First off one is wrong because I've pointed out time and time again stages that give characters large benefits. Please explain to me why a starter stage should give a character a large benefit that's stupid.
Please read more. I said THE PROBLEM IS THAT PEOPLE ARE ASSUMING THESE THINGS, obviously I think the opposite of both.
Why would YI be first? OR a e you just pulling **** out of oyur ***?
I prefaced that with "In my opinion" and I say that because almost every other stage gives some characters, at least in some match-ups, pretty large benefits, and YI seems to give less. For example, D3, ICs, Falco, and Diddy all do really well on FD; MK and Snake can abuse the SV platform to do really well on it. There aren't many characters who do the best on Yoshi's Island or prefer it over others. There are some odd gimmicks there, but from what I know, it's the least advantage giving one.
why would d3 strike YI and Halberd? Both stages are pretty good for d3. I really get tired of people talking about character stages and not knowing **** about what stages they prefer, It's pretty arrogant of you guys.
I'm not saying any of that as 100% fact. And D3 does pretty well on BF as well. Yes I realize that he does well on Yoshi's and Halberd (but usually I see Halberd as a CP for Snake as well so I just thought he'd strike it), my point was that the end stage probably wouldn't be different from a 5 stage starter as compared to a 9 stage starter.
Why wouldn't you strike Halberd? Oh wait I know it's for the same reason I already stated nice try though learn something about stage selection please.
Coming from the actual Diddy main I'll say that Halberd is not a bad stage for Diddy, and other than the fact that MK can shark the moving platform, it's not that great of a stage for MK as compared to others. All I have to do to avoid sharking is like, jump or get on the top platform, and if he messes up his spacing while he's doing it I can upB spike him lol. The static stage part has a good layout for Diddy; the platform's at a nice height and he can control the stage really well. Why would I strike it when I can strike Delfino (which is still doable but worse than halberd IMO), PS1 (where MK can easily time me out and controls the transformations better than I do, also I live in the same region as like OS lol), Lylat (larger, I like controlling slightly smaller space with Diddy), and Castle Siege (first transformation is meh, and second is really dumb).
Maybe you shouldn't be so aggressive and automatically think your opinion is right all the time. It comes off completely rude of you to say, "wow you ****ing don't understand **** about this game you ****ing scrub"
IF the correct neutral doesn't hinder many characters why increase the stage list to then add stages that will hinder characterS?
For a 3rd straight time you've failed to demostrate you knowledge on stage selection and failed to realize stages that characters prefer. There's no way in hell MK would strike BF or halberd. There's no reason for Luigi no to strike these stages. There's no reason for him to strike SV.
In this particular match-up, I thought it'd be obvious that MK would strike Halberd with it being one of Luigi's best stages. Keep in mind MK does well on like every stage and so it comes down to not what he personally does best on by himself, but what works in the match-up and what the opponent wants. Halberd is great for Luigi so he'd want to strike it. Same with BF I think, I could be wrong. MK can just scrooge on SV and, from what I understand, Luigi has nothing to stop it. Even if he doesn't scrooge, he can camp the moving platform really well to his advantage. Most people should be striking SV against MK (Pierce elaborated on it better than I am right now).
you're missing knowledge on a basic level. I suggest you go back and look up which characters prefer which neutral. How well X character does on Y counter pick and things of that nature. I'm almost certain every character board has this list.
You should
1) Read what I'm saying
2) Be open to more information
3) Realize that how X character does on a stage by himself isn't the only factor towards CPing or striking, match-ups and the opponent heavily influence this
4) Not argue for the sake of arguing
5) Not be so rude because you think someone disagrees with you. There's no excuse for that
6) Realize that I'm arguing that I fail to see how a 9 stage starter is necessarily better than a 7.
7) I'm pretty sure I've said this enough, but not CUSS OUT SOMEONE WHO HALF AGREES WITH YOU LOL