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Sheik Video & Video Critique Thread


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2008
So, seeing how Samus was recently discussed in the match-up thread, this is somewhat appropriate:


I saved that match because he was actually a really good Samus player. Every other match he beat me, or I just barely was able to beat him. This particular match I just somehow overwhelmed him. I feel this is closer to what my actual potential is.

Also these matches, against a really good Marth:

Any comments or points that you think I should keep working on?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I need to put up some vids soon. Its amazing how much one's game can magically improve just by taking a break from the game for 2 months then playing again. No more old habits.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I just watched the videos I submitted here...and... I can't believe I actually thought I was even decent back then. If only my gamebridge wasn't busted....

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Sheik's best form of a dodge is a SH, FF air dodge. If you don't do that then shield.
WOAH!!!!!!! woah...

air dodging into the ground is a horrible idea always. as sheik you are better off staying outside of their attack range all together. than you are trying to guess when to dodge.
sheilding is okay, just watch it. it's difficult to poke sheik from above but it is impossible to cover your feet once your sheild starts getting low. characters like mk marth Zsam and a few other can start to poke you with tilts if you let them presure your sheild too much. be wary of this and watch your spacing.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Hey guys, I'm posting two more friendly losses.

I enjoyed the critiques last time, and in these two vids there were a handful of mistakes. It was a lot of fun though after gigs and I don't mind losing these friendlies just because I see a completely different Snake style and I get to take this to memory. All in all, two matches of me having fun lol.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFIp1sj8Wgg <- Sometimes I despise the tether

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iHJo4hhibo <- Zelda needed some weight

Critique away!


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Only thing I'd say for your versus Snake game, is to put more pressure on Snake, ESPECIALLY when you manage to get him in the air you should juggle him like there's no tomorrow. I usually feel out the Snake's general habits in the air on his first stock by getting him up there as much as I can, and then once I'm able to read his aerial habits that spells out the end for most Snake's I've faced. The better ones will adapt but in the end Sheik vs Snake in the air is all Sheik's game xD Overall more ftilts when close by would be good. It clanks with Snake's ftilt first hit xD


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFIp1sj8Wgg <- Sometimes I despise the tether

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iHJo4hhibo <- Zelda needed some weight

Critique away!
First match: Very well played. You should have won that match, but your second and third deaths made you lose.

Second match: BWAHAHAHAHAHA @ your second death :laugh:. Don't get hit by that kind of stuff.

Be very careful about Snake's nades. You took a lot of unnecessary damage from nades that you should have been able to avoid or block. If you find yourself next to a nade that has already been cooked for a little bit, it is usually wiser to just hold shield instead of running, rolling, or spot dodging.

Do NOT roll behind Snake. If you do, he can punish you with ftilt (21% fresh) or utilt (which kills Sheik pretty early).

At the end of the match, it was obvious Snake was going for the up tilt kill. Whenever you got remotely close to him, he would up tilt. You can use this to your advantage. You can fake an approach to power shield the utilt or make Snake wiff. Then you can go ahead and punish with a dash attack, DACUS, or grab.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
lol dayum critique board isn't nearly as active as it used to be. I'd usually get instant critiques >_>


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
Sorry, didn't see these vids for some reason. I only watched the tourney matches because those are more serious. Gratz on winning the tourney. ;)

First match: Lol, I can tell that Paco hasn't really played any good Sheiks in tourney.

You beat him pretty soundly on this match. Just don't get gimped by Lylat.

Second match: Lol @ Paco picking MK, and you still beat him pretty soundly.

Don't fsmash too much. It is a laggy move that is easily punished, especially by metaknight. only use it when you know you are going to hit with it.

It's okay to be flashy and get vanish kill moves when you have a solid lead during the match. Just make sure not to do this when the match is still even or when you are losing.

Don't use up smash unless you know you are going to hit with it. You nearly got gimped for using this move on your first stock.

Third match: Lol @ Paco picking Snake. XD

Now it's obvious that Paco hasn't played any good Sheiks in tournaments. When you ftilt lock Snake, he can pull out a nade and end the ftilt lock, but Paco did't. Just watch out for that with other Snake players.

Still using too much fsmash and up smash. Snake can punish you heavily with his filt (doing 21% fresh) or up tilt.

Do NOT roll anywhere near Snake. If Snake reads your rolls, or even reacts to them in time, he can punish with a ftilt, utilt, or grab to start a tech chase.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
lol thnx for the input stealth. Yea i noticed a lot of those myself, as I noticed he wasn't very experienced vs Sheik at all so I guess I really let loose when I actually shouldn't.

<3, I feel like I'm back in HS, being called to the Principal's office. That bad, huh? xP

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
power sheilding move like snakes utilt and most tilts in general is extremely difficult. near impossible given human reaction now-a-days don't rely on Psheilding quick moves like that. if you can find a pattern in people it becomes easier but never rely on stuff like that take note of it. It's all mind games..


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2009
Dominican Republic, Caribbean Islands
I really need critiques here, PLEASE watch the 4 videos BEFORE critizising, tell me everything I need to input in my gameplay, and please, don't be rough, I already know how bad I am after those 2 Perfects.


I'm very dissapointed, it's like if I had spent all the time I've spent on my Zelda/Sheik, on Meta Knight or any high tier instead, I'd have won this.. and you can tell by the % G&W managed to survive.. and he kills me at 70%.

PS: At the second match, at 1:50 and in the third at 0:40, how did I do that fast recovery after the down throw?


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I really need critiques here, PLEASE watch the 4 videos BEFORE critizising, tell me everything I need to input in my gameplay, and please, don't be rough, I already know how bad I am after those 2 Perfects.


I'm very dissapointed, it's like if I had spent all the time I've spent on my Zelda/Sheik, on Meta Knight or any high tier instead, I'd have won this.. and you can tell by the % G&W managed to survive.. and he kills me at 70%.
I only watched the first one.

#1 Stop rolling and spot dodging. You out speed most people with your jab> grab or just plain grab that you don't need to be all offensive. Consider it a aggressive defensive actually.
#2 Don't jab> f-tilt, it is a bad habit.
#3 Watch your foes DI a little better after a throw to predict if you can follow up.
I'm still working on this BTW.
If push comes to shove just punish the landing.
#4 WAY more Bair.
#5 Play the edges a little smarter. One thing that you can do is tether and the drop as soon as you touch it, also jump and retether. Mix in some instant wall jump, Needle's and maybe a Vanish if they get in close. Since you were at YI you can plank with Bair a little.
#6 You are DACUSing to much and at to low percents.
#7 Uair= anto air.. use it more
#8 Not enough Needle's.
#9 NEVER EVER EVER EVER Dair to hit someone on the ground.
If you do Dair make sure that the foe is also in the air and can't reach the ground in time to punish you. Also recover with it.
Did you get the idea of Dairing to recover from me BTW?

Well, that is my opinion on the first vid. Hope it helps! :)


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
lol cross when was the last time you did anything impressive?

i beat lains mk, and snake in friendlies, took off a game from bassem. in pools ive played a lot of good players at nokoast.
oh yea took out midwest circuit 5th place player in tournament.(KY)


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2009
Dominican Republic, Caribbean Islands
I changed some of those you stated over there on the rest videos, that's the reason I asked to watch the four vids first, if possible. =/

I see what you're pointing in the first vid, but I need a full critique of 'em all, it's really important for me to beat that G&W, which I did in the last match, but after about 6 friendlies.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
i beat lains mk, and snake in friendlies, took off a game from bassem. in pools ive played a lot of good players at nokoast.
oh yea took out midwest circuit 5th place player in tournament.(KY)
lol, cross. thats cute. :)

I'm not impressed though.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I <3 crossjeremiah.

just not when he belittle's a whole community thats trying to improve. :(

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox

This from a random tournament I went to. Friendlies.

EDIT: Also got the videos for the grand finals of said tournament:


There was an error when recording, therefore no audio :/
From the G.F. set:
Match 1: I must say, the Falco must either lack Sheik experience or just wasn't really good. Just my take, because he wasn't baiting or doing anything that Falco really does. On to your critique.
His first stock would've ended in your tilt lock if you had let him sink into it some more. When you have the lock on a spacie like Falco, you have the luxury of letting him drop into the lock even more if you end up kicking him high as you were. Instead of going quick upsmash, you could have gotten some more Ftilts and actually put him away. Got a little ahead of yourself with your first death. Right when you came back, I noticed you could've put the lock on him again but settled for one tilt to Dsmash. If you can, make the habit of trying for the lock on a spacie if you can get the initial tilt. That's just my opinion. Irregardless, I enjoyed what you did without the tilt lock. I thought you had a great use of needles, and great gimp on his 2nd stock. The third stock, hold the lock a little longer and he's toast but you did very well finishing him off.

Match 2: Right from the get go, you seemed a little more fluent, was it cause of MK lol? As I watched this match, I came to the conclusion that Paco was as stated above with Falco. But! You looked much more crisp in this match. I will say this, you got really gutsy trying to gimp MK and it almost got you burned. It's great to try, but in that sense against MK, be more safe. Better MKs will turn that against you. Great prediction with Fsmash, surprised he didn't avoid the 2nd hit. The vanish kill on his 2nd stock, though nice, was only because he did not understand Sheik. It probably would not have work against a higher level MK, but still I liked it. The last death was much more clean with Vanish, but if you look again, he tried attacking it so he clearly didn't understand Sheik. You basically outclassed Paco this match. :laugh:

Match 3: Summary, Ftilt lock never works against high level Snakes. They have Frame 1 nades that will stop that in it's tracks. Also, and this goes for all your matches, Throws are not exactly safe to instantly follow. 8 out of 10 times, you will get smacked for trying to follow, especially by Snake, (Utilt) Be careful! Again, you merely outclassed Paco, and the fact that he looked helpless when you had the lock going and when you pummeled him in a grab, doesn't help me critiquing this lol. You should never be able to get a lock started at 0%. NEVER LOL! Good things I can pull from this match without bashing Paco, is that you techchased him so hard in general. Honestly, he looked helpless.

In summary, be careful when following up throws. They definitely can and will get you hurt for being to aggressive. Keep up the nice needle usage and remember to try and hold your locks a little longer, and they will gurantee stocks. Hopefully these critiques will help you out buddy.

EDIT: Meh, you can tilt lock Snake, just be aware of nades. They will s'plode. That gives unnecessary damage. Sheik is way to light in the matchup to take too many nades.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Double Post, with Critiques included for Wolfric

Match 1: Ok, that was rough. Let's see, I noticed that you have DACUS down pact, but you allowed yourself to become entirely too predictable with it, so you lost probably your most reliable kill move in this matchup. You started out well but note that you shouldn't be able to tilt lock at 0%. I say this because I was always burned for trying to lock at 0%. You just can't. When something clearly doesn't work, the failed vanishes and DACUSs, don't keep doing them. I broke that habit and so can you. Become more unpredictable. Learn to tech G&W Dthrow or else you will eat Dsmasg or even regrab continuations. His smashes last for years, and you don't have too much priority so don't challenge them. Lastly, more needles. They are essential for this matchup. It was apparent that you were frustrated this match since you couldn't kill him, but don't let it tarnish your gameplay.

Match 2: Needles make their appearance! Be careful though at using them them in such close quarters. Sheik aerials cannot beat G&W's so don't challenge them. Instead, use your speed and/or needles to hurt him there. Also, Dsmash is enormous so don't try and roll around it. Again, it appears you let yourself get the best of you because you wanted to kill him so bad. Never Fsmash into shield; you will get burned. I suggest more Bair and Nair and more patience. Also, again you were really predictable with your DACUS and even with your needles. You have to be more unpredictable or else things like this will happen. As far as the vanish catches, those are always unfortunate lol.

Match 3: This match, you needed to cut down on the rolls, you ate a charged Usmash because of all the rolling. Never tasty. I like that you were a bit more patient in this match and decided to use more needles. Instead of rolling so much, run around. You turn Sheik into any other character by rolling so much. Learn to be more mobile and dynamic. At the start of his last stock, that was the best I saw you play, because you became much more fluent. You need to follow up Ftilt a little better because all you went for was the lock. You have aerials after 2 tilts and its for about the same damage. You have to use them. The UpB kill from him was completely unexpected lol.

Match 4: Ending it on a good note with this last vid. This is the first match you actually play with any sizeable lead but you need to keep the foot on the gas when you get this lead. Dare I say, you Ftilt way too much in general. It seemed like your gameplay lived and died by Ftilt. Approaching with it, it seemed like it was always your first option. Ftilt is good, but it won't always be the best move in every situation. Incorporate all of your moves. Except Fsmash as you were using it, and Dair to the ground. Cut those out or use Fsmash a little more wisely. As far as Dair, never to the ground to challenge a move unless you hit for sure, or it autocancels. I wish I knew what he was thinking when he came off stage with Judgement, he had that vanish coming lol. You finally hit with your DACUS, that was satisfying. I love how the match ended since you finally put good pressure on the ledge against him. I will say though, he could have UpB'ed earlier and avoided the Bair altogether.

All in all, I ss some potential, especially since you can DACUS fairly well.
Become more unpredictable
Roll less and run more and you will thank yourself for it. More mobility
Use DACUS wisely and not so predictably
Know all your moves, you need to mix things up better
Don't try and end a combo with Vanish, 9/10 times, it won't work.
Less Fsmash and Dair to the ground.
Keep practicing man!


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Thnx for the input scary. I'm aware of Snake's nade escape but judging from his MK and Falco I thought he may not know the nade escape, and thus I tried it. Seeing as how he clearly didn't know how to get out I insisted on its use since it became a wall he couldn't get past. Same for my overall aggressive followups on throws. Usually my vs Snake game includes A LOT of needles lol.

Saviorslegacy, its good to know there's another Sheik out there that uses the dair recovery xP. If I came on the boards more actively perhaps I woulda learned it from you, but I ended up figuring out its effectiveness myself. Good stuff!


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
....you know, if you dacus then he wont be able to short hop into grab so often against you. Also rapid jabs and shield pressure in general works really well vs the worst OoS option character with a slow grab.
This vid is a month old.

I do all of that... but I am not confident enough to use DACUS a lot.
I also SH Nair OoS, chain more, Vanish to punish attack predictions and FSmash (far from useless).
Oh, and I Boost Walk some.

Month and a half= old shiz when it comes to my development with Sheik
I might be getting some new vids this weekend. I'll be taking my laptop to a smash fest and I will be recording for everyone.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
lol sheik vs fox, but from most of the matches I can see you're a nice guy since you literally didnt f-tilt for whole stocks
I cant say much about your gameplay since u are obviously sandbagging XP but vs fox I always smash DI + tap DI his u-tilt since without it, it is almost as good as our f-tilt against him
im looking 4ward to seeing your serious matches thou =]


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
lol sheik vs fox, but from most of the matches I can see you're a nice guy since you literally didnt f-tilt for whole stocks
I cant say much about your gameplay since u are obviously sandbagging XP but vs fox I always smash DI + tap DI his u-tilt since without it, it is almost as good as our f-tilt against him
im looking 4ward to seeing your serious matches thou =]
Call me a n00b but what is tap DI?
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