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Stuff About Puff

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Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2010
How do you DI the bair for that? I have a hard time doing bair -> uair since my DI is weird. Also, what % does that work for?


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
^^^ i have no idea. Can't believe Bair, Uair, to rest works. O.o

Is it possible for a marth to DI out of Uair to rest?


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
How do you DI the bair for that? I have a hard time doing bair -> uair since my DI is weird. Also, what % does that work for?
It's functional at lower %s, usually.
You hit bair on the upper half of their body and then drop down with an uair, tap the ground and rest.

It's possibly my favorite way to rest Marths.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Bair Uair Rest does not usually combo but sometimes people just have awful DI or fail and it's pretty safe too because you can land behind them even if they shield it so it's like lol w/e.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
i thought the basics were upair > uptilt > rest

that one and upthrow > rest are definitely my favorite

and my opinion matters because i have a GREAT puff


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Bair Uair Rest does not usually combo but sometimes people just have awful DI or fail and it's pretty safe too because you can land behind them even if they shield it so it's like lol w/e.
yeah, what he said. if i get a bair upair rest on someone i generally think "lol i got this" and start goofing off a little.

they could also CC the bair, but then be at the perfect percent to not be able to CC the upair, whatever that is.

i thought the basics were upair > uptilt > rest

that one and upthrow > rest are definitely my favorite

and my opinion matters because i have a GREAT puff
the uptilt is kind of unnecessary there, although you should always try to hit with uptilt when you can because it's cool.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
hey so

how do you go about hitting a fox who dashdance camps

i played a good fox and realized im pretty good about not getting hit

except then i can never hit him back, and then when i try then i do get hit a lot

sometimes i do fullhop bair, doublejump bair, fall like i'm going to bair again but pound instead and it works

sometimes i do falling short hop fair in front of them to bait them into my nair.. that doesn't do much lol

sometimes i just try to get their jump but then they shield and it takes too long to get back down to the ground

iono i just feel slow with puff


Smash Lord
May 2, 2008
Inside the hitbox of Falco's Up-Tilt.
sometimes i do falling short hop fair in front of them to bait them into my nair.. that doesn't do much lol
this is good
if you hit them with your nair, that's probably getting them into their shield if it's not comboing
that's where you follow up with mindgaems-sheildpressure.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
the easiest answer is bair. space it so it looks like it won't hit, and it still will :bee:

also fair farther into their range than you'd normally be comfortable with, to throw them off/catch them out of dashdance.

and she is kinda slow. it's for the same reason everyone is slow with falcon the first time they play him - you have to work more with their own specific type of movement. with fox and falco tech skill provides most of your speed, but with some characters you have to let their built-in movement fill in the gaps. i guess marth is somewhere inbetween...peach definitely needs her float canceling...

for jiggs, basically do empty short hops and do your aerials later. and wavedash, that makes you feel faster too. and be patient a lot. not necessarily campy =P but patient.

edit: and. nair into their shield, float out of range to bait a grab...fsmash. that was one of mango's things.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
alright guys, I just learned that Pika and Roy match up is sooo hard.

Any tips....?
specifically Pika on Yoshi's Island
and Roy on FD or BF.

btw, this Roy is probably one of the best roys in the U.S., not including Sethlon. Like this Roy does Dash to Side B a ton, baits Fsmash, Dashdances like its his job, and have 0 deathed comboed me. >_>
His Pika even 0death comboed me T.T

EDIT: I pretty much go even with him, but its soo annoying how sometimes he can out prioritize me. Some tactics?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
no they aren't XD

roy can one hit kill you, sort of, sometimes. and he is vastly inferior in every other way. basically avoid his up-b's and upsmashes, and go out to edgeguard him, and it should be pretty easy. if they happen to be one of the best roys then they might be just better than you =P

pikachu's main threatening thing is upsmash. so...don't go above pikachu. it sounds simple...because it is! =D

and *sigh* when in doubt, camp harder. especially against low tiers. low tiers are largely defeated by retreating bair. roy and pika are not exceptions.

okay, that's enough detailed posts for a while <_<


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
alright guys, I just learned that Pika and Roy match up is sooo hard.

Any tips....?
specifically Pika on Yoshi's Island
and Roy on FD or BF.

btw, this Roy is probably one of the best roys in the U.S., not including Sethlon. Like this Roy does Dash to Side B a ton, baits Fsmash, Dashdances like its his job, and have 0 deathed comboed me. >_>
His Pika even 0death comboed me T.T

EDIT: I pretty much go even with him, but its soo annoying how sometimes he can out prioritize me. Some tactics?
DI away when he's doing combo moves. Let's start with that. Jigglypuff is only allowed to be death comboed by a few characters and they are largely situational. Roy and Pikachu should not be racking much damage on you. If they're landing 1000 pokes per stock without being hit back because you're horrible, that's one thing. They should not be death comboing. They're not good enough as characters to do that.

In terms of matchup specifics, Bair Pikachu to death, he can't do anything about it. Approach slowly and don't let him U-smash you. Don't feel afraid to fall back if it looks dangerous and simply reset spacing. His grabs do **** all to you, too, so shielding is also fairly good.

I don't know anything about Roy. Crouch cancel into shield / shield grab a lot I guess. Don't be afraid to fall back and reset spacing. Jigglypuff is somewhat fortunate in that her optimal spacing is usually to be either really far or really close and those are both issue for Roy.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2006
Springfield-ish, Illinois
alright guys, I just learned that Pika and Roy match up is sooo hard.

Any tips....?
specifically Pika on Yoshi's Island
and Roy on FD or BF.

btw, this Roy is probably one of the best roys in the U.S., not including Sethlon. Like this Roy does Dash to Side B a ton, baits Fsmash, Dashdances like its his job, and have 0 deathed comboed me. >_>
His Pika even 0death comboed me T.T

EDIT: I pretty much go even with him, but its soo annoying how sometimes he can out prioritize me. Some tactics?
Roy? I think I have some videos against the same one you're talking about (somewhat dated, but the same stuff works on him now)

[1(L on Fountain of Dreams)]
[2(L on Mute City)]
[3(W on Brinstar)]
[4(W on Final Destination)]
[5(W on Battlefield)]

Overall, space him with Bair and don't force confrontation (what he wants, makes KOs easier). Nair him off the ground like he's Samus and know when to put him offstage (edgeguarding his up-b can be tricky).

Some things to watch out for:
  • Try and fight him horizontally with Bair walls. He wants to stay grounded, so you want him airborne.
  • at certain percents, his throws/tilts can put you on a platform (this is bad, stay off)
  • don't force your way through him on the way down, his up-air has surprising reach & speed (don't give him free %)
  • ^ similarly, don't force yourself through his f-tilt/side-B if he's willing to use it for spacing (wait for an error and Bair him)
  • if he d-tilts you, you'll be in a bad position. Nair will probably trade and most other aerials aren't a great idea either.
  • He wants to fsmash you (smart Roys will be tricky about throwing it)
  • if he doesn't land it, punish him (you can hit where his head ends up, I fsmash him in one of the videos like this)
  • he's only really going to land a KO if you put yourself in position to die (or if he does the reverse up-b)
  • ^tied to the above, don't forget he can do uncharged neutral B in midair
  • watch for ledge games, this is where you may be giving up easier KO's
  • Ban either Yoshi's or FD (your preference), CP Brinstar or Dreamland
  • most stages won't let him 0-death you with his up-b (FD will); most stages should give you a scare anyway
  • If you CP Kongo Jungle 64 (only consider it because of personal preferences), guard Tom (the barrel) when he's recovering (jump in if you must). Stay high (2 tall side platforms) when you have a decent lead, it will force him to come at you where he's most vulnerable and the weakest (what aerial is gonna KO you lol)


  • Same as Roy, if he gets you with his prefered KO move (in this case, Up-smash)
  • Up-smash hurts, when you get to KO percents, Pika is willing to trade to land this
  • Pikachus will eventually try fsmash, it's slow so ftilt him if you're close
  • stay away from the end of fsmash's range at all times
  • bair him more than anything, nair if he's CCing and downsmashing you (will probably trade anyway :()
  • if you land on the ledge, look for either ftilt or dtilt (they will probably prefer one over the other)
  • fair through aerial thunder shocks (if you must)
  • his fair is kinda weird, give it respect
  • his nair is his best aerial move that KO's, he'll use it to punish
  • because you die at lower %'s, they will be OK with trading up-airs (all game) with your nair/fair aerial when you come in
  • these trades usually cause resets, you want to be in range to bair him in most cases instead
  • Ban janky low-ceiling levels (Corneria or Green Greens)
  • Yoshi's isn't so bad, they don't outlast you by as much, their recovery is somewhat limited by stage design
  • CP a tall stage with close sides (FoD?) wide means Pika will live long and prosper (too long imo)


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Yea, i don't really remember the 0death combo he did with pika. But it was like Nair off ledge, Another Nair, Bair, (I landed on the ground somehow and missed tech), then Usmash. I died at like 30% on Yoshis from an usmash T.T

thanks guys for the tips =), but how would i approach pikachu?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
that's the thing, though. you don't really have to. ideally pikachu should be thinking "how the hell do I approach jigglypuff?"

but spaced bairs and fairs generally work anyway. you can still approach as long as you're careful about it. and watch out for upsmashes. i'm trying to remember what i did last time i played n64 cause i remember approaching a bunch, but i think it was just general spaced aerials.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
if only I had won the set against you andale T_T

/controller johns


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
lol ripple, that was intense, but it only truly matters in tournament though. And, I still want that MM >=D

"ideally pikachu should be thinking "how the hell do I approach jigglypuff?"" this was great advice. I should've known i should camp. >_< lol


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Nair Ledge Cancel Rest OMG Sexy

I can't stop spamming that, even when it's not gonna happen unless they dash to the edge of a plat at the last second, just too fun to try and spam!



Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Ogallala Aquifer
If you shield a really badly spaced uptilt or ftilt or jab or dash attack you can rest out of shield.

If you cc his nair you can rest out of it.

If you up air his head when it pops up out of his shield you can rest.

If you take the edge and make him up b on stage you can jump to rest.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2008
Inside the hitbox of Falco's Up-Tilt.
fullhop a single backair, and then land crouching in front of his sheild,
hope for a grab then rest
or wait for them to jump out (gotta predict it) then uptilt to rest


empty jumping into their shield
leads to rest, uptilt to rest, shorthop upair, or whatever really.

throw off the stage to ledgegrab works too as mentioned above.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
forcing him onstage to rest, that's the best one.

upair rest kinda works too but i find it hard to hit with that on marth, even when the upair connects. maybe that's just me.

one thing i like to do is dthrow marth (or sheik) near the middle of the stage on battlefield, yoshi's or pokemon, and hope they DI to the platform...then techchase rest. when doing that it's best to mentally prepare yourself for them to tech in place or tech away, since a missed tech or tech toward you are easier to cover, and if someone is panicking chances are they'll feel like the first two are safer--one is the 'i can move again quickest' option and one is the 'get the hell away' option. again, this could just be something specific to me, but the logic makes sense, no?

(if they don't DI to the platform, still a free aerial + advantage)

crouching in front of marth is a good habit even if you don't go for rests with it. that's kind of a blind spot for marth, and it scares them.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
vs Marth

I run up, shield whatever attack he does, fair out of shield

i usually do fullhop, always holding towards him, then try to land behind with upair > uptilt or whatever mixup is appropriate

if they're smart and CC everything then at low percent just get one hit and back out

but im not a puff main so what do i know ><


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
yeah, you gotta hit them more. and you don't always have to do rising bair/double bair...sometimes it's better to wait and do a single, late one.

vs. marth specifically, you could be using shield a lot more. marth is really good at spacing too, but he has a lot of trouble grabbing jiggs, so shield becomes extra-good in the matchup. plus you can get lots of free hits when he misspaces an aerial on your shield.

i didn't watch the sheik one though. 5 minutes sheik vs. jigglypuff on jungle japes...nooo thank you.
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