Just... wow.
Ok, I don't know much about human behavior, but I seem to have some basic ideas of how things should go down:
1. If you're arranging to do something with someone, YOU STICK TO THE PLAN.
2. If you don't like someone, you probably ought to TELL THEM STRAIGHT UP instead of just screwing them over time and time again.
3. Combining 1 & 2, if you don't like someone, you DON'T MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
So... here's what went down that bothers me so much.
Thursday night: I'm walking back to class with this one guy (hereafter referred to as "J" for anonymity purposes) and his roommate. Now, I've known J since last semester. He used to play competitive Smash, and even though he didn't host Smashfests or tournaments, he still had Smashers over on a regular basis.
Anyway, we get near our apartments (where we have to split), and just as we start to leave I ask him when we were gonna meet up to start a co-op file of Tales of Symphonia. He asks if I'm gonna be busy Saturday or Sunday, and I tell him no. So we both agree to meet up Saturday.
Friday night: I'm staying up late even though I know that I have this arrangement tomorrow. Stupid of me, right? But I figure since we didn't agree to a time or anything it'd be alright as long as I didn't show up TOO late.
Now: It's a couple of hours since I left to go to J's place, and I'm back here at my apartment because J had his Smasher friends there. They all said "Hey" and after awhile J invites me to sit on the bed (since there's not a lot of room). I watch for a bit and then I ask J if I should come back another time and he says yes and also tells me to come back Sunday afternoon. So I left after a little while and here I am, wondering what to do now.
Really, what do you guys make of this? He's evidently known the Smashers longer than he knows me, so as far as priorities go I'm probably in his junk pile. Still... I don't get it. Why not tell me in the first place "Hey, can you come back Sunday?" instead of waiting for ME to bring it up? Heck, why bother inviting me, the "bottom-of-the-garbage-can" kid, AT ALL?
Right now... I'm just facepalming and headdesking until I draw blood.