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Rule #2: Never listen to Fino +1


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Hey hey now! I knew it was an amazing move before and used the heck out of it everywhere, I just never thought to OoS it. And I've never noticed you doing it in your vids, I must pay closer attention. Besides, we know now, alright, get off our backs!

Question: what would u guys think about Mario Circuit as a cp stage? There's a thread about it in tactical.

And I like that "+1 is fun" rhymes. This should be the mantra of all social threads :)

And I also like that people are actually posting here today lol, most of the time I'm jealous of other socials because they're so much more active :)


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Starkville, MS
I used to play Olimar like a year ago, then I quit brawl and started playing melee (had no wii, i don't mean to start any arguments :p), but anywayz, I just saw the thread title and figured I'd post :)



Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
Fearless, while fair is 7 frames, there's also that 6ish frame window where you have to jump OoS.

That doesn't apply to Usmash (or upB) OoS.

A shield drop is about 8 frames and this whole time whenever I've wanted to usmash I drop shield.

I still don't usmash OoS because I have tapjump off and I never think about jump canceling usmash lol. But after looking at the frame data and realizing how much faster it is, I realize I gotta force myself to start usmashing OoS.

I was talking to Fino last night and I realized as I was talking to him I pretty much learned this game backwards. I learned all those whistle tricks, then started applying stutterstep fsmash (omg that's seriously so good) and now I'm learning usmash OoS hahaha. Once I start doing that regularly I'm probably gonna see another bump in my skill lvl :p

After that I'm gonna start dtilting, that move is amazing

Also this is just another reminder to use autocanceled nair because it's like a moving utilt and you can move really fast, stutterstep fsmash because it gives you that extra half inch that can be the difference between connecting a hit and getting hit, whistle reversing because it makes it easy to land especially when they are trying to follow your landing and so you nair them when they are running (that's a good way of beating ICs), pivot in front of them making it look like you wiffed something then pivot grab, charge smashes for no reason or for slightly ok reasons, retreat fair most times, and nair really helps with landing cuz it has ok priority.

If you all do all those things then you'll be ok

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
I used to play Olimar like a year ago, then I quit brawl and started playing melee (had no wii, i don't mean to start any arguments :p), but anywayz, I just saw the thread title and figured I'd post :)

Oh wow, I remember you from the chat eons ago.
Didn't you go by another name as well? "Logan" or something similar?


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010
you guys dont use down tilt? :/

btw ftilt cancels out projectiles (just a few, but it doesnt have as much ending lag as d tilt?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Fearless, while fair is 7 frames, there's also that 6ish frame window where you have to jump OoS.

That doesn't apply to Usmash (or upB) OoS.

A shield drop is about 8 frames and this whole time whenever I've wanted to usmash I drop shield.

I still don't usmash OoS because I have tapjump off and I never think about jump canceling usmash lol. But after looking at the frame data and realizing how much faster it is, I realize I gotta force myself to start usmashing OoS.

I was talking to Fino last night and I realized as I was talking to him I pretty much learned this game backwards. I learned all those whistle tricks, then started applying stutterstep fsmash (omg that's seriously so good) and now I'm learning usmash OoS hahaha. Once I start doing that regularly I'm probably gonna see another bump in my skill lvl :p

After that I'm gonna start dtilting, that move is amazing

Also this is just another reminder to use autocanceled nair because it's like a moving utilt and you can move really fast, stutterstep fsmash because it gives you that extra half inch that can be the difference between connecting a hit and getting hit, whistle reversing because it makes it easy to land especially when they are trying to follow your landing and so you nair them when they are running (that's a good way of beating ICs), pivot in front of them making it look like you wiffed something then pivot grab, charge smashes for no reason or for slightly ok reasons, retreat fair most times, and nair really helps with landing cuz it has ok priority.

If you all do all those things then you'll be ok
All good reminders, a few of which had slipped my mind.

But wait, jump cancel? What does that mean? I have to do more than just c-stick up? Sorry for sounding like a noob :(

EDIT: @Geddan: lol, so you remember DITE, right? Well, turns out he wasn't a computer after all.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010
All good reminders, a few of which had slipped my mind.

But wait, jump cancel? What does that mean? I have to do more than just c-stick up? Sorry for sounding like a noob :(

EDIT: @Geddan: lol, so you remember DITE, right? Well, turns out he wasn't a computer after all.
Jump cancel means you cancel your jump.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010
my controllers joystick is almost broken :( ive been using it for 5 years :)

can i replace the joystick? anyone know :x

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Yeah, you can replace the joystick with another. You can even replace it with Joysticks from Wii Motes, Classic Controllers, or, as Fino's done, another C-Stick.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010
Yeah, you can replace the joystick with another. You can even replace it with Joysticks from Wii Motes, Classic Controllers, or, as Fino's done, another C-Stick.
I dont want to ruin my wavebird :(

do you know anything about those?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Well first of all you're going to need one of these:

It's called a Tri Wing Screwdriver, and it's the only thing that's going to be able to take apart Gamecube Controllers.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
my controllers joystick is almost broken :( ive been using it for 5 years :)

can i replace the joystick? anyone know :x
By broken do you mean mashed up, non-responsive or really loose?

@hilt: you can also use a 6-pronged screwdriver, which are easier to find imo (might be a regional thing, who knows).


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010
By broken do you mean mashed up, non-responsive or really loose?

@hilt: you can also use a 6-pronged screwdriver, which are easier to find imo (might be a regional thing, who knows).
all of the above pretty much..


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
all of the above pretty much..
The best solution is to buy a new controller: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-23-49-en-70-2ola.html
I recommend the first party controller just because everyone knows those are the best. If you find a third party controller, more power to you just make sure there isn't some type of turbo function or additional modifications on it - these are usually banned.

If your control stick was just mashed up, it would be as simple as switching sticks with another controller.

A loose control stick is bearable if that is how you like to play. Unfortunately if the control stick is unresponsive you would need a technical understanding of the controller if you planned on fixing it yourself (ie custom rubber band cuts/sizes and what not). This option is way more time and effort than just buying a new one, lol.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010

The best solution is to buy a new controller: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-23-49-en-70-2ola.html
I recommend the first party controller just because everyone knows those are the best. If you find a third party controller, more power to you just make sure there isn't some type of turbo function or additional modifications on it - these are usually banned.

If your control stick was just mashed up, it would be as simple as switching sticks with another controller.

A loose control stick is bearable if that is how you like to play. Unfortunately if the control stick is unresponsive you would need a technical understanding of the controller if you planned on fixing it yourself (ie custom rubber band cuts/sizes and what not). This option is way more time and effort than just buying a new one, lol.
its a $50 dollar controller :(

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Latias, I was kinda in the same situation. My old controller I used in the melee days was messed up and wouldn't work that well, but I still wanted to use it. So I bought a new controller, took the insides out of it, and put them in the shell of my old controller. Usually when a controller stops working, it isn't a piece like the joy stick that's messed up, so just replacing the piece itself won't fix it. If you want, doing what I did may work better for you.

@Vocal, sole's a guy lol. He's pretty good and not a bad TO. And I can understand, ZSS is a weird matchup if you've never approached it much before. When's the tournament? I can try to give you some tips if you'd like, before hand. Not just the ZSS matchup, but in general.
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