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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
LOL losing a character's strongest aspect of their game is not the inability to adapt it's called being countered. Though that statement is correct to an extent.

Grenades are very difficult to utilize in this MU for several reasons.

Pikmin spawn faster than Grenades do. Snake vs Olimar's camping is basically a shotgun vs a machinegun. It also doesn't help when red pikmin are immune to our explosives. These are the same pikmin that have ridiculous aerial power and smashes. But more on that later.

We can't blindly run in a use tilts either. Even spaced Olimar still out ranges us or can just throw Pikmin iat us and then we are forced to respond. Using our tilts to get rid of pikmin not only stales our most reliable kill move but puts Olimar in a positional advantage because that's less time for us to counter because we're busy responding and more time for Olimar to tack on the pressure.

A smart Olimar will keep us in mid-long range for the fight. Because we can't just power through his wall of Pikmin. We can't approach via air because we suck in the air and Oli will **** us there. We can't use Landmines because pikmin will just detonate them. C4 is only marginally useful and its hard to land with in general.

The only way we win this MU is waiting for the Olimar to make some sort of small opening in his wall and jumping on the chance to punish. Dash attack is good in this MU and if you can get a down throw off it can help a lot because Oli's tech rolls are TERRIBLE. But Oli has the tools to keep us out of us weakest range: Melee range. Olimar really doesn't have to approach us at all because his Pikmin beat our grenades in a head on camp battle. Any character that can outcamp Snake gives him issues because its one of his strong aspects of play.

Being Countered means:

Character B either outdoes Character A in an aspect of play that is considered to be a key strength of Character A.


Character B has a tool that just shuts down that aspect.

Olimar gives us a rough time because he outdoes Snake in ground play and camping.



Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
agree with inability to adapt but that has much to do with snake, he has a limited set of tools that makes him less versatile than characters like MK or diddy or marth. if you take him out of his element he's not a very good character. your whole theory for beating olimar seems to assume that he's always going to give you a ton of separation to work with, most olimar players are aware that they only "outcamp" anyone because only a few characters like MK can get pikmin off of themselves without leaving themselves open. you can't run away infinitely, only as much as the stage will let you...and really only FD and some CP's are giving you the kind of room you're talking about to begin with
Oct 25, 2009
aka - Megalodon77
dash attack and mortar slide are pretty good against olimar IMO. Just watch out about the low percent combos which can be countered with that new grab breaking tech. At between 0 to 40 percent you can mash out before he can throw you. And once you get in on olimar he can lose a stock.

As for who is the best overall this is what I think it should look like.

:diddy: - harder to be better with but can approach with options in a game where approaching is a bad idea and a really good camp and punish game
meat knight - da bess, don't really need to explain
:?: then this is the space that will be fought over by the next few characters, :snake:, :falco:, :marth:, :wario:, :olimar: - all these characters have a lot of things going for them but also a few blaring weaknesses. But if I had to choose I'd go with :marth: then :wario: then :snake: and :olimar: being tied and :falco:.

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
allys the only snake who places where it matters, except fatal doing well at an mlg

look at what fatal/razer accomplish otherwise...nothing to make snake as good as you think he is
i outplace him twice at MLG and barly lost to him at 3rd at another big tourney. I need to do more i guess

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
We know you have the potential to deliver though Fatal. I'd personally love to se more from you. I've learned more from your Snake recently than I have Ally's who I've been following religiously since summer or 08'.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
All you have to do is never spotdodge or shield when he throws Pikmin. Pull a nade, drop it and then jab/utilt the pikmin. Pick up the nade again and throw it at Olimar. That way he can't outcamp you and that seems to be the only issue I hear about the match-up in the first place.

Just remember to always kill Pikmin instead of trying to evade them and throw the grenades at him in little steps to give yourself room to kill Pikmin in between. Watch how Shu plays the match-up - he's the only top-level Snake I've seen playing it correctly.

pikmin can hit different parts of your body, and be faster than snake can repeatedly do this. Besides, its not hard for olimar to see one nade coming and avoid it.....lol. If you tried this strategy they can just DJ pikmin toss, which some of them might do anyways mixed in with short hop/grounded ones

also, in the time snake takes out a nade and shield drops it, then tries going for the attack, olimar can already throw quite a few pikmin....

pikmin also block nades, and you'll probably either get hit by some or the nade blocked or both and it might just blow up back in your face

you dont play snake that often/vs. anyone good, do you

i outplace him twice at MLG and barly lost to him at 3rd at another big tourney. I need to do more i guess
even still, stack it up to allys accomplishments at tourneys you've both been to/period (other mlg's included) and the difference is gigantic, no offense. You've been doing more lately. though..=)

also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't ally the only snake to ever win a national, let alone (pushing it) place 2nd, or 3rd?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't ally the only snake to ever win a national, let alone (pushing it) place 2nd, or 3rd?
he is, but then, M2K is also the only MK to ever win a national. only diddy has had two different players win a national

jus sayin


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
mk has had plenty of top 3 and top 5's at least

in the topic of top 5's, I think fatal is the only one at mlg dc besides ally whos able to consistently place that high most of the time

I'll probably get corrected, and I'd actually probably prefer if someone who's lurking can do so
Aug 6, 2008
If we talk about why we all think Snake is bad, then we automatically get activity. Ekans likes to hate on himself.

Nappy is right. Outside of a select 2-3 people, Snake does not have many national heros. The rest are region heros.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=289173 DC
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=285244 Raleigh
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=290675 Dallas

Fatal and Ally were pretty much the only Snakes to go these three and place very well. If there were any others that went to many MLG tournaments, they did not place nearly as well.

Although, there is the counter point. Almost all of these results are based on those that do travel. Only they are the ones we can ever really gauge progress by. And when you look at these tournaments, it seems that the high level metagame is not based off of the characters, but really these human players.

M2K, ADHD, Nickriddle, Fatal, Ally, ESAM, Atmosk, Tyrant, Mikehaze, Richbrown, DEHF, LeeMartin, and probably a couple of others. Those are all your traveling players that do really well consistantly. It is interesting to see that all of these people mix up the results so often. No one can claim to be better than all the others except perhaps M2K. Brawl has a pretty diverse cast of tournament able characters.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I need some epic rock music to put on my mp3. I have a membership to a music site and my monthly downloads have come..but can't think of stuff to put on it. I know you guys know whats up.

Suggestions plz.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
That's legit.

I had a dream last night that involved my subconscious voice telling I should use :kirby2: instead of :dedede: because the two are "interchangable" and my Falco issues will be resolved. lol every once in a while I always have Smash related dreams where my subconscious tells me to do stuff.

Like a month ago I had a dream where Falco spoke to me and said "You are ready now...Hands off my bread!"

And I started using Falco again now and I've been ****** with him.

Dead serious.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
LOL I know. I have that racial affinity for him :p

I have not seen that many black Snakes though. In fact I think I'm the only black Snake I have met period :o

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
LOL depends on how I do with him in the next few tournaments. Rather than going full on Falco like I did the last time I tried to main him I decided to ease into him and use him for a set in a tournament with great results. Next tournament I'm going to use him more and see how he works out. Ideally I'd like to co main Snake and Falco.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Then main both then. Secondary Falco for MU you feel that are bad for you or if they are bad for your character. Falco's worst MU are Pika, Game & Watch and ROB.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2010
Hey Snake mains.

I've got a weird question. Do any Snakes want to battle my Mario on wifi in a few hours (I know wifi sux and all but I need a good Snake to battle and CPU's are not good)? I want to get to know the Snake MU better as that's a tough MU for Mario. I'll probably try Yoshi and Sonic a bit as well.
Aug 6, 2008
Hey Snake mains.

I've got a weird question. Do any Snakes want to battle my Mario on wifi in a few hours (I know wifi sux and all but I need a good Snake to battle and CPU's are not good)? I want to get to know the Snake MU better as that's a tough MU for Mario. I'll probably try Yoshi and Sonic a bit as well.
Mark the time and I will join in.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
right now I am thinking on how living in PR sucks... I wish I had that ADHD, M2k, Ally, DEHF etc etc etc experience and exposure to the "top of the metagame"


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
yeah, unless you live in atlantic north(YEAAH), socal, texas, or florida, most other regions only have a few people of that level

atlantic north is honestly kind of STUPID for how many amazing players we have, being a mid level player here you could go and be top 5 in a lot of other regions, it's ridonkulous


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
the "average" skill lvl is good, when I say average is just that the "medium" is actually knowledgable about the game and have room for improvement and I actually love PR, the only problem is MKs since we don't have as much as supposed to.

Socal seems like a strong region to play in. I mean: Mikehaze, Havok, Tyrant, DEHF and Richbrown and there should be more I am just saying the most known.

Etecooon, that seems awesome. I would like to play in a place like that.
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