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Rant about DBZ here!


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
good job ant, as for cheating, I put the quote into google and it doesnt come up with anything, I had it a bit wrong though lol, ant knows his ****.

as for that quote no idea I'm bad at this stuff, but it sounds like cell tbh so I would bet he says it to vegeta after he turns perfect and preceeds to pwn him.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Well ur all wrong lol.
Vegitto says it when super buu or buuhan is about to fire his massive energy ball, which he culminated from the destruction of all the planets he destroyed.
e_alert u got it half right lol that line is probably more of the vegeta side coming out in vegitto.

It's one of the cooler scenes from the fusion saga, mainly coz it has vegeta super saiyan theme music in the background.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ahh vegitto, best character, right up there with piccolo.

I love how random ****wits think that gogeta is stronger


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
They base that on the fact the he defeated janemba within a matter of seconds. For some reason they believe that gogeta is more calm and collected and does the job without joking around and dragging on the fight.
I have talked to ppl about that be4 and thats basically what some people think.

What's even more rediculous is when idiots think mystic gohan is weaker than ssj3 goku, when akira toriyama said gohan is the strongest once.
Or that kid buu is the strongest of all the buu's lol, its weaker than super buu abut stronger than fat buu fyi.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I find that odd since in the show they directly say something like "this is the worst possible outcome, now that he has reverted to his true orginal form he is more powerful then ever" even though it sounds stupid because with super he had absorbed all these strong dudes.

the real reason people think gogeta is stronger is because he went ssj4

mystic gohan was **** because gohan always had his hidden potential but never achived it and goku knew that gohans hidden potential was greater then his own.
and all the elder kai did was bring gohan to that potential and unlock all of it, and then he just ***** and *****, wish we could have seen some more of it, I really hate what they did to gohans character after the cell saga


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
I find that odd since in the show they directly say something like "this is the worst possible outcome, now that he has reverted to his true orginal form he is more powerful then ever" even though it sounds stupid because with super he had absorbed all these strong dudes.
Yes that is the main reason people believe kid buu is stronger than super buu, however it's another case of the dub screwing things up.
In the japanese version, goku says something along the lines of 'this is the most dangerous form of buu'. He never states that this form is stronger but that it is more dangerous in that kid buu is basically insane and will kill anyone without reason.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
hmm that line of thinking is abit flawed, buu might not have been insane before but he would still kill anyone without reason as was quite dangerous (he killed every human that was on earth except hercule)

furthermore, although I can agree that the correct trans was "the most dangerous" but that would imply he's dangerous because he's stronger, and its not goku that says that but kabitokai.

if you think about it it makes sense, kabitokai said that when buu absorbded the fat kai he became much weaker, and they took that away making him stronger again.

so I went back to check it out, remember that pretty much all anime starts as a manga, including dragonball z, and since manga is the orginal its considered the most correct.

here's where they say it here http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-509&page_nr=4

also against kid buu goku in ssj3 couldnt beat him.
against fat buu it looked like goku was only going even with him but really goku was holding back and could have won, proof here: http://www.mangavolume.com/index.php?serie=dragon-ball&chapter=dragon-ball-510&page_nr=11

so basically this all points to kid buu being strongest.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
but you're comparing kid buu to fat buu

you aren't comparing kid buu to super buu, and any variation of "super buu"

i.e, gohan absorbed, piccolo absorbed, gotenks absorbed


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ok sure that last part was but the rest of the post wasnt, the fact is that they do say, or at the very least imply that kid buu is the strongest.

lets see some counter evidence and theories, GO!


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
he was killed by a super saiyan rather than ssj3? lol iunno

I thought ant was right though.

Super Buu savoured his kills and had a tendency to focus on those who can give him a good fight. He also had a little patience. ( ONLY A LITTLE)

Whereas Kid Buu destroys anything and everything without hesitation. He doesn't whether he gets a good fight. He just wants everything gone. He destroyed Earth almost instantly, he doesn't have those higher intellectual thought processes.

A calm beast or a rampaging beast, what do you think's more dangerous?

One who gives you time to fight back, or one who doesn't?


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Someone also once said something along the lines of.
It takes more than brute strength to become a fighter and that it takes a keen intellect also.Can't really remember that quote all to well.

Anyway swordsaint is right, super buu was smarter (lol) than kid buu. Kid buu was just reckless and was like an animal.

Anyway.. SSJ3 Goku held his own and was even with kid buu in his fight.
However whilst inside buu's body, goku says that they have to fuse as he is still no match for super buu, even with vegeta on his side they would lose.
So he's no match for super buu but he could go even with kid buu. This kind of proves that kid buu is weaker than super buu's base form.

BTW ssj3 gotenks is stronger than ssj3 goku. So u can't say that ssj3 gotenks went even with super buu so goku could, as gotenks is quite stronger than goku.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
So guys, who would win in a fight

Goku or Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann

I think I know the answer to this already.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
ummm, isnt that really obvious lol?

both in SSJ4 form prior, using the proper fusion technique... should be like 1,000 times more powerful i bet :p


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
only because goku and vegeta were stronger then aswell, if at that point where they were able to go ssj4, they had used the potara to turn into vegetto, then vegetto would have gone ssj4 and been stronger and then... ****!!!!

and your right, his mum is a canon, she blows you away.

or maybe she likes to blow alot in general, you know what canons are like, just blowing any old time they feel like it, which is all the time.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I see what you did there.

But the earrings are gone aren't they.

Never to be used again.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
WTF. I really do not agree with this whole Super Buu stronger then Kid Buu. And for a matter this SSJ3 Gotenks being Stronger then SSJ3 Goku.

Goku even said everytime that he was in SSJ3 he could of beat Buu (even kid Buu) at max power he just held back so Goten/Gohan could fight and save the world the world for once since Goku wouldnt always be here. and with Kid Buu he wanted to let Vegeta have a fight. Goku just didnt realize he couldn't gain his power back in the human world liek he could in the other dimension.

Also Kid Buu was the perfect being it took the power over on a billion people and the strongest person in the universe at full power x10 to finally beat him. What makes kid the strongest form is that he was relentless and had nothing tainting his power at all. As Super Buu he had absorbed one of the kis and the kis power actually hinderd Kid Buus.

To explain it the same thing happened in Marvel Comics. As you all know The hulk is Bruce banner when he gets angry. and even though with anger he gets stronger and stronger because Banner is apart of the hulk Banner has some control and still stops the hulk from being as strong as he can be. In the onslaught saga Jean had to separate Banner from the Hulks body for the hulk to be just a wild animal monster of power killing machine that knew no limits (just like kid Buu)

Oh and GT counts


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
GT = The CD-i Zeldas of Dragon Ball.

Nobody wants to admit they're official, but they really are.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
The remastered dvd sets of gt changed the intro music. So it's not that stupid rap and it's actually pretty good. The japanese song is called dan dan.... i forget the rest lol.

Booker watch videos about power levels on youtube they all back up what im saying, watch any video about kid buu or super buu u will find people saying super buu is stronger than kid buu, go on a dbz forum u should find them all saying what i've been saying.
Being smart makes u a better fighter. It's like with brawl, skill can make u a good player, but u need to know all the technical apsects of the game to become a great player.

Goku even said everytime that he was in SSJ3 he could of beat Buu (even kid Buu) at max power he just held back so Goten/Gohan could fight and save the world the world for once since Goku wouldnt always be here. and with Kid Buu he wanted to let Vegeta have a fight. Goku just didnt realize he couldn't gain his power back in the human world liek he could in the other dimension.
First of all Goku only ever said he could have beaten fat buu as an ssj3, he never claimed he could beat super buu, the only thing he claimed about super buu is that he would stand no chance against him. He held back vs fat buu i know that.

Also about ssj3 gotenks. Gotenks held his own against super buu, something goku said he could not do. When goku saw ssj3 gotenks he says that he can't really control ssj3 that easily as he hasn't adjusted to it. But when he saw gotenks he said they are fighting like they've trained in that form for years.


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
pretty sure they mentioned on the english dub that kid buu was weaker than buu's previous forms, only that he was way more evil which made him more dangerous.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
Whats the deal with the Dragon Balls? Isn't there a rule where you can only make a wish once? Yet they revive Krillin like 5 times lol. There's a couple of other contradictions here and there, but I don't remember them.

I think they mention somewhere that a Saiyan's hair can't be cut or changed or something. Yet Vegeta's and Gohan's change for sure.

PS: DBZ and Vegeta are too epic!

EDIT: Did anyone else find the Buu sage to be just... really annoying? It was dragged on WAY too long I reackon and its just so annoying how Buu keeps coming back to life...... somehow, dunno if they had a reason for it.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
DBZ has a lot of plot holes lol.
Krillin gets revived in db once? If he got revived twice then it's just a mistake. In DB they didn't know how the dragonballs work, and more importantly it was never told that they couldn't revive someone twice. In DBZ they added that bit of info so it doesn't coincide with db.
In dbz he's revived using namek's dragonballs, which can revive someone an unlimited amount of times. He dies to frieza and then to buu. So that's 4 deaths.
In GT he dies again, but then they just ignored the whole revive once thing.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
The remastered dvd sets of gt changed the intro music. So it's not that stupid rap and it's actually pretty good. The japanese song is called dan dan.... i forget the rest lol.

Booker watch videos about power levels on youtube they all back up what im saying, watch any video about kid buu or super buu u will find people saying super buu is stronger than kid buu, go on a dbz forum u should find them all saying what i've been saying.
Being smart makes u a better fighter. It's like with brawl, skill can make u a good player, but u need to know all the technical apsects of the game to become a great player.

First of all Goku only ever said he could have beaten fat buu as an ssj3, he never claimed he could beat super buu, the only thing he claimed about super buu is that he would stand no chance against him. He held back vs fat buu i know that.

Also about ssj3 gotenks. Gotenks held his own against super buu, something goku said he could not do. When goku saw ssj3 gotenks he says that he can't really control ssj3 that easily as he hasn't adjusted to it. But when he saw gotenks he said they are fighting like they've trained in that form for years.
**** forums and what not or what other people who have no idea said.

Goku said himself when fighting kid Buu that he could of beat him as SSJ3 but he wanted Vegeta to have a fight. And the only time Super Buu was a threat to Goku alone was when he had absorbed Gotenks, Piccolo and Gohan. Mystic Gohan was about to **** Super Buu before he did his absorbing trick. And SSJ3 Goku was stronger then Mystic Gohan always has been.
And yeah being smart might help you. but Kid Buu was smart enough to know what he was doing. He was just so animal thet he NEVER held his power back he had nothing at all stopping him from his full potential. Where as Super Buu had some of the kidness that the kis had holding him back (like not killing hercule)He was the perfect killing machine and the strongest of all the Buus. Even Supreme Ki said so.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
And SSJ3 Goku was stronger then Mystic Gohan always has been.
U just lost all credibilty with that statement. Seriously i thought ppl said u knew alot about dbz...
U may buy a lot of dbz merchandise and watch the show a lot, but really, u don't know as much as i do.
Akira Toriyama said once that mystic gohan was the strongest at the end of dbz, he wanted gohan to be the strongest since the cell saga. If u can't believe the creator of the show then i don't know what.

I really don't want to waste my time proving to u that akira toriyama said it, go look it up urself. Mystic gohan is the second strongest z fighter, second ONLY to Vegitto. He is the strongest unfused z fighter.

just take a look at this random site plz

U have been watching too match english dub, in the japanese version supreme kai NEVER says kid buu is the strongest of all the buu's.
Super buu is like 99% evil.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games

It's serious business

I dont watch it much but I was sure Mystic Gohan > SSJ3 Goku. What exactly did SSJ3 Goku ever do?


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
actually akira told me that piccolo was the strongest but he just didnt feel like trying most of the time, its true though, akira TOLD ME HIMSELF, BUT I DONT WANT TO WASTE MY TIME PROVING IT.

and those sites dont have alot of credibility, people just make that **** up, its not like it says in the show, ok now he's this power level, and now he's this power level. I also love how they are all numbers like 10000000 and not 380942404289

I can agree on translation errors though.

I love how serious ant is taking all this, its great, mmm this popcorn sure tastes good, dont stop ant keep going.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Quote from that really bad website = "POWER LEVELS some of them MADE BY AKIRA TORIYAMA"

I'll leave aside the horrible spelling and the poorly designed website though.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Well i know what the truth is, u guys can believe what u want to. But what i said is the truth. Go ask it on db multiverse comment section. Who is stronger goku or mystic gohan, no one will say goku.
It's like someone saying sheik is better than snake. Sure if i wrote that on this forum ppl would say im an idiot also and give me reasons as to why im wrong, so it's no different to what im doing.

Sry but it just gets me so annoyed when someone thinks goku is stronger than mystic gohan, it's just so blatantly wrong. All the hardcore dbz fans i've met on the internet share the same beliefs as i do, so it's pretty obvious who's right on this argument. Don't twist my words plz luke.

Now can we plz change the subject!
Is it Vegitto or Vegetto? I understand the tto come from kakarotto, but is japanese vegeta called vegita?
My Warcraft 3 username is Vegitto, i just feel that it could be wrong. I would ask this on db multiverse but a new page is coming out in like 5 hours, and no one comments on the page when a new one's about to come out.
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