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[SA] Brawl Power Rankings v6.0 - UPDATE (7/12)

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
I don't want to be 10th, because I don't deserve it. While you don't deserve to be 4th and Ant doesn't deserve to be 8th and Jamage doesn't deserve to be 9th.

The PR list is **** and needs to be changed. Next weeks SG is perfect timing, and I expect everyone to get rest and play to their fullest so there can be no johns. While I also expect some PR changes influenced by next weeks SG, with Jamage getting a say and vote.

@aero: Think of this as mutiny on a pirate ship. You expect the pirates to put up with the captains orders if they thought they were **** and put them in danger and whatnot. It's kinda like that except no diseases. :p



It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
I don't want to be 10th, because I don't deserve it. While you don't deserve to be 4th and Ant doesn't deserve to be 8th and Jamage doesn't deserve to be 9th.

The PR list is **** and needs to be changed. Next weeks SG is perfect timing, and I expect everyone to get rest and play to their fullest so there can be no johns. While I also expect some PR changes influenced by next weeks SG, with Jamage getting a say and vote.

If you don't think you even deserve to be 10th, why are you even arguing this point? lol

Did you even read my post above you?

Heeeeeere: "Apollo and Nova are the top guys in SA. I have to wonder why you people think your opinions hold more weight than theirs."


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
Nah you are right, i am non-deserving to be on the PR list , i should not have even thought of being that high ever. Grim, take me off this PR completly. I'll join the next one if i am deemed worthy!

Really, i don't give a **** so yeah, take me off the PR list and let Ant or whoever take 4th, lul have fun with your higher spots on the PR list boys! haha

See you guys on the next PR ;) (from domo obvs)


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2010
I know for a fact thats a lie.
Well I'm not Grim but I'm going to respond to this post anyway.
Why is it a lie?

Considering results and who he has beaten YOU ALL obviously have no idea how to do a pr if that is the case.
I think they're underrating Ant somewhat but Nova finds him easier to beat than everyone above him, so idk.

No like I already told you if you bothered to actually listen. I was angry about you guys going and doing it behind my back which I think I have every right to be.
From my understanding of the situation that made no attempt to exclude you in the making of this PR list you just were inactive and didn't take part.
If it wernt for me most of you wouldnt know each other and we probly wouldnt have a smash scene or much of one. Like you can talk after your hissy fit at the last one anyway.
I'm sure everyone appreciates what you've done for the community but don't act like there wouldn't even be one without you.
And Grim didn't have a hissy fit at the last SG what are you on about.
They can be either. If you won the set of 3 you would have called it at that and we all know it. You do anything to win even if it means being dishonest and unfair.
No he wouldn't have? And Grim's never dishonest or unfair when it comes to winning lol. Apparently he asked you if you wanted another set after that as well?
Yeah so what I got like 1 hour sleep. Aces had alot more than me and I beat him.
Results count just as much as anything else and I think more so than Val since only half the people were at Val.
I don't have much to say about this really, lack of sleep effects everyone differently so meh.
And Valhalla still has a decent amount of people and the results can still be used, especially when those results are likely more accurate as people were in a better condition.

Thats funny coming from the guy with hardly any actuall skill. Have to pick MK and ledge camp rofl. Even with all your knowledge of the game you fail at skill and mindgames.
Next time try not to get DQ'ed for going over the ledge grab limit.
U mad bro? You act like somehow players who use MK have less skill. Character choice is a skill and picking a character lower on the tier list is just limiting yourself for no good reason. (obviously if you play better with another character that's fine but someone who's best character with MK will obviously have an advantage, but that's just Brawl and if you don't like it don't play it)
You DQ'd his jigglypuff in a FFA, as if that means anything, and having a LGL on Jigglypuff is an incredibly scrubby rule anyway.
Oh and I love how you're criticising him for using MK when his Jigglypuff is just as good if not better in some match-ups.
Can you stop bringing up things where I have to prove you wrong as your only hurting your own rep (if it can get any worse).
'cause your rep is so great....I mean that montage, yea....no

Oh and Gears, it's not like SG gets all the players on the PR either, so meh.

But yea next SG I expect everyone to be fully prepared for the tournament, and any ranked sets that will be played. No excuses :p


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
To follow up, once chris is on i'll ask him to remove me from the PR list and Ant or whoever can take 4th place, i'll resume placing on the next PR if i am deemed good enough. Enjoy your new spots etc =]

(from domo)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
LOL aero, so I don't get a say since I'm not on the PR list? So you're saying Nova doesn't get a say either?

******** arguement ftl.



Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
Well actually, Nova was 2nd and got asked to be removed. . .
bit of a difference ;)



Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
I have just as much right to say what I want than Nova has. Whether anyone choose to listen or ignore it is up to them.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
Kinda like your stage and wobbling discussion with interstaters. You still pleaded your case like I'm doing now.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
Ok, good. At least you're listening, so my arguing isn't going to waste.

Going to stop this now. Let's just see how next weeks SG turns out.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2008
Ok so if people are interested i am thinking about having a smash meet at my place this week. we can have ranked sets there. super hype for next brawl streek geek: there will be blood! there will be tears! we can all sort this out! also i will rank set all of you to find out if i actually deserve a spot on there :)


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
The PR list will be changed in accordance to me being taken off it and moving Ant + Jamage up and Grim down and adding Gears once Chris gets on. All the 'hype' for next SG and whatever can include for the next PR.



Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
No way man, Jamage has beaten me in friendlies at SG and Ant has beaten me without playing me - and i came 3rd at valhalla but it doesn't count :)

I am happy giving these guys the spots they want, unlike them a PR list isn't my life. So i'll just be on the next one, for their benefit. However i know where i was put, so im satisfied. ^^



Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Adelaide, South Australia
Switch FC
1787 8077 0889
Well I'm not Grim but I'm going to respond to this post anyway.
Why is it a lie?
When I asked for some justification as to why certain people where ranked low/high friendlies were brought up.

I think they're underrating Ant somewhat but Nova finds him easier to beat than everyone above him, so idk.
Definatly agree about Ant's underrating. I usually get smashed by Apollo and Nova but beat/do better against people who take games off/get alot closer to beating them so maybe thats partyly my problem also.

From my understanding of the situation that made no attempt to exclude you in the making of this PR list you just were inactive and didn't take part.
I was never contacted about it. Apparently there was something in the private thread (which I check usually at least weekly) that got purged before I ever saw it. I wasnt inactive.

I'm sure everyone appreciates what you've done for the community but don't act like there wouldn't even be one without you.
Doesnt seem like it. You have no idea, without me there wouldnt have been much if any of a smash scene up until maybe recently. I wish that wasnt the case though I really could have used some help back in the day. After Solan closed smash had nowhere to go and no one to run it so I took it back to LPC where it started and became and admin there and was the SA smash rep. We had a great scene (bigger than it is atm) I held everthing together and helped organise the 1st interstate players to come over. When all the melee players left after LPC finished there was nothing. I had to build it back up by advertising everwhere to get people to come to tourneys and here on smashboards.
Also had to get Smash a new home at Streetgeek.
DJB and Ant were a godsend as they brought a new high level of competition into brawl that we needed. We started to get a scene back with a few decent players. Discussions about a pr were had before Apollo and Nova ever came to a tourney. Then they cam onto the scene and after a bit started to help out. The rest you all know.

No he wouldn't have? And Grim's never dishonest or unfair when it comes to winning lol. Apparently he asked you if you wanted another set after that as well?
Are we talking about the same person here lol?
yeah he did. We did start another set after that but it never got finished.

I don't have much to say about this really, lack of sleep effects everyone differently so meh.
And Valhalla still has a decent amount of people and the results can still be used, especially when those results are likely more accurate as people were in a better condition.
Next lan is 36 or so hours so plenty of time for gaming and sleep. No sleep jons anymore.
I didnt say Valhalla shouldnt be counted I was just saying more people on the pr (better players) were at SG.

You DQ'd his jigglypuff in a FFA, as if that means anything, and having a LGL on Jigglypuff is an incredibly scrubby rule anyway.
Oh and I love how you're criticising him for using MK when his Jigglypuff is just as good if not better in some match-ups.
Its FFA anyone ledge grabbing constantly is avoiding combat. Its not like 1v1 where the other person is only attacking you.

'cause your rep is so great....I mean that montage, yea....no
Most peole love my montage apart from a few people on here, I posed it on a few other webistes and only got good comments. For the 100th time its a funtage not a skilltage.

But yea next SG I expect everyone to be fully prepared for the tournament, and any ranked sets that will be played. No excuses :p
Yes. We will sort this stuff out. For now ive had enough of arguing with people so dont expect another post from me today.

No way man, Jamage has beaten me in friendlies at SG and Ant has beaten me without playing me - and i came 3rd at valhalla but it doesn't count :)

I am happy giving these guys the spots they want, unlike them a PR list isn't my life. So i'll just be on the next one, for their benefit. However i know where i was put, so im satisfied. ^^

Chill dude. From my point of view in the last month you are like 1W 10-12 losses agianst me but thats only my point of view/opinion not everyones. The way youve been improving I wouldnt be surprised if it was the other way around next time.
Pr's are supposed to be mainly based of tourney results in the last 3 months I think. We have had 4/5 tourneys. Winning 1 doesnt automaticly mean your top, coming 3rd and equal 5th doesnt automaticly make you 4th.
Ant has come 1st and 3rd in the last 3 months, has also proven himself long term and has never lost to anyone ranked 3-10 why shouldnt he be above you at this point in time?

Lol I actually dont care that much about my position in state rankings and I dont think Ant does either, I just want them to be correct. I care more for Halo - btw im a mythic now and got a legit matchmaking killionaire in btb.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
When I asked for some justification as to why certain people where ranked low/high friendlies were brought up.
Guess this is a misunderstanding of sorts. Friendlies was used for lack of a better word, basically, at these 3 meets and Valhalla we encouraged everyone playing to play seriously as if it was a ranked set.

I think someone like DoMo or Ghost could back me up here, we (at least, I) didn't take into account matches that I didn't feel were an accurate demonstration of each player's skill level.

Definatly agree about Ant's underrating. I usually get smashed by Apollo and Nova but beat/do better against people who take games off/get alot closer to beating them so maybe thats partyly my problem also.
Look forward to seeing him prove himself at the next meet/SG.

I was never contacted about it. Apparently there was something in the private thread (which I check usually at least weekly) that got purged before I ever saw it. I wasnt inactive.
Can't comment on this.

Doesnt seem like it. You have no idea, without me there wouldnt have been much if any of a smash scene up until maybe recently. I wish that wasnt the case though I really could have used some help back in the day. After Solan closed smash had nowhere to go and no one to run it so I took it back to LPC where it started and became and admin there and was the SA smash rep. We had a great scene (bigger than it is atm) I held everthing together and helped organise the 1st interstate players to come over. When all the melee players left after LPC finished there was nothing. I had to build it back up by advertising everwhere to get people to come to tourneys and here on smashboards.
Also had to get Smash a new home at Streetgeek.
DJB and Ant were a godsend as they brought a new high level of competition into brawl that we needed. We started to get a scene back with a few decent players. Discussions about a pr were had before Apollo and Nova ever came to a tourney. Then they cam onto the scene and after a bit started to help out. The rest you all know.
Good job, I guess?

Are we talking about the same person here lol?
yeah he did. We did start another set after that but it never got finished.
Yes, you are talking about the same person. You are talking about the person who is so obsessed with winning that after he DID win (in a close set) he asked you if you wanted another set to better determine each player's position.

Wow, what a low-life cheater.

Enough with the sarcasm, I do anything to win, yes, within the realm of the game. I would NEVER resort to cheating or another external method of winning, as I would feel that my victory is shallow.

Next lan is 36 or so hours so plenty of time for gaming and sleep. No sleep jons anymore.
I didnt say Valhalla shouldnt be counted I was just saying more people on the pr (better players) were at SG.

Its FFA anyone ledge grabbing constantly is avoiding combat. Its not like 1v1 where the other person is only attacking you.
Already explained that I did it due to being gimped at the start, I wasn't even aware there was a LGL lol.

Most peole love my montage apart from a few people on here, I posed it on a few other webistes and only got good comments. For the 100th time its a funtage not a skilltage.
Honestly though, nearly every interstate player thought it was terrible lol.

Of course it only got good comments on the sites with players who aren't good at the game. :p


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
Seths back now (or Aces, w/e)

Imo, I thought the new PR was a little early. I'd almost revert it back to the last one, until the next streetgeek, where ranked matches can decide the arguments.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2010
Doesnt seem like it. You have no idea, without me there wouldnt have been much if any of a smash scene up until maybe recently. I wish that wasnt the case though I really could have used some help back in the day. After Solan closed smash had nowhere to go and no one to run it so I took it back to LPC where it started and became and admin there and was the SA smash rep. We had a great scene (bigger than it is atm) I held everthing together and helped organise the 1st interstate players to come over. When all the melee players left after LPC finished there was nothing. I had to build it back up by advertising everwhere to get people to come to tourneys and here on smashboards.
Also had to get Smash a new home at Streetgeek.
DJB and Ant were a godsend as they brought a new high level of competition into brawl that we needed. We started to get a scene back with a few decent players. Discussions about a pr were had before Apollo and Nova ever came to a tourney. Then they cam onto the scene and after a bit started to help out. The rest you all know.
I really had no idea, since I'm only a new player (5-6 months I've been in the scene now?) I commend your effort though, the scene is likely larger than it would be without you.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
brinstar is good for everyone.

Also something for people to realise is that PR lists are never entirely accurate first run, egos will get hurt, that's natural.

Now if you feel you should be higher, you now know exactly what you need to aim for; the throat of the guy who's +1 on you.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
the pr is supposed to encourage people to try harder
by showing they havent convinced everyone yet
and by praising those who have gotten better
Anyone can use it to motivate themselves.

It's not so the whole scene gets butthurt over whatever the placing is
*****ing and whining isn't considered a useful skill in smash
and as such it shouldnt get you any higher on the PR

This is silly.


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
- btw im a mythic now and got a legit matchmaking killionaire in btb.
Gz on that btw, good johns.

Now if you feel you should be higher, you now know exactly what you need to aim for; the throat of the guy who's +1 on you.
This + a **** load.

the pr is supposed to encourage people to try harder
by showing they havent convinced everyone yet
and by praising those who have gotten better
Anyone can use it to motivate themselves.
zzz I need to do more of this.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
I'm not taking sides here, but I agree that without Jamage, we wouldn't be here arguing.


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
LOL aero, so I don't get a say since I'm not on the PR list? So you're saying Nova doesn't get a say either?

******** arguement ftl.

I have just as much right to say what I want than Nova has. Whether anyone choose to listen or ignore it is up to them.

Mmm, much like Grim responded, Nova is acknowledged to be one of the best in the state. You can voice your opinion, but my ******** argument dictates that Nova and Apollo's opinion >>>>>>>>>>>> yours.

And Nova is a panelist, so... Yeah.

Knock Apollo off his perch on the PR, and I'll be more than willing to accept almost anything you say about the SA scene.

You still have only danced around the original statement I put forward to you. So I'll reiterate it:

Apollo and Nova are the top guys in SA. I have to wonder why you people think your opinions hold more weight than theirs.
I even bolded the most important part, sunshine.

Its FFA anyone ledge grabbing constantly is avoiding combat. Its not like 1v1 where the other person is only attacking you.
Except FFA's suck and are so stupid already.

I'd rather have 3 ways with items.

Most peole love my montage apart from a few people on here, I posed it on a few other webistes and only got good comments. For the 100th time its a funtage not a skilltage.
I took the liberty of looking at the thread, and I don't think I'd define it as "most", soz.

Lol I actually dont care that much about my position in state rankings and I dont think Ant does either, I just want them to be correct.
Correct as in, both of you higher, right?


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009


ps. Jamage your smash montages are the worst ive seen.
I am disgusted.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
me + smash meets, yeah.... no.
I only went to jamage's coz he had his party afterwards and didnt want to travel on buses at night to a place I've never been to.

why cant reloaded be the next event. I'll be trialing mk at sgx, but mk dittos are boring so I'll prolly pick snake v mk's.
Played mk for a whole 20 minutes so I'm basically set


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
It doesnt work on all characters
And with standing tech, chars like pit, Zss and squirtle can hit GaW before he does the dsmash with their fast moves (pits utilt comes out fast enough yep. ZSS and Squirtle i obvs mean the jab)

If they do standing tech you should jab -> jab cancel -> regrab imo.


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
Or just don't use G&W at all. Last I checked he had some horrible high tier match-ups.

He ***** low tiers though.

Grim, be boring and choose Marth. It's like Jigglypuff with a sword and less jumps.
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