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Rant about DBZ here!


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008

Our English class has been studying a 9/11 memorial site all year, and this is all Tom and I can think of.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
I'm like it's just off for today... then tomorrow i say the next thing. Then the unthinkable happened. lol
I mean surely they got the ratings, i mean everyone i know at school all watched it.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
U just lost all credibilty with that statement. Seriously i thought ppl said u knew alot about dbz...
Show me one bit of evidence in the show that proves mystic Gohan was stronger then SSJ3 Goku? **** what writers or fans or anyone thinks. Im going by the show since thats what we all watched. And the show says Mystic Gohan was a little ***** next to Super Buu. In the show Buu got weaker as he absorbed the Kis which means his first original form of pure evil was his Strongest. And who said they could of beat him? SSJ3 Goku if he didnt **** around and let vegeta have a fight.

Also Mystic Gohan at SSJ Level couldnt even handle Broly. And since the movies count considering you aloud Gogeta. that makes Mystic Gohan like the 6th Strongest

Jamburai (or how ever you spell it)
SSJ 3 Goku
Kid Buu
Mystic Gohan


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
"**** what the writers think"

Yeah, without them we wouldn't even have DBZ. Basically you're saying you know more than the peeps who created it. Booker, I'm with Ant on this one. :(

Again, fat buu was the Buu with the ki's absorbed, he got weaker in that form. He then got stronger again, after evil buu (stronger than Fat Buu) absorbed fat Buu. (He yet again gets stronger.)

Then he proceeds to get stronger and stronger by absorbing more Z-fighters.

Kid Buu was only more dangerous cos he was relentless and more evil.

Super Buu was stronger but had the brain power from absorbing intelligent warriors, and not to mention a couple of Saiyans and a Namekian, and had that personality trait of seeking strong warriors to fight. Kid Buu didn't and just destroyed everything.

Let's give Super Buu of the power of the absorbed fighters without other traits and lets see what happens.

EDIT: I also thought about that wishing krillin back thing. I thought it was you couldn't make the same wish twice? And stemming from that, I realised I don't think they did.

Wished everyone King Piccolo killed back.
Wished Goku back.
Wished everyone Frieze killed back.

etc. Just minute differences that changed their wishes enough.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 26, 2009
East Melbourne
yeah goku is still stronger than any character in dbz, or out of dbz.

goku > you
goku > me
goku > ant


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
they really should have shown that in the movie.. -,- but nooo had to make him quirky like gohan

so you can wish for immortality but you cant wish for someone to die...
i bet omega shenron would get lots more power if u could wish for that =D


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
"**** what the writers think"

Yeah, without them we wouldn't even have DBZ. Basically you're saying you know more than the peeps who created it. Booker, I'm with Ant on this one. :(

Again, fat buu was the Buu with the ki's absorbed, he got weaker in that form. He then got stronger again, after evil buu (stronger than Fat Buu) absorbed fat Buu. (He yet again gets stronger.)

Then he proceeds to get stronger and stronger by absorbing more Z-fighters.

Kid Buu was only more dangerous cos he was relentless and more evil.

Super Buu was stronger but had the brain power from absorbing intelligent warriors, and not to mention a couple of Saiyans and a Namekian, and had that personality trait of seeking strong warriors to fight. Kid Buu didn't and just destroyed everything.

Let's give Super Buu of the power of the absorbed fighters without other traits and lets see what happens.

EDIT: I also thought about that wishing krillin back thing. I thought it was you couldn't make the same wish twice? And stemming from that, I realised I don't think they did.

Wished everyone King Piccolo killed back.
Wished Goku back.
Wished everyone Frieze killed back.

etc. Just minute differences that changed their wishes enough.
Yes **** the writers, go ask miyamoto what the correct Zelda story line is or look up what he has said over the years and i bet you will find like 10 different answers. Writers dont know ****.

Also every form of Buu other then Kid Buu had an absorbed Ki. Essentially there where 3 different Buus all together and Evil Buu was what "Piccolo" is to Kami.
But yes Super Buu got stronger when he absorbed the Z fighters but in normal form next to Kid Buu, Kid Buu is 1000000000000000000times stronger. And Ant your little thing about Goku not being able to take Super Buu. thats when he had absorbed Gohan/Piccolo/Gotenks. Goku never said he couldnt take Super Buu in his normal form(which is the only form Gotenks *****.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Comparing it to the Zelda timeline is hardly a good example. It's quite clear that they weren't trying to connect the Zelda games on a grand scale until TWW or so; obviously many quotes are meaningless in this case.

It's not really the same as something simple and concrete like a power level.

Not saying I disagree with your point though. :3


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
And Ant your little thing about Goku not being able to take Super Buu. thats when he had absorbed Gohan/Piccolo/Gotenks. Goku never said he couldnt take Super Buu in his normal form(which is the only form Gotenks *****.
umad. How come ur the ONLY dbz fan i have ever met who believes this. But nup everyone else in the world is wrong u r right ok. Goku said he couldn't take buu after they had ripped out the gohan piccolo and trunks/goten pods, so after buu was weakened down to his super buu base form.

I lol'd irl when i read ur earlier comment.

Show me one bit of evidence in the show that proves mystic Gohan was stronger then SSJ3 Goku? **** what writers or fans or anyone thinks. Im going by the show since thats what we all watched. And the show says Mystic Gohan was a little ***** next to Super Buu. In the show Buu got weaker as he absorbed the Kis which means his first original form of pure evil was his Strongest. And who said they could of beat him? SSJ3 Goku if he didnt **** around and let vegeta have a fight.

Also Mystic Gohan at SSJ Level couldnt even handle Broly. And since the movies count considering you aloud Gogeta. that makes Mystic Gohan like the 6th Strongest
Broly? uh... huh?....what? Do u mean hirudegarn? When did i allow gogeta? I only ever said vegitto was the strongest unfuses character, and he ain't from a movie. And movies don't count. Hell in that fight Vegeta did better against hirudegarn that gohan did lol. That's why u discredit movies, coz they are stupid lol:chuckle:

Well when gohan turned mystic, goku was stunned and in awe of his power. Gohan wiped the floor with super buu, he couldn't even hit him basically. Gotenks, a super saiyan 3, was weaker then super buu. So that proves gohan is much much more stronger than a ssj3. And gotenks is a tiny bit stronger than goku. Read my earlier comments as to why i believe that.

Just accept it dude, ur wrong. Every other fan knows that mystic gohan is stronger than goku. It was what akira toriyama wanted from since the cell saga. But fans wanted goku to save the world the last time, so he let goku do that, but he still made gohan the strongest.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Read what i quoted.... he said mystic gohan couldn't handle broly. When did mystic gohan fight broly lol? Was there a 4th broly movie lol. "Broly IV Ressurection" :D
Mystic gohan fought hirudegarn and lost.

But really guys, i don't want to cotinue on this argument, coz really it shouldnt even be an argument. It's clear that gohan was stronger than goku. It's like someone saying cell is stronger than gohan. it's like he's not, why argue it.

In brawl terms. It's like arguing who the best character in the game is. it's obvious and there are clear facts that show MK is the best. it's a waste of time to argue it.

Android 16 said:
There are some beings that words alone cannot reach, Cell Booker is such a being
Don't take this the wrong way booker. This is just a friendly debate, sure i might come off a bit angry but i don't want this to escalate. After all, it's powerlevels of dbz characters we are discussing lol. So everyone just chill.

Just accept that i'm right :D jk

Hopefully my brother will read this.
-lol some idiot at uni is streaming an ENTIRE movie lolol, there goes ur whole quota an then some lol.
And the person is white <(''<)


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
That's why u discredit ME, coz I are stupid lol:chuckle:
Don't twist my words plz luke.

sorry what? I wasn't listening.

I love this thread its great
booker V. ant k go.

me and seig are bookers backup that just post rand stuff.

also ant mr I know so much about dbz even the Japanese stuff, there is no V equivalent in the Japanese alphabet, its begeta.

I'm fairly sure its vegetto but I could be wrong


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Hopefully my brother will read this.
-lol some idiot at uni is streaming an ENTIRE movie lolol, there goes ur whole quota an then some lol.
And the person is white <(''<)
do some fkin work

/me goes back to his work

( '-')


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
^^ nou

It's strange u type in vegetto in google and it comes up with all these images. u type in vegitto, and u get some links to dbz related stuff but no pics. I see people say vegitto all the time. perhaps it's a spelling mistake and it actually is vegetto. **** if that's true my wc3 account name is wrong! zomg stop the presses.

Where's my backup, useless brother does nothing. Desert Eagle where art thou. i think he knows some stuff about dbz


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Funyions are like onions, except they're not made of onions, they're made of potatos.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
That mystic gohan v goku debate has been going too long, i know the answer and u guys can believe what u want to, but it doesn't make it true

There are many plot holes in dbz, so let's try like make a list lawl.
I got a minor one to start off with.

Every 6 hours spent inside the hyperbolic time chamber equals 1 minute on the outside. This was told sometime during the show.
Now when super buu escaped from the time chamber he ate everyone outside and by the time gotenks came out, he says 'its about time u got out' as if he had been sitting down for a while.
Now piccolo says they had time to defuse and fuse again, so thats like less than an hour spent inside the time chamber be4 they escaped.
Now somehow superbuu escaped, reformed, ate everyone and had time to sit down in what 40 seconds?

edit - Is this even a plot hole though lol? seems just like a mistake
Um another one is.
Future Trunks came from like 18 years in the future. How come he never met buu?


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Yeah, Trunks from the future was from an alternate reality when Goku had the heart attack, died early and the androids took over. Once that reality was stopped, naturally a different future was made. Although, it doesn't explain exactly how Trunks goes back to his own future and kills the androids once he's done with Cell saga...

lol plotholes


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Ah i remember another one.
During cell saga it is stated that only 2 people can enter the hyperbolic time chamber at once. Yet in the buu/fusion saga 4 people enter it... Perhaps this was a translation error and it was never stated that only 2 people can enter it. But i don't know

and swordaint, babidi has dabura with him and dabura would easily beat the androids.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Maybe Babidi tried to ressurect Buu but due to everyone strong being dead, aswell as a severe reduction of life on the planet, was unable to get the necessary power and gave up. lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
No i aint dropping this. When Goku and Vegeta ripped out the pods. They saw his power drop and it became nothing. The only time they started to worry was when they ripped out fat Buu and his power when BAM stronger then anything they have every felt. The power was felt through the whole universe. When he said that they would have to fuse again was when vegeta was just going to blow a hole in Buu and escape (while he still had the pods in him) and goku was like no dont we arnt strong enough we would have to fuse and vegeta is all yuck im glad we are back to normal.(not a real quote)

Also why didnt they wish Mystic Gohan to go fight Buu then hrm? Because he is ****.

Also if you want loop-holes or what evers. Answer me this because i can not for the life of me understand WTF happened its the only part of DBZ that has me stumped. (next to why the **** they put the Garlic Jr Saga in)

When Freiza puts goku into Namiks core and then Gohan cant feel his power and goes ape **** on Frieza then they like make the wish and Goku is back. Did Goku Die? Was he Wished Back? how was he Wished back? Was he playing hiding go seek?


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
lol talking to this guy on db multiverse he says that, a LOT of people argue who's stronger kid buu or super buu. He says its an argument no one has ever been able to win. I knew it was a very hard thing to figure out, thus is why i mentioned it.
We have to agree to disagree.

Not wishing gohan back, there is no reason for them not to, why didnt they wish gotenks also? What happened in the show is final, no point in thinking of these what-if scenario's or they should've done this, becoz they didn't and thats it. But read what i said be4, gotenks was weaker than super buu as a ssj3, gotenks is on par with ssj3 goku. Personally i believe gotenks ki abilities are stronger than goku's but his punches are weaker. Gotenks is like an intel hero, and goku is an str hero lol.
Mystic gohan wiped the floor with super buu. Kind of proves how much stronger gohan is compared to goku. He was even on par with super buu /w gotenks and piccolo for a short while.

Garlic jnr saga, man that sucked.
Anyway seems like u found another plot hole. Goku didn't die, i guess they forgot about him lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
i highly doubt Gotenks SSJ3 is anywhere close to Goku SSJ3 level. The kids had just mastered the level of SSj3 where as Goku has been training with it for a LONG *** time, And the fact is Kid buu is stronger then Super Buu and SSJ3 Goku held his own with Kid Buu for a good while and probably would of beatin him. (if not for satisfying Vegetas Pride)

Also Goku held back his power throughout the whole Buu Saga to let Gohan/Goten/Trunks have a crack at saving the world. They all failed. it wasnt till there was absolutely no other choice then for Goku to go hard out that Buu actually died.

And Goku dieing how do you know he didnt? Gohan didnt sense him at all? Was he hiding it to surprise Frieza? Why would he put Gohan in danger like that if he was hiding? I swear he died but then that voids the Dragons wishing powers


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Goku had never used SSJ3 form on earth, he couldn't use it as well as he could in heaven.
When he saw gotenks ssj3 fight, he said that controlling ssj3 power is very hard, but when he saw gotenks fight it seemed as if they had trained in that form for years.
Like i said believe what u want to, i just believe what i've learnt from extremely hardcore dbz fans, and all the many many videos on youtube detailing power levels and saga fights.

In my experience going on dbz forums, youtube and blogs and such, anyone who even suggested goku being stronger than mystic gohan was ridiculed. It's like i give u evidence but u just dismiss it, u aren't right about this, accept ur wrong about goku being stronger than mystic gohan already.
Even if goku was holding back vs fat buu or even kid buu, he still managed to get hit by them. Gohan couldn't even be touched by super buu and super buu is around the same strength as kid buu.

I'll say it again. Akira toriyama wanted gohan to be the strongest z fighter, he wanted this since the cell saga. Akira toriyama also once stated that gohan is the strongest unfused character. How can u still think ur right if its known fact that the creator wanted gohan to be the strongest? it baffles me.

So u think all the people who write things about power levels are wrong. How can all these people be wrong, surely it should be obvious that maybe just maybe u are wrong about whos stronger.

Goku couldn't have died in freeza saga, when goku dies the show makes a big deal out of it. He is the main character and all.

There's one of the better power level videos.
If u disagree with his listings write a comment, he generally answers u. He will tell u that u are wrong, as will 99.9% of hardcore dbz fans.

ALSO SSJ3 form drains energy very very fast. Mystic gohan is basically his everyday form, he has no energy dragin as that is his natural state of power. Mystic gohan can keep up his incredible power for a much longer time than goku could.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
yeah I always noticed that too billy, I'd have to rewatch it again to be sure but I think goku was killed by freiza, but then gohan stalled frieza long enough for the wish to be made, and that specific wish I believe was "revive everyone frieza killed" and thats why vegeta come back to life, and obviously that would bring goku back to


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney

What booker just said was, ssj3 goku was on par with kid buu BUT Goku had to fuse with Vegeta to even stand a chance?

contradicted yar self thar matey.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
sonic x first season was like power rangers lol.

Anyway... i will close this thread once booker actually reads one of my posts, be's a man and accepts his wrong about goku being stronger than gohan. Coz it's just getting annoying repeating myself 3 times over. The show made it pretty obvious gohan was stronger.
They devoted like 20 episodes to unlocking gohans power. But yeah goku is still stronger.. that makes sense.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Those were the most boring 20 episodes of my life.

Atleast Goku does something to power up, like fight someone.

All arguments are flawed because you have no evidence.

And no, I don't count ******s on forums saying "This and that" as evidence.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
I guess i have to say it out for u again sieg. Why don't u just read my earlier posts?!

Gotenks ssj3 is just as strong as ssj3 goku.
Gotenks ssj3 was very slightly weaker than super buu.
Gohan couldn't even BE TOUCHED by super buu.
Gohan held his own for a short time vs Super buu /w gotenks and piccolo!
SSJ3 form loses a lot of power very quickly, gohans mystic form loses no power.

Goku got hit by fat buu and got hit by kid buu. Kid buu being around the same strength as super buu.

Gohan was like vegeta was to semi perfect cell. Gohan probably even had more of a power gap than vegeta did vs semi perfect cell. That is a huge power gap.

Is that obvious enough? grow a brain seriously guys. it's like every post i have to repost what i said be4 coz u guys cant be bothered reading it.

In case u didn't read it the first 6 times here it is again

Gotenks ssj3 is just as strong as ssj3 goku.
Gotenks ssj3 was very slightly weaker than super buu.
Gohan couldn't even BE TOUCHED by super buu.
Gohan held his own for a short time vs Super buu /w gotenks and piccolo!
SSJ3 form loses a lot of power very quickly, gohans mystic form loses no power.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
That was because the fans wanted goku to save the world to finish of the series. It was Akira's plan since the cell saga to have goku dying and handing over the protection of earth to his son.
But of course the fans demanded another season, and akira prolly got paid a lot to do so lol.
So he let goku save the world, but he made gohan the strongest.

Also in case some of u guys don't know. Super saiyan 3 gotenks is a super saiyan 3. Just as goku is a super saiyan 3. Gotenks isn't a super saiyan 2 he's a super saiyan 3.
Goku hadn't been training as an ssj3 for years. When did he ever say that?
Look how long it took him to transform on earth. He might've transformed only a few times into an ssj3 be4. He did say he hasn't had much occasion to practice it.
Thus there is no humongous power gap between gotenks and goku.
Gotenks had practices as an ssj3 be4 in the time chamber, who knows how many times. It took gotenks what like 20 seconds to transform the first time we saw it? It took goku like 3 minutes.
Goku even said gotenks could control the ssj3 better than he could.
Gotenks is really powerful in case u didn't know.

Fusion always makes people way more stronger. It's not like u just add 2 numbers together.
Look at vegitto. His ssj form is like a 1000 times more powerful than super buu with gohan.

But honeslty booker if u reply with more ramblings about how goku is stronger than mystic gohan then i will just put u on ignore. I've had all i can take of that nonsense.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
That video shows me nothing other than Gotenks powering up.


Goku's been dead for ages. All he does is train.

Apparently transforming in shorter time makes you more attuned to SSJ3?

Maybe it was because Goten and Trunks were so attuned with each other?

****. I remember when Goku hit SSJ he was like ****ing 6 episodes of changing. Then when Vegita could do it he just popped in.

There's no humungous power gap between Gotenks and Goku because THEY'RE TWO ****ING PEOPLE. IN ONE FORM. AS SSJ3.

As you stated yourself, Vegitto was 1000 more powerful fused than in normal form.

In the end, Gohan did **** all. Except fail. Hardcore.

It didn't matter how powerful he was, he got ****ing absorbed.

Did Goku get absorbed? Willingly he did.

And even then he didn't become an unconcious ****** in a pod.

He was kicking the **** out of Buu from the inside.
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