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Seibrik & Linguini Presents: Brawl Bash II! 4/12/08POT>1300! FIRST MAJOR CREW BATTLE!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2006
Tommy, some of the Nexus people were msising, if dop and slynkee were there, you would've been way mroe pissed than you were at the tournament.
You forgot about Skratch, Synical (if he still played, you dont a buff black guy to "shut up"), and Tipman.

Honestly, though, no bull**** like if you ever went to a major tourny thats anything besides idk, golf or something gay like DDR, if your crew makes it to top 10, their boys are going to be yelling all your **** matches. Its just how it goes, MLG is literally nothing but noise. It gets you hyped.

Ouch, you're hurting my feelings. I think I'm about to cry. Oh well, it doesn't change the fact that I beat Ryan both in Teams and Singles (friendlies) on Final D...but it had to have been luck, right?

Ryan (Riot), I never once wanted to talk bs about you. You are a good player and you seem like a good sport when you play. (Must have been the Starbucks) I don't really know how it would have happened in tourney if I played you, but I know you love Falcos lasers and combos. I think you need a better group though. Not to insult anyone, but their random and thoughtless flaming makes you look bad. Good job at the tourney. Congrats.
I never said you did talk ****, you were cool at the end of it all so i really dont care, you seemed like a pretty cool guy. As for my crew? Hot ****, i wouldnt have it any other way.

For serious though i never got to thank the guys at ZP for hosting the tourny so if you read this, thanks. Sucks 1-up couldn't go i hear hes pretty **** beast, and whats the name of that freakin sick *** Pit player i had to play in semi's and finals? Your pit is disgustingly good, enjoy that starbucks son.


Donkey Kong
First member, of the DK crew.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Ouch, you're hurting my feelings. I think I'm about to cry. Oh well, it doesn't change the fact that I beat Ryan both in Teams and Singles (friendlies) on Final D...but it had to have been luck, right?.
No way man, you're right. I've beaten Ryan before too, so that must clearly mean that I'm better than him as well. Don't worry dude, I feel ya.

Anyways, cry more about us being loud. This isn't DDR where everyone has to be super duper quiet so they don't get off their timing. When I was brought into this crowed, it was knowing that 1) Nexus crew is a bunch of pretentious **** talkers, and 2) We're really loud at tournaments.

Both I am thoroughly okay with :bee:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2005
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I think you need a better group though. Not to insult anyone, but their random and thoughtless flaming makes you look bad.

If you think he needs better company you obviously don't know us very well, I think it was Esam that said it, you are lucky that I wasn't there, if noise was bothering you.

Whats the point of playing if you can't have fun? :)

Im sorry to all my peoples in the smash community I had to miss out on seeing this weekend, butt I look forward to seeing you all at gigs I should be off of work.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
riot good ****


i may have asked for a ride down there

o well

sounds like a fun tourney



Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
First, I'll start by congratulating ZP and Seibrik for a successful tournament. Although the atmosphere was unpleasant, the turnout was great. Now, some shoutouts:

XYZ - Your G&W was awesome and I'm glad to see that FL has a good G&W player other than me.

Max - Other than Chops, Crom, QDVS, Afro Thunder, and I, you're definitely one of the better Snake players in FL. I'll definitely hit you up whenever I go the Orlando/ Kissimmee. So good discussions we got.

Chops - You and Guini got lucky. We had you in doubles. That is if Z hadn't murdered me then killed himself. I gotta admit though, you Snake isn't a one trick pony anymore.

Mystic - Sick ZSS. I didn't get a chance to play you but I can tell that you'll have as much success in Brawl than you had in the GNT series.

Sabinx - I got to see a few matches of you MK and I have to say that it is quite good. I still don't like tier lists though...

Afro Thunder - Please don't quit Brawl.

Icekid - I didn't get to play you, man. But we did get some good discussions. DK...

Ted Booseley - Best Ike player in Florida and definitely my best and most fun opponent in the tournament. Our matches should have been recorded to serve as tutorials for our respective characters. I definitely want to play against you again.

Gringo - Best Ness player in the US. Combos... Combos... Combos... Very nice matches we played. If I remember well, you said you were from Pembroke Pines. PM me so we can play soemtimes.

Polmex23 - I think you were to Luigi player I was talking to for a long time? (I remember you real name but I don't want to just give it out) Very nice Luigi and I hope to see you at my tournaments.

Pikachu/ Diddy player I faced - Sick *** Diddy... I hate freaking nanas now... Keep working on that Diddy, man.

Doodah - With all the hate that I hear from you, I understand how you are qualified to judge FIU as a crew of haters... Also, I don't remember hating on anyone during the tournament and I'm pretty sure that I go to FIU.

Riot - Still funny as hell. And congrats for winning the tournament. Freaking great DK. The Pit player you faced said you wanted to play but my ride was waiting for me. So sorry for leaving before playing casuals with you. I do want to play your DK next tournament though. $600 money match, let's go! LOL

To anyone that I haven't mentioned, GGs.

Also, I do want to say that certain crews were quite disrespectful during some my fellow FIU crew members' matches. I don't remember which crew(s) was standing being some of Chaz and Tommy G's sets but I had to step in to support them because of all the trash talking during their sets. No such thing will happen during my tournaments though.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
I should have figured what I got into before I started. I can't argue with your logic, some people are just too stubborn (myself included)Personally, if I was Riot, I would be mad at you guys. I would have felt bad for the other person and thought maybe I won because they can't think while playing from it. Let me put emphasis on this though, THAT IS NOT WHY I THINK HE WON. He won clearly because he's good at the game as well as a lot of people at the tourney were good. The only time I said something possibly negative about his playing was that someone suicided and I said He didn't deserve that kill. Everything else I remember saying was against the screaming.

I swear I'm going to get Starbucks to sponsor me one day. :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA

hunter from nexus is the only cool falco player. period.

at least he doesn't drop chain grabs when people are cheering behind him.

and lol @ chops saying riot had a hard bracket.

also Equi will eventually become a top brawl player. Kid is sick, no lie.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Personally, if I was Riot, I would be mad at you guys. I would have felt bad for the other person and thought maybe I won because they can't think while playing from it.
Sounds more like an excuse than reason to me. I have no problem playing a game like that when it's loud and people behind me are yelling and screaming, hell, we talk **** during practice, too. If someone wants to use that as an excuse as to why they aren't playing well, then maybe they should get off of their high horse and realize that tournaments aren't always going to be 100% perfect, quiet playing conditions, or whatever else you need, so that you can perform your best.

I said it to you then, I'll say it to you again, Ryan had no problem playing. Perhaps your buddy friend should work on getting his nerves in check, instead of worrying about Ryan's cheerleaders/gay lovers (If I remembered that correctly) cheering him on.



Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2006
So, whos from sfl si going to gigs, ill pay gas money and im pretty chill, and size efficient too
Linguin: I thought you were done with brawl???

Jason: Stop being gay, you know your not done with melee tourneys, you have to come to linguinis and doodahs, whether u like it or not.

QDVS: I agree everbody like melee better and they know it but yet they still wanna play brawl. Everybody stop lieing to yourselfs and quit brawl and make it dissapear, and you all better come to linguinis melee tourney.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
lol @ dguy. hard bracket to you guys must def. mean players who went "oh **** DK is pwning my *** and i dunno what to do"


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
lol @ dguy. hard bracket to you guys must def. mean players who went "oh **** DK is pwning my *** and i dunno what to do"
Hard bracket means he played people who placed extremely high in multiple past tournaments more than anyone else, which is true. I imagine you would consider Ice Kid and Blockstunners to be a hard bracket. We would consider that an easy bracket, two good players and the rest are scrubs.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
hell no.. no johns at all.. riot BEASTED those poor *******s.. I mean he played a solid round against icekid.. good opponent. But who else did he play that is any kind of name from previous tournaments? I noticed other named players being knocked out by all my crew :( xyz, crom, doodah, seibrik, etc. then we all had to play each other in losers anyway.

No joke.. I used to be all anti-nexus ppl.. but man, so much more cool and chill to talk/play with than almost everyone else in the scene. So thats all good to me *shrug* hyping **** up makes this boring trash game.. less boring.

I honestly would only wanna play crews or MM's .. tournaments stink it up.. literally.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
beat 2 meta knights that money matched me. didn't get to play otru, seemed like an ok guy but I think i'd have won.
Dude you're pretty cocky to assume such thing, if you wanted to play me you couldve just asked me to mm instead of assuming that you wouldve won... $5 mm next time I see u


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
not trying to be cocky. you didnt play your main against snakes because you don't like the matchup. I don't like the matchup but I still beat snakes. Plus I watched your style and how you play.. sorry.. you were like half passed out on the couch and chillin since it was so hot.

nothing against you or anything. can def. MM next time. I wanted to MM you and lobster but xyz said everyone was leaving.

no probs man. next time.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2005
Fort Lauderdale, FL
No joke.. I used to be all anti-nexus ppl.. but man, so much more cool and chill to talk/play with than almost everyone else in the scene. So thats all good to me *shrug* hyping **** up makes this boring trash game.. less boring.
Love us or hate us, either way we are a really close knit group, we have fun regardless if others are or aren't. People should really just enjoy this game a lot more and not get so butt hurt when the games only a month old.

We are pretty beast at TF2 also if anyone is up for a little 6vs6 or something :)


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2005
gainesville, fl
i mean i dont like brawl and i didnt go to this tournament. but still GOOD **** RIOT!!! mad props.

and nobody ever wins a tournament solely on an easy bracket. the guy who isnt good but gets the easy bracket gets 3rd tops.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
Wow, if anything, this tournament brought the hype.
Much different from the Gigs shoutouts. Interesting to say the least, though.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john

john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john john

john john john



Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
****, my bad finch I thought we were cool.. didn't realize. my bad you lost to my team in doubles and stunk it up in singles too.

my apologies if anyone thinks im complaining. I had a great time destroying EVERYONE I PLAYED until being knocked out by my own crew mate. If you see me at any events in the future just know that if I have money, il be glad to put it up to take yours.


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2006
Orlando, Florida
****, my bad finch I thought we were cool.. didn't realize. my bad you lost to my team in doubles and stunk it up in singles too.

my apologies if anyone thinks im complaining. I had a great time destroying EVERYONE I PLAYED until being knocked out by my own crew mate. If you see me at any events in the future just know that if I have money, il be glad to put it up to take yours.
Except when I 2-stocked your ROB (as Ike).


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
lol, I have never claimed to be good at this game, so a personal attack on my lack of skill in brawl is not an insult. I'm just fighting for my friends, and all you're doing is making excuses. Don't say you're better than somebody if you've never played them, and don't say the guy who got first didn't have a hard bracket. If he played and beat the guy who got second he had a hard bracket.

On a completely unrelated note, what happened to teams finals? I watched whoever the last two teams were (I forget) start to play and then get up and leave, and then singles started.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
@ted, because casuals with a character I play for fun as my 3rd really is a good shot at me lol.
and again.. man thought things were cool with us too. I said good **** to you and cheered some of your matches.

smashers are so two faced lol

dguy, from what I remember I only got to play daxi,hunter,snowman, some other MK guy, some other guy in 2nd round (dont remember to be honest) I'd have had to play angry lobster, then winner of xyz vs. icekid then afro thunder on my loser bracket. But I play mystic (crew friend I play all the time) for 3rd tourny straight.

from how it sounds you feel that because YOU were in his bracket it made it hard. funny.

chaz got winners finals and 3rd place. We are 1-1 in tourny and play pretty even in our matches.

hate all you want... our crew took 1st and 2nd at hard knocks.. only 2 of us went to it too.

brawl is terrible anyway.. no point in bickering over anything about it. sorry for previous posts. GG's to the winner and enjoy that cash son.
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