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Sakurai does not want Smash to be a competitive franchise


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Rolex, Rolex Rolex!, sure Rolex is top-tier in watches, but what's all this talk about watches? how about some discussion here...


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Three things being done wrong:

1.The hatred towards Sakurai
It's not hate, it's disappointment. He made a great game, then he made a better game, and then to top it off he... made a worse game. Well, are we suppose to pat his back and say, "Thanks champ?" I don't hate him, but I wish that he had kept the series going in the direction it was heading instead of making it twist harder than an M Night movie.

2.The hatred towards Brawl
Brawl is the black sheep in the family. The other games were great fighters as well as balls on the wall fun to play. Brawl is only fun to play as the competitive part has been gimped in an effort to please a different crowed from our own. In essence, he was trying to avoid us doing what we are trying to do now, and he's succeeding. We don't like Brawl because we are fighting IT instead of each other when we play.

3.The hatred towards 08ers because of Brawl
No, I hate 08ers that come here thinking that because they are the best out of their group of 4-8 friends that they know just as much as people that have been around here for years. They throw out their opinions and ask for equality when they don't even know what they are talking about. Most haven't even been to a tourny but want to make decisions on how we play the game in tournaments. Almost every 08er right now is a contradictory competitive player who came here to play a casual game semi-competitively.

If you don't know anything, don't say anything. Sit back and learn for once.


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2005
Beaverton, OR
Personally, I believe that doubles competition is the future of Brawl. There are plenty of genuine combos you can come up with by having teammates work together. Plus, the slower pace makes the game actually coherent with four people.
Now there's a good idea.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Watch top tier: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=amb_lin..._rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=436195501&pf_rd_i=404124011

I don't see a Rolex on there, get that bottom tier **** out of here.
Are you ****ing kidding me?! Amazon doesn't know **** about competitive watchmaking. Link to someone who knows their ****, then we'll talk watch tiers.
amazon can blow on my left nut only.
LOL, ****ing stage time control advocates.
It's BS to reward a watch for doing what it's supposed to do anyway: tell time. Amazon is so full of ****.
You trying to tell me watch tires don exits?
No, I'm trying to tell you that the only people we should be listening to on watch tiers would be the WBR over at timezone.com. They're the real competitive watch site; everyone else are n00bs.
Please, timezone is the GameFAQs of competitive watches, http://www.nawcc.org/ is where the real pros are at.
You must be smoking crack! Profusely! Those nawcc idiots are really advocating allowing full-size clocks into competitive watchmaking! WTF?! Don't they know those are broken as hell?!
Sounds like johns to me.
Oh, you'll be saying that when a full-sized Grandfather randomly falls right on top your workstation halfway into making a wristwatch, while your opponent gets to continue uninterrupted.
^ ****ing amazing.

Black Mantis

Smash Hero
Jun 5, 2008
Writing my own road...................
It's not hate, it's disappointment. He made a great game, then he made a better game, and then to top it off he... made a worse game. Well, are we suppose to pat his back and say, "Thanks champ?" I don't hate him, but I wish that he had kept the series going in the direction it was heading instead of making it twist harder than an M Night movie.

Brawl is the black sheep in the family. The other games were great fighters as well as balls on the wall fun to play. Brawl is only fun to play as the competitive part has been gimped in an effort to please a different crowed from our own. In essence, he was trying to avoid us doing what we are trying to do now, and he's succeeding. We don't like Brawl because we are fighting IT instead of each other when we play.

No, I hate 08ers that come here thinking that because they are the best out of their group of 4-8 friends that they know just as much as people that have been around here for years. They throw out their opinions and ask for equality when they don't even know what they are talking about. Most haven't even been to a tourny but want to make decisions on how we play the game in tournaments. Almost every 08er right now is a contradictory competitive player who came here to play a casual game semi-competitively.

If you don't know anything, don't say anything. Sit back and learn for once.

1. I'm not a typical 08er I go to tournaments and I do good. Like I said check the threds to see the hatred towards Sakurai. Who are you to judge what I don't know? You don't know everything and neither do I but do know one thing. I don't b**** and moan like alot of people I know about what I can or can't do in a video game. How is Brawl the black sheep of the family? Every game is a stand alone title that is perfect in their own special way. Check the reviews. Problably the only black sheep I can think of is Super Mario Bros 2.

I laugh at fools who say brawl has no AT's or combos or strategy in general.

At the end of the day I know just as much (if not more) about competitive smash as you. There's nothing you can teach me.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
At the end of the day I know just as much (if not more) about competitive smash as you. There's nothing you can teach me.
How many tournaments have you been to? Knowing about competitive smash doesn't mean you read the forums, it means you go to the tournaments, know the community and know the game(s). You might know as much about competitive BRAWL as Corey, but there's no ****ing way you know as much about competitive smash in general. He's hosted tournaments, he knows the community, he's been here for two years.

Not trying to sound like an *******, but unless you've been to **** near every tourny since you signed up at smashboards you don't know as much about competitive smash as Corey.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
1. I'm not a typical 08er I go to tournaments and I do good. Like I said check the threds to see the hatred towards Sakurai. Who are you to judge what I don't know? You don't know everything and neither do I but do know one thing. I don't b**** and moan like alot of people I know about what I can or can't do in a video game. How is Brawl the black sheep of the family? Every game is a stand alone title that is perfect in their own special way. Check the reviews. Problably the only black sheep I can think of is Super Mario Bros 2.

I laugh at fools who say brawl has no AT's or combos or strategy in general.

At the end of the day I know just as much (if not more) about competitive smash as you. There's nothing you can teach me.

1. You are the definition of an 08er. A Brawl fanboy with little understanding of the history and philosophy of competitive Smash built up in this community by years of playing Melee.

2. This is an internet forum. It is made for b/tching and moaning.

3. Brawl is the black sheep because it is a regression from Melee in terms of gameplay advancement. Smash 64 was a great competitive game. Melee was wildly superior as a competitive game. Brawl is less complex and rewarding as a competitive game than the prior two. Where Melee was loaded with gameplay improvements, Brawl is loaded with glitz and glam, stickers, boring single player modes, and other such crap. It's fine for casual play, but for a competitive game, it is shallow and disappointing considering the amazing game that Melee was.

4. Screw reviewers.

5. What does Super Mario Bros 2 have to do with anything?

6. Brawl has plenty of moves that could be referred to as advanced techs, but very few are useful.
A combo is a string of attacks that is inescapable once it starts. Besides chain grabs, Brawl has very few true combos thanks to the lack of hitstun.
And no one says there is no strategy in Brawl.

7. Your last statement is quite questionable.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
West Coast
1. I'm not a typical 08er I go to tournaments and I do good. Like I said check the threds to see the hatred towards Sakurai. Who are you to judge what I don't know? You don't know everything and neither do I but do know one thing. I don't b**** and moan like alot of people I know about what I can or can't do in a video game. How is Brawl the black sheep of the family? Every game is a stand alone title that is perfect in their own special way. Check the reviews. Problably the only black sheep I can think of is Super Mario Bros 2.

I laugh at fools who say brawl has no AT's or combos or strategy in general.

At the end of the day I know just as much (if not more) about competitive smash as you. There's nothing you can teach me.
Just stop posting...please.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Impressive Purple Mantis hate. As if he couldn't get the point the first time.

Well, facts are still facts and opinions are still opinions.

But I ask this: what makes a "good" game? And, if Melee is so much better than Brawl, why, as a community, are we playing the "lesser" of greatness? It still bewilders me...


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
New Jersey
only i receive infractions, for everyone's information, after the first 6 month i joined, i've been noninfractionfree even till now, i always make sure i have at least 1 point, it's just the right thing to do


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Thanks guys. I knew I weasn't unsupported in my opinon also...

Impressive Purple Mantis hate. As if he couldn't get the point the first time.
Does anyone?

Well, facts are still facts and opinions are still opinions.
True facts are true and good opinions are still good. You can still lie in the world and people can make widely biased, unfounded, and contradictory opinions. That's right, I'm saying that you can have a BAD OPINION. Not a wrong one, but a bad one.

But I ask this: what makes a "good" game? And, if Melee is so much better than Brawl, why, as a community, are we playing the "lesser" of greatness? It still bewilders me...
I ask this question everyday. I'm doing something to change that. I think it has to do with all the new people and the shiny packaging. Like I've said before, many times, I think people are in denial. New people come here everyday to learn how to play competitive smash. But not smash, Brawl specifically. They get here and here that this game isn't as good as the other one from vets who have played both. So, because they came here for a specific reason, they tend to not want to fade for it. Meaning, they aren't going to give up Brawl, because that's the reason they came here.

The other part of this denial is all the veterans who waited for this game to come out. They have been playing this game for a long time, so it's no doubt they bough t the game. Once they got it and played it, they thought it wasn't as good. But, because it's new they thought they would give it more time. Then they went to tournaments and got disappointed, but, because they were looking forward to the game, they wouldn't want to put it down so easy. So, now we are stuck with people who don't want to quit Brawl because that's all they care for and people teetering one the edge that don't want to give it up before a long time passes.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
True facts are true and good opinions are still good. You can still lie in the world and people can make widely biased, unfounded, and contradictory opinions. That's right, I'm saying that you can have a BAD OPINION. Not a wrong one, but a bad one.
You can have a wrong one too. If, in your opinion, Earth is flat and you can fall off of it, you are wrong.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I've never left the planet to see for myself it's round, so I can't be trusted on that. HOwever, I do trust some of the people that did... some of them >_>


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
So, now we are stuck with people who don't want to quit Brawl because that's all they care for and people teetering one the edge that don't want to give it up before a long time passes.
There are also a few people like me who stick to Brawl because they live in remote areas and can't play Melee with anyone good without at least an hour's drive.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
There are also a few people like me who stick to Brawl because they live in remote areas and can't play Melee with anyone good without at least an hour's drive.
If you have no community, then make one. You can do is at a highschool/college. You can do it from your house. You can do it from a club. Put up posters around town for events. Go take a $20 bill to a Dollar Tree and go to town. Get the community going like a lawnmower. Try try try until some feedback rolls out.

Also: You are still playing Brawl by yourself then, so what's the difference between playing competitive Brawl and Melee?


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
New Jersey
i think what bobson mean't is that most everyone else plays brawl and since they all do, none is playing melee, he just plays brawl, which is actually a very similar situation i was gonna go through, until 3 freshmans came to rowan (university) and now i can continue, so double woot on that


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
But I ask this: what makes a "good" game? And, if Melee is so much better than Brawl, why, as a community, are we playing the "lesser" of greatness? It still bewilders me...
People are still playing Melee, but it just doesn't seem that way because of the massive influx of new people here who only play Brawl. Check the join date of the vast majority of posters here. Late 2007 - 2008.

I think the community as a whole expected Brawl to be an amazing game and got hype as most fighting game communitites do when a sequel comes out, but we weren't prepared for Brawl to be so underwhelming. So I think people are still giving it a shot in hopes that it becomes something greater than it is now. After all, it's only 6 months old.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I didn't expect Brawl to be amazing. I knew from my very first Melee smashfest (where btw I couldn't even L-cancel or wavedash at the time) that Brawl would suck, because how could it live up to Melee in ANY way? I love how there's always something new to learn in Melee, some crazy technique or combo which I'll probably have to spend the next 3 months learning. I ****ing love that. With Brawl it's like oh I didn't know you could do that. Two minutes later I've learned it. Where the **** is the fun in that?
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