and his hit boxes are just nuts. The only way I see to nerf him is to take away his sword.
...You are aware Meta Knight and Ike actually have better disjoints more or less? o_O
And yeah, I mean in length. MK barely loses out (he loses to Marth'sfsmash and shield breaker,
but beats his staple aerial moves okay lol).
So really the only two moves he has with "nutty" hitboxes are fsmash and shield breaker...neither are particularly excellent moves, both are quite laggy and do not kill for a while unless tipped (in SB's case, landing it is amazing in of itself).
Considering even ROB and Snake beat out most of Marth's staple moves with their ftilt, it's not quite his range that's the problem.
Nor is it the disjoint because honestly most of the length is also his arm...a hurtbox you can grab or attack. Hence in Melee you could grab Marth from an *almost* tipped fsmash distance in dittos.
So yeah, a lot of characters beat Marth in the 'range' game. His range really isn't unique anymore, neither is his speed or combo ability (oh hi MK). In Melee you could make an argument because Marth was LOL.
I'll be honest, Marth looks to be one of the best, that's a no-brainer. However, he looks to also be soft-CP'd by quick, big pressure, gimpy characters like MK and Sheik.
Note he, like Fox has lost a lot of weight coming into Brawl (lol), and with his mediocre at best recovery, and blindspot below, he does have some weaknesses.
While few, the weaknesses are somewhat severe enough to be taken clear advantage of, unlike MK who only has a constant weakness of being light.
Unless somewhat breaks him, he looks to only soft-counter (60-40) some of the cast, and have 50-50s on probably a decent number of the top.
Which means he will be an uphill battle for lower tiered characters, but more often than not, not quite be the best character for every situation.
EDIT: Yeah, go ahead and say that you broke him CK. Proactive play ftw?
Also, let's counterpick slopped stages everyone. Against Marth. <_<
^ Watch the