Yea, we dont talk much, but i am posting to a bunch of mah contacts, so....
OK, so I didn't technically make the game; I just texture edited (actually, it is called sprite editing, but texture editing sounds better), music editing, and a bit of model editing. So, I have this final product:
Download Link to Cat Mario.rar
Download it, and copy & paste the folder in it (called CAT MARIO!!!) onto your Desktop.
OK,so controls are just like a normal Mario game, but powerups generally hurt you (after playing this a lot, u will see what I mean), lots of stuff is incredibly unfair (again, just play the game, you will understand), and you are shaped like a cat! So, the game is called Cat Mario. There are only 4 levels, and each one of them is very hard. If you need help, just look around on youtube for stuff like "Cat Mario Walkthrough" or something. The levels all have really good music that I like, and there is an extremely epic piece of music that you will hear on the last level, if you get that far. There are infininte lives, (you go into negatives, lol) btw, but you can't save your progress, so don't quit the game constantly. Right now,I can get to the last level without losing more than 30 lives, and I am actually GOOD at it (I have never beaten the game,lol).
Tell your friends! NOWWWW!!! *or just copy&paste his huge wall of text, and say that cookiemonster posted it).