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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
for some reason... I am first on the PowerRanking in PR. IDK how, but I am. I have been consistent in top 3 and top 4 or top 5 since september 08, but that's it. I am not even "happy" about it, since I don't understand how.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I'm unranked now

I'm happy with brawl in general because I don't play brawl anymore


**** this game

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I stopped taking the game itself as serious as I did but I instead decided to focus more on the community and the scene. I seem to be having way fun this way.
Aug 6, 2008
My fun has always come from the idea of always pushing myself to try to get better. I suppose the good thing about this game is that you can never be 100% perfect, so I am in a trap.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
there are a lot of very successful players who have quit brawl or claim to hate it, M2K himself has said on multiple occasions that it's a bad game that he just treats as a job, though he's rescinded those comments in favor of something more politically correct

though on that note, I think there's a correlation with playing meta knight and hating brawl. I liked it more when I was a snake main but I'm too competitive, I WILL NOT handicap myself out of some misguided sense of pride, especially when we have the stage liberals constantly pushing and succeeding in getting **** like PS2 legalized. brinstar shouldn't even still be legal and now we're adding this bull **** to it? thanks AZ/BPC/raziek/OS etc.

just reminded me of this when I mentioned M2K because really the number of top MK's that have quit the game is ridiculous compared to other characters' top players, MK really does kill all the fun of it I guess


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
we are typically, as is/was all of atlantic north. recently we have used this stage list though, PS2/picto were allowed at our last tournament and picto was allowed at the tournament before that. our former stage list was

Neutrals: BF/FD/SV/Lylat/YI
CP: Delfino/Orpheon/Halberd/CS/RC/Brinstar/PS1

we've succumbed to AZ's hostile take over now though it seems

it's entirely coincidental but I'm glad I stopped going at this time

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
It's hard to resist when he pretty much got all of AIB's admin staff and most of SBR to agree also. I have nothing bad to say about it partially because my state uses a pretty liberal stage list. I mean we still have Japes legal lol But I think its a good thing that we're establishing a standard. MI's been doing its own thing for a while but we're not nearly as strong as Texas, FL, NE, Socal etc etc.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
japes is more legit than PS2

nado kills at 0% on the wind phase. it's much easier than the rufio and works on more characters(that is, nearly all of them). the conveyor belt phase wrecks characters like snake that just want to stay grounded against MK...and for that matter it's just an obstacle to gameplay in general. still has walls as does PS1 in addition to these things

but yeah, I'm not blaming anyone for giving in. it's the pragmatic thing to do, AZ was too sneaky about it and had everything too well organized by the time he went public with it, there really wasn't any resisting.
Aug 6, 2008
I tried MK, but there is something about him I could never get into. I can get into marth more, however, I have no idea how to play well with marth. I prefer Melee marth, but prefer brawl falco.

Anyone feel that a tournament should be run a little bit more... democratic? I see many comments like your's etecoon of people saying they are not satisfied with the ruleset of their tournaments. Or the stagelist more often. A simple way to change that would be to get people's opinions at every tournament. But I bet no one would bother filling out a short 3 questions sheet of paper :p


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
hostile takeover?
I'd equate it to a coup d'état. secretly made contacts with some prominent people of power without the knowledge of the rest of the back room, got the site staff both here and on aib on board, crafted new rule set in secret with no input from the community...randomly posts one day with "the BBR no longer makes rules, we do, and we're actually going to use every tool at our disposal to force them on you". whether or not you think it may be good for the community in the long run to have a unified stage list, cmon, you have to look at all of this as being more than a little shady


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I may be a little biased because I also have a serious problem with regions like atlantic north, socal, and florida, now being ruled over with an iron fist by...ohio





Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
but etecoon, let me ask you something

would you rather leave the bbr/random people in charge, or have this AZ ruleset? clearly we weren't getting anywhere with the other **** heads, someone had to take initiative

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
That is the other reason I agree with the idea of this standard. The BBR is a JOKE as a whole. Not everyone in there is overall..yeah. Part of me wants to become BBR so maybe I can make a difference. That's part of the reason I post so much and try to spread my name everywhere. We need more people who actually care AND are good at the game.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
the BBR had no actual power and people ignored them, which lead to region based rules...why did this have to change? if ohio wants pictochat and japes and whatever else, fine, why force it on everyone else? it's not hurting anyone to simply let each TO and their constituents do things as they please


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
I stopped taking the game itself as serious as I did but I instead decided to focus more on the community and the scene. I seem to be having way fun this way.
This is pretty much how I feel. I'm not planning on makin it big or becoming power ranked.

my inner monlogue when you picked that stage

I slapped on my trollface as I picked PS2.
Hahahaha, funny stuff.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
^ I am a greedy person. 1 out of 4 of my smash goals is done.

1. becoming a top player in my "country".(this one is done)

2. Having a tournament winning streak in my region.
3. Go to USA and show mah stuff
4. Placing at least top 10 in a USA national or a tournament like APEX 2010 that had even japanese players.

idc about money when it comes to smash winnings, I just want to get "well-known" and beat "good names"


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
^ I am a greedy person. 1 out of 4 of my smash goals is done.

1. becoming a top player in my "country".(this one is done)

2. Having a tournament winning streak in my region.
3. Go to USA and show mah stuff
4. Placing at least top 10 in a USA national or a tournament like APEX 2010 that had even japanese players.

idc about money when it comes to smash winnings, I just want to get "well-known" and beat "good names"
1. Technically PR is part of the USA. So you still need to be number 1 overall in the US.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
1. Technically PR is part of the USA. So you still need to be number 1 overall in the US.
is true, but you get what I mean. Having a LOT OF water between USA and PR, makes it "another place" if we were to get a warp station lol or cheap tickets to USA, then I would think like that.

Being 1 in USA would be ****ing awesome, but not living in NORTH AMERICA makes it kinda imposible.


Xeylode: PR relation with USA is idk the word in english since is COMPLICATED as hell : "Estado libre asociado"

we are not a state but we are still part of USA, we have benefits but we also "need to ask" or use "your means" to do commerce and that kind of stuff. I won't explain more since probably you won't understand my bad english and it would be a waste of time.
Aug 6, 2008
Xeylode: PR relation with USA is idk the word in english since is COMPLICATED as hell : "Estado libre asociado"

we are not a state but we are still part of USA, we have benefits but we also "need to ask" or use "your means" to do commerce and that kind of stuff. I won't explain more since probably you won't understand my bad english and it would be a waste of time.
You are free to govern yourselfs so long as you abide by laws and restrictions of the US. That seems to be the general jest of the situation :/ Which does not seem all that great.

But being the best in the US, I think you really have to either be willing to travel, or move to a location with a good scene. Western Midwest is certainly not the place to be for trying to get a name for yourself. Players are rare, tournaments are not regular basis, and skill is therefore questionable.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
You are free to govern yourselfs so long as you abide by laws and restrictions of the US. That seems to be the general jest of the situation :/ Which does not seem all that great.

But being the best in the US, I think you really have to either be willing to travel, or move to a location with a good scene. Western Midwest is certainly not the place to be for trying to get a name for yourself. Players are rare, tournaments are not regular basis, and skill is therefore questionable.
You understood, that's good.


I'll get what you mean, it would be awesome to play in a scene like SOCAL, NY/NJ, I like FL for some reason, Texas, etc etc. I love PR though <3 , so I would get every smasher from here with me :D ( lol that sounds imposible)( that last word is wrong, but I can't recall the right one)
Aug 6, 2008
I'll get what you mean, it would be awesome to play in a scene like SOCAL, NY/NJ, I like FL for some reason, Texas, etc etc. I love PR though <3 , so I would get every smasher from here with me :D ( lol that sounds imposible)( that last word is wrong, but I can't recall the right one)
Your english is not as bad as you make it out to be. You get the point across well enough that any errors can be figured out through some logical thinking.

"I'll get what you mean..." I assume you meant "I get what you mean..."

"imposible" is only one letter off from the correct word of "impossible". And that word works for what you are saying.

I have an interesting idea. What if you tried to host a national tournament in PR?

Edit: On second thought, I do not think that would work :(


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
Your english is not as bad as you make it out to be. You get the point across well enough that any errors can be figured out through some logical thinking.

"I'll get what you mean..." I assume you meant "I get what you mean..."

"imposible" is only one letter off from the correct word of "impossible". And that word works for what you are saying.

I have an interesting idea. What if you tried to host a national tournament in PR?

Edit: On second thought, I do not think that would work :(

thanks for the correction, any help in that stuff would help. Since I dislike to do mistakes without learning from them.

Tickets to PR are actually"cheap".


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
probably at this time, the whole roundtrip from DCA( the abbreviation that I remembered) to SJU(sanjuan airport) islike $450 but that's because we are on christmas and vacations in PR are way longer than in USA, for example, schools finished class like the first week or 2nd week of december and will start classes like 14 of january so is a whole month of vacations. So since is vacation time, the tickets are more expensive.

but probably at a "normal" time it would be like $260.

edit: I was curious, I searched tickets like if I were to go Pound V and ... the whole round trip is $270.70 , that sounds good IMO but the whole hotel, food, blah blah blah. I have no money at all right now, I have like $70 in my wallet.
Aug 6, 2008
That does seem cheap. But, yeah, all the other expenses :/
I find it hard to part with $20 dollars for tournament entry and venue fees.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
I am the kind of person that saves money, is just that I just bought a PS3 with FF13 and the 2nd blazblue game. ( with the money I saved from June to december).

edit : I havent post this most ever :S wth lol
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