Wow, people posting. :/
Firstly, sorry for taking so long/being so lax about this. I don't really know what to say, I don't really have an excuse, but if anything, I suppose "life happened". Of course, that isn't an excuse, there was definitely time for me to do this, I was just lazy and am completely at fault. My apologies. ;_;
Onto business, a few points of clarification/answers/comments:
- No, these don't show the maximum on any stage, even Eldin is too short most of the time. These are the absolute theoretic maximums that could be possible if given the space/circumstances. I said it earlier in the thread, but the list is based on theory, not practicality, as I don't want to decide for others what is practical.
- I tested on Final Destination, using the method SoM suggested: CGed from one side to the other > confirmed the regrab > released without doing anything (which retains the stale queue) > went to the other side and regrabbed > repeat from step 1.
- DThrow has a base of 6% damage. Completely fresh it does 6.3% damage, completely stale it does 2.76% damage.
- I definitely plan on posting frame data in future (this is PART of what I had in mind for the expansion project, actually), but it won't make complete sense unless you can see all of it. When I finish the Walking CGs I'll post up some basic "complete" data which should give you an idea of what's going on.
- I don't really get why impracticality makes these figures "illegit," whether it's practical or not does not change the accuracy of the data.
- Staling DThrow is a good thing, not a bad thing, it's what makes these lengthy chains possible.
- IMO Solo Climber is roughly equal to Ganon, tierwise, or perhaps slightly below. The more I play Ice Climbers, the less I feel SoPo is "LOL Tier" like I originally thought.
And what else?
I guess I'll get to work on those Walking CGs. I know "that's what I said last time," but after reading swordgard's analysis on Nana's AI, I feel invigorated to do research on this character again. :3 I guess I'm just the kind of guy who needs motivators like that, haha. Well, I say that, but I'm really tired right now, so I'll start on it when I wake up. xD