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Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword SPOILERS Thread (SPOILERS I TELL YA)


Finally a legend
Aug 26, 2008
London, England
Disappointing game and I didn't have high hopes for it to begin with. I'll keep it short.

-Fetching water for the frog statues

are bloody everywhere
-Disappointing Demise fight
-Reused boss fights
-The dull 1st 2 hours
-Slient realms
-The overworld is nothing more than a boring Hub
-Can't expore the sky at night (The time is static)
-Motion controls in some places where they didn't add anything

And dowsing. How could I forget.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Oddly I agree with about half of your criticism and I still think SS is a fantastic game. It is riddled with flaws in a way I don't think a console Zelda game ever has been, and yet in that realm it is second only to MM in my book, what SS does WELL is just so good it offsets all of my complaints.


Finally a legend
Aug 26, 2008
London, England
It's the worst Zelda I've played after LoZ2. It wasn't worth the price I paid for it considering you had to buy a Wii motion plus remote with the game just to play it. More of the game should have been like the two areas before the Sandship, the sandship and the final temple.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2010
Disappointing game and I didn't have high hopes for it to begin with. I'll keep it short.

-Fetching water for the frog statues

are bloody everywhere
-Disappointing Demise fight
-Reused boss fights
-The dull 1st 2 hours
-Slient realms
-The overworld is nothing more than a boring Hub
-Can't expore the sky at night (The time is static)
-Motion controls in some places where they didn't add anything

And dowsing. How could I forget.
I agree with most of the points you made, but now that they've released their first game, they can now flush out all of the flaws and take out the needless things they implemented into the game and make the next game something spectacular- and I think that's what they're going to do.

Mainly I hope they up the difficulty at least 50%, I mean, it was a fairly easy and linear game, but a good one.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I don't play Zelda games for challenge so I can't say that's my first priority, what I really hope for in future games is

-Reduced hand holding of the player or even making it totally optional, I don't need Fi constantly popping up going "there's an 85% chance you should go through that door that just unlocked!" or the camera zooming in on a point of interest every time I walk in a goddamn room. If you want to increase the difficulty, the first step isn't making the enemies do more damage, it's making the players actually think instead of being forced to feel like they're just going through motions.

-Faster text, skippable for text that you've read before. If you do all these things like sprinting and leaping to streamline the gameplay, the dialogue shouldn't suddenly be SLOWER than previous games, this is incongruent game design.

-Less gameplay interrupting camera shots. As well as frequently being insulting to our intelligence for zooming in on points of interest and denying us the opportunity to figure something out ourselves, these just slow down the game in so many places...the guardians awakening is probably my biggest beef with the silent realm, I like the atmosphere in it but you have to watch this stupid scene every time you enter or run out of time or step in the water, it just ruins the whole idea for me and makes me dread those segments(for all the wrong reasons)

Those are really my biggest issues with SS. The motion controls aren't always perfect, I prefer games with real day/night cycles(MM did this best to me, you can change the time if necessary but when not, the cycle lasts plenty long enough to do whatever you want), and dowsing was kind of dumb, but these are all very minor issues by comparison to me. Fix these things and SS might be my favorite game in the series, as it is it's already definitely top 5 for me which is pretty impressive considering how flawed I think it is, I've disliked games for far less than what SS does wrong but the upside to it is just so good.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
The worst part about most of the complaints about SS is that these are all things that were done better in previous Zelda games, or other games in the five years since TP. I joked with a friend that the Zelda development team is Nintendo's Master Sword; once the game is finished, they're put back to sleep, and miss every gameplay development the industry makes between Zelda games.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I just wish some motion controls weren't forced on you. That's what makes me wish I had a regular controller layout. At the same time, a part of me doesn't want a controller layout for the Wii U Zelda assuming you will have the tablet and wiimote+. Too many options might create a lesser experience.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
It's not the best game ever, but the best Zelda ever since Ocarina of Time at least. It's just a shame that the things which made games as the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess good where totally forgotten in Skyward Sword. They wanted to start all over, which is fine- but at least build up on what you did before.

Skyloft felt depressingly empty as well. Would've expected much more.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
It's not the best game ever, but the best Zelda ever since Ocarina of Time at least. It's just a shame that the things which made games as the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess good where totally forgotten in Skyward Sword. They wanted to start all over, which is fine- but at least build up on what you did before.

Skyloft felt depressingly empty as well. Would've expected much more.
Skyloft felt pretty full to me. If anything felt empty to me, it was the Surface.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2010
I was hoping for a more traversable overworld, both in the sky and on the surface. Bigger environments with more room- not just minuscule environments that don't really give that feeling of exploration.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
The only thing that really felt "empty" in a bad way to me was the sky overworld, not Skyloft itself. The sky was a bit of a disappointment, not terrible, but it could have been something amazing if it had much purpose beyond hunting down goddess cube treasures


I love the atmosphere on these islands, just not much of the game spent up there and not a lot of variety in that

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I would like a bit more exploraring in the sky much like they did it in the Wind Waker with islands. Granted, most of those island had little or no meaning in the first place, but they where there. Don't know why the Skyloft citizens had all these birds, where do you want to go to anyway besides the Pumkin Landing or Fun Fun Island?

The surface felt extremely disapointing to I agree. Not really much like I expected ancient uncivilced Hyrule to be. I liked the archetypes of the levels, but more in an almost Mario-like way. And didn't they promised the game to be less linear? It certainly worked with going to the temples themselves, but I kinda expected more areas. There isn't much exploring, and by the time you did all the trails you basically know the whole world map out of your head.

It made me even sorta miss Twilght Princess's Hyrule Field. And I'm being serious.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2008
I would totally be down with that. Give Zelda a new moveset based around her SS appearance, then replace Sheik with Impa as an entirely new character. Throw Ghirahim in there are boom, AWESOME.
I'm very late, I know, but THIS! DO WANT.

Especially for a new Zelda moveset. And her SS appearance. *shot*


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I was playing the original Zelda last week. Second quest.

The way the overworld was structured and whatnot. I feel that should be how the series should have gone. Be dropped in a sandbox like environment and let the game show you where to go next (example, that cave on the first screen, obviously told the gamer to head there). BUT! There's some things that game just does badly, though. Such as NOT telling the gamer where to go (ex/ second quest, no leads to anything, your guesses are based off what you did in the first quest and while that gets you to about level 4~5, 6-8 have NO CLEAR entry) and limited supply (bombs, holy **** bombs are so crucial, yet so scarce), and how abhorrently high priced the items you need/want into shops can be (250 for the blue ring, 90 for the shield at its cheapest, and so on).

I just like the idea of being able to explore the WHOLE world if I wanted to hold some inaccessible areas due to lack of items to makes use of (such as the raft). And know that there's areas I can't get to, or know there's spots I could explode and open a hidden cave, or use the flute and open a hidden passageway, or attain the candle and burn bushed to open new paths.

I don't know how to explain it, honestly. I just like how TLoZ handled adventure. When I played SS, I felt more like I was playing a storybook.

Do you get what I'm trying to convey?


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
While we are/were on the topic of what felt empty, it was definitely the surface to me. There's something horribly wrong with the world when you can't run from province to province. It feels so un-Zelda.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I was playing the original Zelda last week. Second quest.

The way the overworld was structured and whatnot. I feel that should be how the series should have gone. Be dropped in a sandbox like environment and let the game show you where to go next (example, that cave on the first screen, obviously told the gamer to head there). BUT! There's some things that game just does badly, though. Such as NOT telling the gamer where to go (ex/ second quest, no leads to anything, your guesses are based off what you did in the first quest and while that gets you to about level 4~5, 6-8 have NO CLEAR entry) and limited supply (bombs, holy **** bombs are so crucial, yet so scarce), and how abhorrently high priced the items you need/want into shops can be (250 for the blue ring, 90 for the shield at its cheapest, and so on).

I just like the idea of being able to explore the WHOLE world if I wanted to hold some inaccessible areas due to lack of items to makes use of (such as the raft). And know that there's areas I can't get to, or know there's spots I could explode and open a hidden cave, or use the flute and open a hidden passageway, or attain the candle and burn bushed to open new paths.

I don't know how to explain it, honestly. I just like how TLoZ handled adventure. When I played SS, I felt more like I was playing a storybook.

Do you get what I'm trying to convey?
I feel the same way. I've been replaying LttP, and you can go anywhere you want from the moment you leave the sanctuary. All that stops you is whether you have the item or not. SS feels more like a guided tour than an adventure. It feels like that game took so many steps backwards.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Yeah, the sky was boring and felt like it was eating time away just to travel through its depths that at times felt like I wasn't moving at all. The octorok things were a strange sporadic addition as well, just random and no threat at all. I went to get my cubes and to the story line areas, that was it. At least Hyrule Field was more interesting even when there wasn't a lot of interesting things going on in the immediate vacinity, although there usually was because it is a bunch of land of objects instead of large vast pockets of empty space in all directions.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Hyrule field in OoT was amazing. There were parts of the field that seemed so pointless, such as the barren woodland area to the left of the entrance of Kokiri woods, if you were walking out of it. And all areas were pretty much accessible from the moment you walked in the field. The stone of Agony helped add depth to the field once a hidden grotto was found, enticing you to look for more. Add that with the atmosphere of passing time and a tune that feels like it belongs on the field. I think they really did encompass the feeling of adventure in that area.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
Hyrule field in OoT was amazing. There were parts of the field that seemed so pointless, such as the barren woodland area to the left of the entrance of Kokiri woods, if you were walking out of it. And all areas were pretty much accessible from the moment you walked in the field. The stone of Agony helped add depth to the field once a hidden grotto was found, enticing you to look for more. Add that with the atmosphere of passing time and a tune that feels like it belongs on the field. I think they really did encompass the feeling of adventure in that area.
^ This. OoT's field was just perfect. It wasn't too big, but it was just big enough that there was a definite sense of exploration and discovery.

Remember when Aonuma said that with SS, they were going to "bridge the gap" between fields and dungeons? I don't think that was a very good idea, and personally, the overworld design was my least favorite aspect of the game.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
They didn't really bridge the gap though, they're still distinctly different areas. All they did was turn back the clock on what WW and TP did and also made the topography denser, more like the 2D games

I still like all 3 regions anyway, the sky could have been a lot better, but I still like the overworld as a whole much more than WW or TP and think it's at least on par with OoT. The sky and the fact that it's literally level based instead of having transitions from region to region are the biggest problems it has


Apr 13, 2008
More intuitive exploration would have been nice. As great as the three regions may be, they didn't provide much actual exploration. All the "secrets" were arbitrarily placed along the paths you'd end up taking anyway. There was no true reward for going far off on explorative tangents because... there weren't many tangents to explore. Everything felt subordinate to the story anyways, so the thrill of discovery was subjugated by narrative. I love when discovery is just as important as narrative.

You know, when extraneous lengths of the game do not progress story but reward you with experiences just as, if not more worthy than progressing through the story itself. That's when gaming hits home.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
It's not the best game ever, but the best Zelda ever since Ocarina of Time at least.
What? Sorry but that title goes to MM. Its a direct sequel on a classic game made using an improved physics engine from OOT and provided a completely different and compelling experience.

Briefly going back to the whole heart piece not feeling terribly rewarding (I loved getting those in the past since I felt like they were the bulk of exploration puzzle solving) it would be cool if you gained a quarter heart every time you collected it instead of waiting until you get 4. At least in OOT you gained underwater and fire resistance time for every quarter of a heart.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
MM is my favorite but I wouldn't bother with that point, OoT is the fan favorite and the more archetypical Zelda game. MM is great but it's kind of a different experience so it makes more sense to compare more standard Zelda games with OoT, LTTP, WW, TP

Love MM and LA so much though, I think I like the games where they go off on something a little different more

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Who thinks here that Impa is underrated to? Ghirahim takes all the attention.. :(



Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
She was a jerk.

I finished the game this past Monday. I was very pleased with the game, especially the swordplay. I hope to see more of that in the future. I hope to see less of stupid things like the stupid harp. Seriously? I liked the panpipes in ST, and of course the Ocarina in OoT. They provided decent musicality (the Ocarina more so than ST, but ST is a more recent example).

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
She was a jerk.
But that's why I like her :(

Also, Hero Mode Thunder Dragon challenge is TOO DAMN HARD for me. Can't even handle Demise with full hearts (17, minus my two Heart Medals) and can't get further than the point you get a Heart Piece.

Granted, I couldn't even beat it on regular mode, but my shield bash was **** at that time. Horde Battle is also much harder in Hero Mode I feel. Have even more problems with that then Demise.

I think I wanna go hunt for Heart Pieces now, but the only two I know of now are from bamboo cutting and Fun Fun Island... :/ must be a way around that.

Still can't beat the harp playing quest at the Pumpkin Landing either...


Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Drink a Guardian Potion before you talk to the dragon, and I think wearing the potion medal might help (not sure) but anyways, it'll put you in the matches with the effect on for a long time, just choose Demise first if he is your problem.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
For me, Ghirahim's third fight is by far the most difficult in the game.
I actually think he's the easiest out of the "Later on" bosses.

The Imprisoned also, cause you must learn to not actually panic as much in this battle, the only real challenge in the Imprisoned battle 3 is cutting off those toes the first time. After that it's just shooting a bomb at him, and race him to the temple. The second fight is much harder imo. The 3rd one is hard if you panic too much.

Don't know why, but the Horde battle even killed me when I got there in the actual story. Got my 18 hearts, heart medal, Heart Potion + (used it as well as a Fairy) and I still got killed. Never had this problem in the regular game mode, I think I hardly even got damaged from that fight then.

Ghirahim isn't all that hard if you know how to Shield Bash. The Smash Bros.-esque platform battle is the easiest, as he rarely attacks if you stay on the offensive, and if he attacks he's quite slow. Reflecting the sword beams when he's on the ground is hardest, cause I always end up destroying the beam if he throws it vertically with my own Skyward Strike :glare: . It does create the longest opening to attack though if you manage to hit him with it.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I didn't die once. The hardest battle was Demise though, and that's because I spent the majority of the game not having to worry about "heavy" consequences while wailing at enemies. Though I got the shield bash pattern down against Demise after a few errors and proceeded to destroy him.

I didn't really find this funny, but some of you guys might. I just liked Link's face and his bird through this.



Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Zelda went back in time to sleep if it meant the seal would still break, can anyone tell me the point of that? I thought she said if she did that the seal wouldn't break and if I wanted to see her I would have to break it myself and defeat the monster inside but it came out anyway.

I didn't die once. The hardest battle was Demise though, and that's because I spent the majority of the game not having to worry about "heavy" consequences while wailing at enemies. Though I got the shield bash pattern down against Demise after a few errors and proceeded to destroy him.
The only time I died in the entire game was against my first skulltula, that **** was harder than any boss. lrn2stab 4 real.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I hate anything that requires the stab in the game. I would have died at that skulltulah if I didn't run for my life when I low on health
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