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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Recovery: HP in RPG is kind of recovering your physical body from damage but then again it's not. It's more akin to restoring your vitality, though on RPG you have nothing else to base on your body's condition than hit points, which can be restored by eating berries, drinking fluids or spraying medicinal potions.

Disable (temporary binding): You can only disable the move your opponent last used, so it's not total control, nor does it show how you stop them from using the move. It's also a normal type move, so nothing to do with psychic abilities but just another pokemon move they can use with their "magical powers" lol.

Future sight: You DO NOT see into the future with this move, but create a hunk of psychic energy which attacks your opponent in the future. It's not too accurate either.

Mist is mist, ice type move which can also be used by variety of pokemon that prevents stat affecting moves to work on you. Another of these unexplained moves done by pokemon innate energy lol.

Guard/power swap: You can only swap YOUR OWN defence with your sp.def/attack wit sp.attack. You do not mess your opponent around.

Psych up:
It only copies the stat effects your opponent has done. Not really impressive cause mewtwo could stat up on his own too.

Amnesia(memory lapse)/Barrier:
Stat up moves, amnesia temporarily makes you forget your concerns to raise sp.def (wut) and barrier makes a wall of light to raise your defence, albeit incorporeal and doesn't stick around as environment effect.

Safeguard: Protects against status ailments, no biggie. Incorporeal field of protection yauhz. Also a normal type move.

Me first: Copies your opponent move power and strikes with 1,5x damage, normal move.

Swift/Aura sphere: Shoots stars >_>/The user shoots aura from deep within it's body at it's foe.

Miracle eye: Let's the user target dark-type with psychic type moves and hit an evasive foe. Not a lock-on however, does not guarantee attacks hit.

Psychic(psychokinesism)/confusion(mindpower): Both use telekinetic force to slam into opponents, confusion is weaker but may induce confusion and psychic may lower foe's sp.defence.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
i rarely come in here...
well, tru dat

then why cant Psionic powers aim right for someone's mind?
Because fire burning things is common sense. Hell, the game even gives Flamethrower a chance of giving the opponent a Burn. Psychic is a force; it is shown and stated in the gameplay/description.

Psionic powers don't always aim for the mind, do they? Just a question.

justaway12 said:
I'm not pokemon expert so I might be wrong, but don't Psychic pokemon mainly learn psychic moves? Maybe that's what it means instead of moving things with your mind, despite it never happening?
Some of them don't. Wynaut and Wobboffet, Starmie, Medicham, etc


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Woba's kinda exception, but he's not blessed with brain capacity anyway.

Starmie's psychic type is only it's secondary typing, not main. Same goes for medicham. You can see these from bulbapedia too. Main typing makes the biggest impact in how pokemon is structured, like venusaur being a grass type moreso than poison type and chari being more fire than flying type. And so on.

Psycho cut and Zen headbutt are the only psychic type physical moves. :3


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Woba's kinda exception, but he's not blessed with brain capacity anyway.

Starmie's psychic type is only it's secondary typing, not main. Same goes for medicham.
What about Mew, then? It only learns 3 psychic moves out of the 12 level up moves it can potentially learn.

Of course, there are TMs, but that widens the gap between Psychic-type moves and other moves considerably.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Barrier isn't a shield, it just buffs defense.
And…do you know WHY it raises “defense”
The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
Psychic isn't throwing opponents everywhere;
Psychic is proof if anything that Mewtwo has TK…

Look it up…
The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic force.
Mewtwo is limited by his move choices and the effects of those moves.

How the **** does Amnesia and Safeguard guard from mental assault?
How does Amnesia raise the “special defense stat” for that matter if you want to get technical with things…
Also…when I said that…I only meant Amnesia for the mental assault…and btw…if you actually look at what telepathy imply…how are you going to screw with someone who has memory issues…

Also…when I made that list…Safeguard was in the “barrier section of it”

Excuse me…I never said Mewtwo could change time and space because of Aura Sphere…or any of those moves for that matter that I brought up in that area…here is what I said:
-can lock on his foe...as in they can't hide…mentally or physically (Me First…Swift…Miracle Eye…Aura Sphere)
Biological healing? Somehow, if someone hacked Mewtwo's head off, recovery ain't gonna help him anymore.
Fun fact…psychic energy isn’t linked to the body pal…

Every other Pokemon can temporarily control the weather >_>
Not every other pokemon is packing the bare base stats Mewtwo has…chances are I’m thinking his 154 base special attack aka mental strength compared to others…


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
What about Mew, then? It only learns 3 psychic moves out of the 12 level up moves it can potentially learn.

Of course, there are TMs, but that widens the gap between Psychic-type moves and other moves considerably.
Mew is mew, but it's not like mew's normal type moves aren't kinda wonky, like transform and metronome. Mew's also the only other primary psychic type that can learn ancient power. And mew's said to have the dna of every pokemon within it so... But they just decided to play around with mew's moveset, otherwise it would be too much like mewtwo's. Mew's unique in every aspect lol.

Hacking someone's head off would kill them. A fainted mewtwo due to lack of HP is unable to use recover, therefore he's a dead mewtwo. <_>

Pokes still need to use their innate energy to generate attacks that consume power points. Pressure for example makes you waste more of that energy cause you're being psychologically pressured and your nerves are tight. If mewtwo were to just TK everyone, he'd break out of this "needing to use a certain attack", which is something we cannot do. He has showed us levitation and telepathy when speaking yes, but those are his limits. Mewtwo cannot mindrape or use suggestion, he can't even use hypnosis. Kinda like zelda who also has telepathy but can't do **** besides chatting around. Note telepathy is quite big thing on pokeverse, cause very rare pokemon are even capable of mindspeaking. It enables pokemon to talk in human tongue. =)


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Hacking someone's head off would kill them. A fainted mewtwo due to lack of HP is unable to use recover, therefore he's a dead mewtwo. <_>
How are you going to cut through all those barriers and stuff that he can put up? Just wondering…

If mewtwo were to just TK everyone, he'd break out of this "needing to use a certain attack", which is something we cannot do. He has showed us levitation and telepathy when speaking yes, but those are his limits.
Ah no...the type of TK the pokemon universe is saying he has is the stereotype one seen from stuff like this game:


In case you don't get it already...that video is an example of usually what people are talking about when they bring up TK...

Stop letting your personal thoughts get into this topic...

He has showed us levitation and telepathy when speaking yes, but those are his limits. Mewtwo cannot mindrape or use suggestion, he can't even use hypnosis. Kinda like zelda who also has telepathy but can't do **** besides chatting around.
Examples from moves that proves Mewtwo has a wide range of telepathic stuff IMO...
Calm Mind
Double Team
Dream Eater
Future Sight is an example of TK and telepathy IMO
Guard Swap
Magic Coat
Me First is another example of TK and telepathy IMO
Miracle Eye
Power Swap
Role Play
Skill Swap
Thunder Wave

I think it is just a bit funny that Mewtwo can’t use hypnosis…but he can use moves that imply his foe has to be asleep before they are usable…


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Lol Barrier. All you need to cut through that is a harsh look. Any pokemon can take it down after two Leers.

Great example of how _clinton takes real life definitions over in game stuff.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Lol Barrier. All you need to cut through that is a harsh look. Any pokemon can take it down after two Leers.

Great example of how _clinton takes real life definitions over in game stuff.
Fun fact...


Of course leer works on a barrier (btw...the game calls it a shield in case you forgot that)...it's part of the game mechs.

You know...because games have RULES...to try and make things fair (Psychic pokemon...they are still the best...just saying...only for a different reason)

BTW for all you Zelda fans saying that only Link can beat Ganondorf...
I still want to know how a parasite running off a "god power" that BTW isn't even equal to the gods that made it themselves (hell he doesn't even have the full thing of it...he has only 1/3rd of that less than powerful god item) is going to beat someone that beats gods/monsters that have beat gods...please explain that with something other than "Master sword repels evil" (because the only reason it does repel evil is because it has a holy attribute to it...as seen in WW...were it loses that "holy" element)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
So now we've got these undefined Barriers that only let half of the power of a physical attack through? (thus doubling defense)

Such a thing would limit Mewtwo's mobility if he wanted to stay protected.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I saw IMO, then I laughed. Swagger? Taunt? Thunder Wave? Embargo, Swagger, DOUBLE TEAM? What the HECK? The only one I can see actually using some kind of telekinetic power is Double Team for illusionary copies, but really, Thunder Wave?

_clinton said:
Not every other pokemon is packing the bare base stats Mewtwo has…chances are I’m thinking his 154 base special attack aka mental strength compared to others…
And? So? This just shows that every other Pokemon controlling the weather isn't incredibly hard. Special attack is mental strength? Ha, what? So let's take a look at this: Two Pokemon, a Hypno, and a Charizard. Both are level 100, 31 IVs in Special Attack, Modest Nature, 252 EVs in Special Attack. Guess who has more 'mental power'? Charizard does, despite learning absolutely NO Psychic-typed attacks at all. Hidden Power does not classify as a Psychic-typed attack even if the IVs set the typing for it. It is classified as 'Normal-type' at the battle screen.

You're kidding, right? Psychic's aren't the best type at all; they have their advantages and disadvantages, but are outdone defensively by much Steel-typed Pokemon and outdone by much Dragon-type Pokemon offensively.

_clinton said:
-can lock on his foe...as in they can't hide…mentally or physically (Me First…Swift…Miracle Eye…Aura Sphere)
Oh right, one more thing: Dig, Fly, Dive, Shadow Force. All of those moves make most moves miss despite the evasion/accuracy modifiers. Aura Sphere and Swift will miss against all of those. Me First... not sure. Depends if Mewtwo is faster. Miracle Eye would...do practically nothing. The move itself would miss, and any move it modifies (bar the certain moves that hit through the hiding phase) will still miss.


Smash Rookie
Dec 28, 2009
I hate how luigi lose's to ganondorf right away! In his match after you say about all the things he can use(starman mushrooms etc.) but unless you meant like only light arrows and the master sword can defeat him.... :p


Smash Rookie
Dec 28, 2009
Ugh i HATE how luigi lose's right away to ganondorf! I mean first you say he has nothing then in his next match he can use all his items etc. but im not sure if you meant only light arrows and the master sword could kill him:p and yes link would kill mario in seconds , link is a hero thats killed hundreds of powerful monsters.....Marios a plumber


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
@above: Welcome to SWF. Double posting isn't that cool here. And uh, not sure if you're a troll.

Ganny's defenses > Luigi's items

Plain and simple as that. Actually, to make it simpler: Luigi does not have the Master Sword


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Ugh i HATE how luigi lose's right away to ganondorf! I mean first you say he has nothing then in his next match he can use all his items etc. but im not sure if you meant only light arrows and the master sword could kill him:p and yes link would kill mario in seconds , link is a hero thats killed hundreds of powerful monsters.....Marios a plumber
The irony is that Mario has killed hundreds of powerful monsters as well.

Since you're new here, that's all I'm gonna say.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
@above: Welcome to SWF. Double posting isn't that cool here. And uh, not sure if you're a troll.

Ganny's defenses > Luigi's items

Plain and simple as that. Actually, to make it simpler: Luigi does not have the Master Sword
Ganondorf isnt the same Ganondorf throughout the series. Obviously we are referencing to OOT and obviously he can die to something that "repels evil".

It never says "only the light of the goddesses who made this sword can repel ganondor's evil."

It just says "the sword of evil's bane." Simple as that.

Which means if ts a holy power, ganondorf can be boned.

Sonic channels the power of a God through his being and obviously could get through.
Several characters can get through.
Or maybe, they can just, knock his *** out?
Just a thought


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Such a thing would limit Mewtwo's mobility if he wanted to stay protected.
What makes you think that they would limit Mewtwo's mobility? Just wondering...you are aware that it is implied that he has made it with his mind...

I saw IMO, then I laughed. Swagger? Taunt? Thunder Wave? Embargo, Swagger, DOUBLE TEAM? What the HECK? The only one I can see actually using some kind of telekinetic power is Double Team for illusionary copies, but really, Thunder Wave?
For the 50th time...TK =/= Telepathy
TK=moving stuff…TK is stuff that someone like Sliver the Hedgehog uses in Sonic 06…

Telepathy is stuff like reading minds, altering thoughts, and all that jazz…also…another thing…

^How come you don’t get this as well?
Games have rules…those rules can be put in badly…which in Pokemon’s case…is very true…

Also…did I write Special attack was mental strength for all “pokemon?” I certainly don’t recall writing that…I only said it was a measure for what Mewtwo had for “power”…I didn’t say it applied to all pokemon…

Oh and I’ll admit that I made a mistake with thunder wave and calling it telepathy…if anything that is more of an example of Mewtwo using his TK…

You're kidding, right? Psychic's aren't the best type at all; they have their advantages and disadvantages, but are outdone defensively by much Steel-typed Pokemon and outdone by much Dragon-type Pokemon offensively.
Psychic’s are the best type…”overall”…please compare this:

Sure for out of 18 Ubers …only 6 are psychic…which ties with the number of pokemon that have a dragon type on there…but even then…I’m pretty sure Mewtwo is still seen as the best overall…or is at least sharing the crown…

The irony is that Mario has killed hundreds of powerful monsters as well.
Mario's like Superman before he starting getting "plot powers" if anything:

I love that ^_^

So...just for fun...Mario compared to the old description of Superman:

Faster than a speeding bullet-check (Bullet Bills ^_^)
More powerful than a locomotive-check (The ****er lifts and throws a castle in SMW)
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound-check (It's "Jumpman" for a reason you know ^_^)

Of course...then the fact comes along that Mario has power ups up his ***...so actually when I think about it...it isn't "Mario is like what Superman was before he got a new "plot power" every issue...really I should say "He is Superman...only with various WTF power ups instead of "plot powers" for every new game...


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
What makes you think that they would limit Mewtwo's mobility? Just wondering...you are aware that it is implied that he has made it with his mind...
It starts getting really fan-fictiony if we start letting Mewtwo drag his barriers all over the place, especially considering that it's a game mechanic that stat boosting moves can only be used so many times before they "can't go any higher"


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
So...just for fun...Mario compared to the old description of Superman:

Faster than a speeding bullet-check (Bullet Bills ^_^)
More powerful than a locomotive-check (The ****er lifts and throws a castle in SMW)
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound-check (It's "Jumpman" for a reason you know ^_^)

Of course...then the fact comes along that Mario has power ups up his ***...so actually when I think about it...it isn't "Mario is like what Superman was before he got a new "plot power" every issue...really I should say "He is Superman...only with various WTF power ups instead of "plot powers" for every new game...
Why can't Mario be as fast as the speed of sound?

With RL mechanics being used for lasers and the like, why can't Mario be faster than a bullet?

Bullet Bills are shot out of cannons.
Bullet Bills are essentially bombshells.

Why isn't Mario super fast here?
Why not?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
It starts getting really fan-fictiony if we start letting Mewtwo drag his barriers all over the place, especially considering that it's a game mechanic that stat boosting moves can only be used so many times before they "can't go any higher"
I like how you think the depiction in the game of how pokemon fights go is for real...do you really think they just "sit there" on opposite sides of the ring and just fling stuff at the other guy until they fall because they don't dodge?

This is the same BS with EB and Ness/Lucas' battle system...

People...you don't see them really fight...I think it is safe to say that logically...a rational thinking creature runs from a "forest fire" if they can...

And as for stat boosters...I don't really care about "how many times" he can use it...I only care about what the game says about the boost...and the game says that the boost is a strong one (2 levels compared to 1)...which makes sense...because it's a mental barrier that was made with your mind (compared to what something like Defense Curl is)

Why isn't Mario super fast here?
Why not?
Because you people don't get that Mario is super fast it seems for one...even though I've been saying it like 50 times now (and even gave some examples that weren't a bullet bill)...oh and good job at replying to something that was more or less not meaning to be that serious...

For a real answer...because it seems like you want one..."how come Sonic isn't shown to be really running at the speed of sound in his games?"

Because logically...if he was...the games would be unplayable (or more unplayable...yeah more unplayble...that's the word I'm looking for)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Regardless of how unrealistic the battle scenarios are in game, we can't just go making stuff up at that isn't supported by the game, or improving upon how something works so that it isn't useless upon the transition to this thread.

Barrier seems to fall more into the second category.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Regardless of how unrealistic the battle scenarios are in game, we can't just go making stuff up at that isn't supported by the game, or improving upon how something works so that it isn't useless upon the transition to this thread.

Barrier seems to fall more into the second category.

You are making **** up in the 1st place by saying that Mewtwo couldn't fly around with that barrier on...where is your proof that Mewtwo can't move around with the barrier on? He clearly has to move around when he fights...in case you don't get that...they don't just stand there taking hits like *****es...

The only time the barrier goes down once it is up in a fight...according to the "game's rules of fighting in that game" is if A. It is broken somehow (don't ask me how that will happen ATM...I'll get to explaining that), B. The fight ends in some way for the person using it...as in victory, defeat, switching out (some exceptions), running away, and so on...


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Because you people don't get that Mario is super fast it seems for one...even though I've been saying it like 50 times now (and even gave some examples that weren't a bullet bill)...oh and good job at replying to something that was more or less not meaning to be that serious...

For a real answer...because it seems like you want one..."how come Sonic isn't shown to be really running at the speed of sound in his games?"

Because logically...if he was...the games would be unplayable (or more unplayable...yeah more unplayble...that's the word I'm looking for)
If anything, I'm agreeing Mario should be super fast.
Partial reason is bolded in your post.

But I'll just wait until the next Mario MU to bring this back up.

@Current MU

PK Rockin'


Smash Rookie
Dec 24, 2009
Okay, so you say: Ike can't be harmed. Sounds good. Sonic can still carry him into space and leave him there... Even if he could breathe in space, he won't be able to fight, while Sonic safely flies back to Earth.



Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Last time I checked, telepathy = transferring your thoughts or feelings to another via other means than the five senses, aka mindspeak.

Telepathy does NOT include altering someone else's thoughts, feelings or somehow mucking around someone else's mind.


I'm just wondering why couldn't mewtwo drag his barriers (why does that sound so wrong?) all over the place, if they are simple stat ups and he can obviously move around after you do barrier (like not forced to struggle), as easily as if you were to do amnesia instead. The barrier is shown to be more like a bubble shield on battle revolution, which makes more sense than just a screen of light if it were to wrap around the pokemon using it. But in any case, this psychic type, seemingly incorporeal see-through but sturdy barrier does indeed stick with the pokemon for as long as it takes to switch or take it down and doesn't hinder movement. Neither do defence curl or moves alike. There are actual moves that make you unmobile you know, like bide or ingrain, where bide makes you unmobile and taking attacks and then unleashing, while ingrain uses the roots of the plant pokemon to stick to the ground and absorb energy from the soil (though this can be baton passes to whatever other pokemon and makes levitating ones grounded lol).

It starts to get real fanficcy if such assumptions are being made, that poke's aren't able to move when doing a stat up move when they clearly can. I don't see an actual shield like Link's getting formed taht one would need to carry around, neither I see corporeal swords formed and sticking around your head when someone swords dances for example.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
_Clinton is making sence here people... O.o


Well sorry then :(
I'm actually with you on the bullet thing, it does make sense.

Okay, so you say: Ike can't be harmed. Sounds good. Sonic can still carry him into space and leave him there... Even if he could breathe in space, he won't be able to fight, while Sonic safely flies back to Earth.

Warping out of the nuetral battlefield is illegal, but I don't think it should be. We going to go over every matchup again to clarify things, we'll get to it then.

Ugh i HATE how luigi lose's right away to ganondorf! I mean first you say he has nothing then in his next match he can use all his items etc. but im not sure if you meant only light arrows and the master sword could kill him:p and yes link would kill mario in seconds , link is a hero thats killed hundreds of powerful monsters.....Marios a plumber
Ganon can only be killed by the Master Sword. I think Light arrows and Silver arrows do something too. I'm not a zelda expert, but the point is that Luigi lacks any of these things and would be unable to hurt Ganon.

I like how you think the depiction in the game of how pokemon fights go is for real...do you really think they just "sit there" on opposite sides of the ring and just fling stuff at the other guy until they fall because they don't dodge?

This is the same BS with EB and Ness/Lucas' battle system...

People...you don't see them really fight...I think it is safe to say that logically...a rational thinking creature runs from a "forest fire" if they can...

Because you people don't get that Mario is super fast it seems for one...even though I've been saying it like 50 times now (and even gave some examples that weren't a bullet bill)...oh and good job at replying to something that was more or less not meaning to be that serious...

For a real answer...because it seems like you want one..."how come Sonic isn't shown to be really running at the speed of sound in his games?"

Because logically...if he was...the games would be unplayable (or more unplayable...yeah more unplayble...that's the word I'm looking for)
Oh, I finally see what you meant when you said Ness and Lucas are super fast. I guess they would be fast, but not as fast as the stuff they are fighting since they still get hit.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2009
Does Luigi have to kill Ganondorf to win? Couldn't he just pummel him into submission?


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
What makes you think that they would limit Mewtwo's mobility? Just wondering...you are aware that it is implied that he has made it with his mind...
Considering the Barrier doesn't stay up... When Brick Break hits Reflect/Light Screen, they are shown as barriers/walls. When that happens to the move Barrier, no actual wall/barrier of light shows up. Ionno, just a thought
For the 50th time...TK =/= Telepathy
TK=moving stuff…TK is stuff that someone like Sliver the Hedgehog uses in Sonic 06…

Telepathy is stuff like reading minds, altering thoughts, and all that jazz…also…another thing…
Yeah, I got that. I'm still confused as to why Taunt is altering someone's mind or reading it. Well, maybe it could be if you're messing with their head in order to piss them off. I don't have Telepathy but I can Taunt. So does that mean I now have Telepathy?
^How come you don’t get this as well?
Games have rules…those rules can be put in badly…which in Pokemon’s case…is very true…
Put in badly? Says who? Says you?
Also…did I write Special attack was mental strength for all “pokemon?” I certainly don’t recall writing that…I only said it was a measure for what Mewtwo had for “power”…I didn’t say it applied to all pokemon…
Not every other pokemon is packing the bare base stats Mewtwo has…chances are I’m thinking his 154 base special attack aka mental strength compared to others…
Oh and I’ll admit that I made a mistake with thunder wave and calling it telepathy…if anything that is more of an example of Mewtwo using his TK…
Thunder Wave is not TK... Otherwise, we have Pikachu who can now use TK because it is using Thunder Wave >_>
Psychic’s are the best type…”overall”…please compare this:

Sure for out of 18 Ubers …only 6 are psychic…which ties with the number of pokemon that have a dragon type on there…but even then…I’m pretty sure Mewtwo is still seen as the best overall…or is at least sharing the crown…
Primary Psychic's or secondary ones? There are much more secondary Psychic's than primary Psychic's (i.e.: Dragon/Psychic instead of Psychic + another type/Psychic alone).

There are two primary Psychic-types in OU. Many of the Psychic's are dual-typed, with Psychic being a secondary typing. In Ubers, there are... four primiary Psychic's. Lugia is a primary Psychic, with Psychic being it's first type.

I don't know why I'm arguing this. Every type has its advantages and disadvantages. Tyranitar eats them up most of the time.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
@everyone who says Ganon can be hurt by holy weapons whatsoever
When was it stated that any holy assault can defeat him? Like Ganonsburg said the weapon has to be SPECIFICALLY MADE AND DESIGNED TO STOP EVIL. Its is stated that only the weapon that sparkels the light to destroy evil can harm him (WW). Everytime Ganon/dorf appeared in a game you have to get the Master Sword and sometimes the Light/Silver Arrows. And you can only use these 3 weapons against Ganondorf to damage him. Why not another holy weapon? In games Ganon didnt appeared you have other swords and NOT the Master Sword. Thats right because those are the only weapons that smites evil itself.
The Execution Sword is holy.This sword belonged to the sages chosen from the goddesses. Also the sword was sparkled with light of the sages just not with the light to smite evil. And why do you think Ganondorf wanted to keep this sword? He can get a regular sword elsewhere that does probably more damage.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Does Luigi have to kill Ganondorf to win? Couldn't he just pummel him into submission?
Considering the things Ganondorf has taken and literally laughed off(pulling a sword out of his own gut, for example), that would never happen.

But your idea in general has merit. If a character is beaten to the point where they cannot recover within a reasonable amount of time, that should qualify as defeat.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Alright then, new MU.


Current Match-Up:

Peach Vs. Pokemon Trainer

:peach: Vs. :pt:,

Round 5, Match 6.

Will Princess Peach have any chance beating the fierce Pokemon Trainer?


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Oh snaaap!

Now this is a tough one.

Kay so peach has her umbrella, stopwatch, items, special attacks such as sleepy tiem and uuh, something else. If someone could give sorta summary for what peach had again, I could go see a good moveset and pokes for the trainer.

Though I'ma go play some homm3, so don't end this matchup too quickly. :p
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