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ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
Melee Doubles

1: Tink/Kels
2: ORLY/Fruitloop
3: Matt/Tom
4: Sanchez/Mundungu
5: Dart/Jace
5: Shinobi/Bieber
7: Hazard/IHSB
7: Blackpanther/AnDaLe
9: Viperboy/Trail
9: Scythe/John
9: Rioo/Roux
9: Myztek/Mislano
13: Boro?!/Hind dawg
13: Meneks/Fluxwolf
13: Gooey/Pr0nto

PM doubles

1: Kirk/Scythe (pm)
2: TEAM RAMPAGE!!! (ORLY/Strong Bad)
3: Tink/Kels
4: Dart/Ripplesaurus
5: Metroid/Nap
5: Tofu/Over (pm)
7: Mr. Pickle/KO Kingpin
7: Myztek/Hazard
9: Flux/BigC
9: Viperboy/Rat

1: Kels
2: Trail
3: Matt R
4: THA Dart!
5: J00t
5: IHaveJaceBalls
7: Fruitloop
7: AnDaLe
9: Shinobi
9: Bieber
9: Sanchez
13: Scythe
13: BlackPanther
13: Tink
13: Hind dawg
17: ORLY
17: Arty
17: Myztek
17: Riio
17: Hoefler
17: Jack Master
17: Ripplesaurus
17: Black Hyate
25: Tom R
25: Hazard2kD
25: CookieMonster
25: Gooey
25: Modern
25: Meneks
25: Oranos
25: Captain Pr0nto

PM singles

split: THA Dart!
split: Boro??!
3: Strong Bad
4: Metroid
5: Kirk
7: Kels
7: KO Kingpin
9: Tink
9: Scythe
9: Arty
9: Rat
13: Hazard2kD
13: Sanchez
13: Alex615
13: fishburne

Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF7EpQS-96inGL3OJCDec4qkNzBZJjGwT

WB1 - Captain Pron (Ness) vs Scythe (Wolf)
WB1 - metroid (Ike) vs Arty (Ganon)
WB2 - Dart (Marth) vs Scythe (Wolf)
WB2 - metroid (Ike) vs Kirk (Bowser)
WS - Dart (Marth) vs Kirk (Bowser)
WS - ORLY (Fox) vs Oro (ZSS)
WF - Oro (ZSS) vs Dart (Marth)
LB3 - Kels (Fox/Falco) vs metroid (Charizard)
LQ - Kirk (Bowser) vs Strong Bad (DK)
LS - metroid (Ike) vs Strong Bad (DK)
LF - Oro (ZSS) vs Strong Bad (DK/Fox)
GF - Dart (Marth) vs Oro (ZSS)

amateur results.

1. Roux
2. Old Nate
3. Orly
4-16 ???

unfortunately, the tio file got corrupted (when doesn't it?) and I lost all playeers who didn't make bracket. so I'm sorry for that


Jun 19, 2004
Normal, IL / Carlsbad, CA
Good games everyone. Finally made it out of pools at a tournament (Hoefler first, achievement unlocked)
Dart, I want a rematch on a TV that doesn't get sleepy on us. ;) I heard you're from Peoria and I'm from Normal; let's make this happen.
Frootloop, games were too close, GG's
The Ghost of Darkrains past, shoulda been there bro.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
Fun games with everyone i played. Worst melee pools ever


Smash Rookie
Aug 1, 2005
Champaign, IL
Good games everyone! I had lots of fun. If any locals want to do some PM team training Oven and I (Tofu) want to up our doubles game. Plus they're just lots of fun.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
I really had a lot of fun hanging out with some of you guys. I'm also really glad I got to come.

Joot - seriously man thanks a bunch. I'm gonna have to make it up to you very soon.
Metroid - Was a lot of fun chilling with you and playing friendlies. I wish I would have got the chance to play against you in brackets.
Strong Bad - Good **** man. I know you wanted to win.
Oro - I knew ZSS had so much potential. After seeing you play her I have some proof to this as well. I had a feeling that you were gonna make a comeback and win. good ****.
Rat - That Squirtle man. I could not go Ganon against that. He's too small! Nasty little squirtle. You made him seem a lot better than I thought he was.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2006
Madison, WI
Can you post the brackets please Ripple? It's really difficult to figure out recorded matches without a bracket.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
no, I can't unfortunately. tio won't let me open the bracket


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Shoutouts to

BigC for being awesome and us chillin the whole day.
MSlano for still coming back to the MW for SMYM every year. I miss playing with you and you will be the coolest math teacher ever.
Dart for being too ****ing good.
KO I wish I got to play you more. We are getting some games and chilling next time we are at the same event!
Mr Pickle for being a boss.
All of chicago for being godlike.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I had fun, but holy ****, there were numerous problems with the tournament that MUST be fix.

I like to start off with when melee teams started around 1pm or so. I'm glad that we got the issue of making sure that teams got to play first round and bracket was seeded. That was fine. However, I didn't pay for my teams entry fee. I tried paying for my teams entry fee, but I had SOMEHOW paid. So essentially, I got to enter teams bracket for free. I felt obligated to try to explain that I hadn't pay for teams, but I'll take entering teams for free. I'm not going to argue paying money for teams.

Second problem was that I think EVERYONE THAT ENTERED MELEE SINGLES can agree upon was that bracket started way to late. You DO NOT have 10 pools of 5, and 1 pool of 3, if I recall correctly. I believe the more reasonable way to do it would of been 7 pools of 7 or 8 people. You DO NOT mess up have one odd pool of 3 people and top two make it out for many, MANY reasons. The most inexcusable thing that happen when pools were finished, was the fact that melee singles bracket started at 8:17 precisely. I had to start the bracket. The T.O. is someone who should have pools running at the most efficient and fastest way possible. If pools start at 4pm, THEY START AT 4PM. Pools (in this case) should of taken AT MAX a hour and a half. After that, bracket should start asap with all of the pool data gathered. This would of meant bracket would of started around 5:30 or 6:00.

When started at 8:17, it needed to be ran asap to make sure we finished before midnight. I would of liked if we finished somewhere around 8:30 or 9:00. This would been nice, and we could of all gone and hang out as a group to the closest restaurant before seeing each other again. The T.O. must also make sure bracket runs as smoothly as possible. There were MANY moments were bracket matches weren't played because no one was enforcing them. One hilarious thing was that during my set with Kels, Cookiemonster (This is how I believe you spell your name) said to Kels that they needed to play their 1st round bracket match.

I WAS PLAYING MY THIRD ROUND OF BRACKET WITH KELS, AND COOKIEMONSTER NEEDED TO PLAY HIS FIRST ROUND WITH KELS. I was in disbelief. What if cookiemonster won? I don't care if cookiemonster is the best or worst player ever. It's just the possibility that he could of won. That would of caused just a massive amount, no, A HUGE **** TON OF PROBLEMS that just baffles me.

I was curious about ORLY playing in the amateur bracket. I don't believe that base on ORLY's skill level compare to the players there should of been in that bracket. However, he only played Ness, for some odd reason, that seemed to be okay with the T.O. That's not the problem. THE PROBLEM IS THAT HE GOT TO WINNERS FINALS, AND THEN GOT DQ! Why you may ask? The other players felt as if he wasn't of proper skill level too be in the bracket. I agreed with them. He's been playing for at least 5 or so years. You DO NOT decide to DQ someone in winners finals because of that reason. You made the mistake of letting him enter bracket.

This just raises even more questions. What happens to the people ORLY faced? Should you redo the bracket? The list goes on.

Orly did nothing wrong. He is a smash fanatic. However, this could of been avoided by looking at how long these players have been playing for, and register them into the bracket, perhaps cap it at 32 of the least skilled players. This would been great for those players to feel like they have a chance to do well, and win a tournament (we have all been there).

There are more problems that happen at this tournament that I can't recall at the moment that happen at this tournament, but this SHOULD NEVER BE RUN LIKE THIS AGAIN.

If there is a SMYM15, I recommend the one person that should be in charge is me. I would purposefully not enter bracket to make sure **** gets ran on time. I'm not afraid to dq anyone, regardless of skill level. If your late to your tournament match, you will be DQ. Everyone should be given a set amount of time to arrive at their next match (10 minutes max) to use the bathroom, have a smoke, whatever they need to do to get ready. Being late to a tournament match is not only unfair to the person who should up on time to their match, but to others involved in the tournament, and spectators who just want to watch grand finals. I know how to run a tournament. If anyone else objects, I would like the next SMYM.

Now onto my tournament experience besides of the flaws presented here.

I like to say thank you SO MUCH RAT for housing Wisconsin. Your kindness will not be forgotten. I very much so enjoyed being well rested and being woken up with dunkin donuts and coffee. AWESOME SAUCE! I very much enjoyed being destroyed by your Squirtle. It was pretty clear that was my first time facing him. I just love trying to adapt to him while laughing my but off at the same time.

Thanks again MUNDUNGU for the drive. I know that it's a pain to drive that much (not that I've actually drived), but you must of felt exhausted and sleepy after that tournament experience. I'm glad you got enough energy to do that. Also, even though I believe that I could of done much better in teams, I tried my best. I'll even admit that I had "some fun." Thanks for asking me to team with ya.

Shoutouts to Black Hayate and Frootloop for representing Wisconsin as well. We tried our best, and that's all we can really ask for.

I had a blast playing against ya KELLY. I've always tried my best, every time I've faced you, and I have never beaten you. I'm very happy that you won. You deserved it after that excellent performance in bracket. I also enjoyed Pikachu dittos with you as well in p.m. Hopefully our paths will cross again.

Good games for the people I played in melee pools: ORLY, Arty, Fluxwolf, Master PPV, and the jigglypuff player. I like to say sorry to jigglypuff player, as you didn't get my best game. I was in disbelief when there ANOTHER person added to my pool of five, compared to the pool of 3. If we play again, I will show you my best.

For P.M. pools peeps: K.O. kingpin, gooey, and Viperboy. I gave it my best every match, and every stock. Good games.

For the other people I played in melee bracket:

Gooey: Good games. I believe that you seemed a bit rusty compared to last year.

Arty: Good games. Very smart player. I need to go sheik to exploit your characters weakness. If I could L cancel downair with fox, I would honestly play fox against you.

Jace: Good games. I simply got outplayed. There were a couple tomahawk grabs I was not expecting at all. Also, the hit of neutral air pressure got me off guard quite a bit.Good stuff.

As far as yelling and screaming, I'll always do that. It was fun doing that during P.M., considering I know very little about the game. I don't like certain mechanics or characters of the game, as I believe it needs a lot, I mean A LOT of time to develop. That's my personal opinion about the game.

However.........if there is one particular thing I would remember about the P.M. bracket with one particular character known as Zero Suit Samus. It would have to be the combo where she stunned dk in the face, and proceeded to tigerknee DIVEKICK!!!!! (Good **** Oro)

As far as my smash career, I'm consider myself retire. I had one hell of road. I simply can't keep up with foxes potential as a character at a higher level. I wish that I would of started playing sheik from the very beginning, but I just love fox too much. Now, I'll be practicing SF4AE, UMVC3, and I'm going to start playing KOF13. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to Evo top 8. If I start to practice now, it may not be this year, but I can certain try for next years Evo. And who knows! Maybe I can scrub out a bracket match to top 8 :).

Never underestimate your opponent, and never give up.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
I had fun, but holy ****, there were numerous problems with the tournament that MUST be fix.

I like to start off with when melee teams started around 1pm or so. I'm glad that we got the issue of making sure that teams got to play first round and bracket was seeded. That was fine. However, I didn't pay for my teams entry fee. I tried paying for my teams entry fee, but I had SOMEHOW paid. So essentially, I got to enter teams bracket for free. I felt obligated to try to explain that I hadn't pay for teams, but I'll take entering teams for free. I'm not going to argue paying money for teams.
If you never paid for your teams why didn't you pay me? if you're trying to imply I wouldn't take your money, that would be BULL****. I had so many players come back to me and pay for their entry fee later in the day because they had to go to the ATM. I never turned them away from paying. I also can't keep track of everyone at all times.

Second problem was that I think EVERYONE THAT ENTERED MELEE SINGLES can agree upon was that bracket started way to late
it wasn't late by previous SMYM standards. in fact, it was much earlier.

You DO NOT have 10 pools of 5, and 1 pool of 3, if I recall correctly. I believe the more reasonable way to do it would of been 7 pools of 7 or 8 people. You DO NOT mess up have one odd pool of 3 people and top two make it out for many, MANY reasons.The most inexcusable thing that happen when pools were finished, was the fact that melee singles bracket started at 8:17 precisely. I had to start the bracket. The T.O. is someone who should have pools running at the most efficient and fastest way possible. If pools start at 4pm, THEY START AT 4PM. Pools (in this case) should of taken AT MAX a hour and a half. After that, bracket should start asap with all of the pool data gathered. This would of meant bracket would of started around 5:30 or 6:00.
and guess what, I explained this multiple times to people who actually talked to me about the problem, MORE POOLS RUN FASTER. and pools were seeded by skill and location as best as I could. if all the pools were seeded to have a similar skill level over all it isn't a problem. you complain that pools ran too long? 8 pools would have taken another hour at least.

and I honestly want to see how many people had a problem with their seed in bracket or who they faced first round.seriously


There were MANY moments were bracket matches weren't played because no one was enforcing them. One hilarious thing was that during my set with Kels, Cookiemonster (This is how I believe you spell your name) said to Kels that they needed to play their 1st round bracket match.

I WAS PLAYING MY THIRD ROUND OF BRACKET WITH KELS, AND COOKIEMONSTER NEEDED TO PLAY HIS FIRST ROUND WITH KELS. I was in disbelief. What if cookiemonster won? I don't care if cookiemonster is the best or worst player ever. It's just the possibility that he could of won. That would of caused just a massive amount, no, A HUGE **** TON OF PROBLEMS that just baffles me.

I was either told that kels won, or I was playing my bracket during that. I would never just advance Kels because he's kels.

cookiemonster also NEVER talked to me about this problem despite the multiple times he was at the front desk near me.

I was curious about ORLY playing in the amateur bracket. I don't believe that base on ORLY's skill level compare to the players there should of been in that bracket. However, he only played Ness, for some odd reason, that seemed to be okay with the T.O. That's not the problem. THE PROBLEM IS THAT HE GOT TO WINNERS FINALS, AND THEN GOT DQ! Why you may ask? The other players felt as if he wasn't of proper skill level too be in the bracket. I agreed with them. He's been playing for at least 5 or so years. You DO NOT decide to DQ someone in winners finals because of that reason. You made the mistake of letting him enter bracket.
I asked some of the amateurs and they said they had no problem with him in it. DO NOT MAKE UP ****. he got DQd because he was in literally every event and couldn't go between them fast enough.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
All I'm going to say is that pools should be at least divisible by 4 but preferably powers of 2. Meaning 2,4,8,16 etc are the goal even if you have to make pools slightly bigger (no point in going smaller than 4~) just for easier seeding. It barely adds any time anyways.

@Oracle- Most of the PM from Winner's Semis on and Loser's Quarters and on was recorded by metroid.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2012
... Amateur bracket results? :D Thanks for a great tourney, ripple.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
I can't access the SMYM tio bracket at all.

which means I can't post amateur bracket, or a full list of entrants for proper shout outs. sorry.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2006
Springfield-ish, Illinois
and guess what, I explained this multiple times to people who actually talked to me about the problem, MORE POOLS RUN FASTER. and pools were seeded by skill and location as best as I could. if all the pools were seeded to have a similar skill level over all it isn't a problem. you complain that pools ran too long? 8 pools would have taken another hour at least.

and I honestly want to see how many people had a problem with their seed in bracket or who they faced first round.seriously
In the interest of fairness, a pool should NEVER advance a number of players different from another pool. Even though it may have run slower, 8 pools of 6-8(?) with top 4 advance would have ended up as a better overall experience.

GGs Roux/j00t/Shinobi/James (pool 2?), other shoutouts later.

GG's to Uncle Daniel (..Ganondorf?) & that Fox player who helped me warm up.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Enjoyable tournament, good thing I was too high the whole time to notice/care about what was going on LOL. Good **** to everyone who helped make things run smooth :)

Bieber - GG, our sets are always close, you got me this time :p You probably were the most improved out of all the people I played
Mslano - We played a number of times throughout the tourney, I was surprised I edged it out in pools! Really fun games!
dude who used the EO tag - nice Puff, haven't seen you at a tourney before so you definitely took me by surprise
Jace - Wish I coulda went Falcon for all of our pools matches, but my hands just weren't in good shape for playing Falcon how I want to :( Fun matches vs. my Falco!
Sanchaz - Fun matches, and yeah, I've definitely gotten pretty sloppy as of lately. Hopefully I'll have this RSI in my wrists/hands treated by the next tourney I attend as that will be many months from now ^_^;;
Tink, BigC, Meneks - Was pleasant being able to chill, chat and toke with you guys. Till we meet again!
Kelly - Good **** on taking the tournament. I had to hold in yelling **** to support Trail because of how much I've begun to respect you as a player. You deserve it man!
Blake - 'ppreciate ya running the tournament mang
Rio - Hella close bracket match, thought I had the 3 stock comeback! Good ish on holding your ground last stock :)
Oranos - Thanks for the non-Darticus Marthicus practicus. I see the light, I CAN BEAT THE SWORD. I can also lose to it still though, so GGs on that note :p
Black Panther - Xmus Jaxon Flaxon-Waxon
Peepz I played in P:M pools - GG's, was definitely a breathe of fresh air after my salty Melee matches :3

RIP: My bowl, which was taken from me at 2 in the morning as I was exiting Captain Pr0n's automobile. Weather mind gamesss


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
Blake, 10 pools doesn't work, period. I thought it'd be common sense by now, but in case it isn't: the number of pools always has to be an exponent of 2, meaning 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, etc. Anything different results in unbalanced numbers of equally-seeded players in different parts of the bracket. With 10 first seeds, you end up having two quarters of the bracket with two first seeds in them and two quarters of the bracket with three first seeds in them. It doesn't matter how well you distributed skill levels while making pools... you're gonna end up with unfair matchups in bracket if you run the wrong number of pools to begin with.

I recognize that 76 entrants is a tough number to tackle because it's in that no man's land between 8 pools and 16 pools, but that doesn't give you an excuse to go with 10 pools and produce unfairly seeded matchups in bracket. You can run 8 pools of 9-10 and advance top 3 or run 16 pools of 4-5 and advance top 4. Pools will take much longer under the first option but you make up for that with a stingier cutoff into a smaller bracket. Pools will take almost no time under the second option so you take advantage of that by advancing more players into a bigger bracket.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
This was the first time I got first seed at a regional and I had to fight ORLY first round. :|

Master Ppv

Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
Fun tourney. Problems will get worked out because we'll be ready to address them next year so I'm not too worried. Sad because no Darkrain but he'll be back too hopefully so even more hype for SMYM 15.

What was the other thing...? Oh yeah. Photos.

They're not much, but they're better than last year. I did what I could.




Bad command or file name
Oct 22, 2003
Louisville KY
No darkrain? Then there is no longer anyone who has been to every SMYM event. Guess it had to happen eventually.


Master of QWOP
Nov 4, 2012
Walnut Creek, CA / Chicago
Pretty damn dissapointed with how the tourney was run. There ended up being eight melee pools of 5 with top 3 make it out, two pools of 4 with top 3 make it out (due to dqs/no-shows) and one pool of 4 with top 2 make it out, meaning your chance of making it out of pools ranged from .50 - .75. If two of the smaller pools had simply been combined into a pool of 8 with top 5 make it out, the range would be far more consistent at .60 - .62.

Not to mention that last pool was basically just a money match between me and scythe to see who would make it into bracket, us being dead even in skill and already playing often often. Obviously neither of us could hope to catch Matt R. Shoutouts to scythe for getting me back in a phenomenal set, last game, last stock, 160% +

Thanks for hosting Ripple, but it sucks to bus for 5 hours only to play 2 pools sets. Also I don't see why you're so reluctant to play me all the time when you couldn't even win a friendly with that yoshi.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
if more people spend time complaining about the mistakes I made ( or trying to insult my skill as a player; Goose) when they could be PMing me instead of doing shoutouts and ggs to other players then I will close this thread


Smash Apprentice
Apr 17, 2012
Up in the air
tourney was mad fun, thanks for TOing ripple

quick shoutouts to jace and andale for both giving me great sets. i'll get you guys next time!


Master of QWOP
Nov 4, 2012
Walnut Creek, CA / Chicago
if more people spend time complaining about the mistakes I made ( or trying to insult my skill as a player; Goose) when they could be PMing me instead of doing shoutouts and ggs to other players then I will close this thread
I think you're a great player. I doubt I could touch your samus or marth. I was super excited to team at apex and bragged to all my friends, who instantly recognized your name. I just don't understand why you didn't want to play me at all at apex or here, and then punched me a ticket out of the tournament early. Do you really think I'm that bad? Also I've seen plenty of results threads that were filled with far worse criticism.

shoutouts to trail and john for the money matches.

thanks battlecow for the housing.

Had a lot of fun playing lots of people, specifically oro, that falcon that asked advice, and john.

Thanks again Ripple for hosting. Sorry it came off like that. I'll be at the next SMYM.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
I didn't get to play ANY friendlies at APEX because my controller was stolen Day 1. and I was in charge of recording matches

and I play you more than 1 or 2 games game here because I didn't get to play anyone more than 1 or 2 games other than Hazard at the end.


Smash Lord
Nov 17, 2006
Chicago, Illinois
Just gotta say this. I had to play Trail 2nd round. How the hell does 1st place and 2nd place have to play that early in bracket? I didn't understand how singles bracket was created.
And i don't understand how in teams We had to play Dart and Jace 2nd round. In my opinion Dart and I probably should have been on opposite sides of the bracket to begin with.


Smash Rookie
Mar 4, 2013
lol i have some suspicions about my name.

GGs everybody that I played, had fun hangin too. wish I couldve played more of my MMs and more in general.

Thanks ripple for toin. wouldve liked to play some.

ggs orly deff goin ness in PM now

ggs matt and good **** on dem dittos

ggs black hayate

ggs fox and falco


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
Just gotta say this. I had to play Trail 2nd round. How the hell does 1st place and 2nd place have to play that early in bracket? I didn't understand how singles bracket was created.
And i don't understand how in teams We had to play Dart and Jace 2nd round. In my opinion Dart and I probably should have been on opposite sides of the bracket to begin with.
trail didn't get a 1st seed.

and I didn't know how to seed Dart and Jace because of 2 different regions. If they would have been on the other side, they would have had to play a TN team which they could complain about like you are. it didn't really matter. doubles was dumb due to lack of entrants and everyone who entered was of a high calibur.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Lawrence, KS
this tourney was amazing, I had a great time

Ripple thanks for hosting. I'm sorry everything didn't go perfectly but thanks for putting in the effort. It's thanks to you that the tourney could happen

kels- amazing fox as always. Our friendlies are too fun. Good stuff winning!
trail- glad I did not have to fight those ICs. Nice job getting second
matt r- also glad I did not meet your sheik in tourney. Your zelda was doing work how is that possible lol
dart- ggs, your marth is one step ahead of me as usual. Fun teamin with ya!
joot- falcon dittos are too good >< but honestly you play your janky chars extremely well
fruitloop- you are also the hope of the midwest! I mean it.
andale- best bro ever. Gonna miss you in kc
spaceballs- that f-smaaaaaash oh my gooooooooooooooosssshhhh. ggs
shinobi- really happy I got to know you better this tourney. Nice placing you are clutch!
bieber- again thanks for housing us man. And yeah you did some work on me in our set, good stuff
sanchaz- ggs man, I was not expecting the sheik
scythe- don't think we played this tourney. next time!
blackpanther- fun friendlies man, nice fox
tink- you and kels had us outclassed in doubles, good stuff winning that. Always great seein ya
hind dawg- ggs man, our game on dreamland was nuts. You combo'd the crap outta me very nice falco
orly- too bad we never found the time to money match! sucks that you had to leave early
tom r- wack mario man, you pooped on me in our friendlies I want revenge ><
karl- was great getting to know you better. your falcon has the biggest balls lol
hazard- ggs in teams, was not expecting to fight a mario ><
gooey- yup ggs man, I definitely did not expect the falco you played really well. Keep it up!
modern- ggs in bracket man
mundungu- thanks so much for recording, we appreciate it
vista- your falcon was looking really good from what I saw. Keep up the progress dude!
strong bad- was cool traveling with ya. 3rd place is actually really good. But we both know you'll get 1st next time
fishburne- was good seein you again as always


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2007
Crystal Lake, IL
really sad i had to leave for dinner during ganon challenge

scythe-learn to up B with mario
goose-really unfortunate pools situation, you're really good
captain pronto-scared me first game when i was sheik
beiber-i had to play really well to beat you, you are really good
frootloop-i like the marth, to be honest i thought i was going to beat you pretty easily since i usually do well against marths with shiek, but you made it close...falco too strong in teams
dart-really good set, look forward to a rematch
trail-you got lucky, i could have beaten you with zelda but I just wanted to leave lol
ripple-good work and thanks for the sandwiches


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
Memphis, TN
Great games, one of my complaints though is that my name is HaZarD2kv not D... -_- ... Other than that, I had a blast playing everyone.

Scythe - Should of went Mario dittos and bodied you last match in tournament, lol.

Sanchaz - Dude, your just a straight trip. Good Shiek s*** too, you and Mundungu had good synergy in teams.

Ripple - That Yoshi is mine next time, dat Ness is only gonna get better.

CookieMonsta - Good stuff mang, those PM matches and that Mario melee ditto was too good

Shinobi - Loving that Facing the Blast Zone Light Shield Guard you did to slip off and shine, simply awesome.

Ihavespaceballs - Thanks for driving us up here bro, it sucks that we didn't have a setup to practice with the night before but we were super "gone" the night before, lol.

Uncle Daniel - Your tech skill is amazing, you just need skillful opponents to figure out the in's and out's of dash dancing, mix-ups and wavelanding off of platforms. Watch out for that guy in the future, he is going to be beast!

Oro - I was somewhat salty after our first PM match, but seeing as how you took the title with Dart!, I just couldn't be anymore. We need to play online for sure! That ZSS is top tier sir.

Fluxwolf - You hungry greedy ba*****, I knew you wanted those shine gimps, lol. Good matches, it was tense the whole time.

N - Good G&W sir, you had some of the trickiest maneuvers I have seen on a character, period.

Great games to all of the people I may not have mentioned, they were super fun and everyone saw my Up-B wall jump against AnDaLe in the set with Mario, yay!
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