Smash Lord
allow me to clarify on my previous post..
Diddy's entire game is based on his naners; lets face it.. without them he's as useless as a ripped condom. His game without nanas is mediocre at best (apart from a few gimmicks that can be dealt with), so gaining control of the stage and his bananas is vital and key to winning against him in any match up..
If you gain possession of Diddy's naners naturally he's going to strive to regain control of them. Most players I see adapt reckless offensive behaviors with their newfound possession of nanas, either wildly throwing it at Diddy or doing something else that's fairly obvious. Although this can produce results it's usually short lived, as the banana is near Diddy for pickins again.
Why not adapt a more defensive playstyle with the nanas? By no means should you be defensive with bananas Keep them behind you, throw them to the other side of the stage, protect them. Bait Diddy into rolling or going for the nanas and punish. Heck, even just holding onto the banana can pressure Diddy.
tl;dr: Use nanas as if they were your own. Just imagine that they were YOUR projectiles that you pulled from your butt. Gain control.
tl;dr tl;dr:
Diddy's entire game is based on his naners; lets face it.. without them he's as useless as a ripped condom. His game without nanas is mediocre at best (apart from a few gimmicks that can be dealt with), so gaining control of the stage and his bananas is vital and key to winning against him in any match up..
If you gain possession of Diddy's naners naturally he's going to strive to regain control of them. Most players I see adapt reckless offensive behaviors with their newfound possession of nanas, either wildly throwing it at Diddy or doing something else that's fairly obvious. Although this can produce results it's usually short lived, as the banana is near Diddy for pickins again.
Why not adapt a more defensive playstyle with the nanas? By no means should you be defensive with bananas Keep them behind you, throw them to the other side of the stage, protect them. Bait Diddy into rolling or going for the nanas and punish. Heck, even just holding onto the banana can pressure Diddy.
tl;dr: Use nanas as if they were your own. Just imagine that they were YOUR projectiles that you pulled from your butt. Gain control.
tl;dr tl;dr: