have awesome personalities but that shouldn't be the only deciding factor. If ppl are only being let in on coolness factors then the strengths don't really show in this crew.

Second of all, Snake said that there wouldn't be anymore additions to this crew. And as Vlad said earlier we have enough issues trying to gather everyone as it is. And if I think someone who else deserves to be in the crew it would be yes my bf (but I know he's going for other crews so it's not about that), Silvi(Mop), Shinigami etc. they are all good players and COOL since it's very important to be cool. -_-

I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm just the only one who is gonna speak up on it. I guess I'm not allowed to do that.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Wow so much drama in this thread. Guess someone like me has to speak a little bit of knowledge to get everyone back on the same page.

Snake - it all comes down to one thing. How do you want your crew requirements to be defined. You can say that you have to try out and be voted in like a legit hardcore crew or just let everyone in and just be a casual crew. Part of me believes you do not know what you really want. You want to please everyone and your new status as a good player maybe causing issues for you to handle simple things like this. In the end it is your crew and you have to realize that you cannot pull a I.E and take everyone and their mother in. Huge crews do not last long or break up very easily.

One of the major things I see is the LACK of active members in this crew. I said in private and I will say on this thread that many of them SHOULD have been booted a long time ago. Do not try to be nice and keep them cause one is a friend of a friend and what not. When will you lay down the law and say NO ITS MY CREW IF YOUR NOT ACTIVE BY ____ YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN. That is something you have to decide in the end.

Personally I say do what you think will be best for your crew but do not do what makes everyone happy. This is where I.E failed and others failed so miserably. You cannot appease everyone and trying to do so only causes more drama. If it was me I'd boot all inactive unless they came to a weekly or participated in the thread which MOST IF NOT ALL DO NOT. Not let christina in and sit down with the active members and talk about how to let people in. I am not saying do not let her in but at least give guidelines onto which she will be let in. Be it association with PHD or she is good. IDC really just justify it.

Hope that explains a few things I am not really in the mood to go over what makes a good crew good and a great crew great but I figure you guys can figure that out on your own.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Ok everyone Relax!! I said something earlier about this last night with my big yellow font. What crismas was trying point out that no one informed us of this to even "agree or disagree" as whole to begin with. It just snake randomly put her in without telling everyone else. Snake/ shadow or any other if ya'll had anyone to consider joining just tell everyone else so that we can vote on it. Not like I have beef with CompB , crismas and I all went to school together so we're all cool with each other. At the same time I wish I would had a say in this if to put her in it or not. Personally I don't want anybody coming in under cool points, especailly if not alot of ppl know how u play. That says a lot about you in negative way. Atleast Rockin was still tested( wish evryone played first) and enyrone knows rockin good or bad. What happen him was I had hope was the last time u would come under cool points.

CompB's relationship with Ph.d is not a good reason to be in the crew. It only says she just in because of that nothing more. Not to dis her but i klnow other ppl from my school who r still better than her and could better. For example Sir gawain is from the same school as me and he has mad beast ike, snake and pit at least he enters the weeklies singles. I wouldn't problem with him cause something like cause ppl know he's good. CompB will have to show she's really good to even be a real member. Otherr I can't view her as real member enters more tourneys, cause at the moment I wouldn't use her in a crew battle.

On a side note crismas was not trying to start crap she's being blunt honest with her point. I would rather have someone blunt honest then some staying quiet and complain later behind my back.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
I also have an issue with not ever playing Snake and Shadow. You can't even make a real evaluation of your crew if you haven't even played all the members.

Yeah draumaz is lulz, but these points need to be made. If you want to keep a crew based off only a few people repping it at skill level then at least make a fair assumption. And not just once or twice, get to know your members.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I removed some members that were excessively inactive. CompB is not in as of now, but I'll give her a test to try to get in. That goes for any prospective members now, and I'd like to hear some input on what you guys think the test should be.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Speaking from experience, this is how some crews do this. There should be several people who play the prospective member. And it should not be based on whether they win or lose, but rather their performance as a whole. How they get along with the crew, and if they have potential.

We need to be more communicative to each other imo especially when it comes to adding new members.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I removed some members that were excessively inactive. CompB is not in as of now, but I'll give her a test to try to get in. That goes for any prospective members now, and I'd like to hear some input on what you guys think the test should be.
well.. personally, i think she'd make a nice addition to your crew. but that's just my opinion.

and from my experience, CREWS SHOULD NOT HAVE A "TRY OUT" SYSTEM. every crew i've ever been in, i was invited, so i don't have much experience in the rejection area. but i know it must be an awful and embarrassing feeling. suppose a person doesn't pass this "test," is it just "sorry, but no" ??

i can name certain other crews that have a "tryout" system just so its leader can feel powerful. but in the end, those crews failed (i will not give names)


and when u think about it, is a tryout system even necessary?? you know who would pass and who wouldn't. you should want people and your crew because they would make excellent additions. adding people just for the hell of it devolves into chaos. not to mention the decision of who to place in crew battles. everyone wants to compete, but which 5 of the 8+ gets to play, and why??

there's a lot to think about, and that's a reason i believe crews shouldn't have leaders. 1 person shouldn't make decision for many over something so small like smash. a good crew will run itself smoothly if everyone contributes. someone who doesn't contribute is useless and is not a good addition


that was just my opinion on the subject


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
The point is, that people were just being added without anyone knowing about it. That's the only reason it's being brought up. If anyone can just be added to the crew then hell, I say anyone who's anyone who join. There's just no communication between anyone. And maybe that's my fault as well.

Yeah I agree with you Vanz on the "feeling powerful" issue...I know exactly what you mean. But you were invited because you established yourself as a player. I think we should all have some sense for who's going to be in our crew, no? That's the point. I mean by all respects I shouldn't even be in this crew cause only a handful of ppl have even seen me play.

But really is there anything wrong with a little structure? Or some kinda mutual agreement?

I agreed with Doc from the beginning about letting everyone have a voice, I enjoy that. But I don't think our leaders in this crew know enough about their own members.

The other point is, the people who lead this crew haven't even played all the members here.

But this is getting dumb at this point, no more serious biz. I have half a mind to make a CREWS ARE SERIOUS BIZ thing looool. I'M STILL AT WORK?!

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
soo uhhh.. is vanz in this crew now or what?

cris- i wanna play you too... there are never free tvs at web2zone where we can just sit at and play.. always has to be won over lol

next time we're there we will have to take over a noob tv hehe lol


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
We should just say we have a MM and people will get up and let us have it.

Or umm lol a noob tv XD Yeah I'd like some MK training indeed.
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