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Scar on the Melee vs Brawl debate: What does competitive really mean?

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Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
*Peeks into thread* Competitive Melee players are STILL arguing with scrubs about whether or not L-canceling is a glitch? Can't we just let them live peacefully on in their misinformed fantasy land?
Trying to give information to scrubs about the mechanics of a game isn't a crime, but it sure is hard work. I think the next time I'll just tell them to go back to Brawl. :laugh:
I disagree with this a lot. brawl is clunky and awkward
Wow, I had no idea anyone felt the same way I do. I'm not alone!


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2007
Lol, Halloween Captain just killed himself

Wow, I had no idea anyone felt the same way I do. I'm not alone!
Brawl is just another game these days that has sacrificed good game play for "good" graphics. Melee looks better I think, because it's not all over stuffed with ****


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
I never actualy had melee, so i would not know, but I think that the slower pace and the simplicity of brawl are amazing, while still retaining more depth than most fighting gfames out there. I'm not saying it's more competeitive, but just more fun...

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
"Treat the n00b as you would your own child, for his ignorance is your pride".

-Simna Ibn Sind
By the way, the red ink makes you look like an ***. Seriously, it gives the impression that whatever you are going to say is rude and an attempt to flame. It also makes you more noticable when you flame me for asking dumb melee questions about AT. Fine. I never really bothered learning ATs for melee, and only discovered they existed nine months ago. Emphasizing it in red ink is unnecessary.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
By the way, the red ink makes you look like an ***. Seriously, it gives the impression that whatever you are going to say is rude and an attempt to flame.
And that relates to this thread...how?

Stop trolling and contribute something worthwhile to the issue or just GTFO.


Edit: Your edit sucks and still doesn't contribute to the argument at hand.

Here's an idea: Learn the Melee ATs, use them, and go play in a few tournies that are being held by our community. When you're done doing that, THEN you can come back and start comparing Brawl to Melee.

Smooth Criminal

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Fair enough.

Melee is a more competitive game because it is faster and has more advanced techniques.

Brawl is more about camping which gets kinda old after a while.

These games require two different styles of play entirely, the melee's style being more popular to watch because of its fast pace. Also, Melee is more popular among people who bothered learning multiple ATs that no longer exist in Brawl.

Brawl just is not as interesting to watch because its pace is significantly slower and involves more camping. It is far more newb friendly, but ATs are often character specific, which is off-putting to people who liked general ATs.

Thus, Melee is more competitive because there were more ATs to master, and more speed behind the game.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
is fighting for his friends at Sugar Land TEXAS
Fair enough.

Melee is a more competitive game because it is faster and has more advanced techniques.

Brawl is more about camping which gets kinda old after a while.

These games require two different styles of play entirely, the melee's style being more popular to watch because of its fast pace. Also, Melee is more popular among people who bothered learning multiple ATs that no longer exist in Brawl.

Brawl just is not as interesting to watch because its pace is significantly slower and involves more camping. It is far more newb friendly, but ATs are often character specific, which is off-putting to people who liked general ATs.

Thus, Melee is more competitive because there were more ATs to master, and more speed behind the game.
sarcasm? or are u just saying that to pacify ur many....um......dislikers lol:chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2006
Boston, MA
Quote: MojoMan
"I never actualy had melee, so i would not know, but I think that the slower pace and the simplicity of brawl are amazing, while still retaining more depth than most fighting gfames out there. I'm not saying it's more competeitive, but just more fun..."

I'm curious as to how you know the "slower pace" is amazing... if you say slower, you must be comparing it to something in your mind... and if you didn't play Melee, how coud you say that Brawl being slower is better...?

(I don't know why his post wasn't originally quoted in my post, I had to edit it in...)

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
I don't even know what this thread is about anymore...

Are we continuing this pointless debate or are we here to laugh at THC?
I say we should all just laugh at THC; there isn't much else worth noting going on in this thread besides his general lack of Smash knowledge.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
edit. nvm. it really is hard not to sound like a **** sometimes.
Agreed. By the way, you can laugh as much as you want at my lack of melee knowledge. I admit that I neither know nor care about the ATs in melee, because that game is doomed to be as pushed away from the spotlight as SSB64. It doesn't matter which game is more competitive, because Brawl will win out in the end, and this is because it is both more popular and more noob accesible than melee.

Hate to say it, but camping is the direction Smash is going in, unless the pros out their find some anti-camp tactics quick.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Agreed. By the way, you can laugh as much as you want at my lack of melee knowledge. I admit that I neither know nor care about the ATs in melee, because that game is doomed to be as pushed away from the spotlight as SSB64. It doesn't matter which game is more competitive, because Brawl will win out in the end, and this is because it is both more popular and more noob accesible than melee.
Super Turbo (Street Fighter) says "hi."

Melee will endure.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Agreed. By the way, you can laugh as much as you want at my lack of melee knowledge. I admit that I neither know nor care about the ATs in melee, because that game is doomed to be as pushed away from the spotlight as SSB64. It doesn't matter which game is more competitive, because Brawl will win out in the end, and this is because it is both more popular and more noob accesible than melee.
it is stupid not to want to know about melee for several reasons.
1. it does not matter if u think that melee will fade because this thread is not about who will outlast each other the thread is about which is more competive so do not try to explain ur lack of knowlage with that argument.
2. knowlage is power
3. it is one thing not to know something, that itself is not bad, but not knowing something and somebody else correcting u and u not caring is another

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Ah, yes, the same way SSB64 endures, except in melee's case, it has the connection to one of Nintendo's least popular systems going for it. Get over yourself, melee will be lucky to have even 1/10th the glory of its youth.
Apparently, you don't know how to read either.

Baseless assumptions will get you nowhere, bud. In fact, they've gotten you flamed to high hell in not one but two threads. Never did I say anywhere in my post that Melee was going to do a phoenix impression and miraculously spring from the ashes with its glory fully intact. No, it'll be diminished but like ST there will still be a community backing it, one way or the other.


Melee will endure. It may not be as great as it was in its heyday, but it'll still be alive and kicking.

So please, stop c0ckriding Brawl.

Edit: And the guy above me is right. Please stop making jabs at a game you know nothing about just so that you can make up for whatever it is you're lacking. Start contributing to the argument or leave.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2007
Agreed. By the way, you can laugh as much as you want at my lack of melee knowledge. I admit that I neither know nor care about the ATs in melee, because that game is doomed to be as pushed away from the spotlight as SSB64. It doesn't matter which game is more competitive, because Brawl will win out in the end, and this is because it is both more popular and more noob accesible than melee.

Hate to say it, but camping is the direction Smash is going in, unless the pros out their find some anti-camp tactics quick.
This is so confusing. You repeatedly admit your lack of knowledge on this subject, Yet you keep trying to argue. This is why it's so hard to not sound like a ****.

And also, 64 ---> Melee and Melee --->Brawl are two completely different situations mang

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
it is stupid not to want to know about melee for several reasons.
1. it does not matter if u think that melee will fade because this thread is not about who will outlast each other the thread is about which is more competive so do not try to explain ur lack of knowlage with that argument.
2. knowlage is power
3. it is one thing not to know something, that itself is not bad, but not knowing something and somebody else correcting u and u not caring is another
You are absolutely right. We settled this, melee is absolutely more competitive, its just no longer important. Knowledge is power, trivial knowledge is trivial power. And I shouldn't have asked to be corrected, if I didn't really care about the answer.

I love to argue, so I will sound like a **** by the way, but right now I'm a little sore. However, It might surprise you to know just how popular 64 is. It is far more immortal than melee, if I can use the majority of my high school and what I learned from visiting colleges as a guide. A LOT of 64 fans disliked the melee gap, even some of the Nintendo Power staff admitted that Brawl had the enjoyable zaniness 64 had, while melee did not.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
That is enough, time to get serious KEISER.

First, is anyone debating that melee is a better competitive game, and second, is anyone debating that it will ultimately be cast into obscurity, just like what happens to almost evey sequel?

Remain totally objective with these questions, don't let your opinion of the games cloud your judgement concerning their fates.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2008
Show me some videos of tournament finals being won with a lot of the things people complain about in brawl. Camping, spamming, or overly defensive play. People have given evidence against your claims a few pages back, how about the anti-brawl side spit out some legitimate videos. (I like both games, just am annoyed by the lack of proof on the anti-brawl side)


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I feel you Jack.

Look, brawl sucks. Any attempt to disprove that small complete sentence is an effort in your own denial. You don't like the game. You are trying to justify getting the game, spending that money, getting it as a gift instead of something else. That one Online Dr. Mario game is looking pretty good, isn't it? You may not admit it over a board where hundreds or thousands of people may or may not see you finally give in to your own subconscious, but you are thinking it. You know it.

If you honestly like Brawl more than Melee after playing both games, you aren't reading this post. There is no reason for someone like yourself to be on these boards. Brawl is worse. My last and only hope is that Brawl will be a "gateway drug" back to Melee. This usher of people may get bored with the monotony and skill-less button smashing nature of Brawl and crave a better, more complex, deep, game and turn to Melee. At least then we could keep all the new people, they could learn a new game, and everyone will be playing something that at least shows some ability to crown the better person as the winner.

If you can't recognize this, you are ignorant. If you can't see it, you are blind. Brawl is worse, that's it. There really is no discussion.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
coreygames, it sounds like your trying to convince yourself of that more than me.

If competition and depth were all that mattered in a game, we might as well play chess on the clock.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I love chess.

I also love how Melee is dying out when there are over 100 people signed up to go to a Melee tournament in Georgia. Love it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2008
I feel you Jack.

Look, brawl sucks. Any attempt to disprove that small complete sentence is an effort in your own denial. You don't like the game. You are trying to justify getting the game, spending that money, getting it as a gift instead of something else. That one Online Dr. Mario game is looking pretty good, isn't it? You may not admit it over a board where hundreds or thousands of people may or may not see you finally give in to your own subconscious, but you are thinking it. You know it.

If you honestly like Brawl more than Melee after playing both games, you aren't reading this post. There is no reason for someone like yourself to be on these boards. Brawl is worse. My last and only hope is that Brawl will be a "gateway drug" back to Melee. This usher of people may get bored with the monotony and skill-less button smashing nature of Brawl and crave a better, more complex, deep, game and turn to Melee. At least then we could keep all the new people, they could learn a new game, and everyone will be playing something that at least shows some ability to crown the better person as the winner.

If you can't recognize this, you are ignorant. If you can't see it, you are blind. Brawl is worse, that's it. There really is no discussion.
Close minded much, If brawl wins out the tourney scene I'm happy, if melee wins out I'm happy. Didn't you say you lost to someone playing for the first time just because they picked MK? Unless your exaggerating ALOT you kinda suck at brawl dude. You don't know where this game is going no one does. Once again prove your point don't just talk out your ego or your ***.

Edit: thats pretty messed up ankoku, get everyone together and organize something>.<

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
I love chess.

I also love how Melee is dying out when there are over 100 people signed up to go to a Melee tournament in Georgia. Love it.
God d*mn it all! I was SO going to go to that tournament... but I couldn't get off work for the weekend. [insert incredibly-sad-panda face here]. I was REALLY looking forward to road-tripping it to GA with a few fellow Smashers, then stopping in SC for some balls-awesome ribs on the way home, too...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I love chess.

I also love how Melee is dying out when there are over 100 people signed up to go to a Melee tournament in Georgia. Love it.
Hell yes. Melee REPRESENT.

And Halloween Capt., there are plenty of game communities that have rejected recent inclusions into their game series of choice and chosen to stick with an older version because the newer one(s) just sucked. Look into the history of the Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat communities.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I love chess.

I also love how Melee is dying out when there are over 100 people signed up to go to a Melee tournament in Georgia. Love it.
I love chess too. Its just not smash.

Right now, your seeing the last waves of fandom throughout the country. Fans are attempting to keep their game alive out of dissatisfaction with the sequel. Eventually, the fevor will die down, but will never be totally extinguished. Melee is the "middle one" of the series, attached to the unpopular gamecube; in a few years, I imagine SSB64 and its more popular system will surpass it, as long as there are still enough working N64s.

Hell yes. Melee REPRESENT.

And Halloween Capt., there are plenty of game communities that have rejected recent inclusions into their game series of choice and chosen to stick with an older version because the newer one(s) just sucked. Look into the history of the Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat communities.
Key word: sucked.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Simple answer:

Less popular, obviously. There are those Melee players who prefer Brawl and refuse to play Melee. At the same time, though, there is still a sizable number who play Melee, and I've met people who play both or refuse to touch Brawl. Melee won't die out. It won't be quite as big as it was during its peak, but who cares? It just takes two to play.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Hey guys i'm new to the debate.. i read the last page of posts and it was kinda off topic so i thought i'd just throw in my two cents.

I'm on the 'anti-brawl' side for these reasons.

Melee in my opinion in 2006-2007 was so competitive and the combo's were so complex and simply beautiful to watch that the game was verging on being comparable on a competitive stand point to Street Fighter. A pro could play someone who knew the advanced techs, and played casually, and expect not to be touched, maybe not even to be hit, much like in street fighter. there was just another level of the game that could only be reached by a few.

Brawl on the other hand is difficult to dominate. like has been stated before most wins are with you left standing with about 50% damage. even if your much better than the other guy. i can vouch for this. the game just seems too disjointed to own someone. IMO this is because of a lack of hit stun. I'm trying to keep things short so i'll leave it at that. any thoughts?


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
I feel you Jack.

Look, brawl sucks. Any attempt to disprove that small complete sentence is an effort in your own denial. You don't like the game. You are trying to justify getting the game, spending that money, getting it as a gift instead of something else. That one Online Dr. Mario game is looking pretty good, isn't it? You may not admit it over a board where hundreds or thousands of people may or may not see you finally give in to your own subconscious, but you are thinking it. You know it.

If you honestly like Brawl more than Melee after playing both games, you aren't reading this post. There is no reason for someone like yourself to be on these boards. Brawl is worse. My last and only hope is that Brawl will be a "gateway drug" back to Melee. This usher of people may get bored with the monotony and skill-less button smashing nature of Brawl and crave a better, more complex, deep, game and turn to Melee. At least then we could keep all the new people, they could learn a new game, and everyone will be playing something that at least shows some ability to crown the better person as the winner.

If you can't recognize this, you are ignorant. If you can't see it, you are blind. Brawl is worse, that's it. There really is no discussion.
This post is too good, and this needed to be said.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
We seem to pretty much agree that melee is the more competitive game at this point.

However, a smart Brawler who takes advantage of situations can attack right out of the hit with a punishment strike, such as at the end of MK's tornado while he is falling. I happen to think this was an improvement.

Of course, I find matches that aren't even remotely close to be boring.
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