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Rant about DBZ here!


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
woah dude chill out. No need to sware every sentence. Do u see me swearing?
Btw i think u made a spelling mistake. U said ' he was like ****ing 6 episodes of changing'
Was that meant to be charging?

Well i believe the more attuned u are to a form the quicker u can transform.
It took vegeta quite a while to transform into ssj. As it did for goku.
Later on it's easy for him. It took him ages to ascend, when he was facing imperfect cell. That's becoz it was the first time he had done it. Same with trunks.
There was a 7 year gap, so in that time vegeta got used to ssj2 form by the time he fought goku.

Atleast u agree there's no gap in power between gotenks and goku. They are equal in strength. Gotenks liked warped reality with his power in that vid.
U guys seen that vid when gohan powers up to mystic form? Goku is in such awe of his power, like he's scared of it, if gohan was weaker than an ssj3, he would not have been so amazed by his power.

Basically what u have basically said booker is, mystic gohan is weaker than ssj3 gotenks ( as gotenks is just as strong as goku, they are both ssj3's...). Even though gotenks lost to super buu and gohan wiped the floor with super buu(base form).
See how flawed what ur suggesting is?

The thing is booker, goku by the end of the show had not surpassed gohans strength as mystic. If goku masters ssj3 just as he mastered ssj1, then he will have surpassed him. But that didn't happen in the show.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
wow so original, i saw that coming from a mile away. When i was writing flawed i knew someone was going to twist my words and put that at the end. I even thought of putting in brackets 'do not say this sentence in your reply'.
When you add to a post around 10 times are bound to make mistakes
And what's wrong with using msn speak? it shortens down the post, this is a forum not an english assignment, there is no need to use proper english.

and why exactly did u write 'flawed ur what ur suggesting is'
I never wrote that.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2008
Eh, it was there before you edited it. Notice your last edit was after my post.

And I didn't need to twist any words, you crippled your own point in quite a straight-forward manner when you tried to discredit booker on the basis of spelling.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
uh what are u smoking. Discredit him on the basis of spelling? i tried to correct him, as i couldn't understand what he was saying. He said goku changed 6 times when he fought frieza.. wasn't that sieg who said that?

and i fixed a line that u missed, i didnt change the flawed sentence.
But don't worry im getting this thread deleted. I've explained why gohan is stronger about 20 different ways but it still hasn't gotten through so i give up.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol the world vs ant, look ant theres no need to get so worked up, people arnt listerning to half your arguements because they are weak (cant think of a better word so we'll go with this) let me help you out a little,

ant says: super buu is stronger because goku said "I can beat kid buu" but goku also said "I have no chance at all against super buu", now no-one listens to you because you've lost a bit of credability and it sounds like something you just made up, it wouldnt stand in court.

here's the real way to argue, ant goku never said anthing of the sort about super buu, he actually says "I will defeat you" and HERE'S PROOF http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-508&page_nr=6

seriously, a little bit of research goes a long way.

might as well just rip up this thread for a while

someone said goku takes ages to power up to ssj3, but that was only the first time for effect, every other time he goes there instantly, like this time http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-503&page_nr=9

the correct spelling is vegetto http://www.mangavolume.com/dragon-ball/chapter-dragon-ball-505/

I swear he died but then that voids the Dragons wishing powers
in regards to this part during the frieza fight, I think he did die, but the wish was "everyone that frieza killed" so the didnt void it at all.

i have to say though

goku won
gohan lost
lol get ***** by scoot

In my experience going on dbz forums, youtube and blogs and such, anyone who even suggested goku being stronger than mystic gohan was ridiculed. It's like i give u evidence but u just dismiss it, u aren't right about this, accept ur wrong about goku being stronger than mystic gohan already.
Even if goku was holding back vs fat buu or even kid buu, he still managed to get hit by them. Gohan couldn't even be touched by super buu and super buu is around the same strength as kid buu.

So u think all the people who write things about power levels are wrong. How can all these people be wrong, surely it should be obvious that maybe just maybe u are wrong about whos stronger.

Goku couldn't have died in freeza saga, when goku dies the show makes a big deal out of it. He is the main character and all.

ALSO SSJ3 form drains energy very very fast. Mystic gohan is basically his everyday form, he has no energy dragin as that is his natural state of power. Mystic gohan can keep up his incredible power for a much longer time than goku could.
like I said, anyone can say anything, and lots of people do, doesnt make them right, if you really wanna win, use video proof or link us to parts in the manga

also that last paragraph is irrelevant to who's actually stronger

Eh, it was there before you edited it. Notice your last edit was after my post.

And I didn't need to twist any words, you crippled your own point in quite a straight-forward manner when you tried to discredit booker on the basis of spelling.

****. I remember when Goku hit SSJ he was like ****ing 6 episodes of changing. Then when Vegita could do it he just popped in.

There's no humungous power gap between Gotenks and Goku because THEY'RE TWO ****ING PEOPLE. IN ONE FORM. AS SSJ3.

In the end, Gohan did **** all. Except fail. Hardcore.

actually it only took goku about half an episode to transform to ssj the first time

also yes, gotenks is technically two people and as such thats clearly not one person so they kinda dont count towards who's more powerful eh?

and gohan was pretty ****, they really ruined his character after the cell saga

But of course the fans demanded another season, and akira prolly got paid a lot to do so lol.
So he let goku save the world, but he made gohan the strongest.
like I have said and will keep saying, this things are irrelevant and make you look like an idiot unless you have proof, I could say that akira said the complete opposite, how would you argue against that?

also ant here's how you do things, gohan is stronger then "super gotenks" http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-499&page_nr=7

which form is super gotenks? http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-500&page_nr=5

but goku never says that gohan is stronger then him http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-497&page_nr=7

he is clearly in awe sure but come one guys you know better then that.
goku is very humble and like that with alot of people, he likes to hide his power so him being in awe means nothing.

Your all farking gay.
probably the most sensible post made here yet.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Hey Luke i saw you on TV last night

Swear to god your Michael Crocker.

Anyway with the Wish thing. Didnt They like wish everyone back that the sayains had killed? yet Krillin and Co didnt get wished back because they had already died which is why they had to go to namik? Thats why i was confused about the Goku dieing thing.

and ok Ant ill post it like you did.
1. i know what you saying about Mystic Gohan standing up to Super Buu blah blah
2. I know you THINK Gohan stuck in there for a bit vsing Fused Super Boo blah blah
3. I know you have said SSJ3 Gotenks is on par with SSJ3 Goku
4. SSJ3 Loses power where Mystic Gohan doesnt

My Thoughts
1. Yes i know Mystic Gohan did. Yes i know Goku was in aw of his power (this was because Goku was so proud of his son what father wouldnt of how strong his son had grown. This was a Father Son moment nothing more. Goku was never really worried about Super Buu and never showed it. The only time he was worried was when he fused with the boys.)

2.Saying Gohan stuck in there vsing fused Super Buu is like saying Android 19 stuck in there vsing SSJ Vegeta, Yeah he hit vegeta and made him bleed but it was nothing at all if anything Vegeta/Super Fused Buu in these cases just wanted to test there power.
Also and i quote from the anime as soon as Super Fused Buu lost Gotenks power Goku wasnt worried anymore because he knew either him or Gohan could take him unfused he even says it in the anime.

3.Yes you have said it a million times. Im just saying your ******** for thinking it.

4. Not doubting this fact at all. but at full power face off Goku beats Mystic Gohan. Punch punch punch cancel into Instant transmission to Dragon punch (this links) = Gohan sleeping with the fishes.

Also swordsaint
I ment Goku had to fuse to beat Fused Super Buu. And i have no doubt that Fused Buu (and when i mean fused i mean with Mystic Gohan) Was the strongest character in the series next to vegetto. But after them is SSJ3 Goku and then Kid Buu


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol I can see a small resemblance.
the wish thing, krillin and gohan survived the fight with the sayains, but tien and chaotsu yamcha and piccolo died, and since piccolo died the balls disappeared and they had to go to namek to use their balls (lol)


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
i r not carrying on this argument. I probably should have gotten more vid proof bu meh.
I can't remember where i heard this but akira basically wanted this.
He wanted to end the show at frieza saga, but got asked to do more episodes and yeah what i said be4.

I remember hearing that a long while ago. It kinda stuck with me. Alot of people know this, and i remember reading it off a respectable source.

Noo it's vegetto, ****.

I get so worked up, coz im arguing over something so obvious and stupid. Like i said it's like arguing who's better MK or falco. Some of u guys are trying to argue fact with opinion. Now i don't have time to get the actual facts right now, as i have to go to uni, but i will get them later


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
lol I can see a small resemblance.
the wish thing, krillin and gohan survived the fight with the sayains, but tien and chaotsu yamcha and piccolo died, and since piccolo died the balls disappeared and they had to go to namek to use their balls (lol)
thats right! But didnt they wish everyone back that frieza and his henchmen had killed? Which would include Krillin under the rules being different? But then they had to use the namik balls because krillin had already died? yet Goku already died and was brought back.

This is where i got confused.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
the rules were the same wish cannot be made twice, so you cant wish krillin back twice, but you can wish krillin back (which happened in dragonball) and then make a different wish like "wish back everyone frieza killed" and since krillin is one of those he can come back, its an exploitation of the rules

also this rule only applied to the earth balls, namek's balls were under no such limitation.

but this is how is went, nameks ball's were used to wish piccolo back to life, then the second wish to bring him to namek, and then guru died and the last wish was unused, since picollo came back they gathered the earth balls and wished back everyone frieza killed, which happened whilst super sayain goku was fighting frieza (and it doesnt actually say so, but everything points to goku dieing right before that wish was made, when gohan had stepped back in, and so goku came back again) it also brought guru back to life giving them the last namek wish, which I believe was to transport everyone on namek to earth except frieza and goku.

they then used the namek balls over the course of 2 years or so to bring back tien and all those others before finally wishing for a new namek to be made and the people to be transported to it.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
I'm at work and that doesn't stop me from getting information and evidence.

Wow that's a cool thing u got there.
I lol'd at the best answer on yahoo.
"The logical answer is that Gohan is stronger" That says it all, yep i trust random guys on yahoo lol .
Anyway. it took me a while to find all the info about this show, so if u guys wanna know it all, go look it up urself, it will take many months, but by the end u will believe what i believe also.
I trust the opinions of many hardcore fans on dbz forums, blogs/videos, rather than random guys on a smash bros website, it's just more logical to do so.

But just type in dbz power levels, ur bound to find many detailed sites with the answer on it. Hell even dragonball wikipedia says mystic gohan is stronger. Their opinions are worth more than random guys on smashboards, on the topic of dbz that is.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Wow that's a cool thing u got there.
I lol'd at the best answer on yahoo.
"The logical answer is that Gohan is stronger" That says it all, yep i trust random guys on yahoo lol .
Anyway. it took me a while to find all the info about this show, so if u guys wanna know it all, go look it up urself, it will take many months, but by the end u will believe what i believe also.
I trust the opinions of many hardcore fans on dbz forums, blogs/videos, rather than random guys on a smash bros website, it's just more logical to do so. I'm just the messenger.
Keep your eye on the birdy.
***** don't edit your post while I'm quoting you.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Taking anything Wiki says srsly is for the lawls.
Oh and i am a Hardcore DBZ fan so why dont you listen to me if you listen to the other people who say they are hardcore DBZ fans?
I own the wholes series (Video then over 9000 Edition, then the Funi release, then the New funi release that was uncut, and now the digital remastered edition) Plus im re buying all the movies again on bluray. Also did the same with GT and ill be re buying DragonBall this month when it hits remastered as well. And if they ever release the series on Bluray then guess what ill buy that as well.
Im easting Senzu Beans as we speak while i look at my very one set of Dragonballs. **** i even saw the Dragonball Movie twice now if that doesnt make me a true fan i dont know what will.
The thing is i know my **** about DBZ and i aint saying you dont. But from watching the show over and over and over and playing the DBZ games it says to me that Kid Buu > Super Buu > Fat Buu. and SSJ3 Goku stood toe to toe with Kid Buu and said to Vegeta he could of killed Kid Buu if he went all out. You cant argue with this logic

Anyway back to Luke.
yeah i remember all that, so when they used the wish to bring everyone back that frieza and his henchmen had killed why wasnt krillin brought back to life? Since Frieza blew him up? I believed this was because someone could not be brought back to life twice but then that says Goku didnt die and was just hiding?

Oh and one other thing. If Mystic Gohan was a strong as you say. Wouldnt his power that he gave for the Spirit bomb been enough to take out kid buu if Kid Buu was so much weaker then Super Buu, and Super Buu couldnt even touch Mystic Gohan?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
It's true, I've been in his room.

It's better than mine, and my room is pretty full of asian crap.

****, he even bought the 200 dollar Piccolo figure at Supernova because it was DBZ, even though he wanted Vegeta or Goku.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
I even believe characters from as early as the saiyan saga said that half humans half saiyans carried power greater than a saiyan. I think it was raditz.


or something along the lines of mystical strength.

mystical strength
mystic gohan

sounds logical to me

logic, all of that is lost in this thread anyway


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
I even believe characters from as early as the saiyan saga said that half humans half saiyans carried power greater than a saiyan. I think it was raditz.


or something along the lines of mystical strength.

mystical strength
mystic gohan

sounds logical to me

logic, all of that is lost in this thread anyway
Rofl proof or it didnt happen


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
I'd get some, cept im like, capped and ****.

I'm probably wrong, i just wanted to say something.

I also tend to mix up abridged series with real things lately since abridged is better.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2007
Canberra, Australia
I recently started watching from the beginning and I'm pretty sure raditz never said anything about half saiyans being stronger. I think he said the opposite due to the whole proud saiyan thing he and the other saiyans had going on.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
I think I've seen it, but I think I have that thing where I don't remember something because it was a painful experience. Man I'm so stupid lately. Can't even think of the word for it.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
lol Billy I remember it and I didn't even watch more than a couple of episodes as a kid.

Gotta admit, it's pretty catchy.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Ok i have another question which will give a bit of debate.

Excluding Uub who is the strongest Human? And even though the *** has 3 eyes Tien counts. But everyone should know that it is Krillin


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
i even saw the Dragonball Movie twice now if that doesnt make me a true fan i dont know what will.
Oh and one other thing. If Mystic Gohan was a strong as you say. Wouldnt his power that he gave for the Spirit bomb been enough to take out kid buu if Kid Buu was so much weaker then Super Buu, and Super Buu couldnt even touch Mystic Gohan?
Well imho i always believed buu had some sort of hidden power, like he was never trying. he only ever exhidibited this power twice.
1st against vegetto. Remember the episode where he starts going insane and starts warping everything around him and vegetto had to go full power ssj, just to get through his energy barrier?
2nd when holding back the spirit bomb, buu had to actually try then buy that theory isnt the same as the vegetto one because...
Goku had basically no energy left when he through the spirit bomb, he had nothing pushing it forward, thus kid buu easily pushed it back. It didn't really matter how much power he had in the ball.

And the db movie, u think that's sad?
I spent over a year and a half tracking that movie from a popular site called dbthemovie.com (changed domain name now)
I went to the site daily multiple times to check updates, that site also spawned a forum, which i where i spent most of my time talking about dbz. I saw the movie twice in theatres..

Strongest human hmm it has to be krillin. I remeber reading on that power level site i linked be4, u know the **** one? It said tien wasn't even human.
LOL that site even said tien with kaox20 was nearly as strong as ssj2. When did he go kaioken lulz.

But krillin has the kienzan disks, which can basically cut through anything. Fyi in the manga krillin never threw a kienzan at cell.
http://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/page-149.html see krillin owns
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