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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

So if the direct is a Tuesday one, first we'll likely hear abut it is about this time on Sunday/Monday? Am I timezoning right?
Around then is when we'd usually know if it's happening on Tuesday. If it's later than that, then we'd usually hear around Monday or Tuesday morning.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
VergeBen saying there will be Minecraft representation - Steve
Donkey Kong scratching his butt in the same post as Karate Joe watching TV - Karate Joe
Sakurai's Gun - Elma

Of course it all adds up now to Sakurai's preferences now that he's given the fans some characters they wanted!!!!

*Puts on tinfoil hat*

It's a conspiracy I tell you!!!!
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Kind of ironic when you remember that the TMNT had a Smash clone developed by the same studio that developed Brawl...
Funny thing to add about Game Arts.

Their cult classic JRPG franchise Grandia will be getting its first two entries remastered by Gung Ho, the new owners of it. Since those games will get a Switch version, and all versions are planned to be West-exclusive so far, I wouldn't be shocked if the heroes of those games will get a campaign following drummed up by the time of Smash 6.

Holiday headcanons? Okay.

Inkling uses Halloween as a reason to show off her freshest costumes.
Luigi used to love Halloween, but after his supernatural encounters in recent years it just brings up bad memories...
Ridley loves the day of the dead. he loves it so much he sends spirits to the Underworld on a near constant basis.
Every Halloween Wario gets makes a cheap Haunted House and charges kids way too much for it.
Isabelle tries her best to arrange the best Christmas parties for the town, but she worries too much.
K Rool forces all the Kremlings to throw him a huge Christmas party. If they don't bring him gifts to his liking, they get executed.
Peach has the best Christmas parties at her castle. Even Bowser's invited.
Yoshi does get invited to Thanksgiving, but he's always kept watch over until everyone's had some food. then they let him go nuts.
Bowser always gets Jr and the Kopalings exactly what they want for Christmas. They're all really spoiled, but he doesn't mind because his parents never payed any attention to him.
Sometimes around the colder season, one of Olimar's Pikmin will sprout with a holly leaf.
Hyrule doesn't have Christmas, but they do have a winter holiday where they celebrate the Goddesses's light and the banishment of evil. Ganondorf hates it.
Villager is on the very naughty list.
Adding to those...

Pac-Man enjoys Christmas with his family, and makes sure the doors and windows are shut to keep the ghosts out.
Duck Hunt Dog likes to spook people on Halloween by pretending to be dead alongside the duck, and gets a kick out of it.
For Christmas, Popo and Nana get the condor to do a truce and helps them decorate their tree.
During the day of the dead, ROB takes this time to honor his fallen fellows.
Little Mac enjoys going trick or treating as an excuse to continue his training, and makes sure to save a pile of chocolate for when he passes by Doc Louie's place,

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
You know thinking about it, there has been some crazy straw grasping for this game.
Here is one of my favorites.
Hey. I never believed that... (Why do you have to mention that one?)
Unlike Skull Kid Fans Who believed In the chair. or Isaac fans who believed in that Sakurai post...
Seriously, most of the RH supporters didn't believe that
Maybe because Karate Joe isn't our first Pick for RH representation...


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Hey. I never believed that... (Why do you have to mention that one?)
Unlike Skull Kid Fans Who believed In the chair. or Isaac fans who believed in that Sakurai post...
Seriously, most of the RH supporters didn't believe that
Maybe because Karate Joe isn't our first Pick for RH representation...
I edited my post. No attacks and I legit thought the chairs could have hinted at Banjo before anything else.
No I know your character...and I would like to see them to. There are a lot of characters that I would like to see.

Deleted member

Maybe because Karate Joe isn't our first Pick for RH representation...
Why wouldn't you want Ryu 2?

Disclaimer: I've never played Rhythm Heaven, and as such, I don't know if this description of Karate Joe is accurate or not.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I edited my post. No attacks and I legit thought the chairs could have hinted at Banjo before anything else.
No I know your character...and I would like to see them to. There are a lot of characters that I would like to see.
Oh okay sorry.... I was kinda feeling attacked there, Sorry about that. My mistake...


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Question, if there's a trailer and it shows someone unexpected (at this point anyone but Ken and Ininaroar, apparently) what would your reaction be?


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Question, if there's a trailer and it shows someone unexpected (at this point anyone but Ken and Ininaroar, apparently) what would your reaction be?
I would be hyped! But then would dread to come here and people proclaiming ' The Box is dead!' and others going ' Nah it's not'.
No matter what, there will be fire.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Question, if there's a trailer and it shows someone unexpected (at this point anyone but Ken and Ininaroar, apparently) what would your reaction be?
I'll just be happy for the fans of the revealed character (which was my reaction to the Isabelle trailer, tbh). Though if the character is one I want (namely Vaati), I'll be whooping and cheering.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Why wouldn't you want Ryu 2?

Disclaimer: I've never played Rhythm Heaven, and as such, I don't know if this description of Karate Joe is accurate or not.
If you played Rhythm Heaven, you would know it for it's colorful cast of characters and items. To do the franchise justice, they would have to be represented in one moveset like Mr Game & Watch or PAC-MAN. And yeah, that description of Karate Joe is basically accurate. All he really does is punch and kick... Not really great move set potential if you ask me, and it would be weird for him to use items like tambourines and microphones while staying in character...
Question, if there's a trailer and it shows someone unexpected (at this point anyone but Ken and Ininaroar, apparently) what would your reaction be?
It depends who it is
Elma, Steve or RH Rep: Scream at the top of my lungs and make a thank you tweet to Sakurai, as well as a 30 minute on why that character's inclusion makes me happy...
Anyone I'm neutral on: "Uh... Cool".
Anyone I don't want: "I'm going to try to keep a low profile"

But yeah, overall, it would be pretty cool to have an unexpected announcement...
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2017
What do you guyz hope to see in the next upcoming direct?
-New characters
-New stages
-Story mode
-New mini games
-Or seeming Banjo kazooie apprear has a fighter!
Just for save measures

Deleted member

What do you guyz hope to see in the next upcoming direct?
-New characters
-New stages
-Story mode
-New mini games
-Or seeming Banjo kazooie apprear has a fighter!
Just for save measures
Story mode all the way. I'm good on characters, I wanna see what modes I'm gonna actually use them in!


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Yoshi's Island, of course
What do you guyz hope to see in the next upcoming direct?
-New characters
-New stages
-Story mode
-New mini games
-Or seeming Banjo kazooie apprear has a fighter!
Just for save measures
I want a quick section dedicated to just alternate costumes, showcasing plenty of costumes that aren't just color swaps. Maybe even have them announce that there are more costumes unlockable, and that most characters have at least 1 alternate costume.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
What do you guyz hope to see in the next upcoming direct?
-New characters
-New stages
-Story mode
-New mini games
-Or seeming Banjo kazooie apprear has a fighter!
Just for save measures
I want to see all of this!
Especially Banjo & Kazooie coming home. If that happens, I just want to see a character give them a big hug (Diddy Kong would be that character)
EDIT: It would be neat to see what the multiman melee fighters would be.
Would love to see a hybrid of Miis and wireframe fighters from melee.
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Deleted member

What do you guyz hope to see in the next upcoming direct?
-New characters
-New stages
-Story mode
-New mini games
-Or seeming Banjo kazooie apprear has a fighter!
Just for save measures
I want to see Zelda's echo fighter finally get revealed:



Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Character wise, I just need Incineroar and Geno to be revealed.
I'd really like to see Spirits mode, too. I hope it's some meaty single player content.
I love playing with friends, but my friends aren't readily available so i'd like something I could spend hours on by myself.

Deleted member

Remember people, for as much as the stars are aligning for us to get news next week, we don’t know anything for certain. Hype responsibly.
Agreed. Things are looking pretty good, but it would be wise to keep in mind nothing is set in stone just yet.

...That said, I'm gonna be a little surprised if there isn't anything next week. Considering the odds of a first week of November Direct are pretty good IMO, a standalone reveal trailer seems like the perfect way to set the stage for that.
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Deleted member

Maybe she can get in the game in some form if Sora is in.

...What? Sora and Star Butterfly are both Disney characters, right?
I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game in my life though the Toy Story level has me interested but if Star shows up in Kingdom Hearts III, I'm preordering the most expensive version of the game available.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Based on outdated info=/=bull****.
This so much. We know there was a Rhythm Heaven character meant to be in thanks to finding the franchise symbol among the playable series data.

We don't know for sure if it was them at any point. But there's good reasons to believe it was that character. 3DS limitations, Gematsu being 100% truthful(as we could pretty much confirm with the fact Chrom was on the initial project plan, along with A Pokemon From X and Y). We don't have hard evidence it was the Chorus Kids. We only have enough to believe it was a character from RH. But it's safe to say with the rest being correct it was them. There's the tiny chance he chose a name that seemed like a mascot choice, but considering he didn't give a potential name for the X/Y Pokemon, it's unlikely that was the case. It's more feasible to believe it was the trio instead. Which sounds like it would be hard to balance a rhythm-based moveset to begin with(look at how awful DK's final smash is) but also because having 3 models onscreen all the time would be taxing to the 3DS. Being somewhat simplified like Mr. Game & Watch isn't enough. We're talking about a minimum 12 models that heavily moves around if 4 player, or 24 models. That's more than even IC's. It's easy to understand why the 3DS got them cut. Moveset and model issues.

Does it mean it was them? No. It's just a theory that has a lot of evidence to support it. It just means it most likely was them. Now, Sakurai might just put them in. Maybe there's more to in than we think. I actually can't even think of how the Japanese lettering can be misread, and from what I remember, it was pretty much them or Chorus Men(instead of Chorus Kids) at best? I don't remember if the Japanese language has signifiers for singular and plural, so... that could be part of why Gematsu said what he did.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
He would be if it wasn't for the BS Chorus Kids leak in 4.
Imo. the Chrous Kid's I'm neutral on, I don't care whether or not they were the RH rep, they're just not my first pick. Same with Karate Joe. At this point, I will take any RH representation I can get...
Also, pretty sure the Gematsu leak had legit (albeit dated) Information
What do you guyz hope to see in the next upcoming direct?
-New characters
-New stages
-Story mode
-New mini games
-Or seeming Banjo kazooie apprear has a fighter!
Just for save measures
Just give me A Rhythm Heaven Rep and I will be satisfied and fine with any character addition that comes after... (Yes, It's that easy. I won't be complaining about any Katalinas or anything like that.)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2017
I want to see all of this!
Especially Banjo & Kazooie coming home. If that happens, I just want to see a character give them a big hug (Diddy Kong would be that character)
EDIT: It would be neat to see what the multiman melee fighters would be.
Would love to see a hybrid of Miis and wireframe fighters from melee.
Me too man! If anything I would cry like a baby considering Banjo being in smash would be my whole childhood in smash!
The trailer would be dope if Donkey kong and K. Rool were fighting then they see something in the shadows and Kazoie comes out and picks there heads and Banjo comes out screaming DAHA!!! BANJO JOINS THE BATTLE

Deleted member

Goodness, we got a lot of guests viewin' tonight. I wonder why?

Anyways, if there is something next week, I'm betting on Tuesday or Wednesday. I think if something does happen, it will be a standalone reveal. I do think the final Direct is coming soon, but I dunno about THIS soon. Halloween/first week of November seems a little more likely for that, but eh, who knows? My predictions for September being quiet were wrong, so maybe I'm wrong on this as well. Gonna have to wait and see. :p


Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2017
If Nintendo made a Banjo trailer for smash how do u think it would be?
I think DK and K. Rool would be in it fighting since they were once in the rare family. And Banjo comes out of his shadows rising once more in the crowd of gaming once more.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Do people hate Steve simply for his design?
I'd like to answer with my own personal views, however, I do try to not go out of my way to criticize Steve anymore--as that has caused issues in the past, and I agree that it's better to frame my disagreements positively, for my character, rather than negatively, against another. But I do want to answer the best I can.

I can't say why people hate Steve--as I don't hate him, but still think Steve is not Smash material (which an opinion on that is fine). I've heard some arguments about it's a kids game--even the infamous Hitagi "leaked" Steve and then said "Smash is now a kids game" or something like that. That's stupid. Those people don't realize Nintendo's demographic--is kids. I've spoilered my reasons, both for length, and because I try not to go out of my way to diss characters people like, at least any more.

The reason why I don't think Steve is Smash material is 3 fold:
1) Moveset potential - Anybody can say any character with enough artistic license could have enough of a moveset to be in Smash. What matters to distinguish characters, to me, is in judging strictly by what they can do in game, how much moveset potential do they have, and swinging a sword is not interesting. Minecraft is based primarily on crafting, and requires an enormous artistic license to make him have any type of potential. While, of course, Sakurai could have that artistic license, he's not distinguished of the countless other characters that don't easily lend themselves to an interesting moveset.
2) Popularity/Relevance - Minecraft is highly relevant, but I personally feel like, and given the trends happening in the roster, that popularity matters more than relevance. King K Rool is not relevant, but insanely popular among Smash fans. Steve was barely a blip in 2015, when the roster was being made. And still, prior to Hitagi's "leak", Steve was considered a meme character, liked ironically for the lolz rather than genuinely, from what I had seen. Minecraft's relevancy to gaming should not be taken lightly, though, which is why I think Minecraft is much more accurately represented by a stage, rather than a character. But his relevancy is the primary legitimate argument, and if that's the only thing we care about, there's many relevant games that could come to Smash, but still would not make sense.
3) History with Nintendo - While not an absolute rule, it's still much better for a character to have a strong history with Nintendo. Even characters without (1) and (2) are in the game, but we wouldn't expect that from a third party character. And, in fact, the only characters who get exceptions to certain rules, the ones Steve is often compared to, are those with a strong history with Nintendo--Game & Watch, Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt.

There are other reasons. Obviously, I'm biased--I think Banjo & Kazooie is a much better Microsoft pick, given they fit all of these qualities. A two-in-one fighter with flight and projectiles, they've been wanted since Melee, are insanely popular on all of the fan polls, and they were originally Nintendo characters (which is important and incredibly underrated by so many people), who are now owned by a third party, and their likeness would likely be from the N64 games. That's the main reason for me--however, if Banjo was in the base, and Steve was either in the base as well (unlikely) or DLC, I'd be less concerned because it feels wrong to complain if my dream came true. I still wouldn't "like" the character, but I'd be happy Steve's fans got representation too. The "janky movements", the dullness of having a third party, multiplatform avatar character makes Steve a boring choice, in my mind. But those are superficial aspects that I don't think get to the heart of the matter.
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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh Region
Switch FC
SW 2938 1058 0987
If Nintendo made a Banjo trailer for smash how do u think it would be?
I think DK and K. Rool would be in it fighting since they were once in the rare family. And Banjo comes out of his shadows rising once more in the crowd of gaming once more.
Duck Hunt would absolutely have to be in it. Either duking it out or hanging out.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
One thing I've always disliked about Ganondorf's TP design, is that his nose is uncharacteristically flat for a gerudo.
As much as I liked pretty well everything about Twilight Princess, I must agree there. Even Hyrule Warriors didn’t give him the beak. I forgive that one though - he probably got a nose job so he could look :starman:fabulous:starman: with his flowing locks.

BotW on the other hand gave us the Gerudo beaks we remember.

And I’m highly disappointed that I missed the whole Zelda debate. So briefly...
  • I’d gladly trade a bunch of Zelda stages/items for characters. Particularly Midna and Urbosa.
  • Ganondorf is awesome and needs to return to the series.
  • The champions should get a new DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors.
  • If the Dorf is still the only villain without a unique victory theme, that’s an atrocity.
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