Alright. So basically what happened is that during my set with m2k, Inui was yelling **** within earshot range (he was sitting on my left, and m2k was on my right). Some words i couldnt understand because of the volume + being so close to me.
This was the 4th time this has happened (RoM5 vs m2k and Pound 5 twice during R2 pools), I told him so and to either be quiet, or move to a distance cuz he was hurting my ear. I told him this at the other tourneys as well and he didn't listen. This time though, Alex strife told him to stop but Inui kept arguing back saying things at the same volume. Then 2 stocks in vs m2k I had enough and paused the game. Got up and grabbed him by the neck and almost punched him (while yelling things ofc). And he just kept talking while he was in my grip.
So then we let it go and I continued playing with m2k, who made a **** move at that moment, but I didn't care, cuz that's an entirely different matter. So we kept playing and I got whooped 3-1.
So then I play hax in LFs. Still kinda pissed off I go in and get owned 3-0. I'm walking out of the room to try and eat/washroom/water/shower/etc, then Inui happens to be by the door. Talking about me and playing the victim (let's be real. He had it coming). At this point I'm already pissed and tell him to say that again. He then turned his back with a snarky comment which I couldn't hear (and tht ******* grin he has). I then got him in a chokehold (and he is still running his mouth while his life is in danger), and then people restrained me. From there I talked with Alex strife and a staff member talked to me. I got banned from the room and ofc apex.
I had already accepted that I would be banned and whatever.
And ftr, I would never apologize to him. People know how he is. And I know many people in the room who both knew he had it coming, and also wanted to do it themselves.
I am in no way trying to justify myself. But there's no way in hell I fell that I should apologize. Maybe if he were to, an not a forced apology, but he doesn't have the common decency of a human being to feel that way