I just don't understand 4-stocking your controller because 1 set didn't go your way.
it's not supposed to be rational. it's not like controller-throwers sit down to deliberate and say "****, bro, i'm pissed. what should i do? i know! i'll throw my controller! that'll show them!"
what he's trying to say is that people can get angry when they lose. very angry, even. when they're very angry, their decision making (and control over their own actions) is largely impaired. when their decision making/control over themselves is largely impaired, then they may throw a controller.
people getting enraged after losing a big match is a multifaceted beast. it can be based off self-expectations, emotional/psychological make-up, state of mind, etc. it's not always (read: usually isn't) motivated by "god! this guy is so bad! i'm so mad i lost to this scrub," but people ALWAYS generalize and assume that it is, hence wobbles getting **** on by the melee-youtube community for the past, idk, 3 or 4 years.
raging is definitely a bad way of dealing with frustration issues, but it's a lot more complex and organic (i.e. real, natural, understandable?) than people make it out to be.
furthermore, there are a lot of disrespectful behaviors (that rob goes into in the OP) that people RARELY if EVER get called out on. These behaviors (read: johning, trash talk, or otherwise taking away from someone's sense of entitlement) are EXPLICITLY disrespectful, but they're not spoken of enough.
also, on a side note, it bugs me that wobbles is the only player who consistently gets **** on for raging. raging is a behavior that i strongly disagree with, and i'm not defending or justifying his actions in doing so (although i do want to defend him as being "a really swell guy" for the most part), but there are a LOT of players who have raged pretty hard (i can go into detail if necessary) without facing a single bit of repercussion for it. people act like wobbles is the only player who's ever thrown a controller in the history of smash bros.