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SoCal Power Rankings (October 28, 2007)- Will the update ever happen?

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Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
I'm pretty sure the panelists put a lot of thought into the list and did the absolute best they could. You can't blame them for not being at every tournament and observing each and every individual's perfomance. I say the best thing to do, if you disagree, is to HELPFULLY state your opinion why you think so-in-so should be ranked. Then everyone who is claiming that they are overlooked can be observed more carefully at SCC. And please understand the idea of people moving up or staying the same, regardless of what their position number is, because of new people added to the list. It makes sense that if you dropped one spot, you really stayed the same because of new people added or Mango skyrocketing.

I just realized how light and floaty Jigglypuff is. Then I noticed there is a Falco in the #25 spot. I think what happened was the Falco shinned Jigglypuff and he landed in the #5 spot because he's so light.

I think Hugs UP+B'd so much that he Up+B'd up to another spot....... but then he took a HUGE left turn on Pokemon Stadium, while doing it, and didn't quite make it to the top.

Edrees just kinda floated back and fourth with Peach and secured his position.

I think Gabe moved up because they're making Yoshi have an UP+B move in Brawl which will give him a little more vertical recovery.

Okay. What other smash analogies can I make to show people moving up?


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
I feel special. :laugh:

Anyways, thanks for clarifying how you guys discuss things Edrees. Maybe some people can just shut up about it.

I'm kind of relieved that I’m off the list, since I knew that I didn't belong on there, especially since I only attend tourneys like one every 3 months or something. Besides, OC3 was my last tourney, I'm done with smash.

Before I forget, the 805 ****ing sucks!
u gotta come to scc oscar!!!


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
this post made me laugh

edrees im not saying your biased if thats what your refering too
i just remember rofl being flammed for hyping up his palmdale players
and yet, i see wolf and gabe still ranked so high
didn't gabe lose to some random at oc3? and in the crew battles i saw wolf only take one stock off of every crew, followed by romeo coming in and cleaning up his mess. thus i believe rom should be higher

its w/e though, if you guys gonna keep playing luigi like a ***** then go for it. There's only one large tournament left and thats SCC so we'll see where things go from there.

And Gus: don't make me carry you in teams again :laugh:
With each post you make I realize this little fact more and more.
Ken is to the "Power Rankings" as you are to the "Worst smashers in socal rankings". You both will probably never move.

I find more truth and revelations in my toilet bowl after attending a chilli cook-off than I do in anything that comes out of your mouth. You can't even "reiterate" without ****ing up every bit of fact that was present in the original statement.

Gabe took like what, 10 stocks from the CoK crew? But you are right about Rome cleaning up the mess. Well sort of. Rome did **** drephen, the hardest player by far, but he didn't take the most stocks. Rome played his role perfectly. And please, forgive wolf for losing to drephen, the #1 peach slaying sheik on the planet. No one was meant to take out drephen on his own, we'd lose a "pawn" or two, and clean house after their "queen" is gone. It's a TEAM effort. Get back to me when you learn how to play crews.

And yes rofl got flamed for hyping up his members, cuz it's all part of one big joke. It's what we do in socal. You hype up your crew, someone else talks **** back, it's fun. The rankings weren't made to hype up the superfriends. Get it right.

Oh, and Next time you come over, please don't get ***** by every member of the hyped up Superfriends.


And to correct everyone who thinks they have the Third eye on skill, Mango and DC were not top 10 material when they first came out. You guys THOUGHT they were because you knew no better.

Fictional Past tense Convo:
"Oh **** DC is ******, put him into the top 10"...
"No, *** you, mike Y/arash/wolf/edrees still **** his ****."
You guys jump the gun so much on players you know so little about. I don't care how much you get ***** by these guys, I can guarantee you that you DO NOT KNOW SKILL like most of the people we have on the panel.
Only NOW do players like DC and Mango deserve top ten, because they have earned it. And i bet that they'd even agree that their skill 9 months ago was not deserving of top ten like it truly is now.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
lol i like how everybody quoted my last comment 5hrs later
i stopped careing about this thing after i wrote "if you guys are gonna keep playing luigi like a *****..."

That whole "does he look like a *****" post was a joke Ryan and I had on aim refering to Pulp Fiction
being that the panelists are ****ing him like a ***** but w/e

gabe took a **** load of stocks off of CoK cuz Anuj and Frenziefool were the 2 weaker members of the crew and they didn't know how to fight yoshi. lol don't get ahead of yourself on that crew battle, if rom didn't finish off drephen they'd of had a close chance of taking it instead of you.

w/e its besides the point back to topic you speak as though you are all knowing of players potential i wish Alex was a panelist cuz he attends every tourny and would not be biased toward anybody.

And thanks for recording the only 4 stock you got on me that day AND it was on dreamland. really boosted my confidence for FC lol

im not here to beef or complain anymore. the list is done and i forgot how it really doesn't count for **** lol my ***** jay gonna be on the next update gauranteed.

and Emerican: that was a joke hence the laugh at the end. Gus knows im kidding. the ***** calls me a troll and im the one who gets quoted? lmao


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
Im not here to fight with hugo
he was the only one that rooted me on before i left to FC
even if that involved 4stocking me =/

alex did too but he called me like the day before i left lol
then he called me when i was asleep at FC asking me to pass the fone to dope. O_o


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
You recorded me? Can I see? :D
The link you posted was you vs Ken though, so I'm confused. :p
LOL silent wolf! too good.

I did split with ken in pools that same tourny but those werent recorded OF COURSE.

but good shiet on splitting with mike Y though. He only gets ***** by me when i play fox or marth.

LOL the trashtalk is officially ACROSS states now.

Btw luigi does look, sound, feel, and smell like a *****.

Samuel L Jackson is amazing.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
gabe took a **** load of stocks off of CoK cuz Anuj and Frenziefool were the 2 weaker members of the crew and they didn't know how to fight yoshi. lol don't get ahead of yourself on that crew battle, if rom didn't finish off drephen they'd of had a close chance of taking it instead of you.
Yeah you're probably trolling at this point, which is ********. I'll just go ahead and correct your misinformation anyways.

Gabe took on Anuj, Frenziefool, AND mathos. And it wasn't just one stock from mathos. Get it right.

And yeah, if romeo didn't take out drephen there is a chance we would have lost. But guess what, Romeo was put in at the right moment and he did his job, so we won. Wtf is your point? That we **** in crews? Yeah...I agree.
w/e its besides the point back to topic you speak as though you are all knowing of players potential i wish Alex was a panelist cuz he attends every tourny and would not be biased toward anybody.
I never said **** about potential. If i was making a "potential ranking" it'd look completely different. I am talking about skill, and yes I do know skill.
But I bet you know true skill too, saying as how you have so much of it. I mean, you've been playing this game for about 3 years. You must be really good by now, right?

If alex was on the panel, it wouldn't change much either. He knows what he's talking about, but his opinion and that of everyone on the panel would be molded to get rid of our own bias. That's the point of a panel, to cancel out any one person's bias. Believe it or not, everyone has a bit of bias, alex too. But it gets weeded out by the panel. You think I ****ing make this list on my own? Quit trolling.

And thanks for recording the only 4 stock you got on me that day AND it was on dreamland. really boosted my confidence for FC lol
Actually, i four stocked you twice. I four stocked you the very first match you played when you came over. And then you said these exact words:
"I guarantee that you will not four stock me again before I leave today"
The match I recorded was the last match you played that day right before you left. And you got four stocked again. Get *****.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
There are 5 people on the panel so I don't think there's much room for bias. I'm sure it's not easy trying to come up with an accurate list, and then when you do your best to put out a list, people complain. I'm sure it's expected but definately not appreciated.

If bigger tournaments are given more weight, maybe more of you in my area who are petitioning for Luigi should show up to more S & C tournaments and get more (respected) people to come so it can be given more weight.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
wtf is trolling? lol

don't be angry huggies =]

i skimmed over your entire post cuz i don't really care for the ranking topic anymore
i just read the part about the 4 stocksies and your right you did 4 stock me twice. i didn't know that it meant that much to you but whatever makes you happy makes me happy =]]]


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
I definately do think that Luigi should be higher on the list, but I don't want to be argumentive in my opinion. I know it's impossible for the panelists to watch each and every single player's performance, and I notice that it does help when people have their friends/crew watching their matches to be able to point out information that the panelists may have missed. I know the list isn't going to change anytime soon (some people need to get used to that) but I just want to provide information in hopes that from now on, Luigi will be looked at more closesly in future tournaments, like SCC.

Luigi's most noticable performance was at Smash Royale III
2-0 Azen Lep in pools
2-0 ROFL in brackets
Defeated The Germ in brackets

In recent tournaments, not as big but still with ranked players:
Took a set off DSF
Defeated Mango
Defeated DC

Others he's beaten who are respected but not ranked:
Azn Chefii

Consistancy matters right? It's not good enough to perform well at a couple recent tournaments and be a sort of "flavor of the month" right? History bears weight right?Looking back within this year:

Best of 06:
Defeated Pbody
Defeated Ultra Luigi

Double Pandatration:
Defeated Gabe

I dunno if this is sufficient information or not, but all I would like to ask is that we keep an eye out for him at SCC. I'm not trying to argue. Just trying to help ^_^


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
just wondering... but did anybody even take the results from NEXUS III seriously? i mean.. didnt they start singles at like midnight n ****.

edit: *** i cant spell


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
but good shiet on splitting with mike Y though. He only gets ***** by me when i play fox or marth.
Yea it's true. I've only beaten Knivez twice in tournament, and he's beaten me like, oh wait, ZERO times. Hold up, that means i'm... 2-0 against Knivez in tournament? Oh sh*t, good ****.


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
lol, well it's just, I don't wanna make gabe go down the rankings because of something stupid. It was on a pretty laggy tv anyways


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
Yea it's true. I've only beaten Knivez twice in tournament, and he's beaten me like, oh wait, ZERO times. Hold up, that means i'm... 2-0 against Knivez in tournament? Oh sh*t, good ****.

lol i like how you say " in tournament" because you know i **** your beeep.

and good shiet at beating me twice IN the SAME tournament where you placed 2nd, back when the power rankings didnt even exist. You became 5th shortly after that tourny which was over 1 1/2 years ago.

Im tired of all this drama. I rather go watch high school musical- LOL got *****?

i sure did, this movie blows.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
But dont you go 50/50 with fabian?
Dude that's funny, cuz when i thought about my record against Knivez, I suddenly thought of you. Why is that.. Oh right, cuz I'm 2-0 against you too.

Sup Knivez, yea it was the same tournament, meaning you had a chance to get ur revenge on me, and sadly you failed. So in reality, it's like i'm 3-0 against you, cuz u are 0-1 in revenge matches. Don't worry man, you tried.

EDIT: GET *****
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