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Super Bubble Tea and such thread....Snakeee professes his love for pomegranate juice!


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Well I missed the drama, and don't really want to bring it back up but I have to say I liked Rockin's post. For a crew to function properly we need everyone to get along as best they can. But, we'll see what happens with this.

Anyway, I'm going to start giving some words of wisdom every once in a while now lol.
I was just thinking about this..
A lot of people seem to have trouble progressing after a certain point because of mental blocks. They seem to crack under pressure and/or become intimidating when facing tough opponents. These things used to destroy me, but I'm coming along with getting past all that. You have to train yourself to maintain your composure throughout your matches and don't be afraid to play people just because they're "big names." No one's unbeatable, we're all human. (Yes even M2K >_>)

This isn't to say to become arrogant either, though. Another way you can lose from your mentality is underestimating a player. I admit that this has nearly happened to me on a couple of occasions, and I have to say it would be the most embarrasing way to lose. If I go in saying, "Hah I've never heard of this person or seen them, so they must be a noob" and end up losing the first game, you just start feeling like an arrogant idiot. It's likely to even panic after this, and I've panicked myself thinking "Oh man why was I thinking like that, I'm gonna lose the set because I didn't even give this guy a chance." Yeah, you definitely don't want to go down this route...
Lies. M2K is a machine.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Snake :

I think I'll chime in now that the drama and nonsense has really gone down.

As I told you snake and I will reiterate. Crews should vote on who comes in and who does not. It is no offense to anyone but it is a better way to have invite only than have dozens of people asking to join.

That is all I will really say on that now onto underestimating opponents.

A lot of people seem to have trouble progressing after a certain point because of mental blocks. They seem to crack under pressure and/or become intimidating when facing tough opponents. These things used to destroy me, but I'm coming along with getting past all that. You have to train yourself to maintain your composure throughout your matches and don't be afraid to play people just because they're "big names." No one's unbeatable, we're all human. (Yes even M2K >_>)
That is not everyone's mindset that is a very very small population. To be honest most people do not know who they play unless its like a big name. No offense to you snake but if I heard I was playing you and I knew only big names I would not think twice cause your really a nobody in the grand scheme of "main" players of smash in general. This game is not about mental aspects to me it is more about punishing mistakes. This game has always been like that ( this game being brawl not melee but that's another conversation ). It is not anything more than that to me and many. For those who do not know how to play like some people at the weekly or casual players it is about pressing or spamming buttons and hoping it works out. In the end the game design is simplistic that you can essentially win a tournament if your an extremely smart play ( for example like Rog did a few weeks back he knew nothing about glide tossing ). I am not saying this game is bad but this game is more of punishing mistakes. This is not melee where a slip of an l-cancel can cause a lost. This game allows mistakes but only at certain times during that match.

As far as people's issues progressing it is only because of two deciding factors. One being they do not own the game or have not played it as seriously as others ( jman/vanz/etc) or they are just not as intelligent and hit that point where they cannot advance and the best they can do is pick a spamming character ( for example MK ) use ONE move and do well against randoms. Thats a game design issue though but then again this game was designed for those people.

In the end we do make it competitive cause we love the characters and the games.

This isn't to say to become arrogant either, though. Another way you can lose from your mentality is underestimating a player. I admit that this has nearly happened to me on a couple of occasions, and I have to say it would be the most embarrasing way to lose. If I go in saying, "Hah I've never heard of this person or seen them, so they must be a noob" and end up losing the first game, you just start feeling like an arrogant idiot. It's likely to even panic after this, and I've panicked myself thinking "Oh man why was I thinking like that, I'm gonna lose the set because I didn't even give this guy a chance." Yeah, you definitely don't want to go down this route...
Bottom line is that the reason some underestimate people is because they dont go outside thier own influence. If you are a NJ player and you go to a NY player and only NJ people know of you and your good. Of course you are going to be underestimated. Those people are people I kinda feel should go out to the community more. Staying in one state is EXTREMELY STUPID. On the same token trying to NOT go to your state is just as dumb. Hate to use him as an example but look at D.Pch. He is, last time I checked, too afraid to go to a weekly and often claims he is broke yet he goes to MM. Makes sense? Nopes. In the end you play every player equally and play intelligently. Thats what the pros do. They never underestimate people and in the off chance they do they make up for it VERY Quickly.

I will say this about you snake...being real this crew just has so much potential but I think it falters cause there is no real organization there is just too much committee rules and even then its just up to whatever 1-2 people feel like and it goes from there. I will say it like this.

1 - You have 2 artists in the crew

2 - you have people that can meet anywhere

3 - you have people WILLING to go OOS

Why are you not using this to your advantage. Why is it when I come in here you all are either just lolligagging or just being meh. A crew needs to roll together and support each other not argue. In your case you made a hastey decision and really the blame does go on you for not consulting others. If you do a committee rule always talk to others. These mistakes show you are a true inexperience player, leader, and community representative. I am not bashing you but only suggesting you work on these things to help yourself.

You want a prototype? TSA was the prototype for domination in a game, TS is an example, hell even DA is a good example. Do not look at where they are now but look at what they did and how serious they are at being a crew. Learn from them and you will learn that being a close knit group is better than anything imaginable.

Meh I am pretty much too lazy to type more just realize I mean no offense but only to help grow the community and groups like this DGZ and others are the root to that.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I have to disagree with a lot of this Alex. Mentality has a LOT to do with the game and can make or break you. Yes, punishing mistakes is a huge deal to and I know that. Anyway, I'll try to have the crew be more organized.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
No one else made a suggestion because Snake said there were weren't going to be any more members.

and for you to say whatever it is about CompB is farfetch towards me cuz in the end, it all wind down to me.

Not really. No. I knew her before you did. So this has nothing to do with you.

CompB is a total saint.
Ok i know ya want to move on but i have something to add....
So u know Christina more than i do huh?
ok since u "know her" longer than i have,
What's her mother's maiden name? What is her favorite color? What is her home address? What is her Favorite food?

...waiting for response.... I thought as much

It's good that yall worked out your issues anyway


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2008
Everywhere and nowhere
YES Sweetie please stop. Cris said in an earlier post and I will say it here too. We resolved the issues. We're very talented and smart women. We solved the issues like woman. Talking about it in private. lol < kisses Ph.d on cheek> Now will you please go on kicking *** as a crew please.lol


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
Wow this is why i wanted other people's opinons on things so things like that won't happen well im not in the crew as i saw lol but its ok i understand my major inactive is a bothersome =] GL P.E


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
Okay CompB. My bad Cris. I just can be a little defensive (perhaps a LOT of defensive) if you don't believe me look at my stats

Ph.D HoMaLoN LvL 40
HP/MP - 395/100
Job - Student
Attack - 225
Defense - 500
Intelligence - 200 (higher that that actually)
Willpower - 300
Speed - 201
Luck - 1
EXP to next lvl ____________****

Also i think in a weird way, life was restored to this thead lolz


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Doc!!!!! You need to come around more often =( and bestow us with your awesome ninja skillz.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
Batman was to good tickets were easy to get and i was able to get good seats i haven't slammed into a croweded sold out theater lol lucky me JOKER FTW


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Dark Knight WAS good.

Congrats to PE on the crew battle victory! I'm definitely interested in being in the next one :D

Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
Long story short... i'm not going to be active for a long while. No weeklies, Shinfests, Smashboards and anything else related to smash.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
shadow's metaknight is gayer than ******** eating fruit at pinkberry
lmaooo. at least i don't spam ****.. i find my own ways to be cheap :D.

good job everyone with the crew battle. i'm really happy that we won. we should switch the line up for next time to get other members to play.

let's take a break before we crew battle swat.. not everyone has been entering the weeklies and showing up a lot. so let's start showing up and placing higher.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
Hi guys, I came in late and left early sorry i couldn't stay a bit longer to watch matches. w2z would of kicked me out had i stayed longer (i didnt pay). But wat was the tourney results and the crew battle results?
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