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Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 3***

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2002
Whoever said low-tiers would do better without MK could not be more wrong.

Falcon and Ganondorf do far worse against DDD, Marth, and G&W, to say nothing of the ICs and Diddy.

Yoshi does better agaisnt MK than any other high tier character.

Jigglypuff does very well against MK, far better than her other high-tier matchups outside of Falco and Diddy.

Ness and Lucas also do worse against Marth and G&W than MK.

Ivysaur is probably hates MK more than the other high tiers, but Squirtle hates Marth and G&W more, and Charizard gets shut down by Falco in my experience.

Mario is one of MK's best matchups, and yet he hates DDD even more!

Link? Link also hates DDD and Falco far more than he hates MK.

The fact is, MK is not at all a low-tier surpressing force--DDD, G&W, and Marth are the worst in that regard. Banning MK is only going to help the existing top characters, ROB, and maybe Pit or Wolf.
The point you're missing is the number of MKs. He's clearly the best character in the game so there are more people playing him then any other character. So having a weakness against MK is much worse than a weakness against any other character.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
I guess I shall forever remain neutral about this. You guys should stop focusing on this debate on MK's banishment and should focus on making Brawl a better game for competition. For example, I have irrefutable proof the Brawl was supposed to have more hitstun.

Maybe then more characters will have more options against everyone(Including MK).

I don't want the Tactical Discussion Board to be "Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 4***" after genesis.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Thats' your opinion, and your entitled to it, but I have mine: you and ally played your hardest and ally won. While you have an overall better record than him, ally beat you in the most recent match. And it clearly wasn't a fluke. Unless you beat him again, becasue he won recently, I say that chances are he'll probably beat you again. so yeah, that's why I think that your not the god of brawl;. Ally is now.
Oh, should've said this earlier...

Sample size one does not make an argument.

If Ally IS better, he'll beat MK quite a few more times, if they go back and forth, they're about even. One match does not say who's better or worse. I take single matches from a friend of mine all the time, but we all know he's a ton better then me cause for every one I win, he beats me at least twice.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2009
North Carolina
I guess I shall forever remain neutral about this. You guys should stop focusing on this debate on MK's banishment and should focus on making Brawl a better game for competition. For example, I have irrefutable proof the Brawl was supposed to have more hitstun.

Maybe then more characters will have more options against everyone(Including MK).

I don't want the Tactical Discussion Board to be "Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 4***" after genesis.
Haha true that, its been beaten to death too much, focusing making more variants of brawl sounds more interesting.

We can have melee 2.0 as one of them
brawl+ (which would just be balance tweaks not changing game mechanics to the way they were "supposed to be")
And if we can somehow really get the mod train going and getting more than 5 characters in preload spot, I would like BvB(brawl vs brawl), which would be 2 player 3v3 tag team match like MvC2, or CvS2, if thats not possible even a 2v2 system would be nice, you just for added hilarity, plus super meters hahahaha.

Woah woopys don't want to derail here, but still guys 400 some pages of people just barking back and forth the same old arguments I really don't think anyones opinion is going to change at this point.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I guess I shall forever remain neutral about this. You guys should stop focusing on this debate on MK's banishment and should focus on making Brawl a better game for competition. For example, I have irrefutable proof the Brawl was supposed to have more hitstun.

Maybe then more characters will have more options against everyone(Including MK).

I don't want the Tactical Discussion Board to be "Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 4***" after genesis.
It doesn't really matter what was and what wasn't supposed to be in the game. We have the game with all of its flaws. We have to live with it.

Brawl was supposed to have Toon Sheik and Toon Zelda in it as well. Should we hack those in?


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC

Toon Zelda and Toon Shiek textures plz?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I love it how this thread is finally dying. Also, the "No" side keeps on gaining on the "Yes" side. Finally people see the light.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I love it how this thread is finally dying. Also, the "No" side keeps on gaining on the "Yes" side. Finally people see the light.

No, it's dying because this:

Oh my god YES!!!

Tetra in brawl ftw!
We should hack Toon Sheik and Toon Zelda into MK counters!

Toon Zelda and Toon Shiek textures plz?
Is a heck of a lot more interesting then MK banning.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
It doesn't really matter what was and what wasn't supposed to be in the game. We have the game with all of its flaws. We have to live with it.

Brawl was supposed to have Toon Sheik and Toon Zelda in it as well. Should we hack those in?
I thought this 1 year from now, and guess what? No we don't. As you can see, doing that is only going to lead to "Should MetaKnight be Banned Take 4,5,6, and 7 until we as a community wise up and make this a better game. The planking is only getting worse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbmu8fGcWaw

We have the tools to make this game surpass the other 2 smash games. We as a community, must man up and utilize those.

Brawl+ isn't perfect, but it's a step up from Chocolate Brawl.

Off-Topic, a code that can preload characters to make matches a 3v3 with a diiferent character per stock sounds amazing.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
No, what they REQUIRE is a ton of knowledge and an intrinsic ability to space very well, something most people lack.

DDD is fair enough, Marth definately not however. The exact attributes that Marth has that absolutely shut down Ganondorf and Falcon, MK has them. The completely safe pokes to provide shield pressure, the ability to throw out hitboxes to reliably shut down their approaches, it's still there.

The difference is, MK's defensive game isn't as strong, so it isn't as much, touch shield = dolphin slash/dancing blade to the face. However, his offensive game more then makes up for it, he can totally overwhelm them by applying a little shield pressure then doing a cross-up.

That, and he's FAR better at gimping them then Marth is once they get off-stage, Marth is good but MK is pretty much guarenteed.
I can't even begin to follow your logic.

Yes, Falcon and Ganondorf have no good way to approach. That is exactly their problem.

...so.... they struggle agaisnt defensive characters that shut them down completely, since they can't approach at all...

...and Marth is a much better defensive character...

...so MK is better against him?


Listen, I play a really, really good Falcon. I'm allowed to brag about it because it makes me ******** for putting so much effort into such a bad character. And honestly, if a Marth or G&W is just doing aerials, I can't do ANYTHING to them as Falcon. Nothing. MK I can deal with to some extent, because he doesn't have the aerial mobility and range to shut down everything.

I would MM many people's MK with my Falcon. I would not MM many Marths or G&Ws.

I think you're underestimating MK here, moreso against Ness then Lucas though, because against a compitent MK, Ness shouldn't recover, ever.

I think you have no idea what you are talking about. A good Ness is surprisingly decent at recovery... fair basically threatens to shut down any direct interception and he can PKT2 from high angles to the edge if he wants. Ness is like ZSS: significantly more safe recovery when done properly.

Lucas, meanwhile, is slow and awkward in the air, and is going to get gimped if he isn't reall careful.

The point you're missing is the number of MKs. He's clearly the best character in the game so there are more people playing him then any other character. So having a weakness against MK is much worse than a weakness against any other character.

I'm not even going to try to unravel this, and instead just say that banning MK and making those players instead switch to Snake, DDD, Falco, Marth, and G&W is BAD for all the low tiers. I'm not sure what you were imagining... maybe all the MK players would just quit the game or play Sonic? (Is there a differen--wait, I shouldn't say that...)


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
I thought this 1 year from now, and guess what? No we don't. As you can see, doing that is only going to lead to "Should MetaKnight be Banned Take 4,5,6, and 7 until we as a community wise up and make this a better game. The planking is only getting worse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbmu8fGcWaw

We have the tools to make this game surpass the other 2 smash games. We as a community, must man up and utilize those.

Brawl+ isn't perfect, but it's a step up from Chocolate Brawl.

Off-Topic, a code that can preload characters to make matches a 3v3 with a diiferent character per stock sounds amazing.
Sorry, but this isn't the topic for that. And as of now, we ARE living with it. So, yeah.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
No, it's dying because this:
I wasn't linking the two phenomena to each other. I was merely stating that the thread is finally dying, and, as an inside, the "No"-side is gaining ground.

I thought this 1 year from now, and guess what? No we don't. As you can see, doing that is only going to lead to "Should MetaKnight be Banned Take 4,5,6, and 7 until we as a community wise up and make this a better game. The planking is only getting worse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbmu8fGcWaw

We have the tools to make this game surpass the other 2 smash games. We as a community, must man up and utilize those.

Brawl+ isn't perfect, but it's a step up from Chocolate Brawl.

Off-Topic, a code that can preload characters to make matches a 3v3 with a diiferent character per stock sounds amazing.
Yes, but then what's stopping us from hacking Melee as well? Why don't we hack everything 'til all match-ups are 50-50?


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
This is the first time I've ever seen so many people apologizing for and defending Marth as a bad character...

Remember when people wanted to ban Marth?


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
The thing is, a lot of those low tier characters are low-tier because of MK. Without MK, many of them could do much better.


Wow, you don't know Marth do you?

Marth's fair is a heck of a lot better then MK's, it's safer, has better range, and much more difficult to DI, plus deals more damage generally. (Multi-hit means easier to DI btw)

Also, his nair is amazing, safe on block, and also a kill move, as well as having fair's range.

Uair serves a fundamentally different purpose for Marth then MK. While MK's is probably better overall, Marth's is meant to juggle, and it does that perfectly, MK's combos into itself instead.

Bair is an edgeguard move, and is quite good at it.

Mk a better OOS game? ROLF, LOL, hahahahahahahahahahaha! No.

Marth has frame 4 dancing blade, and is a natural combo, which is an amazing damage racker and can also shield stab, so you're not even safe if you manage to get up shield. He also has dolphin slash which we already talked about, which is invincable until the hitbox comes out, on frame 5. That's ALL he needs. Period. You should also never fail to hit with a dolphin slash btw, counter moves aren't supposed to be safe, they're supposed to be for when your opponent has no chance to block. MK's dsmash is plenty punishable on block anyway.

Marth's OOS game is the best in the game, MK has nothing on him in that regard, it's MK's OFFENSIVE game which sets him apart, because Marth's got defense locked.

As far as in the overall metagame, yes, but that's not strictly true. Strictly Marth has a better defensive game then MK, especially OOS.

The thing is, MK's overall offensive game, and survival abilities more then make up for this, so end result is he's basically a better Marth.

F-smash isn't a very good move overall and is very unsafe.

Marth doesn't generally SHDF because it tends to be unsafe, he's got a great defensive game, that's what he generally uses, using various pokes to force an attack.

One tournament is statistically superfluous.

That said, pro-ban needs to start backing up the claims of MK's dominance with actual evidence.

BTW, Love your sig, that game was awesome.
Marth has the best OOS game in the GAME? Lol? Are you completely ignorant of his "oh no you're behind me" problem or.. what?


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
And Marth isn't a bad character, he's good as **** - for the record. Probably top 8 or 7

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
There's a REASON I'm calling it Chocolate Brawl.

1. Melee =/= Brawl

2.Melee has more offensive and defensive options as a whole. Even low tiers has crazy combos here and there. Yoshi DJC combo on spacies, anyone?

3.Melee has been around for too long for it to hacked to be playable at a tourney enviornment, not that it needs to be. Things such as Hitstun and float cancel weren't removed from Melee at the last minute.

3. Even though Marth and Fox dominated most of Melee, there were several close matchups. Many people argue that Falco counter Fox and Marth counters Sheik. The top characters of Melee neutralized each other and as thus had more tournament variety.

4. Melee had it's share of absurd stuff, but nothing to this extreme.

But enough of this. Good Night.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Don't assume your the only person who plays bad characters, I play Ganondorf as well as Marth and MK.

I can't even begin to follow your logic.

Yes, Falcon and Ganondorf have no good way to approach. That is exactly their problem.

...so.... they struggle agaisnt defensive characters that shut them down completely, since they can't approach at all...

...and Marth is a much better defensive character...

...so MK is better against him?


Listen, I play a really, really good Falcon. I'm allowed to brag about it because it makes me ******** for putting so much effort into such a bad character. And honestly, if a Marth or G&W is just doing aerials, I can't do ANYTHING to them as Falcon. Nothing. MK I can deal with to some extent, because he doesn't have the aerial mobility and range to shut down everything.

I would MM many people's MK with my Falcon. I would not MM many Marths or G&Ws.
Because, while Marth's defensive game is better overall, when played properly, MK's defensive game is more then sufficent to pull the complete shutdown that Marth does. Move by move, MK does the exact same thing.

MK has the range, and with proper spacing (and there's nothing Ganondorf or Falcon can hope to do to prevent this spacing) MK will be able to safely poke all he wants. I've run the scenarios, and in every situation that Marths shuts down Ganondorf, so does MK. Except OOS. He's certainly a little behind Marth in that regard, but not too much.

The thing is, his offensive game is more then enough to make up for it. After a little shield pressure, MK doesn't need to wait for you to approach unlike Marth. And that's where his amazing offensive game comes into play, he may not have the defensive game of Marth, but he's got enough to shut down, and then he can move in and attack using his own safe approaches and cross-up, and you're in pretty much the same position as if you hit Marth's shield.

And then he gimps you off-stage, yes he's a great deal better at that then Marth.

Thing is, MK DOES have a great defensive game too, and he can force approaches only slightly less efficently then Marth in general. His OOS game is also admirable, but not quite as good as Marth's.

See? He's got a slight deficency in one area, so he more then makes it up in other areas, that's why he's better at this match-up.


I think you have no idea what you are talking about. A good Ness is surprisingly decent at recovery... fair basically threatens to shut down any direct interception and he can PKT2 from high angles to the edge if he wants. Ness is like ZSS: significantly more safe recovery when done properly.

Lucas, meanwhile, is slow and awkward in the air, and is going to get gimped if he isn't reall careful.
The reason is since MK has more aerial mobility, once you've lost your second jump if he stays close enough to ness, he can absorb the PKT with his hurtbox, a trick that Marth doesn't exactly have.

Marth has the best OOS game in the GAME? Lol? Are you completely ignorant of his "oh no you're behind me" problem or.. what?
*Dancing blade*

*Reverse dolphin slash*

You were saying?

If you're behind me, I have the same answers when you attack, Marth really doesn't have problems with cross-ups unless they're safe on block.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
edit:^ now i feel like i spammed...

I love it how this thread is finally dying. Also, the "No" side keeps on gaining on the "Yes" side. Finally people see the light.
It was like this the first 2 times too. Infact the 2nd time i remember the gap being something ridiculous at first like 70% for the ban.

But w/e if your "8 people have switched from the pro ban to anti ban side and none vice versa" comments make you happy then keep telling your self that. :laugh:

I wasn't linking the two phenomena to each other. I was merely stating that the thread is finally dying, and, as an inside, the "No"-side is gaining ground.

Yes, but then what's stopping us from hacking Melee as well? Why don't we hack everything 'til all match-ups are 50-50?
Nothing is stopping you from hacking melee go right ahead. The others just chose to hack brawl for one reason or another.

Why wouldn't they hack everything till all match ups are 50-50? :) People enjoy programing brawl plus its up to them if they want to continue until every match up is 50-50. Nothing is stopping them from balancing the game further and further either.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2003
I find it interesting that the poll's results are currently between Poll 1 and Poll 2, both in total voters and percentage saying yes and no. Look at this:

Poll 1
Yes	1271	53.99%
No	1083	46.01%
Total	2354	100%

Poll 2
Yes	918	55.43%
No	738	44.57%
Total	1656	100%

Poll 3 (Not yet closed)
Yes	1053	54.22%
No	889	45.78%
Total	1942	100%
Unsure	246
I've discarded the unsure results from poll 3, since the first two polls didn't have it.

Reordering the poll results in the order of voters, you see this:

2354: 53.99% - 46.01%
1942: 54.22% - 45.78%
1656: 55.43% - 44.57%
This poll is currently following a trend set by the past two polls, that as the number of voters goes up, the yes/no votes approach 50:50.

Link to Poll 1.
Link to Poll 2.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
And Marth isn't a bad character, he's good as **** - for the record. Probably top 8 or 7
Try like top three or four

DDD is the most overrated character in Brawl. LOL just pick Falco, Kirby, Meta Knight, Toon Link or any character he cant chain grab and you win. He has bad matchups with a good 1/4 of the cast. I have never lost to a good DDD in my entire life in tournament.

GAW is good but he has his own horrible or bad matchups too. Snake, MK, Toon Link, Marth, maybe DDD, and a few others. Hes amazing but i dont think hes as good as we was originally.

I think top 8 are

Diddy Kong
Ice Climbers

(not sure about the order from ROB onward)

I feel Falco and DDD are completely overhyped and used. I also think that Fox, Wolf, and Pit have an enormous amount of potential but are not used enough.

Sigh..... Hacking melee sounds like one of the stupidest things ever.

Why waste your time with brawl +

nether brawl or brawl + could be better than their predessors.

just play melee or brawl instead of a degenerate copy of a casual game.
The real SSBs
I agree with this. Why try to make a game that is NOT MELEE like Melee? If I wanted to play a game that's like Melee....i'll just go play Melee. Melee > Smash 64 > Brawl > Brawl +. The concept is interesting and pretty cool, but I really dont have time to start playing a fourth ****ing Smash game at this point in time.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Marth is about the 5-6th best character.

And you people and your "game >>>game"

I can do that too.

Pokemon Stadium 2 minigames >>>>>>>> Melee

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Phoenix Wright is only a tad little bit, like, a half ">" symbol better than Castlevania, so these two are very close.

But yes.

Phoenix Wright and Castlevania >>>>>>>>> the universe
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