You got corn rows?
you should take em out boi, ride the FRO Train BABy
An to eight52 i am Mr Mac Daddy of West FL...Get at me *** if you think yo game > my game . pssh
Those who think they have better game in the smash community than me are FoOOooolish Mortals xD.
Linguini the only girls that youve been with are those that think your cute cuz you little. Youll be like, "yea im little, but they call me 'Horse'..." than you show em whats up.
Not to many like that. =) lol emilio j/k
Anyways go an Boss Seibrik but let me tell you this...
Please, there are things in this world we can't control. One of those aspects that seem to slip from our hands is time, an time can be the most cruel thing to ever be experienced by man.
In correlation, love is the same as time. The act of love is to bond two souls...if I may, basically. It is a bond made with eternal strings. An act of out right sacrifice. With this comes the curse of love, as humans are emotionally weak, and failure on upholding those bonds comes with a great price to one or both participants.
One once said that to understand the patterns of love is to understand the patterns of time...which is entering yourself into a giant quagmire of complicated thought processes and painful realizations which will ultimately get you nowhere.
Seib you go there an don't you dare look for love, look for a ****ing quickie. Try approaching every girl you see even if they look out of your league. You can't control time, so why not give it a shot.
Oh an don't act yourself, try being...someone cool or somthing. Suave, real suave. Dress nice, stay upright. Cuz the way you really are is sorta annoying and gay sometimes. Don't act like DDD....your DDD.