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SmashGT 4 20th November Confirmed

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Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
lol, calling me a slag. rude.


you never beated me and beast evar. we da best.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
lol Alsooo VA me and Jolteon the other day were looking and some of our previous arguements on the boards, if you were to look at them now we would both laugh at how silly and funny they were lol.

Remember when I use to call you VA TD = VA The Disgrace loool???


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I was kidding about being called a slag. I liked it really :p

And funnily enough I was looking through our old arguments like 2 days ago. They were soooo funny. My god. What happened to those days?

In fact the arguments ended the day I finally turned up to a ranbat and I nearly 3-0d you. You came back and won 3-2 but the trash talking kind of ended there. Pity I actually turned out to be good, otherwise we could still have funny arguments about how bad and emotional I am.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
loool I had the inner rage about the 3-0 thing back then which I held in, simialr to J3ly except for the 'inner' bit loool, but now I don't care obvisouly, just an addition to the lulz in my smash career

And yeah the trashtalking back then was really funny, it was blatanly me being a **** and then you getting upset cos I was being a **** and really the majortiy of the time you were right but I cover that up by being more of a **** with the added humour lol....and yeah you still are bad so I could continue to carry on like in the old days :bee: lol.

In reality though even if we tried to it blatanly wouldn't have the same effect lol, back then it was real and true cockiness and emotional arguements...now we are too cool with each other for it to ever turn out pages off us arguing over something cocky I said lol.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Basically the arguments boiled down to this. I wanted people to think I was good. I hadn't proved myself yet and you just kept saying how **** I am. Which was sort of true. I got pissed off blah blah....

It only carried on because it was online. Everytime I saw you at tournaments we always got on.

It was funny. Probably where you racked up a lot of your 7k posts.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I know I can't keep up with it. It's safer to just leave it that he hates me, that way I know where I stand.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
The spaghetti at SNY> all

no joke, i finished off like 2 other peoples who couldn't eat there's
No offence, but on average you must eat disgusting food to actually find that meal enjoyable.

The colour of the meat (or the sauce which was wrapped around the meat) came out wrong....thats when you know something is wrong with the meal lol.

Basically the arguments boiled down to this. I wanted people to think I was good. I hadn't proved myself yet and you just kept saying how **** I am. Which was sort of true. I got pissed off blah blah....

It only carried on because it was online. Everytime I saw you at tournaments we always got on.

It was funny. Probably where you racked up a lot of your 7k posts.
Yhhh I remember someone bringin up the amount of posts I had in one of the London Threads and ridiculous perecntages of the posts were from me and I had like 3000 posts in it which was basically from causing arguements and what not.

I remember how Ben used to join in as well looool
loool Ohhh yhhh, he ALWAYSSS used to jump into everything when it had nothing to do with him.

I remember how much people used to hate me online as well and I had some like huge hate fan base and everyone said I was ruining the online world for everyone and making up johns about how people left the scene just because I was trashtalking online and stuff lol.

Now i'm like the coolest guy in the west in these parts.



The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
um, theres only 3 seats left on one of the flights so someone would have to prob get there differently

or I can just book two for Me + Someone

the return flight is fixed at £16 and has plenty of seats so we can prob all go back on the same plane. This flight is on monday at 9:20pm :s there's a morning one too with the same price but how would we get to the airport

the flight there is on thursday at 6:55am from stansted (prob go there overnight) and costs about the same

+ coach return which costs about £5-10

alex said he's not 100% sure if he can go really, so if robby+beast can go on these dates + times then lets go!


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2008
London, UK
I remember how much people used to hate me online as well and I had some like huge hate fan base and everyone said I was ruining the online world for everyone and making up johns about how people left the scene just because I was trashtalking online and stuff lol.
Was a bunch of Northerners if I remember correctly. It was sad to see banter degrade so in its ancestral home :(


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
fuzzy, it's not three seats left in the entire plane, it's three tickets left for that price, once they are bought the price will go up (or in rare occasions go down, that btw happened to me when I booked my flight to va's smashfest -.-, it dropped with like, 20 euro)

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I still ate it because it was practically essential for energy lol.

And obviously appreciated the effort, but I was just really suprized that someone really enjoyed it and went out of their way to eat more since even the people who cooked it realized it came out wrong.

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
next time leave it to me, ill make everyone a mean feast! breakfast brunch lunch dinner!, instead of re-processed food being cooked could have still gone cheap and healthy..... POTATOS! Jacket Potato for example, cheap/easy. could cut up the potatos and make home made chips, could have grinded the **** up and made mash. Lots and lots of canned food, tuna or corn beef with spices and seasonings cant go wrong. RICE also cheap. i would have suggested going to LIDL or even cheaper look up one of those online food stores where the foods cheap and that would feed howevermany hundreds of people that attended sny. next time your planning one of these things ask ya boi alpha dash and ill be head chef, i'll hook ya'll up


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Your post is ridiculous in so many ways you tit. It annoys me completely as it shows you have no understanding of the effort me and Kate put into the food. Not just in terms of preparing it (which each meal took four hours...think BEAKFAST?), cleaning up, shopping for it, moving of the food to the venue and the thought put into the meals. Which btw was evident in your manners at SNY. Saying hi to the people running the tournament, smiling and saying thank you goes along way? try it.

It shows you have no concept of food costs. Which, is probably you're age. If you go to University or move out you'll realise why your post makes no sense.

Firstly, Lidl isn't cheap. In fact it isn't cheaper than ASDA. In certain ranges such as alcohol, cooked meat and veg it is. BUT this is only for a household shop. You can't bulk buy there for 120. Oh and you aren't actually allowed to bulk buy at lidl, tescos, asda etc.

WHICH IS WHY we did our shopping at Makro which is a cash and carry. Hence, where restaurants, shops, bars, care homes etc shop. Therefore, I had already thought about the buying of the food much more than you have given me consideration for.

We used can food? we used chicken nuggets, chips and sausages the ame quality as you would get in college or at a uni campus. The mince in the spag bol was **** though and definetly won't happen again. It produced so much water that we were having difficulty removing the water at the quantity it was being produced. Made worse by the fact we had two huge pans that were difficult to manage. Therefore, the sause and spices (YES WE USED SPICES) were getting watered down and removed.

Your solution of jacket potatoes is an absolute joke. Next SNY come into the kitchen and look at the oven. There is no way we could bake 120 potatoes in it. Esepcially when you factor how long a jacket potato takes. What we then do with the cooked potatoes (the oven would probably fit 30 at a time)? we then have to re-heat them all reducing the quality of them. Furthermore, potatoes (the size for a jacket) aren't that cheap. I would enjoy seeing you mashing potatoes for 120 people (ridiculous suggestion) and making homemade chips? you kidding?!

Corned beef? costs £1.20 a can. It'll serve four people maximum (small amounts each). Work out the cost of that for 120. Now think about everything else you were served during SNY and how much you paid for food lol.

Your online food option is also a joke. You paid £1/2 for your food at SNY. There is no way an online company would be anywhere near that price. A business could not run that way. The delivery cost would be more than we could afford.

We have discussed food in the current SNY2 thread and are aware of what needs improving. Costs will go up to ensure quality goes up. We are also discussing meal options. If you can be realistic and serious post ideas in that thread. The only sensible thing you mentioned was rice. Which, we have thought about.

Seriously Dujuan come into the kitchen at SNY2 and help out for one meal. You'll eat your words very quickly ;)

Id also like to point out we'll probably hit 200 next event.....


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
can any1 cook in the kitchen or can only u guys? if its any1 ask 4 a bigger cooking team sum do prep others do serving others do cookin n cleaning n just take orders. so cook 4 about 20/30 ppl at a time n coz u hve a gd system u shld b able 2 cook more food 4 ppl quicker every1 was complain coz the didnt realise that u get wat u paid 4 tbh the food wasnt bad the portions just needed 2 b bigger


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
can any1 cook in the kitchen or can only u guys? if its any1 ask 4 a bigger cooking team sum do prep others do serving others do cookin n cleaning n just take orders. so cook 4 about 20/30 ppl at a time n coz u hve a gd system u shld b able 2 cook more food 4 ppl quicker every1 was complain coz the didnt realise that u get wat u paid 4 tbh the food wasnt bad the portions just needed 2 b bigger
Yup, of course people can help. However, it is a huge undertaken and people have to be dedicated to it. I was more than impressed with how friends like Mike, Sam, Sam,Jam, Joe etc and co helped in the kitchen but then it was only around service time.

I would be surprised if I got more dedication than that from people that I barely knew who were coming for a three day smash event.

Like, its easy to co-ordinate cooking teams etc but unless I trust them/they are dedicated I imagine it would fall apart.

Which is why next year Im happy for Ed (Jalued) to be part of the cooking team as he seems very reliable. Im also going to bring in none smash friends and pay them for kitchen help as I know they'll be reliable.

I don't know what people expect from the food. Just think of it like school food, or plane food or hospital food. We aren't there to provide you with the restaurant experience. We are there to provide you with food so that you can continue to do what you are there to do (play games) without having to leave the venue frequently (which would waste tournament time) and limit the amount of fast food litter in the venue. If it is unedible, then we've done bad, and something we are aiming to improve ;)

Lastly, there'll be paper plates and plastic utensils to remove the cleaning up issues. Ill also knock of entry price to anyone willing to scrub the pans etc

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
Your post is ridiculous in so many ways you tit. It annoys me completely as it shows you have no understanding of the effort me and Kate put into the food. Not just in terms of preparing it (which each meal took four hours...think BEAKFAST?), cleaning up, shopping for it, moving of the food to the venue and the thought put into the meals. Which btw was evident in your manners at SNY. Saying hi to the people running the tournament, smiling and saying thank you goes along way? try it.

It shows you have no concept of food costs. Which, is probably you're age. If you go to University or move out you'll realise why your post makes no sense.

Firstly, Lidl isn't cheap. In fact it isn't cheaper than ASDA. In certain ranges such as alcohol, cooked meat and veg it is. BUT this is only for a household shop. You can bulk buy there for 120.

WHICH IS WHY we did our shopping at Makro which is a cash and carry. Hence, where restaurants, shops, bars, care homes etc shop. Therefore, I had already thought about the buying of the food much more than you have given me consideration for.

We used can food? we used chicken nuggets, chips and sausages the ame quality as you would get in college or at a uni campus. The mince in the spag bol was **** though and definetly won't happen again. It produced so much water that we were having difficulty removing the water at the quantity it was being produced. Made worse by the fact we had two huge pans that were difficult to manage. Therefore, the sause and spices (YES WE USED SPICES) were getting watered down.

Your solution of jacket potatoes is an absolute joke. Next SNY come into the kitchen and look at the oven. There is no way we could bake 120 potatoes in it. Esepcially when you factor how long a jacket potato takes. What we then do with the cooked potatoes (the oven would probably fit 30 at a time)? we then have to re-heat them all reducing the quality of them. Furthermore, potatoes (the size for a jacket) aren't that cheap. I would enjoy seeing you mashing potatoes for 120 people (ridiculous suggestion) and making homemade chips? you kidding?!

Corned beef? costs £1.20 a can. It'll serve four people maximum (small amounts each). Work out the cost of that for 120. Now think about everything else you were served during SNY and how much you paid for food lol.

Your online food option is also a joke. You paid £1/2 for your food at SNY. There is no way an online company would be anywhere near that price. A business could not run that way. The delivery cost would be more than we could afford.

We have discussed food in the current SNY2 thread and are aware of what needs improving. Costs will go up to ensure quality goes up. We are also discussing meal options. If you can be realistic and serious post ideas in that thread. The only sensible thing you mentioned was rice. Which, we have thought about.

Seriously Dujuan come into the kitchen at SNY2 and help out for one meal. You'll eat your words very quickly ;)

Id also like to point out we'll probably hit 200 next event.....
No need to call me a tit, I'll let that one slide this time. Not gonna lie to you my temper is short for those things but its kool...

If I'm ALREADY offering to help you dont need to be a complete jackazz anbout it ... so stop crying, further more when i'm trying to make a helpful suggestion least we could do is discuss on whay will work and what wouldnt, I DONT GIVE A SHIT MODE:the post wasnt a joke your food was simple was. I DONT CARE if anyone comes to me and says that was uncalled for so no need to bother in trying to reason with me anyone i said it now, i'll say it again, i'll say it to your face.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
I don't really understand your post. Except my 'tit' comment the rest of my post followed the same tone of your previous post. Which was ignorant and full of a lack of consideration and manners. Which I have pointed out you showed at SNY and you have just shown in your current post.

I am not 'crying'. I am going to defend choices and judgements I made against serious tactlessness and ignorance. I am more than happy to discuss things appropriately but your post wasn't serious and in fact was an insult. There was no real offer of help in there. Saying you would be head chef, do it your way and make it better isn't an appropriate offer of help is it?

As I say I dislike your manners Dujuan. Continue in that style and Ill more than happy not see you present at any of my events. I clearly don't care whether that matters to you or not. I have had enough of immaturity recently in this community. I have always put the general community first but I don't think Ill bother with that much more. If an individual can't be considerate I won't be considerate.

I apologise for the tit comment though. Your post was just really irksome. You are more than happy to discuss this to my face at any event. I won't be going anywhere. It would actually be nice to hear you say something and have a discussion :)

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
Your post is ridiculous in so many ways you tit. It annoys me completely as it shows you have no understanding of the effort me and Kate put into the food. Not just in terms of preparing it (which each meal took four hours...think BEAKFAST?), cleaning up, shopping for it, moving of the food to the venue and the thought put into the meals. Which btw was evident in your manners at SNY. Saying hi to the people running the tournament, smiling and saying thank you goes along way? try it.

It shows you have no concept of food costs. Which, is probably you're age. If you go to University or move out you'll realise why your post makes no sense.

Firstly, Lidl isn't cheap. In fact it isn't cheaper than ASDA. In certain ranges such as alcohol, cooked meat and veg it is. BUT this is only for a household shop. You can't bulk buy there for 120. Oh and you aren't actually allowed to bulk buy at lidl, tescos, asda etc.

WHICH IS WHY we did our shopping at Makro which is a cash and carry. Hence, where restaurants, shops, bars, care homes etc shop. Therefore, I had already thought about the buying of the food much more than you have given me consideration for.

We used can food? we used chicken nuggets, chips and sausages the ame quality as you would get in college or at a uni campus. The mince in the spag bol was **** though and definetly won't happen again. It produced so much water that we were having difficulty removing the water at the quantity it was being produced. Made worse by the fact we had two huge pans that were difficult to manage. Therefore, the sause and spices (YES WE USED SPICES) were getting watered down and removed.

Your solution of jacket potatoes is an absolute joke. Next SNY come into the kitchen and look at the oven. There is no way we could bake 120 potatoes in it. Esepcially when you factor how long a jacket potato takes. What we then do with the cooked potatoes (the oven would probably fit 30 at a time)? we then have to re-heat them all reducing the quality of them. Furthermore, potatoes (the size for a jacket) aren't that cheap. I would enjoy seeing you mashing potatoes for 120 people (ridiculous suggestion) and making homemade chips? you kidding?!

Corned beef? costs £1.20 a can. It'll serve four people maximum (small amounts each). Work out the cost of that for 120. Now think about everything else you were served during SNY and how much you paid for food lol.

Your online food option is also a joke. You paid £1/2 for your food at SNY. There is no way an online company would be anywhere near that price. A business could not run that way. The delivery cost would be more than we could afford.

We have discussed food in the current SNY2 thread and are aware of what needs improving. Costs will go up to ensure quality goes up. We are also discussing meal options. If you can be realistic and serious post ideas in that thread. The only sensible thing you mentioned was rice. Which, we have thought about.

Seriously Dujuan come into the kitchen at SNY2 and help out for one meal. You'll eat your words very quickly ;)

Id also like to point out we'll probably hit 200 next event.....
I don't really understand your post. Except my 'tit' comment the rest of my post followed the same tone of your previous post. Which was ignorant and full of a lack of consideration and manners. Which I have pointed out you showed at SNY and you have just shown in your current post.

I am not 'crying'. I am going to defend choices and judgements I made against serious tactlessness and ignorance. I am more than happy to discuss things appropriately but your post wasn't serious and in fact was an insult. There was no real offer of help in there. Saying you would be head chef, do it your way and make it better isn't an appropriate offer of help is it?

As I say I dislike your manners Dujuan. Continue in that style and Ill more than happy not see you present at any of my events. I clearly don't care whether that matters to you or not. I have had enough of immaturity recently in this community. I have always put the general community first but I don't think Ill bother with that much more. If an individual can't be considerate I won't be considerate.

I apologise for the tit comment though. Your post was just really irksome. You are more than happy to discuss this to my face at any event. I won't be going anywhere. It would actually be nice to hear you say something and have a discussion :)
No you pissed me off so I decided to piss you off, thats how it works for me I can assure you that if you didn't call me a tit I would have gone about it differently, it takes one thing to push me over the edge, thats why I was so disrespectful, I dont take it back however the damage has already been done, if you have a problem or hold a grudge thats all in your hands we could take this discussion further if you wish, we'll talk like adutls private discussion if that is preffered.

I do have more to say but I wont be broadcasting anymore unless need be


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Im talking like an adult ;). Your post was more appropriate so ill leave it as that. Im happy to discuss this at GT4 with you. Bring any ideas you have for the food issue please.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2010
i might come to this if i have enough money... i only wanna come so i can own this ****** hugo and leave.

oh and x1-12 as well, ****ing scrub.
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