I noticed I was going through a major identity crisis: changing my styles, my characters, and my personification. So I just decided to go back to the way I was when I first joined: A Yugioh freak that's obsessed with Zelda.
I'm just going to main Zelda and that's it from now on. I realize that it's not a very smart move considering how bad Zelda is, but I really don't care. I'm through with using all kinds of other characters and not progressing with my Zelda like I want to. My Zelda was failing because I used her so little, and so I've decided to use only Zelda from now on.
Of course, I'll be using other characters in friendlies and what not. But in tournies and important matches, I'm just going to use Zelda.
And maybe Sheik too, I haven't decided yet. I have potential with her, so I think having her in my corner would be helpful for some of Zelda's more disadvantageous matchups (MK being a prime example).