Well it certainly doesn't help that we'll never have another Pound event to look forward to, you can blame bad tourney planning for that.
For melee I think there is less hype now because we have a clear number 1 player, for the first time since maybe pre-Genesis 1. Moreover defending the home from the invaders is more exciting than watching foreigners take our money :/. Mango being demotivated, and M2k pretty much retiring now doesn't help anything either. And having(it really is true) a boring/hypeless grand finals at our 2nd largest and most recent tournament does nothing but hamper our community.
As for Brawl It kinda sucks knowing that Japan are the strongest in Brawl and yet they probably won't come back to the U.S, because of the metaknight ban making all wins over here illegitimate. I imagine the top European players will also be less inclined to attend our major tournaments for the same reason. Those reading this may ask WTF do I care about Brawl if I'm a melee player, but like it or not as far as tourneys go the two are inextricably linked. For melee in particular there has never been an international tourney that didn't also have Brawl at the event, I'm not sure how many people actually play both games, but for some reason having both events at the same tourney generates more hype for both events.
For melee, I don't see anything breathing new life in our tourneys, except for a new candidate to take the best player in the world title from Armada. I think what would set our community on fire is if Mexico's top players were to attend one of our tourneys, now that Javi has proved himself. That being said I'm not sure things are as grim as you're making it sound though. I imagine Wintergames fest 2012, NYTE, Northwestern Manifest and Smashers Reunion could all be 100+ tourneys. Even if(probably the case) none of these tournies, break 200+ attendants, 4 100 man tournies so early in the year is impressive.
As for Brawl, with metaknight ban I guess we're going to have an entirely new metagame, things seem dead now, but I guess a new higher echelon of players are going to emerge. We'll move away from M2k, Anti, etc being the best to some of the other players getting the spot light. I imagine a lot of lower tier characters will now have a legitimate shot at placing well in tournies, we'll have to wait a few months to see how the new hierarchy of best players turns out but it should be interesting.
tldr, give it sometime to see how the smash scene bounces back.