Lain has convinced me that there is an art to IC dittos. Obviously he is at higher skill level than I am. However he knows the perfect punishes for each situation, and with his ability to read players as well as he does I've seen him 3 stock other ICs in finals matches at MI tourneys.
Of course there can always be lucky gimps, but on the whole I think that it is a matchup that depends more on skill than many people think.
For instance, since I have plenty of IC ditto practice vs Lain, and Lux doesn't really have other ICs around him to play with (excluding Fino's, and idk how often they ditto) when we were playing at Pound I won virtually every time we played dittos. And we played a lot of dittos. Lux is most definitely better than I am (and every other ICS imo) at desynching. I am a bit better at cging (obv not important in the mu as long as you can at all), and other than that we are close enough to even.
The only explanations I can think of for the outcome of our friendlies then, was either continuous choking by Lux, or my extra knowledge of the mu.
I also played vs darkflame (another ic's that I hadn't heard of, but Lcancel tells me gets top 2 in his area). Again, we were pretty equal in skill, judging from the matches I was watching of him vs others. And once again I was coming out on top.
Cheese however, got the best of me in pools. And although there was a lucky gimp or 2 involved, he is a better player than I am as of now. And I attribute the loss to that.
tl;dr- there's more to

dittos than meets the eye.