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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
I'm not really a fan of portables anymore. I used to like them, but now that I have a whole system sittin there with a big tv... It just feels weird. I do want to play some games for the portable though. I pretty much maxed my characters from Golden Sun 1 and I wanna transfer them to GS2. I wanna play the whole GS series - there's 3 now right? - and Dissidia. It looks interesting.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2010
I only like Pokemon games for portable. The Phantom Hourglass wasn't bad but anything more complicated than Pokemon I find too hard.

EDIT: Its back yay!

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I've been changing it too much lol.

Also I wonder if I'm doing too much by playing three characters for tournament. What are peoples thoughts?

All Snake? One secondary? Two secondaries?



Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
I've been changing it too much lol.

Also I wonder if I'm doing too much by playing three characters for tournament. What are peoples thoughts?

All Snake? One secondary? Two secondaries?

All Snake, maybe if you want one 2nd. At least for now, when you to a certain point of the game, start using some more characters to see how "they work".

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I feel pretty comfortable with all 3 of them to be honest. And I took into account matchups as well as stage counterpicks and all of them have their uses in regards to both of them. There's a player in Ohio that plays multiple characters and he's REALLY good at making smart counterpicks and keep opponents guessing. I want to master that style.

But I just wonder if I am spreading my attention span too thin with 3 is the thing. I've tried going all Snake but I get bored way too easily. :( I have played most characters in depth and I have a pretty good knowledge of how most characters work. Its always been what I do. If I can't figure a character out I will play them for a while and see what makes them tick lol Its fun.
Aug 6, 2008
@OnlyUse: Memorize names, not avatars.
I feel pretty comfortable with all 3 of them to be honest. And I took into account matchups as well as stage counterpicks and all of them have their uses in regards to both of them. There's a player in Ohio that plays multiple characters and he's REALLY good at making smart counterpicks and keep opponents guessing. I want to master that style.

But I just wonder if I am spreading my attention span too thin with 3 is the thing. I've tried going all Snake but I get bored way too easily. :( I have played most characters in depth and I have a pretty good knowledge of how most characters work. Its always been what I do. If I can't figure a character out I will play them for a while and see what makes them tick lol Its fun.
I am fairly convinced that you cannot break into the top levels of play unless you are either a master at the concepts of smash, or really good with your single character.

Any other time, I do not see a problem with using multiple characters. Although, I seriously think that a secondary should heavily be considered for anyone. Unless you are MK, you will have problomatic match-ups and probably need a secondary. DDD and olimar are hard for snake, but you could have a pocket G&W for those two and do pretty well I think.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Hmm I want to ascend into higher levels of play though. I feel like I am stuck in this abyss between being better than a mid level player but not quite a high level player.

I mean when I look at it: I am FAR more experienced and knowledgeable with :snake: then any of my other characters. I know my options with him and everything else at a proficient level. I think my biggest problems are my player habits. I have some ******** habits. When I focus my Snake is completely different. I feel my potential with Snake is much greater than my other characters.

I love how fun playing :dedede: is. He has a lot of properties than Snake doesn't have. And I have been doing better with him lately because I have more fun playing with him. People say my DDD is better but I don't think so. Its just he does well against a lot of commonly played MUs in Michigan. And its easy to look flashy with DDD when you do something that isn't Bair, Grab or F-Tilt.

And then there's :popo: I have had some very interesting moments with them and I excel with them in MUs I have issues with Snake or DDD. And it seems..easy with them actually. If you play a simple yet effective playstyle with them the reward is WAY bigger than with other characters. lol

So thats what I'm looking at right now.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2009
im in a comparatively situation right now.
i ve been playing snake since the beginning of my "career", so he is definetly my best character, with a kinda big gap to the next ones.

my 2nd is ICs. i can chaingrab most characters constantly, and i think they'd work pretty well. but i feel like i needed to put a lot more work into them, to play them on the level compared to my snake.
i wonder if i should just drop them, or put more work into :(
..technically they are not really suited to snake as a second imo.. i just picked them up caus i thought they were damn cool,unique and hard to master. kinda like a challenge ..

i used to learn ddd a while ago, too.. and i consider him pretty good.. just not at the level of my IC's.he would be suitable as a 2nd even better as ICs, but i dont know if its worth to put the work into him

im even thinking about picking MK LOL..i play him every now and then and feel very comfortable with him too..
lol dunno..
i feel good with wario,too.. damn i just forgot whats the point of my post.
i guess i should go to bed now. im too drunk :D


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
how many characters you can play effectively is really up to you, some people are freakish and can do really well with a lot of characters, some people can't.

since we're all talking about our characters...

:metaknight: my best character since around october or november of 2008. I thought it was weird that my MK was bad so I put a lot of time into him in the fall of that year and he became my best character after 2 or 3 months of that...

:snake: first character I started doing decently with. I love MGS so he was one of the characters I was most looking forward to in this game. for a long time I've teetered back and forth from wanting to main snake to dropping him entirely, I think other characters have better playstyles for me but I'm too much of a fanboy...of all my characters, I hate this characters ditto the most by far

:marth: my first main in brawl as short lived as that was. just kept using him because I used him most in melee. I don't have nearly as much time into him as snake or MK but I do ok with him and know a lot because half of my most played people on wifi are good marths

I guess you could say I have a ton of tertiary characters but these are my big 3. I'm kind of interested in developing my fox and ike atm but that would require me to play brawl, which I haven't done in a week and I'm happy that way : )


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I use it as an edge guarding gimmick sometimes, lay a mine so they can't just get up and then fire the nikita at them. some people like to get rid of it quickly by running up and powershielding it so if you can identify that it's usually a free grab too

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI

Main :ike: ^

So maybe I should focus more on learning/mastering the concepts of Smash and just play what feels right. Its considered "strange" to play more than 2 characters here in MI but being strange could be a good thing. I just think the way I do things is different than most :3

I also find it funny how each character represents something to me:

:snake: - Familiarity, knowledge and experience.
:dedede: - Simplicity, flexibility and enjoyment.
:popo: - Counterpicking, smart decisions and "playing the game".
Aug 6, 2008
downsmashing mid game ???????? what do you guys think of this? Not just after taking Stocks.
lol What sort of question is this?

Against a neutral position opponent, its helluva dumb thing to do. Even if you have mortars and nades flying around you (would make a great piece of artwork :awesome:), it still takes too long to place the darn thing. People will just charge you down in an instant. Only time to place mines down is when someone is in knockback/recovery.

Even on the ledge, they are crap. Over 100%, invincibility frames from standing or attack will outlast mine explosions near the ledge. Below 100% is a bit more iffy on the character and option of stand or attack and distance from ledge. Most times it still outlasts the mine explosion. Even then people will likely try to explode the mine with a projectile.

However, I think using mines is a good way to test the waters of someone new your playing. Almost no one knows that mines are quiet harmless to you if you are on the ledge. You can abuse that by placing a mine on the ledge then observing their reaction to it can give you clues to how they get-up from the ledge. If it is something you can take advantage of, use mines more near the ledge. Otherwise, I say avoid using mines near the ledge.

The only time mines are useful is to cover high recovery methods at times (peach/DDD) or ones that go deep into the stage (spacies).

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
Well obviously I meant planting the mines when there was adequate time to plant it without getting punished IE knockback etc. I don't see many snakes do this and sometimes I wonder if I did it more it would increase my gameplay.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
yume doesn't go to tournaments anymore, he probably said that for other reasons...their relaxed tolerance for the commerce of a certain plant maybe? : p


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Well obviously I meant planting the mines when there was adequate time to plant it without getting punished IE knockback etc. I don't see many snakes do this and sometimes I wonder if I did it more it would increase my gameplay.
I do it after a bit of nade camping so they're still trying to defend the nades. And I believe Razer does this alot, I think d-smash midgame is def good.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
random ladder vid vs olimar


give me advice against this lurid monster! game 2/3 went worse I just forgot the replays, you can get a good idea of how I play the MU from this I guess though. posting this here instead of vid critique because it is lolfi but I could use advice I hate this ****er


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
boba fett snake and lost woods yoshi's island, pretty sure both are on kcmm, at least I know I got ht eboba fett one there like last week

Aug 6, 2008
I think that whole match you got stuck trying to do stuff you probably shouldn't be doing. Wifi is probably partial to blame for it.

I do not use too much music yet. Too much space taken up on the SD card.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
what exactly ARE you supposed to be doing against olimar? it seems like he can cover most of what you can do and his risk:reward ratio ***** ours in like every situation

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate this little worm

I did discover a few things rewatching this though that I can use against him more at least...


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
since we were all talking about our characters...

:snake:- It would take a while to say why I main Snake. He's just a sick character, from an awesome series of games, firm ass, chain smoker's voice, bandana. He has it all.

:falcon:- The character I use for Low Tiers/sandbagging. He was a former main of main when i quit Snake for like 3 months. I consider Falcon to be my true secondary. He may be garbage, but Falcon can still do some slick s**t, he hilarious to play when High, Falcon Kick.

:dedede:- My original secondary, in recent months I started playing him again, because there is a player ranked above me who mains DK and secondaries Mario. I know, I'm a dick, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. Plus DDD is just so adorable, look at my avatar. He's like a second secondary to me.


:popo:'s- Awesome to play when High, although they are purely a pocket character/dick move character for me, hardly ever use them, but I like to practice CG's and Hobbling to keep fresh.

Then these characters I only dick around with, but are fairly decent :peach: :marth: :falco:

also, lol @ all of my censor dodging


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2010
I hate Olimar. I just nade him till he's close then start tilting/grabbing. Don't go midrange, Oli destroys there. Long, or very close (within grab range)

Mines are best about 1 Snake crouch length from the edge. I find the cover most of their non-aerial option quite well.

I'm one of those people who uses lots of characters. Not sure how well I do though.


My best. Love the nades and how fun blowing **** up is.


Melee main, used him for the longest time (almost 2 years!) in Brawl. Then I found Snake. Now play him mostly out of loyalty. Those were some good 5 years.


My favorite Nintendo character. Mained him for a while, realized Snake was soo much better. Still only second to Snake.


I don't really know why, but I like her.

Those are my only mains, although I've used like 15 characters seriously in all. I'm not bad with them, but these ^ are better
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