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Smash Back Room Weekly Character Discussions! FINAL UPDATES: Ness + Lucas. All done!!


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
No guys, I'm actually getting pretty confident that UnSaxon51 owned this.

OS said to talk to Picasso (cubism) rather than Rembrandt (portraits). Which means to look at the cubes, not at the person.

What's the deal with the cubes? Tetris would mean Luigi, so that's our best guess so far. But then we might as well look at the guy who resembles Luigi the most.

But instead, look at the perspective of the cubes.... isn't Fire Emblem a tactics-style tile-based RPG? Does it have that sort of perspective? I've never played any of the games, so I can't say for sure, but what does Ike's game look like? Does it use that sort of perspective?

If Ike doesn't fit as above, then I'd guess Luigi. Or are any of the other plausible characters from such a tile-based game? Not Pokémon, because there the tiles were always parallel to the screen.

But I think this is the right track!

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Or are any of the other plausible characters from such a tile-based game?
Remaining characters:

As far as I know, none of these characters, other than Ike, have tiles used in their games.

Well, there was a bathroom stage in Pikmin 2, but that isn't the type of tiles we're talking here. :laugh:

The only other possibilities are Ness and Lucas from Mother, but that's only because I haven't played it, nor know much about its gameplay.

But I really doubt that they would use something so random as tile-based gameplay as their hint...

Right now, I think the most likely candidates for this hint are Mario and Luigi.

EDIT: Oh, and Ike's game uses a more Age of Empires type way of tile-gameplay...if that helps you visualize it. <_>


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
Tile-based game+"Think back"=it definately isn't Ike... that game was released recently. I'd say its mario or luigi.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
But the cubes are allllllllllllllll over that video. It's not something specific to 2:44.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
But the cubes are allllllllllllllll over that video. It's not something specific to 2:44.
That's something I've been wondering for awhile now...what's so special about 2:44?

Unless it's supposed to resemble some dance, the only thing I can find special about that scene is it is the only scene that has a chorus that, not only has the blue room as a start off point, but Mr. Wiggles as it's opener. But I don't see any significance to that.

Then again, Panda may have simply picked it at random from all the other blue room scenes, and "2:44, etc" simply means "scene 2:44 and other such scenes like it".

Meh. I think we've gone back to the Rembrandt stage...


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2007
Think Back = Lean Back. Lean Back was a song by Fat Joe, from 2004--somewhat old, I suppose, but in terms of music, I'd definitely say that's yesteryear, which could be implying DK (Donkey Rap; two rap songs) or Wario (Fat Joe=Wario's weight).
But then again, the blue cubes are like the little televisions in Sonic.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2008
Malmö, Sweden
Just throwing this out there - if you interpret "think back" to be backwards or similar, and subtract 2:44 from the total length of the video (4.04) you get 1.20, at which point there's a unique(ish? couldn't be arsed to watch the entire video, it's late >_>) scene during -only that specific second- where he sits in a car and "sings" about raising your hands in the air, and also does so himself (the scene only plays during 1.20 - 1.19 and 1.21 has another scene). Prolly has nothing to do with it, but meh.

-EDIT- unique scene not as in "the only scene he sits in the car" obviously, but an unique part of the car ride.


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
All things considered before, and regarding Wrexsoul's comment, I would say wario. His utilt is raising the hands in the air, right?

Or it could be sonic, because of the blocks/blue/rollin stuff... its either Wario or Sonic IMO


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
Ohh shi...

I think I've got it!

K so they give us this really cryptic hint, and we haven't managed to actually eliminate any characters, except the ones that have been done already, and only because they've been done already. So we actually havent eliminated any character, and if this was the first hint, everybody would be fair game...

But, if this was the first hint, the new help "Think back" would eliminate everybody. Why? Because there would be nobody to think back to, because there wouldnt have been any discussions...

In essence, my conspiracy theory says that think back means referring to a character that has already been done

I just thought of something. DIsregard everything above this line.

Conspiracy theory #2

Think back refers to looking at previous characters' hints to get help for this one. But it doesnt say how far back we have to think. Are there any memorable hints that included blue, blocks, cubism, disco, balls, or disco balls?

I just thought of something else. Disregard everything above this line. This whole post has been just writing as stuff has come to mind. It's quite possible that I will say "I just thought of something else. Disregard everything above this line again" again.

'Think back' simply refers to thinking about the back, in this case, the cubes in the background behind the ****ty dancer.

Again, disregard everything above this line.
If you havent realized by now that I'm just throwing **** out there in the hope that someone will tap into my thought process and notice something, what is wrong with you?
Sorry, everything that I'm writing was current at the time of writing, but not necessarily a minute later.

"Think back" is a QUADRUPLE ENTENDRE. Yes. That's double a regular double entendre. Therefore, the SBR triple-mindgamed us.

1) Think back refers to the previous weekly character discussions. We have to think back to the previous hints, and we have to think back to previous characters.

2) Think back refers to think background. Think to the blue cubes and the disco balls.

3) Think back refers to previous parts of the music video. Thus, "2:44" was changed to "2:44 etc."

4) An entendre has to have some sort of sexual connotation. Think back. Think about backs. Or about backsides.

Now, for the EPIC CONSPIRACY TO END ALL EPIC CONSPIRACIES (yes, it deserves caps lock. it's that EPIC)

1) Remember how everybody originally thought ZSS was the answer to the previous hint, with the "legit-but-very-risky-if-screwed-up chain throw"? That's thinking back to the previous discussion. Not discussion plural, just previous discussion.

2) Everything in the background is blue, except for the bad dancer. On ZSS, everything is blue. Cubes refer to the fact that she's pixellated, and thus people who think she's hot are either perverts, or really stupid. Just like people who think that guy can dance are either perverts, or really stupid.

3) Think back to almost every scene in the music video other than at 2:44. Who's dancing on the cubes? Blonde girls. This is instrumental to to logic of my conspiracy theory. These blonde girls are the clear link to ZSS. Everything else is merely supplementing my point. Blonde girls dancing on the cubes that were alluded to by OS (Picasso not Rembrandt).

4) No, I won't go there. An entendre has to have some sort of sexual connotation. This goes back to the girls dancing on the cubes and shaking their junk.


tl;dr version:
The SBR haz hax epic mindgames


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
woah... you've got it. I was starting to think ZSS by the time I read your first conspiracy, but you really hit the nail on the head. I think it really is ZSS (I doubt the SBR was thinking of her backside, tho...)


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
I love the idea that it might be zamus... but Mr. wiggles, a ****ty dancer? Wow... talk about a misinterpretation of dance... if a certain friend of mine saw that, she'd have a BF.

Oh well, I still think it's Ness.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Thanks SP, for providing even a little more info :)

Hey everyone, i got an idea... let's keep guessing lots of stuff that's totally wrong and doesn't make sense, so SP/the SBR will think the hint's too hard and will try to make it easier again by giving us more info!!! lol.

Ohh shi...

I think I've got it!

K so they give us this really cryptic hint, and we haven't managed to actually eliminate any characters, except the ones that have been done already, and only because they've been done already. So we actually havent eliminated any character, and if this was the first hint, everybody would be fair game...

But, if this was the first hint, the new help "Think back" would eliminate everybody. Why? Because there would be nobody to think back to, because there wouldnt have been any discussions...

In essence, my conspiracy theory says that think back means referring to a character that has already been done

I just thought of something. DIsregard everything above this line.

Conspiracy theory #2

Think back refers to looking at previous characters' hints to get help for this one. But it doesnt say how far back we have to think. Are there any memorable hints that included blue, blocks, cubism, disco, balls, or disco balls?

I just thought of something else. Disregard everything above this line. This whole post has been just writing as stuff has come to mind. It's quite possible that I will say "I just thought of something else. Disregard everything above this line again" again.

'Think back' simply refers to thinking about the back, in this case, the cubes in the background behind the ****ty dancer.

Again, disregard everything above this line. If you havent realized by now that I'm just throwing **** out there in the hope that someone will tap into my thought process and notice something, what is wrong with you?
Sorry, everything that I'm writing was current at the time of writing, but not necessarily a minute later.

"Think back" is a QUADRUPLE ENTENDRE. Yes. That's double a regular double entendre. Therefore, the SBR triple-mindgamed us.

1) Think back refers to the previous weekly character discussions. We have to think back to the previous hints, and we have to think back to previous characters.

2) Think back refers to think background. Think to the blue cubes and the disco balls.

3) Think back refers to previous parts of the music video. Thus, "2:44" was changed to "2:44 etc."

4) An entendre has to have some sort of sexual connotation. Think back. Think about backs. Or about backsides.

Now, for the EPIC CONSPIRACY TO END ALL EPIC CONSPIRACIES (yes, it deserves caps lock. it's that EPIC)

1) Remember how everybody originally thought ZSS was the answer to the previous hint, with the "legit-but-very-risky-if-screwed-up chain throw"? That's thinking back to the previous discussion. Not discussion plural, just previous discussion.

2) Everything in the background is blue, except for the bad dancer. On ZSS, everything is blue. Cubes refer to the fact that she's pixellated, and thus people who think she's hot are either perverts, or really stupid. Just like people who think that guy can dance are either perverts, or really stupid.

3) Think back to almost every scene in the music video other than at 2:44. Who's dancing on the cubes? Blonde girls. This is instrumental to to logic of my conspiracy theory. These blonde girls are the clear link to ZSS. Everything else is merely supplementing my point. Blonde girls dancing on the cubes that were alluded to by OS (Picasso not Rembrandt).

4) No, I won't go there. An entendre has to have some sort of sexual connotation. This goes back to the girls dancing on the cubes and shaking their junk.


tl;dr version:
The SBR haz hax epic mindgames
Epic. I agree. Nice. Think Back, you see, if I were to make a hint for some kind of a game, and it were to be a hard hint, I'd make it very short and let it have a lot of meaning/relation to the answer, EXACTLY like "Think Back".

Now, you found like 5 reasons/relations to 'think back', all connecting to ZSS. So i agree with you. GJ :)

but i dont understand this means: "... on the cubes that were alluded to by OS (Picasso not Rembrandt). You used too many terms/names that I cant tell if OS is overswarm or not, and i cant figure out the meaning of this sentence since the only thing i fully understand is CUBE. lol. and whats entendre? Explanations pl0x :) and ya, them having 'etc.' next to '2:44' means that 2:44 is just 1 part/example of something they want to show (unless if they're doing reverse reverese reverse.... ... ... psychology lol)

anyone think Dr. Mario or Roy?! XD


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
but i dont understand this means: "... on the cubes that were alluded to by OS (Picasso not Rembrandt). You used too many terms/names that I cant tell if OS is overswarm or not, and i cant figure out the meaning of this sentence since the only thing i fully understand is CUBE.
Yes OS=overswarm

OS said to talk to Picasso (cubism) rather than Rembrandt (portraits). Which means to look at the cubes, not at the person.

lol. and whats entendre? Explanations pl0x :) and ya, them having 'etc.' next to '2:44' means that 2:44 is just 1 part/example of something they want to show (unless if they're doing reverse reverese reverse.... ... ... psychology lol)
Double entendre: a word or expression used in a given context so that it can be understood in two ways, esp. when one meaning is risqué.

anyone think Dr. Mario or Roy?! XD
Well, they have done mewtwo, so...

I think its Jiggs cuz they just want to straight up f*ck with us on this one lol

They want us to think its cryptic when really it isnt.
I would be sooo pissed. By my ZSS theory is still EPIC


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I'm just gonna say Wario. Just cuz its like his minigame.

Logic is like L-canceling now; its just gonna get you killed.

bman in 2288

Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2007
Think back... think "back"?

Sonic, with his spiky hair/quills? ZZS for her... storage area? Wario with his fat fatness of a bum?


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2007
Pokemon Trainer! He's always in the back! He isn't in the forefront, always in the back, behind the stage.
Pokeballs roll...>_>


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2008
Vernon Hills, Illinois
Maybe it's DK. He rolled barrels in his games, back in the day :/

I'm just throwin wild guesses out there at this point lol. As is pretty much everyone else....


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
lolbumps, but "back"

------------- part 1.

Smash Back Room Weekly Character Discussions! #24: Sheik + A Little Help for #25!

+ A Little Help for #25!
A Little Help for #25!

A Little Help

-------------- part 2.
think back.


...to the wonder years?!


A little help for #25
This means that #25 receives help from-
-------------- part 1 + part 2

A little help
...from my friends.

from my FRIENDS!


...I fight for my FRIENDS!

a tangential proof.


oh yes, i went there.
bumping the idea, for the luls.

lol, so I glance-thought for a sec, and realized that Luigi's always considered the overshadowed one, understudy, person in the back, player 2, blahblahblah.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
Pokemon Trainer! He's always in the back! He isn't in the forefront, always in the back, behind the stage.
Pokeballs roll...>_>
If this is the case, its even MORE luigi.

King of second bananas. PT is at most the duke.

Edit: also its important to note, picasso didn't do any less portraits than rembrandt, he just did them weirder.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
hmmm... i say luigi cuz cr4sh mains luigi

and if you're rollin' too much in a car, you might cr4sh


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
I have to congratulate the SBR on this week. Never before have you confused so many people in this topic

(It's hilarious :p)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yeah, it's always disappionting when they move away from the answer though. It's like you're on a see-saw. A saddening see-saw.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Last help for you guys. Another video to ponder over that may help push you in the right direction... or steer you in the wrong one. We'll see :D


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Well, so much for my work on someone else's theory:

and also:

Although..... hmmmmmm..... maybe they're trying to "steer" us again in the wrong direction....... when it's not the barrel roll lyrics that are important (again), it's that the music is to the tune of "Moscow!", and the music from New Pork City is also kinda Russian-sounding (or is it just me? O_o), so this week is obviously Lucas. Uhmmmm.....


Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

This clue is pointing to Fox. If you look at the lyrics I gave above, then take a listen to the video (2:44 - 2:46) and listen for the background voice, as I stated, you will here someone say, "Come on!" That is a clear reference to Fox's infamous taunt and directs all attention to him. I believe we have our winner.
Why didn't I listen. :'(


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
>.> Yeah, Excellence totally owned this discussion. I guess.....

I discounted the "come on!" thing because it happens at 2:45 >.> bah!

How does this Fox stuff line up with OS's hints? Like the "10 previous posters" thing, I don't remember any of them having anything to do with this....
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