since we were all talking about our characters...

- It would take a while to say why I main Snake. He's just a sick character, from an awesome series of games, firm a
ss, chain smoker's voice, bandana. He has it all.

- The character I use for Low Tiers/sandbagging. He was a former main of main when i quit Snake for like 3 months. I consider Falcon to be my true secondary. He may be garbage, but Falcon can still do some slick s**t, he hilarious to play when High, Falcon Kick.

- My original secondary, in recent months I started playing him again, because there is a player ranked above me who mains DK and secondaries Mario. I know, I'm a d
ick, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. Plus DDD is just so adorable, look at my avatar. He's like a second secondary to me.

's- Awesome to play when High, although they are purely a pocket character/d
ick move character for me, hardly ever use them, but I like to practice CG's and Hobbling to keep fresh.
Then these characters I only d
ick around with, but are fairly decent
also, lol @ all of my censor dodging