My first tournament was ****ing amazing. Thank you Alukard and everyone else involved, TOs and players. This community is the best.<333
PP: You're beast dude. Wayyy too good, even though I hate Falco.

Congrats on winning.
M2K: Sloppyyyyy

You ***** so hard anyways... shake the rust and the next Grand Finals are all yours.
KK: I'm deff a fanboy now... you're soooo good. So hyped when you took a set from PP. I wish my Sheik was half as good as yours.<3 Sorry we didn't get to MM. :/ I'll let you **** me and take my money next time. Good ****.
Chops: ***** us in teams pools pretty hard... one of the best Falcos in the world no doubt. You're a mad chill dude tho, & good **** in brackets.
PB&J: One of the nicest dudes I met for sure. Gave me and EnV teams tips. :D Your Fox is madddd good. Deff gotta **** us in teams again sometime. ggs.
Diesel: Your Ganon is tighttttt, ****. You would've ***** me hard if I wasn't Sheik. ^_^ ggs, hope to play you again.
macD: ***** us in teams pools. you're a beast. ggs!
Animal: Your Fox is mad good, keep working on it. gg whooping us in teams pools.
ROOR: You're a lot better than me haha. ggs in teams pools.
Hbox: Disappointed a fanboy.

You'll win next tourney.
Mango: I wish you would try.<3
Husband & Wife: Learned a lot from getting ***** by you guys in teams friendlies... your teamwork is seriously ridiculous. ggs.
DJ Nintendo: You 3stocked me. With Bowser. Holy **** you're good. Hope to play you a lot more in the future, ggs.
Again thank everyone for making my first tournament one of the best weekends of my life. I had so much fun and learned a ton. This community = <3333333333333