Dark Matter Moveset
(Dark Matter would be in its Swordsman form wielding the Rainbow Sword Kirby used)
Neutral - Dark Beam/Dark Sphere
Dark Matter aims its sword forwards and shoots a small beam of darkness forwards.
This beam is fairly weak, only dealing 4% and causes minor flinching, but it does travel a good distance before dissipating.
You can mash the B button to have Dark Matter shoot the beams at a faster pace.
If the B button is released, Dark Matter raises its sword over its face and charges an orb of darkness over its head.
Dark Matter then chucks the orb forward as a projectile.
The orb deals 10% and moderate knockback and travels at a moderate speed and distance before fading away.
While charging the move, Dark Matter can aim the orb into any direction based on controller input.
If the orb touches the ground, it ricochets off of it and flies into a new direction, increasing its duration.
The orb can also be reflected by opponents who attack it, similar to King Dedede’s Gordo.
If the orb is reflected, it splits into 3 smaller orbs.
These smaller orbs fly in the opposite direction where the large orb was flying and can deal 5% to Dark Matter if they collide with it.
Dark Matter can chuck 3 orbs at a time.
Side - Mini Matter
Dark Matter reveals its eyeball and shoots a smaller Dark Matter forward.
You can control the Mini Matter with the controller, much like Ness' PK Thunder and Snake's Remote Missile.
If the Mini Matter touches a foe, it will possess them, dealing small DMG and covers the foe in a dark aura.
While in this state, the foe's movement speed is slightly decreased for 5 seconds.
The Mini Matter travels at a moderately slow speed and it does count as a projectile, meaning it can be reflected and pocketed to be used against Dark Matter.
Dark Matter cannot move while controlling the Mini Matter, leaving it open for punishment.
Also, once a player is hit by the Mini Matter, Dark Matter cannot shoot out another one until the slowdown effect wears off.
Up - Dark Rocket
Dark Matter turns into its orb form and blasts upwards.
Down - Dark Orbs
Dark Matter rears back its robe and floats in place as it detaches one of the orbs on its back, which then slowly orbits around Dark Matter.
This orb orbits around Dark Matter for 4 seconds, and once it does, it automatically explodes.
This explosion deals small DMG to opponents too close to the orb.
The orb can also absorb attacks from opponents, with it exploding immediately once it does.
Holding B has Dark Matter continue to detach more appendages out of its back, with Dark Matter having up to 4 orbs orbiting around it.
Dark Matter can move around, jump, and attack with the orbs orbiting around it.
If you tap the Down Special again if any orbs are out, Dark Matter shoots them forward as slow-moving projectiles that home in on the nearest opponent.
The orbs do count as projectile however, so they can be reflected and pocketed.
Dark Matter also cannot move while detaching its appendages, leaving it open for punishment.
If Dark Matter is hit while detaching its appendages, the move will be cancelled, and the orbs dissipate.
Final Smash - Hyper Zone
Dark Matter transforms into its true form and roars as it forms large tendril-like clouds all around its body.
If any opponents (3 in total) are hit by the clouds, they’ll be dragged into a cinematic Final Smash.
The foes are dropped into the Hyper Zone and Zero, the source of Dark Matter, appears in a flash of light and sends out numerous Dark Matter out of its body that ram into the opponents, racking their DMG up.
Zero then finishes by shooting a massive cloud of sparkles out of its eye at the opponents that explodes, dealing large DMG to the opponents and causing the screen to fade to white.
The screen then fades back to the battle as the opponents are launched away and Dark Matter returns to resume the fight.
If the foes are over 100%, they’ll be KO’d.