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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
To spread a warning sign around (Much like how gaming Critics like AVGN and Caddicarus warn people to stay away from horrible games that will waste hours of their life)!

Was that the answer you guys were seeking?
Ok, you don’t have to get the game. Nobody is forcing you to but please don’t guilt us or make the rest of us feel bad for wanting this game.

Deleted member

To spread a warning sign around (Much like how gaming Critics like AVGN and Caddicarus warn people to stay away from horrible games that will waste hours of their life)!

Was that the answer you guys were seeking?
I think we would like an actual answer as to why Ultimate doesn't fix a lot of problems that previous Smash games have had in one way or another.

Classic Mode actually has purpose for once in the series.
Single-player fat being trimmed down.
Actual story/adventure mode.

Literally the only "critique" is the handling of All-Star mode, but we still haven't seen much of how that plays out. Other than that, if you can't see where previous Smash games have faltered and see why Ultimate made the steps it made to fix upon that, then I'm truly sorry.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
- Galleom
- Dracula
- Rathalos
- Master Hand
- Galeem

- Petey
- Porky Minch
- Crazy Hand
- Rayquaza
- Duon

That comes down to 5 we know, 10 from the plausible, and only 3/10 of them are brand new. That just screams disappointment, doesn't it?
We do know of a few more.

-King Bulbin, Werewolf, and Bayonetta guy were all seen on the WoL menu

-Zero (Kirby) is all but confirmed. The Megaman X character is referred to as Zero (Mega Man), which implies there's another Zero in the game.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
To spread a warning sign around (Much like how gaming Critics like AVGN and Caddicarus warn people to stay away from horrible games that will waste hours of their life)!

Was that the answer you guys were seeking?
Let's just wait till the actual critic reviews come in...
He's just messing with ya... I think...


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
So Ken is maried and Lil mac is 17
so that leaves Snake, Ryu, Rich, Ike, Marth, Simon, Corrin. And who else?(only humans)
Julius Belmont can't exist if Richter didn't bang a chick, same with Simon and same with Ike's descendants


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
To spread a warning sign around (Much like how gaming Critics like AVGN and Caddicarus warn people to stay away from horrible games that will waste hours of their life)!

Was that the answer you guys were seeking?
OK... but you know that AVGN plays the game shows footage to prove that the game is bad, right? Are you going to buy the game to prove it is bad?

So Ken is maried and Lil mac is 17
so that leaves Snake, Ryu, Rich, Ike, Marth, Simon, Corrin. And who else?(only humans)
Mario and Luigi?

John Dylan Smith

Banned via Warnings
May 1, 2018
West Chester Township, Butler County, Ohio
I think we would like an actual answer as to why Ultimate doesn't fix a lot of problems that previous Smash games have had in one way or another.

Classic Mode actually has purpose for once in the series.
Single-player fat being trimmed down.
Actual story/adventure mode.

Literally the only "critique" is the handling of All-Star mode, but we still haven't seen much of how that plays out. Other than that, if you can't see where previous Smash games have faltered and see why Ultimate made the steps it made to fix upon that, then I'm truly sorry.
How does Ultimate even fix anything!

Classic mode doesn't have purpose (The only reason to complete it is just unveil a picture like you did with Smash 4)

With the single player stuff gone! There much to do in the game at all except beat up CPU's over and over, again and again!

There's no story mode or adventure mode in the game (Sakurai himself never once said that Spirits Or W.O.L were story/adventure mode campaigns and the footage for W.O.L was just made for the August Direct trailer to get hook everyone on that carnival ride)!

And I didn't once here Mr. S say anything about an All Star!

So I'm convinced that the old games were far suprior in some sense of the word!

Deleted member

You're all forgetting the Ultimate Husbando, who is also the Ultimate Waifu.


He's right. How could I forget my plant boi? I feel so ashamed...

Is it wrong that I would prefer to see more picks like Piranha Plant instead of the popular online picks? I like being surprised by Sakurai...
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