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Squirtleknight is obnoxious obv :012:. - Marth+


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
Australia, victoria
i had 3.3 with added newer hitbox mods/changes what ever it was called, i don't want any tech chasing, i want to juggle them in the air


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
i had 3.3 with added newer hitbox mods/changes what ever it was called, i don't want any tech chasing, i want to juggle them in the air
Zodac, I'll be quite frank. All of your posts seem like a thousand times more stupid than anybody in SWF.

Please, shut up. And your group is stupid, asking for unnerfs is not the way to go.

We need to tweak around with Marth. Isn't there anybody that's quite influent over here to make BrawlPlussery's team think it over?

How could we recover Marth's former Glory?


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
rofl what do you want Ryu? I'll listen, I'll decide what to do with the ideas afterward.

Also The Cape hates Marth.

@The Cape: dude maybe if we leik start making Marth combosaur you can quit complaining about Dolphin Slash all day. <3

Never talk to The Cape about Marth btw. The wounds of battle are in there deep. =(


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2008
Roanoke, VA
Great guide.
Gives me motivation to pick up Marth again.

Make a toon link guide. You seem to be good with him.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
rofl what do you want Ryu? I'll listen, I'll decide what to do with the ideas afterward.

Also The Cape hates Marth.

@The Cape: dude maybe if we leik start making Marth combosaur you can quit complaining about Dolphin Slash all day. <3

Never talk to The Cape about Marth btw. The wounds of battle are in there deep. =(
Personally, I'm not fit to say what Marth needs. As I'm a newbie and an unexperienced player (statistically-speaking). I'll think it over, test some stuffs and etc. But I'd greatly appreciate it if we all (Marth mainers) discuss about him seriously. I don't know much about knockback, launch angles and such, I feel quite useless.

And I'll keep in mind that The Cape hates Marth... Hopefully, he won't see any of my posts regarding Marth :laugh:.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
Australia, victoria
Well anyways, that was my little complaint, I know I'm really annoying with that lol.
I'd like to ask, before really discussing about him, can you (B+ Marth Mainers) Double Fair consistently?
I can't, it's so much more harder than Melee.

i could back in ye old days. four days ago when i updated my codeset.

double fair. land. double fair. it was perfect and now it is gone and i no longer enjoy playing marth.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
Well anyways, that was my little complaint, I know I'm really annoying with that lol.
I'd like to ask, before really discussing about him, can you (B+ Marth Mainers) Double Fair consistently?
I can't, it's so much more harder than Melee.

i could back in ye old days. four days ago when i updated my codeset.

double fair. land. double fair. it was perfect and now it is gone and i no longer enjoy playing marth.
That's pretty old. I was using 1 Frame Buffer and had trouble doing it consistently (I do it perfectly now). Don't bring up old stuffs like that. And so, how about you try finding something more than "ZOMG UNNERF HIM YO! D:!"? They won't revert back to the old codeset, it was much less balanced. I'll stay on my claim. Your posts are absolutely stupid.

It's very easy to double fair once you learn the timing and have a bit of buffer
I now play with 2 frames buffer and do it properly. That guy just won't quote my post because it's old. He probably wanted to feel superior because I insulted him in that post up there.

Yeah, at like 50% or lower you can literally just double fair. If they miss the tech you can keep doing it because there IS a punishment of like what...30 frames for failing?

IIRC, this match is a good example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv_rOS2GbxI&feature=channel_page

I miss a tech and Full Metal keeps swinging his sword.
True, but then again... Teching is teching. My bro's technical skills are really good. He misses like 1 tech out of 12 or even less often. Double f-air against him is pretty much useless compared to the other options available. And he's no pro, so try imagining that in high levels of play.

Oh and...
i had 3.3 with added newer hitbox mods/changes what ever it was called, i don't want any tech chasing, i want to juggle them in the air
Ok so you don't want any tech chasing? How nice is it... Because Melee relied on techchasing too. Congratulations, it might be the stupidest claim I've ever seen about Smash in my whole life.

Marth has seen nerfs in damages, knockback and so.
I'd suggest we make trade offs like F-smash being a bit less punishable and drop a bit of knockback. Just like in the melee days, you could use f-smash much more often.

His dancing blade is just a damager (not even that damaging) now. How about we ask for his 4th hit up to kill but later than the original one? It's barely as if it was really any use other than punishing and annoy the crap out of other players. (This is not a tradeoff, it just seems unfair to take out Marth's only safe killing move!)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
Australia, victoria
i really couldn't care less about you guy, i just want his old fair back

Ok so you don't want any tech chasing? How nice is it... Because Melee relied on techchasing too. Congratulations, it might be the stupidest claim I've ever seen about Smash in my whole life.

i don't care about melee either.

i had 3.3 with added newer hitbox mods/changes what ever it was called, i don't want any tech chasing (WITH FAIR), i want to juggle them in the air (WITH FAIR not every move in the game).

Not that hard to figure out guy.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
i really couldn't care less about you guy, i just want his old fair back

Ok so you don't want any tech chasing? How nice is it... Because Melee relied on techchasing too. Congratulations, it might be the stupidest claim I've ever seen about Smash in my whole life.

i don't care about melee either.

i had 3.3 with added newer hitbox mods/changes what ever it was called, i don't want any tech chasing (WITH FAIR), i want to juggle them in the air (WITH FAIR not every move in the game).

Not that hard to figure out guy.
Then how about you post intelligently? We're not gonna guess what you want all the time. Write clearly. You don't care for Melee, but Melee had combos. Brawl+ does too, ya get the logical link? I hope you do, otherwise you're just a lost cause. I'm not even saying that Brawl+ is Melee 2.0, but they do have similarities.

I don't want techchasing for fair either, but the best way for it would be to make it work like in melee. Yes, MELEE. If I remember correctly, you could double fair twice before they could tech? (I'm not sure at all, just asking.)

Instead of whining about how much you miss the old codeset. Just say something constructive. How many posts have I seen you bumping the thread just to freaking say the same thing over and over again? It's getting quite annoying.

And how about you quote instead of c+p?


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Marth needs to pick up some combo tips from Mario. Fair needs to juggle like Mario's uair. That would be pretty sweet imo.

He could drop down after a fair and utilt into a bair with a lowered angle (<333) and fair the other way into a nair.

Fair into Utilt with lowered KBG into a lowered angled bair would allow Marth to horizontally combo to his leisure to mid-low high percents. :V

Raise the angle of a tipped fair a smidge and lower the angle of a flub fair so that Marth has the ability to control how high/low his opponent is with proper spacing. Allow flub fair to combo into lowered KBG utilt to further control his opponent and then you've got horizontal and vertical combo potential. :V

Lowered angle bair is just my own personal wish list for Marth for ledge bair edgeguarding and SH RAR on-stage comboing that looks so unorthodox that its amazing it works. :V

I wouldnt even care if utilt did like 5% and bair did like 10%, teh angles and potential would be too pimp to even care about the percents because with properly DI reading, spacing, and timing, you could rack up damage like that in maybe an extra 5 seconds? lulz.

Plus with a combo system so fruitful, being gay with Marth wouldnt reward enough. <3

That's my idea and opinion though.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Raise the angle of a tipped fair a smidge and lower the angle of a flub fair so that Marth has the ability to control how high/low his opponent is with proper spacing. Allow flub fair to combo into lowered KBG utilt to further control his opponent and then you've got horizontal and vertical combo potential. :V
Viet will summarize this:

Make his Fair become The Embodiment of Melee.

Play Melee Marth's Fair and you'll understand (if you didn't somehow...).


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Way to tldr my post you jerk. <3

I wasnt thinking melee, but now that I think about it. You're pretty much right. :V

I love how I subconsiously thought melee though. I've had that game on the brain for the past few days now. V:

Still though, lowered KBG utilt and lowered angle bair are fresh. I dont think Marth had those things in Melee. So I wasn't completely thinking melee. V:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
lol some1 linked me here. but yah, i am pretty bad at brawl and brawl +
im only ranked 10th on the power ranking :[
but yah if we meet we should MM ;]

also D1 is ranked 7th, and was beast in melee ;] trust me ehs really good as well. if anythign were both alot more known in the community sir :]

yah this has notign 2 do with b+ really but u gett he point

LOLOL :] im bored i hope u ugys were kidding, or else i gotta really act black


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
What Blackanese said.

Videos can't do justice to these two dude's skill levels.

Combos aren't absolutely necessary, either. Stick to the basics, and you can still win in this game.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
I'm not any better. I'm not gonna argue on that lol. I'm a horrible player actually, still learning and improving. My only good thing so far is techrolling LOL.

What Blackanese said.

Videos can't do justice to these two dude's skill levels.
Could be true.

Combos aren't absolutely necessary, either. Stick to the basics, and you can still win in this game.
I wasn't referring to their skills... more to Marth's combo potential.
Oh and...
aw mans, i wanted 2 argue over the internet 4 the lol. i hope the other ryu guy ****s on me so we can argue lolol. i love trash talking more than anything :]]]]
I don't like trashing on the internet all that much. Ever got into a fight? It's quite pleasant, you should try with somebody one day. (No, that's not an invitation to get beef or anything with you.)


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Blackanese your name sucks.

Like when I joined Smashboards I was gonna name myself Vietnamese. But then people would be like:

"What Vietnamese? You mean like Blackanese? So laaaammmmeeeee."



Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
Ryu is totally EC Pro.
I'm quite a dumb *** when it comes to abbreviations. So I don't have a clue of what EC means at all. If it's common sense, I'd like to back myself up with the fact that english is my 4th language :embarrass.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
fact: foward air is now a meteor spike
Is that in BrawlPlussery's 4.2 latest one? 'Cause I haven't played with Marth for quite a while now.

EDIT: That's on Brawl+, 'cause I dislike him now. I like him so much better in Melee xD. Thinking it over though, why the **** would they put Marth's Fair as a meteor spike o_O? There wasn't a nerf from what I've read, you're obviously just ****ing around. How stupid of mine.
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