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Rule #2: Never listen to Fino +1


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2010
South Dakota ;_;
We all have those days Affinity D: It must suck because if people think you are really good anytime someone ***** you it's video is posted everywhere.
I had L post the vid everywhere cause he was crying and demanded me to take it down cause he didn't want vids of him up after Orlando. Something about his reputation or w/e, typical fino trolling.

Edit: this is Fino


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music


Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
Jesus the Oli boards are hard dead. Like not kind of inactive, but completely dead. Our active threads are the social thread (which gets only like 3-5 post a day) and the Q and A thread(which sometimes doens't answer questions anyways). Nothing happens 0.o What can change this? We lost Llummys, fino and Dabuz. Drac doesn't post here, neither does werrup or icylight. We need these people back or something 0.o

edit: I'm guna try and start contributing more to the olimar community.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
I try :sadface:

EDIT: I really do think we have to remake a lot of these threads though. The main problem is the TC is no longer active so we can't update the OP. So things like the tournament thread are useless.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Jesus the Oli boards are hard dead. Like not kind of inactive, but completely dead. Our active threads are the social thread (which gets only like 3-5 post a day) and the Q and A thread(which sometimes doens't answer questions anyways). Nothing happens 0.o What can change this? We lost Llummys, fino and Dabuz. Drac doesn't post here, neither does werrup or icylight. We need these people back or something 0.o

edit: I'm guna try and start contributing more to the olimar community.
Meh, I don't know really. I try to come by and post several times a day but I'm only one person :/


I've got it.

Do the Oli Boogie now :laugh:

Making that picture actually did give me an idea though - why don't we have an Olimar photoshop contest or just random Oli photoshops? I'm not the greatest with making things (I'm pretty new to it all lol) but I'm guessing some of you out there have some skills you could share

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
lmao Tony the Tiger. Every time one of the Olimars would be playin their match at MLG, you could always hear Fino from across the room screamin "C'mon! Give'm the Frosted Flakes!"

Fino hype is way too good


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
lmao Tony the Tiger. Every time one of the Olimars would be playin their match at MLG, you could always hear Fino from across the room screamin "C'mon! Give'm the Frosted Flakes!"

Fino hype is way too good
Lol i didn't even know about this, I've got to meet Fino in person some day


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Vooocaal~ You have to meet me one day, too!
Wait, are you Fino or Today? I am confuseded. Either way I'd like to meet some Olimars in person :)

And Jane, how would you even know what Olimar looks like? All you've ever seen is his head - he's always got on that spacesuit. For all we know, the rest of his body is made of tentacles


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Were just discussing olimar's sex life. BAM!! welcome to the oli boards!

edit: his wife does seem like the secretly dominating type.

btw, i think olimar is the only confirmed non virgin smash character. woot
Be careful before the Captain falcon punches your nuts

EDIT: Hm. I just realized we don't have a dedicated thread for posting new ideas concerning Olimar. Oh well, guess I'll put this here.

So everyone always says that Oli's dash attack is a good move and that we should start using it more, but it doesn't seem like anyone really follows through on this. A little while ago I got to thinking that maybe I should explore the move some more and see if I can find anything good out of it. I haven't found much, but I think I may have found a faux combo for fastfallers (and MAYBE others). It's pretty simple: dash attack->hyphen upsmash, dash attack -> uair, or dash attack -> nair. I think grabbing would be a better option most of the time, but maybe this could find use as a mixup? Idk, I haven't had a chance to try it out against a human yet, but I thought I throw it out there to see if anyone else knows more about it/has any thoughts on it
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