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SoCal Power Rankings (October 28, 2007)- Will the update ever happen?

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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2005
San Bernardino/Riverside, California
I took alex to game 5 in winners bracket. And I took a set off of him in finals but he beat me in the final set 3/5. He used Fox, Falco, Marth, then went sheik in the final set.

I also beat Gary at one of those card store tourneys but I guess it doesn't matter since he's not ranked. He still good though, he's beaten wolf.

A lot of my wins aren't recorded on tio because the hosts don't know about it.

But I guess it IS my fault for not going to more major tournaments so I don't really care. Simply being ahead of Oscar is good enough for me, lol


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Lucky should be higher, and probably Emerican higher than Bone.

Luigi's lucky he didn't get knocked off the rankings, he never goes to tournies and doesn't really care.

No idea what Trevyn did to go top 15.

Knives *****, I wish he was still top 5.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
Look guys, when you debut on the list for the first time at #24, but decide to miss out on many tournaments, including the biggest tournament socal has ever seen, do you really think ONE nice win is going to skyrocket you agove 24th? You think that a single victory will keep you rising when countless other people who were above you/below you decided to show up to these big tournaments and perform well?

Luigi ALMOST beat dsf in a set, from my sources. Fabian is the king of misinformation, so I don't think he's right about Luigi having actually won the set. His big win was in a set vs mango, where he lost 4-0 to him in the losers semi's.

So tell me again why Luigi would deserve to skyrocket when he didn't attend several important socal tournies. Oh wait, was it his one win vs mango in a gamestore tourney whom he later dropped 4 rounds in a row to? Ok...
i agree with you, he doesn't attend important tourny's like oc3 and such
but at the tourny's he does show up to he has strong showings and beats HIGHLY ranked people I.E. alex and mango, who if i do recall has beaten the mighty #2 hugo...

How can you say that and then turn around and keep wolf ranked so high. no offense he's good but lmao he did poorly at oc3 and wait, didn't he lose winners to thomasexy? 0-2? ahaha when that happens to one of us we are frowned upon but now that it happened to wolf its overlooked? and just because wolf beat him in losers doesn't mean his win should be shadowed, that would be a disgrace to thomasexy.

once again: why bother argueing when some of these rankings are VERY BIASED

we might as well have ROFL on the panel that way teba can still be top 20


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2004
South Central L.A.
One more thing...I kind of feel like they just threw Trevyn back in there, but I'm not sure what he has done since he has moved back. Correct me if I'm wrong
Yeah why so high anyways?

Way to go mango, now u can tell DC "who's ranked higher?"
Lucky deserves the spot he's at.
I deserve to be 25th or possibly lower for losing to EzynJay in tourny & losing a MM to fabian ='( . Not to mention my 0/3 with jtb cuz jigs >>> falco =/

See u guys tmr @ smash in banks!

Who wants to have a ranked smashfest? Lol =P


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
All I know is that Mike Y sucks, and he should be replaced by Fabian.

Well, the 1st time in a long time that I actually do DECENT in a major tounament, I get moved down, and during a time when I actually CARED about the rankings. Yet, I can remember when I lost to Joe and Palmdale people and moved UP, back when I DIDN't care about the rankings. wow, I did NOT like that

Referring to OC3:
So crews supposedly count right? I took 10 stocks off of Oregon's team, and against East Coast I beat Cactuar when we each had 4 stocks

Do Pools count? If so, I split with Silent Wolf and I 2-0'd Mathos.

and in the singles bracket, I RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAPED Mango. (We kinda were just messing around, but I still RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAPED him in the end.)

And I love how all these new people are saying **** about Trevyn. "What has he done? What did he do to get on there?" I can answer your questions: Because Trevyn is too good, and the panelists know that better than any of you.

I agree with Mango's placement at number 5. He's done awesome stuff for the past year, even though I RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAPED him.

And Lucky wouldn't have made it to top 20 if it wasn't for me giving him a ride back for pools, so I think next to the 19th spot you should put (Mike Y's car/Lucky).


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
Uh, Mike.

In order for Mango to go up to 5 (which you agree with), everyone else who used to be above him (including you) had to go down 1.

So you in effect didn't go down.



Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
once again: why bother argueing when some of these rankings are VERY BIASED
would you believe that i was the one who suggested myself to take a 7 spot drop? or that hugo originally didn't think he should go above alex this time around?

EDIT: yes, we try to take singles, doubles, crews and even pool matches in consideration for all of this

EDIT2: now that neal mentions it, 3 people were added onto the list that weren't there last time, and one person ranked above him last time moved below him, so in theory you could count it as evilnemesis moving up 4 spots.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
i agree with you, he doesn't attend important tourny's like oc3 and such
but at the tourny's he does show up to he has strong showings and beats HIGHLY ranked people I.E. alex and mango, who if i do recall has beaten the mighty #2 hugo...

How can you say that and then turn around and keep wolf ranked so high. no offense he's good but lmao he did poorly at oc3 and wait, didn't he lose winners to thomasexy? 0-2? ahaha when that happens to one of us we are frowned upon but now that it happened to wolf its overlooked? and just because wolf beat him in losers doesn't mean his win should be shadowed, that would be a disgrace to thomasexy.

once again: why bother argueing when some of these rankings are VERY BIASED

we might as well have ROFL on the panel that way teba can still be top 20
Ok, 1 we stated a long time ago that rankings are influenced by player history, and we've explained time and time again why this is the best way to do things. This fact is further proven when you take a look at other people's rankings. Ours are consistently good and other rankings seem to get a bit ******** at times.

With that said, please excuse wolf for losing to PC at oc3. And at the gamestore tourney, Yes he lost to thomas, and it wasn't overlooked. Even though he ended up getting 2nd quite easily later on.

The fact of the matter is, wolf has a lot of history behind him, but when he does poorly or doesn't show up to tournies, he will drop, and he has continually dropped ever since he started his slump. He just wont plummet that fast because we have to assume that he's fully capable of coming back up, because he has a good history. Luigi on the other hand, while he's been doing great, he shows up to 1 tourney a period, does pretty good, then doesn't show up to anything else? Does that really merit him a spot over people who do just as well, but enter way more tournies?

You say we're biased? Has wolf plummeted? No, cuz he still does fine at tournies. Then you have to think, does anyone below him deserve 9th? Perhaps DC, but he did poorly at EVO west and did decently at OC3, and if you think about it, he practically moved up a spot because mango moved above him yet he stayed at 10th. As far as I'm concerned, and I think most people will agree, at this point in time neither ROFL, Arash, MikeY, or Manacloud deserve the 9th place spot at the moment. MikeY did well at oc3, but he lost to azn lep and blitz at the triweekly. So really, he stayed in his same spot.
And yes mike, you did deserve at least a 1 spot move up, but the higher spots were too competitive with high ranking players moving down and people below you moving up. But with luigi, frankly, he deserves 24th at the moment. In the highly competitive 20-25th spots, where luigi was ranked 24th, He managed to hang on to his same spot with 3 new entrants. That's an accomplishment in itself. With the way things are in socal, you don't plummet or skyrocket unless you do extremely well/poorly. You gotta move up gradually. If it was up to you fabian, we'd have a changing list everyday.

This isn't a list of who can beat who, cuz that would make for a ****ed up list if you really think about it. This is a list of who has a better chance of performing well, and with our system you can clearly see who belongs where as time goes by. If luigi really deserves it, he'll keep climbing. We know what we're doing.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
how far does player history go though?
i think we should have a cut off line at 6months because lots of things change in 6months
just because wolf ***** back in 2004 doesn't mean it should merit his high placing now

I do believe history should play a part but it should only go so far. thats like saying oscar is on the list just cuz he beat bob$ and SS back in 2001 lol

i guess for luigi to go up he has to beat somebody in superfriends then he'll be top 10


Nov 19, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
how far does player history go though?
i think we should have a cut off line at 6months because lots of things change in 6months
just because wolf ***** back in 2004 doesn't mean it should merit his high placing now

I do believe history should play a part but it should only go so far. thats like saying oscar is on the list just cuz he beat bob$ and SS back in 2001 lol

to all those noobs who wanna be ranked
just beat someone in superfriends and your a sure in ;)
Fabian is a troll :laugh:

I don't remember this much drama when I was still playing LOL They should just make the list top 10


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
And Lucky wouldn't have made it to top 20 if it wasn't for me giving him a ride back for pools, so I think next to the 19th spot you should put (Mike Y's car/Lucky).
lol ty mike i probly wouldnt even have gotten to play singles if it werent for your car...anyways lol didnt trevyn like break the rules? i thought you could only go 8 spots but w/e trevyn is too good and fabian just chill


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
wtf. There is no limit on how much you can rise or fall. The point is trevyn was ranked top 10 before he left, he did well in tournies since then, and the panelists know his skill enough to know where to place him.

God ****, you guys are odd. It seems like you wouldn't find anything wrong with removing ken from the list if he said he's retired. Likewise, if we brought him back at #5, u'd be *****ing at why he gets in so high.

And if mango beat ken two times in a row, Fabian's d!ck would rise and he'd be postin non stop about how mango should be #1 or #2 easily.



Smash Master
May 30, 2006
lol hugo i said w/e trevyn is too good mango told me you could only go up 8 spots so....i guess he was wrong lol


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
What tournies has Trevyn been to? I remember I saw and played him at UCLA III I think it was, but I don't remember him doing particularly well, and I can't recall any other so cal tournies he's been at.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
What tournies has Trevyn been to? I remember I saw and played him at UCLA III I think it was, but I don't remember him doing particularly well, and I can't recall any other so cal tournies he's been at.
we all know trevyn is too good...and why does it mattter to you if he is ranked that high?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
i agree with you, he doesn't attend important tourny's like oc3 and such
but at the tourny's he does show up to he has strong showings and beats HIGHLY ranked people I.E. alex and mango, who if i do recall has beaten the mighty #2 hugo...

How can you say that and then turn around and keep wolf ranked so high. no offense he's good but lmao he did poorly at oc3 and wait, didn't he lose winners to thomasexy? 0-2? ahaha when that happens to one of us we are frowned upon but now that it happened to wolf its overlooked? and just because wolf beat him in losers doesn't mean his win should be shadowed, that would be a disgrace to thomasexy.

once again: why bother argueing when some of these rankings are VERY BIASED

we might as well have ROFL on the panel that way teba can still be top 20
Would you mind telling us which panelist is biased, if you want to make that claim? I contributed to moving down THREE of my crewmates. I'm not biased, and we panelists tried VERY hard (and suceeded) in putting away personal friendships and such away in favor for we think is a pretty accurate list.

Wolf is moving down, it's not easy to move gigantically down. Wolf didn't exactly play "poorly" at OC3. He lost to PC Chris (dayam) and Noobking, a great Ganon from Canada, and a tough matchup for Peach. And yet because of these loses such as these he keeps moving down. Rankings where players drop 10 spots or more are only reserved for really extreme cases, such as Azeem not showing up to tournaments.

Trevyn moved up because he has a strong history in Socal, he did alright in the tournament, and we know he *****. I'd break up one's position in three categories:

2)How much we know you ****
3) History, consistency among many years

And I would love to move Luigi up I know he's good, but as been said, he didn't show up to the major tournaments, which carry much more weight than small tournaments.

Also, as a personal decision, I reward players who come to tournaments and do decently/even bad more than the occasional player who comes to one tournament every two months and does really well. This is because I believe in Smash, once you get pretty good, you are fearless and it's easy to beat people. but once you attend a lot of tournaments and understand more styles, you watch out for more things. An example is when I first started playing, I wasn't so worried about falco's spike so i just came out and hit him , and got a bunch of cheap kills this way. However once I went to more tournaments, I actually got spiked more often. Then as I got better I watched out for these spikes more, so I wasn't able to get those cheap kills as easily, and I don't have that "fearless" part in me as anymore. This is why I don't place huge weight in occasional big wins. I'd rather see pretty good consistency than someone who doesn't enter many tournaments but then when they do they do real well.

Not to mention the fact that when you enter many tournaments socal learns your style more and it becomes harder. THIS is why it becomes hard for Lucky to jump up more than 6 spots, but Trevyn gets his spot back. There is substance and constency to what Trevyn is able to do. It's hard to maintain that, and you have to prove to be able to maintain it in the long run before making these huge jumps. That's what "history" means, we aren't rewarding players for being around awhile, it's because we know they know how to actually be good and maintain it. That's what the "power" in the rankings represents, and why it's not a list of "who are the top 25 players doing good this Tuesday. "

And what I'm trying to say is, GO TO MORE TOURNAMENTS PEOPLE :p


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
we all know trevyn is too good...and why does it mattter to you if he is ranked that high?
Okay, and we all knew Mango and DC were top 10 material shortly after they started coming to tournies, but they weren't instantly catapulted into such a position either. And why does it matter to you that it might matter to me?


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
To all those noobs who want to be ranked...

Beating fabian everytime will not get you considered.
this post made me laugh

edrees im not saying your biased if thats what your refering too
i just remember rofl being flammed for hyping up his palmdale players
and yet, i see wolf and gabe still ranked so high
didn't gabe lose to some random at oc3? and in the crew battles i saw wolf only take one stock off of every crew, followed by romeo coming in and cleaning up his mess. thus i believe rom should be higher

its w/e though, if you guys gonna keep playing luigi like a ***** then go for it. There's only one large tournament left and thats SCC so we'll see where things go from there.

And Gus: don't make me carry you in teams again :laugh:


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
i know that mango was good enough to be top ten a while back but he had only gone to like 5 tourneys ever and he made it on the rankings with no history.history is a big part of the rankings he wast gonna be top ten after doing good in 5 tourneys,but as time went on he kept doing very well wich is why is is so high.as for tryevn its not like he does worse than anyone he is higher than on the rankings we all know he is good and he does well at tourneys from what i remember its not like he is getting dead last anywhere.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
To all those noobs who want to be ranked...

Beating fabian everytime will not get you considered.
Lmao, I guess I don't mind losing to the FABSTER anymore. :p


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
I say the last update for this ranking is 12/2/07 haha

Seriously though, I guess it is to be expected for at least some1 to disagree with the list every time it's updated. They have their own opinion and so do we.

Any who, here's a Knives combo video


Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
It's not easy to move gigantically down.
I feel special. :laugh:

Anyways, thanks for clarifying how you guys discuss things Edrees. Maybe some people can just shut up about it.

I'm kind of relieved that I’m off the list, since I knew that I didn't belong on there, especially since I only attend tourneys like one every 3 months or something. Besides, OC3 was my last tourney, I'm done with smash.

Before I forget, the 805 ****ing sucks!


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

I feel special. :laugh:

Anyways, thanks for clarifying how you guys discuss things Edrees. Maybe some people can just shut up about it.

I'm kind of relieved that I’m off the list, since I knew that I didn't belong on there, especially since I only attend tourneys like one every 3 months or something. Besides, OC3 was my last tourney, I'm done with smash.

Before I forget, the 805 ****ing sucks!
thats why ultra , with brawl , its online, area's like the 805 wont suck. Get broadband =).

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
I do Mana but you know I live at a farm. My connection is horrible, I can't play online games without getting disconnected. It's just a bit better than 56K which I think is ridiculous for broadband.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Okay, and we all knew Mango and DC were top 10 material shortly after they started coming to tournies, but they weren't instantly catapulted into such a position either. And why does it matter to you that it might matter to me?

DC and Mango didn't have 3 years of tournament results to back them up though. Trevyn does. That right there was the only thing holding them back from being vaulted ahead, the feeling of "can they keep this up for a long period of time or is this 15 minutes of fame?" Both of them proved they can keep it up, so eventually there jumped pretty far ahead.

It's great that people disagree and care and show feedback though. It shows that the community is plenty alive =) Don't ever be discouraged from coming out and saying we messed up or they are wrong, it's good to do so.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
u know

I do Mana but you know I live at a farm. My connection is horrible, I can't play online games without getting disconnected. It's just a bit better than 56K which I think is ridiculous for broadband.
for guys like you ultra you should really look into satellite internet. I mean if you and miguel both work you can pay it off monthly easily. Shouldnt be more than 50 a month like what i pay for cable. Plus since you live on a farm you dont have many options, so this is the best i can think of.


well worth it instead of 56k connection you know.

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
for guys like you ultra you should really look into satellite internet. I mean if you and miguel both work you can pay it off monthly easily. Shouldnt be more than 50 a month like what i pay for cable. Plus since you live on a farm you dont have many options, so this is the best i can think of.


well worth it instead of 56k connection you know.
I’ve looked into it but that’s not going to happen unless I pay for it on my own. Miguel wouldn’t be willing to pitch in, that’s just the way he is.

No worries, I’ll still be attending some Brawl tourneys whenever they pop out. Ventura County will be back up there some day. :cool:
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