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Q&A Sheik Strategy & QnA


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Edmonton, AB
When I watch sheik videos I notice that some sheiks make it so the slap sends the opponent in a downward direction, mine goes horizontal. Is there a sweet spot that hits the opponent downward?


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
does sheik really have a good matchup against marth?
I know low % chain grabbing.
and dthrow into tilts.
But she does seem to get comboed pretty easily by him., not to mention recovering from the edge is no fun (just like with half the cast).
And I saw some people counterpicking marth with sheik. Is this pretty standard?


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Howell, MI
does sheik really have a good matchup against marth?
I know low % chain grabbing.
and dthrow into tilts.
But she does seem to get comboed pretty easily by him., not to mention recovering from the edge is no fun (just like with half the cast).
And I saw some people counterpicking marth with sheik. Is this pretty standard?
Are you asking for tips? If so read Plairnkk's and Brickman's guides, and watch a lot of Sheik vs Marth vids from the Good Sheik vid thread. She gets combo'd semi easily I suppose, but Sheik combo's him much harder. If you alt Sheik and your main is losing I would try her out, but I don't think that it is standard though.

When I watch sheik videos I notice that some sheiks make it so the slap sends the opponent in a downward direction, mine goes horizontal. Is there a sweet spot that hits the opponent downward?
I know little about f-air hitboxes. But, I'm pretty sure it is moreso the fact that your opponent is DIing. If you DI sheik's slap you can live to 140-160 easily. If you don't DI it is much lower. DI'ing makes you go horizontal or up, not DI'ing you go at a downward angle.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
when you jab cancel to grab, do you press down inbetween the jab and the grab?

are there times when it's better to do 2 jabs then cancel grab?


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
when you jab cancel to grab, do you press down inbetween the jab and the grab?

are there times when it's better to do 2 jabs then cancel grab?
Why the hell am I up... >_>.

Yes you press down in between the jab and the grab.

The time really that is better to do 2 jabs over 1 is when you try to jab your opponent up from tech chasing.

If you try tech chasing with jabs, the jab will reset your opponent until a certain percentage.

When you reach that percentage your opponent no longer gets resetted, rather they pop up and are free to do w/e. So you jab them to pop them up, jab them again(Since they are in mid-air and completely unable to CC) to stun them. Then grab.

I hope that helps.



Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
Are you asking for tips? If so read Plairnkk's and Brickman's guides, and watch a lot of Sheik vs Marth vids from the Good Sheik vid thread. She gets combo'd semi easily I suppose, but Sheik combo's him much harder. If you alt Sheik and your main is losing I would try her out, but I don't think that it is standard though.

I know little about f-air hitboxes. But, I'm pretty sure it is moreso the fact that your opponent is DIing. If you DI sheik's slap you can live to 140-160 easily. If you don't DI it is much lower. DI'ing makes you go horizontal or up, not DI'ing you go at a downward angle.

sheik vs marth is ****.
marth can combo sheik but has trouble killing her over 80
sheik ***** marth in several combos.. being faster and able to punish his fsmashes on shield (just wave dash out and grab)
grab dthrow only. if they di away, regrab
if they di in, u have many options.... if they don't di properly when they are like on top of u, then u usmash into fair.
if they do di properly utilt into fair
if they are at a higher percentage uair into fair.

after that u try to grab again. rinse and repeat.
marth is weak vs projectiles (aka needles) if u feel like u can't out do the marth, needles will **** him.

also if marth comes off the ledge with a nair or any attack .. (usually i just sit at the ledge fearless b/c sheik's CC is incredible) just dtilt into fair.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
I think you mean the space between you and your opponent. :D
No, you're doing it wrong.

Punch your opponent and watch at the screen.

edit: Don't spam jab-->grab against good players.
They'll just wait for the jab and grab you


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
thank you teczero. around what percent would you start to double jab-grab?

How do you tech chase with sheik?

what are the best options for if they:

1. roll away
2. get up attack
3. get up
4. roll towards you

any additional tips would be appreciated.



Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
options to tech chase include downsmash, ftilt, dtilt, regrab, charge upsmash,

best options for roll away = dsmash + regrab.
get up attack = block and regrab
get up = charging upsmash / regrab / ftilt
roll towards u = upsmash ftilt regrab dsmash

they almost all work in all situations just do it fast enough.
also definitely jump cancel your grabs.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Charge upsmash ***** because it covers 3 of the 4 tech options.
It doesn't always cover 3 options..... <_<.

I'd be using this non-stop if it was that good. And there is also a catch to it. It isn't that simple.

thank you teczero. around what percent would you start to double jab-grab?

How do you tech chase with sheik?

what are the best options for if they:

1. roll away
2. get up attack
3. get up
4. roll towards you

any additional tips would be appreciated.

All the immediate techs can be chases with grabs. That would cover:

Tech roll in either direction + tech in place.

Stand near your opponent after your d-throw and learn to react to any of the above.

The get up attack is the only real different one. Its difficult to tell sometimes if they will get up attack or just roll in a direction.

This is when the jabs come into play. If they miss the tech don't guess, just jab immediately. If they are at a low percentage they are FORCED to stand up in place. Then you can just re-grab or upsmash w/e. If they are at a higher percentage you can jab, then jab again and just regrab.

You can upsmash/dsmash/dash attack techs as well and they are useful.

Upsmashes are the greedy tech chase I suppose. Its highly effective and the setups you get from the upsmash are quite ridiculous but its difficult for people to connect with consistently. Its slow so you can't chase any messed up techs with it either. You're just going to have to read your opponent into it.

There does happen to be a trick with fox and some other tech rollers but its kinda hard to learn >_>.

Dash attack/dsmash are usually used to setup up edgeguards. They both come out very fast so if you mess up a tech chase you might be able to use one of these as a back up too.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
can't usmash be cced/groundteched/asdi something. Forgot what the real name of the AT is.

edit: double stick teched?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
It doesn't always cover 3 options..... <_<.

I'd be using this non-stop if it was that good. And there is also a catch to it. It isn't that simple.

All the immediate techs can be chases with grabs. That would cover:

Tech roll in either direction + tech in place.

Stand near your opponent after your d-throw and learn to react to any of the above.

The get up attack is the only real different one. Its difficult to tell sometimes if they will get up attack or just roll in a direction.

This is when the jabs come into play. If they miss the tech don't guess, just jab immediately. If they are at a low percentage they are FORCED to stand up in place. Then you can just re-grab or upsmash w/e. If they are at a higher percentage you can jab, then jab again and just regrab.

You can upsmash/dsmash/dash attack techs as well and they are useful.

Upsmashes are the greedy tech chase I suppose. Its highly effective and the setups you get from the upsmash are quite ridiculous but its difficult for people to connect with consistently. Its slow so you can't chase any messed up techs with it either. You're just going to have to read your opponent into it.

There does happen to be a trick with fox and some other tech rollers but its kinda hard to learn >_>.

Dash attack/dsmash are usually used to setup up edgeguards. They both come out very fast so if you mess up a tech chase you might be able to use one of these as a back up too.
All I remember is M2k saying that it covers 3 of the 4 options for Fox if timed correctly. He said KDJ used to do it a lot to him :p


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I wanna get mauled down by Tec0 <3.


How do you **** Luigi? It seems like Sheik's tilts don't seem very useful vs his aerials. Also how do you get around him jumping up and doing aerials... aside from waiting for him to land. >_> Anyone know what aerials/tilts specifically destroy Luigi? Utilt gets ***** by Luigi so don't use that vs him lol.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I wanna get mauled down by Tec0 <3.


How do you **** Luigi? It seems like Sheik's tilts don't seem very useful vs his aerials. Also how do you get around him jumping up and doing aerials... aside from waiting for him to land. >_> Anyone know what aerials/tilts specifically destroy Luigi? Utilt gets ***** by Luigi so don't use that vs him lol.
Needles, grabs, D-smash, Fair, and Bair.

It's all you need.

Everything else will be CC *****.


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2009
KK loves the bair. i think it's overrated. i miss the lcancel on it every time. btw, is the bair really disjointed???


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
KK loves the bair. i think it's overrated. i miss the lcancel on it every time. btw, is the bair really disjointed???
Yeah I overrate a move that beats all of Fox's moves, ***** the crap out of Falco, that is comparable to Marth's sword, that eats all of Peach's not-Fair aerials, eats all of Jigglypuff's aerials if you space for the disjointed part, that ***** the Ice Climbers entirely, that comes out disproportionately quick to its range (frame 4 is too good), and allows you to regrab the edge if you ledgehop it.

I clearly overrate it >__>

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
sheik's bair and marth's are actually almost the same exact move (as far as specific options it covers) except sheik's is about twice as fast and can actually kill (or easily lead into a kill) at ~70%+.

really i think sheik does everything marth wants to do, but does it better. all her moves pretty much beat everything else out anyways, but they aren't laggy at all and they come out sooner. marth loses lots of trades because his sword simply comes out 3-4 frames slower, at the tip especially.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Lol, I forgot about how much needles **** Luigi. That'll help thanks.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
sheik's bair and marth's are actually almost the same exact move (as far as specific options it covers) except sheik's is about twice as fast and can actually kill (or easily lead into a kill) at ~70%+.

really i think sheik does everything marth wants to do, but does it better. all her moves pretty much beat everything else out anyways, but they aren't laggy at all and they come out sooner. marth loses lots of trades because his sword simply comes out 3-4 frames slower, at the tip especially.
I agree and disagree with this.

I think Marth's sword, dash dance, and grab range are better for keeping people out than Sheik's legs. His sword beats very important moves like Falco's Dair much more consistently than Sheik's moves, too.

The flipside is that Sheik's got less lag, comparable range (if not priority), and a crazy projectile.

I think vs not-space animals, Peach, and Jigglypuff, Sheik is pointedly the better character. But those three or four are worth a lot in today's tournament scene so......

does sheik really have a good matchup against marth?
I know low % chain grabbing.
and dthrow into tilts.
But she does seem to get comboed pretty easily by him., not to mention recovering from the edge is no fun (just like with half the cast).
And I saw some people counterpicking marth with sheik. Is this pretty standard?
Sheik beats Marth.

Beyond U-throw Fair at like 35 - 60 and U-throw U-tilt from 10 - 25 or so, Marth doesn't really have many throw combos on Sheik or methods of comboing her in general. Sheik can do damage or kill him at pretty much any percent from a grab, so she doesn't have these limitations.

Chain grab works to like 30 and only if they DI away. If they go behind you, U-tilt to another move(s). In front of you, F-tilt or U-tilt, depending on percent and other stuff.

DI away from his Fairs when you're airborne.

If he approaches with tipped Fairs just wait and F-tilt him in between the hits or jump at him with Nair or something. Or throw needles and make him forgo his perfect spacing. If he stays on the ground, just space better and remember that your duck screws with his grab range a bit.

Picking Sheik against Marth if your Sheik is decent is pretty normal when your main is failing.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I like your posts :D

It's a shame her Bair doesn't absorb Yoshi's Story, raise attack strength by 1000, and enable her to attack every monster on the field simultaneously like Marth's sword does.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Can someone critique my Sheik? (Question aksed) All team matches but yeah. Camera went dead after doubles...


Sorry that the quality isn't up to par....
Unfortunately doubles matches are kinda hard to critique.

There are tons of styles that you can play. And there are times that playing reckless could be used to distract both opponents.

One thing, don't dair too much. That move is like reserved for KDJ no lie ROFL.

Try not to ftilt shields for pressure. Stick to jabbing shields (Not rapid jabs). Its faster so you can react faster, and its harder for your opponent to escape.

Vs Falcon just throw yourself in falcon's way and bair offstage. Especially in doubles, chase falcon off. No one is probably gonna challenge sheik's offstage game.. unless they are sheik LOL.
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