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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
If Incineroar is our next newcomer, how are people feeling about him? I've come to like the idea quite a bit, actually.
Depends on his execution. It's not the pokemon I want, but if they give him tons of character that fits him and make his moves and trailer interesting, I'd feel significantly better about it.

Frankly, anytime I think about "what if [character I'm indifferent about] gets in?" the next thought is usually "K. Rool and RIdley are in, this is the best timeline already."


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Seeing people talking about how they don't want Steve because they want Banjo instead is dumb.

Wouldn't Steve being in make Banjo so much more likely?
People can prefer one over the other--that's not dumb. If you're referring to my post in particular, I intentionally left that out of the main points, because while that's my own personal bias and I must recognize it as such. It works the other way, though--If Banjo's in, Steve becomes more likely. But I think representing both in the base game, Banjo being a character, Minecraft being a stage, makes more sense than only representing one series in the base game, which is what everybody else wants.

Exactly the point I was making in my last sentence:

Assuming Litten was my Sun and Moon Starter, and the fact that I adore John Cena memes, I would love him... (He would probably be my main, Unless a certain someone gets announced..)

In my opinion, yes. Put Steve in base, and have Banjo as DLC...
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Seeing people talking about how they don't want Steve because they want Banjo instead is dumb.

Wouldn't Steve being in make Banjo so much more likely?
Meanwhile it would be simpler to have both. I mean, gotta get to have the cake and eat it too.

Like...MUGEN Kung Fu Man?

Omega Tom Hanks for Smash
Oh yes.

Nerf Tom tho


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2018
If Banjo-Kazooie enter in Smash I hope that the items in their stage get eyes.
And of course, bear and bird could carry two items at once. Banjo-Kazooie were games about items.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
If Incineroar is our next newcomer, how are people feeling about him? I've come to like the idea quite a bit, actually.
I've loved him since day one, but I never thought he had a chance.
I'd love it if he got in! He was my starter in both Moon and Ultra Moon.


Apr 9, 2014
Honestly, I'd rather have Master Chief over Banjo or Steve. Sakurai hasn't broken the internet since E3

Deleted member

Conflicted. I'd be fine with him, but I'd much rather have someone else announced before him that can help lay the box theory to rest.
His reveal could actually damage the box depending on how you look at it. If he gets a standalone reveal next week like some are speculating, that puts a huge hoop for the box to jump through. In order for it to still work in that scenario, Ken is a unique and there are no more Echos.

EDIT: It would create a new theory, of sorts: One that could contend with the box.
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
Incineroar: Eh I prefer Decidueye but for a gen 7 rep, Incineroar is all right. I just hope he and Ken aren't the last for base. If they aren't, I'll be a lot more amiable to his inclusion. If he's a harbinger of box theory being true then I'll be a bit salty.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Seeing people talking about how they don't want Steve because they want Banjo instead is dumb.

Wouldn't Steve being in make Banjo so much more likely?
For me personally I see it like this.
Either one is great. They have nothing over the other, because they are popular in their own respect.
Steve for the indie scene and making an unique game style.
Banjo & Kazooie for Nostalgia as well as one of the best collectahon/platformers of it's time.

Either one could be DLC and would sell.
IMO Steve would sell more as DLC where B&K probably wouldn't sell as much.

Like I said, either one is great.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Yoshi is a superior life form. It's for the best :yoshi:
i dOnT tHInK sO...

Anyways, so someone pointed out that the blog has been posting a lot of stuff related to Pokémon recently. I think this might be the chance to finally learn who the Pokémon newcomer is soon.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Honestly, I'd rather have Master Chief over Banjo or Steve. Sakurai hasn't broken the internet since E3
If you don't think Banjo would break the internet, have you been on the internet? "MICROSOFT'S IN SMASH--NINTENDO CHARACTERS COME BACK HOME."

Deleted member

Frankly, anytime I think about "what if [character I'm indifferent about] gets in?" the next thought is usually "K. Rool and RIdley are in, this is the best timeline already."
This is how I felt when Shulk was leaked confirmed. I'm so happy more people feel this way now.


Laughs and Logic
Apr 8, 2014
Birth Island, FL
Let me just say, if you invite Yoshi over for Thanksgiving, increase the food expenses 20x cause then you MIGHT let everyone else get the scraps afterwards... :yoshi:
Nah, no need to increase the budget, you just better hope everyone really likes eggs...
I'd welcome him. Being a wrestling kind of cat, he would look better in a Lucha Libre outfit than female Pikachu.
Speaking of Pikachu Libre, I know a lot of people are fixated on the idea of Ken fighting Incineroar in its reveal trailer, but if there's anyone who really makes sense to put in the ring with the wrestling tiger Pokémon its the wrestling mouse Pokémon.
Seeing people talking about how they don't want Steve because they want Banjo instead is dumb.

Wouldn't Steve being in make Banjo so much more likely?
For sure. We know that Sakurai asked if he could use Cloud despite SE approving it seeming like a bit of a longshot in his opinion and against the expectations of SE themselves, he went to the trouble of getting the rights to use Geno, even if only as a Mii Fighter costume, along with FFVII content when in talks with SE for the last games' DLC solely because of fan demand for the character and his mutual interest in Geno, it's pretty safe to say that Bomberman and the Belmonts were made possible in no small part because Konami was already involved thanks to Snake being back in Ultimate, and this game has a clear focus (even if not exclusively) on fan favorites with the Smash Ballot which we have reason to believe B&K performed well on worldwide as one of the key sources of insight to what fans want. All that in mind, it would be extremely unlikely for Sakurai to approach the company that owns Banjo & Kazooie to get the rights to make a Minecraft character (or even just stage) and not at least ask if they would allow him to use B&K in some capacity, as well, while they were already in negotiations.

Deleted member

No it's not

Not while I, Zinith, am still around :yoshi:
Is Zinith slowly becoming the All Might of Yoshis? The Symbol of Yoshi? If so, that's pretty flippin' cool.

I wanna see an All Might Yoshi now...


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
If Incineroar is our next newcomer, how are people feeling about him? I've come to like the idea quite a bit, actually.
Indifferent as we see it coming now. Would much rather like a surprise nobody expects. My hope is Incineroar's trailer convinces me to be interested, and I can certainly see that happening even if I can't see how (wrestling moves like hitting people with chairs, eh).


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
soon as Shadow makes it, I'll feel a lot more relieved to sit back and watch the show.

Until then I'm on so many pins and needles...


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
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Deleted member

Someone's gotta do it. Yoshi is long overdue for a super fan to stick up for him :yoshi:
You have good taste, my friend. If it weren't for Luigi and Wario, Yoshi would probably be my favorite thing to come out of the Mario universe. :ultyoshi:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2018
If there's some reveal of any kind before the final blow (which I doubt) the box theory could be damaged but not debunked. Just one fighter seems unlikely in a final Direct bit not imposible. Only an echo placing outside the Palutena-Cloud row, Dixie for example, could kill it for sure. Or more than 1 unique fighter, but I doubt it.
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Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
If Incineroar is our next newcomer, how are people feeling about him? I've come to like the idea quite a bit, actually.
If they go all out with him being a heel I think he'll be a really funny and fun character. And with Mimikyu a Pokeball the only other Gen 7 rep I'd really want is Buzzwole, and that probably won't happen since he's not a started or heavily promoted.

Honestly, I'd rather have Master Chief over Banjo or Steve. Sakurai hasn't broken the internet since E3
Why not Banjo, Steve, AND Master Chief in Smash :p Bring on the Nintendo/Microsoft team ups!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2018
Mipha will be dlc

Hopefully with ruto as an echo

Her useing a spear has no precedent but whatever

Lynn Eslie

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2018
How do I get people to obsess over characters I want like what happened with Skull kid? I'm surprised at the dedication people have to some characters, it's like a cult or something.
The short of it is: Make them a part of the conversation.

As open-minded and inclusive as many individuals in the Smash community are, it's best to think of the overall community as highly exclusive, where serious discussion is for members only.

If you want your character to become a member, you need to first find a way to get in. It's very important to recognize what this is about. Exclusion from the most insulated parts of the conversation is in no way a mark that a character is bad or even unpopular. Instead, it only means that the collective does not view them as valid desires. Because of this, people will hesitate to publicly support or promote what they feel may malign them with their peers. Therefore, it's not only possible, but probable that there are many people who would, as the more jaded folk would say, "jump on the bandwagon" as soon as it became communally acceptable to do so.

So how do you accomplish this?

If, like Skull Kid, you get an extreme shot of speculation fuel in like the ensemble background in the August Direct, as well as a seeming replacement for your assist trophy, these will serve to convince a large subset of the community that you have a credible chance for inclusion, which will automatically get you in the door through brute force.

However, if you don't have such things going for you? You have work to do. I'll repeat that, because it's important: You have work to do. It will be an uphill battle, and one you will lose if you aren't active. You will face adversity by many people who will simply dismiss you as a rabid fan spouting utter nonsense. You will not convince these people, as they will begin the exchange with no intent to converse or listen. So don't try, they aren't your audience, at least not yet.

You're going to need to gather evidence, create things people can look at, and engage in banter, all to get the idea of your character in their mind. In addition, it's important to be smart about how you promote. Do it too often, and you're back at "rabid fan." Do it too little, and no one will remember you.

You're also going to need to do more than just promote, you're going to have to become part of the conversation. Talk about things that aren't related to your character. Join the community, get your face out there, and build a reputation. Think of it as a sort of currency. If you don't have enough rep-points in a community, you won't be able to spend the necessary amount to introduce something that disrupts the status quo with any hopes of being taken seriously. You can't buy reputation on credit, you have to earn it. As a bit of an optimistic note, if you do this right, you can gain reputation by spending it, so if you get a decent base, you should be alright to push from there. Just try to keep in mind that you can go overboard spending too much at once, else you may find yourself suddenly bankrupt, else in severe debt (IE actively maligned).

Find some people willing to engage in that conversation. Remember that, conversation. As a lone voice can do little. You aren't looking for a stage on which to speak your piece to a passive audience, you're looking to get people talking. Talking when you're around and, eventually, talking when you aren't. In this way, a name becomes more visible, and thus more accepted. Once you're accepted in that fashion, those people on the fence about whether to support, reject, or remain neutral will be put in a position to choose. That's what you're trying to accomplish. That's your end game. You aren't trying to get people to affirm your desire in this case, you're just trying to stuff your foot in the door long enough to earn the "Maybe" you need to be let in.

After that, you'll no longer have any real control over the way that character is pushed for or against. It'll be it's own beast like the others, and it's unlikely anyone will thank or remember either you or your efforts.

That's how.

(Don't mind me, just giving an impassioned, detailed answer to what was most likely a frivolous question.)
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
soon as Shadow makes it, I'll feel a lot more relieved to sit back and watch the show.

Until then I'm on so many pins and needles...
I know the feeling, and it's been that way with Banjo. This hype cycle has been a anxiety-ridden roller coaster. "Microsoft's involved! Microsoft's using Banjo's N64 designs! Ridley and King K Rool in! Steve's been rumored... Only 103 stages? CoroCoro saying 108?! A box... Isabelle's unique... Reveals slowing down..." I'd love to have some definite answers, either in or out, either official confirmation or leak/rumor, but I feel like this train will continue until the last possible second.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
If they go all out with him being a heel I think he'll be a really funny and fun character. And with Mimikyu a Pokeball the only other Gen 7 rep I'd really want is Buzzwole, and that probably won't happen since he's not a started or heavily promoted.

Why not Banjo, Steve, AND Master Chief in Smash :p Bring on the Nintendo/Microsoft team ups!
We need a Nintendo VS Xbox Fighting Game...
Actually, no...
We need a Nintendo X Playstation X Xbox X Sega Fighting Game...
I don't care this isn't going to happen, I can dream...


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
If he isn't an Echo or an AT, I'd say that makes him pretty darn likely for Semi-Clone DLC.
I think he's perfect as an echo. Give him a unique up-B like Chrom, a different final smash, and bada bing you got a Sonic echo that pretty much stays true to who Shadow is

Though he could be a semi-clone, just don't know how likely that is

Deleted member

I really don't think we have that much longer to go on this pre-release. Nintendo's marketing strategy is to constantly drop info leading up to a game's release, and then about a month before drop a huge boatload of information for a final marketing push with things like demos and whatnot. Heck, I think Sakurai's comment about "Not expecting us to have trailers all the way up to release" could be interpreted as him simply meaning the reveals are almost done and we're nearing the end.
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