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Seibrik & Linguini Presents: Brawl Bash II! 4/12/08POT>1300! FIRST MAJOR CREW BATTLE!


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
If someone wins a match, all you say is good game or something of that nature.

Not oh he won because of this.

Ang omg i completely forgot about that Pit kid who got 2nd pretending like he hurt his finger right before he got killed.

Priceless johns.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
doodah.. yeah man **** gets carried away. my bad.

if you ever play at nexus on wednesdays should get some games in sometime. melee/brawl


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Seibrik said:
25. Keith
1st on the list of 25th huh...gah thats terrible. AND i didnt even make enough noise to get a shoutout from anybody, even when im repping one of the few good diddys. Once i figure out how to deal with falco's chaingrab spikes, then maybe i can place better (**** you Tommy G!)

See you peoples at gigs. I will definitely make up for this terrible placing


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Also, FIU crew:

At gigs I am gonna sit behind every one of you, every single time you have a match and root against you.

I don't care if you're playing against the Head of the Republican/Christian politcal party, im gonna yell and scream as loud as possible.

And I will have my body guards with me so if you try to bring physical force torwards my general area, they'll be ready.

Plus, I'm Doodah and gigs loves me so i'll be able to yell until they close around 2 a.m.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL

this thread is hilarious.


Boosley War Cries are the highlight of all my tournaments.
Rugrats crew? LOL LOL
"I fight for my Finches"
Pete....Marry me?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
Also, FIU crew:

At gigs I am gonna sit behind every one of you, every single time you have a match and root against you.

I don't care if you're playing against the Head of the Republican/Christian politcal party, im gonna yell and scream as loud as possible.

And I will have my body guards with me so if you try to bring physical force torwards my general are area, they'll be ready.

Plus, I'm Doodah and gigs loves me.
Oh **** your going to gigs now? awesome


Smash Cadet
Feb 29, 2008
**** guys, if I come to the next one I'm going to spray a fire extinguisher in the building at 2 PM to cool that **** off and overwhelm the nerdstink.
id advise u to not do that....

all u would do would just rob the oxygen in the room and kill everyone...

i guess you would cool the place down from less body motion going around


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2006
Orlando, Florida
id advise u to not do that....

all u would do would just rob the oxygen in the room and kill everyone...

i guess you would cool the place down from less body motion going around
Yeah, but if a horde of those weirdass things from the second tremors movie came in, they wouldn't be able to see us.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
ooh god who do i have to off to get into the crew battle if it actually goes down this time? cause ill take anyone out.

lol, thanks for the post-shout QDVS, but i still have to get good enough to get these shouts BEFORE QQing about them. Nice job tieing mediocrity with me at 25th. Im out to raise more hell at gigs than 25th place. How about you...

im sad all of the CFL guys werent able to go to the spring hill tourney also. The venue was so nice and air conditioned and spacious...about 2x wider than zero ping but 400% colder and with like 3 food places a block away.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Tourney summary:

Riot owned.

Nexus crew Myself and Andy stirred things up with crazy team friendlies and helping riot win by screaming in the F@gget International Univerity(FIU) crew ears and making them cry and john.

Ugly Marth kid suicides and Doc looking kid(who was tight work) who played Pit hurt his wittle finger right before being sent to losers by RYAN SPARKS(my lover/boy/guy i cheerlead for).

Me and Afro thunda play three 6 minute DDD dittos of pure skill.

Mexico wins the melee tourney.

FIU proves there are still people like Maverick in this scene.


Smash Cadet
Feb 12, 2006
yo FIU throw your list, we gotta crew battle vs tnt at gigz this time for real too
Joe you know your going to have to let your boy Max hop on that crew battle kid. I'll be that honorary TNT member by association.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
Also, FIU crew:

At gigs I am gonna sit behind every one of you, every single time you have a match and root against you.

I don't care if you're playing against the Head of the Republican/Christian politcal party, im gonna yell and scream as loud as possible.

And I will have my body guards with me so if you try to bring physical force torwards my general area, they'll be ready.

Plus, I'm Doodah and gigs loves me so i'll be able to yell until they close around 2 a.m.
Ok, if I end up going, (Finals week right after so might not be able to) I'll see you there:)


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
Tourney summary:

Riot owned.

Nexus crew Myself and Andy stirred things up with crazy team friendlies and helping riot win by screaming in the F@gget International Univerity(FIU) crew ears and making them cry and john.

Ugly Marth kid suicides and Doc looking kid(who was tight work) who played Pit hurt his wittle finger right before being sent to losers by RYAN SPARKS(my lover/boy/guy i cheerlead for).

Me and Afro thunda play three 6 minute DDD dittos of pure skill.

Mexico wins the melee tourney.

FIU proves there are still people like Maverick in this scene.
This is quite sad, man. You're a cool dude whenever I talk to you but sometimes there's some pretty disturbing stuff coming from you. All I have to say is that if you have issues with some people in particular, then talk to them. Otherwise, say it now if you have a problem with FIU, and I'll make sure to take note of it.

Man, this is really weird. Did all of this happen while I was outside trying not to die form the heat or soemthing??


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Ruuku you cool.

I'm talkin about 4 or 5 kids in particular.

Which is the majority of your crew.

People that act the way those johmsons do make you look bad Ruuku.

You chill tho.

Also, I'm not implying that I want to start a fight.

This is a game I play to have fun.

I'm not gonna fight some whiney babies because they have the wrong mind set.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2006
lol @ dguy. hard bracket to you guys must def. mean players who went "oh **** DK is pwning my *** and i dunno what to do"
Seriously, having a hard bracket or not i really dont care, but im to much of a blunt person to put up with passive aggressive bull**** you have something to say, say it to me, dont make excuses for your boys not placing this time. They place well enough at multiple tournys to back up their names, i assure you when i say: they dont need you speaking for them.

haha o man dguy.. you do realize I play with and beat mr. h / icekid and we are even players? they dominated your tournament in orlando..

your comments are pretty funny though being as you drove all the way down here and couldn't get 4th or anywhere near top.

Oh, and make sure to notice on the 1st page in the group of ppl at 25th.. Sabinx

and the group of ppl in 33rd's Dguy.. you got me bro. I mean if you were any good you'd have no problem in the losers bracket right? trash.

edit: qdvs, i wouldnt MM in melee for anything more than 1$ mainly being I haven't touched game for last year it was being played competitively till now. BUT I wouldn't turn down some casuals. I always heard good things about you in your melee days. I never traveled though.
Oh man, i never realized you play AND beat people in your crew!? Thats some amazing stuff right their, you know my crew beasts me on a regular basis, hot **** with that mindset as a factor, Nexus crew for power rankings.

you can ask riot how my crew plays against him.. we chill at nexus here and there.. and aside from myself who riot does beat.. mystic has gone back and forth with him multiple times and afro beats him pretty well tho. you could argue its mainly a matchup reason and im not gonna make statements for riot/other people. mystic doesnt even have a smashboards account.

wifi matches are trash. I LOVE noise and hype.. theres nothing cheap in brawl...I don't care what char you play..


TOURNAMENTS YOU DID WORSE THAN ME .. 1.. how in the hell are you even trying to make points. since you like to go off facts.
Your crew? By your crew i hope that means Tony and Afro, because they are the only ones going "back and forth" and if i can remember correctly i had them both beat in the whole win/lose ratio. The fact is though it really doesnt matter, tourny matches is what matters. Just playing Afro in freindlies that one day i noticed he sandbags, we both just sat their making jokes the whole time, he could of easily infinite me or chaingrabbed me more, however, he didnt. Next time you see me don't put on that fake smile, you got something to say at anytime, feel ****ing free.

As for Dguy? He has placed higher in multiple tournaments than everyone in your crew besides icekid. No disrespect to afro here though, i think he has one of the highest potentials as far as good placings is concerned, and i just plain love him, we go back.

@doodah: If that was the case or not i still liked the guy, he has been the only new face ive seen that ive liked, and he had the sickest **** Pit.

Seibrik whats your boys smash tag?

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Some things to note:

Danny (the pit), never johned saying he lost BECAUSE he hurt his finger, he just complained after that it hurt, and explained what happened.

He doesn't have a tag, or aim, or any sort of online life. His name is Danny, thats about it....

As for other people in my crew johnning, i agree there can be room for improvment in the sportsmanship area, but understand it was their first time experiencing the nexus crew, everyone has their own way of reacting, i don't think I need to bring up wat happened with Esam, lol....

And there were 0johns going on during their 2nd set in the grand finals, sooo basically the only real johns i seem to recall was Tommy G complaining about the screaming, which he appoligized for later on I hear.

Were there any other occurances that I missed?

I'll talk with the rest of my crew when I see them, but I don't think we should have any future problems.

@Sabin: Shhhhhhhh, just like Tommy G can't say anything great bout the friendlies he had with Riot, you shouldn't bring up ur matches with your crew mates as arguments either.

Keep in mind, this is NOT me randomly hating on you, I simply wanna help solve all the issues goin on in this thread, so everyone has less baggage to pack up and move over to the next tourny thread, found here:


There's no need of inflating your crew with hype, or yourself, when you can let other people do it for you and let the rankings speak for themselves. There's no need to explicitly explain what happened to cause you all to lose eventually, seeing as the brackets will do a great part of that for you.

Again, I DO appoligize for the brackets being as they were, I had them perfect when Mike accidentally added a new player to the attendance list, rather than replacing a bye, causing the entire bracket to be remade.
But when it comes down to it, ending up playin that later in the tourny aint that bad.
And if your gonna lose, wouldn't you rather lose to ur crew, than random shmoe number 42?
Makes you look better when the only people that beat you are the people you practice against.

So lets just end all the drama for now, and create some new drama with fresh trash talkin at the other thread. /thread


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
Boca Raton
chaz got winners finals and 3rd place. We are 1-1 in tourny and play pretty even in our matches.


stop making excuses.

and the group of ppl in 33rd's Dguy.. you got me bro. I mean if you were any good you'd have no problem in the losers bracket right? trash.
I placed like GARBAGE This tournament due to character inexperience. Does this make me bad at Brawl? Pretty sure that's a solid no, a ton of people will agree I have a god**** good Wario. You are an annoyance to say the least. Shut your mouth.

That's Lord Dguy to you.

petition for dguy to rename to dcoolguy.

after extensive research i have deduced the following:
sabinx enjoys the company of throbbing *****es
particularly in combination with his mouth in some fashion or another

...like with veins and stuff

ahahahaahahahah aaseemmmmmmmmmm <3

Pete we should do more team friendlies with Ryan and Mike at future tourneys, those were the most fun matches I had all day!!!

seriously i think if ryan would play as well as he did in singles in doubles we'd win cuz i was on the ball during doubles :( those were fun matches though :psycho:

I better see an Angry Lobster/ Doodah french kiss in the present.

(no homo)

make it a triple son ;)

Black Jinjo

Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2006
Portland, ME
Pretty good tournament overall. I learned a lot about the different match ups with my new main. Still have a lot of work to do. G&W ftw!

Shout outs:

Seibrik/Icekid: Good job running the tournament. Everything went overall smoothly.
Air Conditioning: **** you for being completely useless..
Spidersense: Shame to hear you are finished with the tournament scene. Felt like I had a LOT more to learn from you. You made my pal Equi into a god. Good luck with life. HAHA
XYZ: We had one G&W ditto. Good ****.
EDG: Keep working on that wolf.
Galeon: We had some good friendlies. You definitely should have placed higher. Thanks for all the advice.
Equi: I heard you play wolf. He's a pretty cool guy. Doesn't afraid of anything.
LOLI: We didn't even get to finish our match. Next time. keep working on your Pit!
Chops: Your falco needs to lay off the CRACK!!!!

I can't remember who else I played. The entire day was pretty hazy. Being from a region of the country that is covered in snow still, I get to make the john that the heat was pretty close to unbearable for my weak northern body. LOL.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Sabin....MM. You give me a dollar every time I fsmash you.

I'ma be a rich man.

Seriously, stop riding the coattails of your "amazing crew" hahaha....it's really ridiculous. You got quite a bit to learn, man. quite a bit.

Crew battle :

me vs your whole crew.

Good stuff again to Riot.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
clearly no one reads posts. so theres no point in typing them.

I already said everything I wanted to .. either read them properly the first time.. or don't post random bull towards me.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
There is only one person that can win first place

thats the most ******** reason to not attend a tournament

Wato has like 10 people in our crew and we usually get knocked out by one of our own
seriously lol "hey hungrybox its your turn this week to go to a tournament we wont go since there can only be one first place next week is bluray's turn"

i know that like...you said that a while back
but i just read it and

It was too funny to ignore

btw being in the afrothunder icekid crew doesnt effect your own skill whatsoever.
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