I realized that the protagonist of Fire Emblem Three Houses is this Guy:
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I’m worried, aside from Awakening (which has all three characters, albeit two of them echoes) Fire Emblem usually adds the main protagonist. And the protagonist is Byleth, who is the teacher of the other three characters (Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude).
Although I do like Byleth, he is another sword wielder, and I think adding him is going to lead to a lot of salt seeing how people don’t want any more FE characters with swords. Not to mention that Sakurai may not even want to include him because of that.
Although we still don’t know everything about the game, I feel that FE: Three Houses may not get a character because of that. Unless Sakurai decided to use the three characters next in line like the aforementioned Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude since they all include something unique, which is possible seeing how we did get Robin as a unique fighter because of that as well, so there is a chance we get one of them instead.