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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Feb 5, 2009
lol mk

Hey, anybody want to see some pictures from my last 2 shows?

Throw his top up when you can so he can't use it.
He can only have one on the screen.

Also, watch out for his lasers.
Huh, I never thought of the top thing. That's helpful, since ROBs like to camp me hardcore. I don't really get how you grab his top though. Seems like sometimes you can, and sometimes you can't...

I need details on the mechanics of the top.

My main problem is that I can't camp because ROB is better at it, and I can't approach because of facking down smash.

I guess picking MK would counter both of those things, what with the transcendent priority and stuff... But still... I don't want to have to go MK.
Aug 6, 2008
1) Avoid rolling behind him. A good ROB should abuse Dsmash often if you do that often. I believe you can DI dsmash like you do pikachu's Dsmash, but you have to be quick about it. If they do not abuse it I guess it is save to roll behind rob occasionally.

2) Be primed to PS laser and gyro at all times when you are grounded. I advise walking a lot in this match up, makes PSing ten times easier compared to running. Laser and gyro have noticeable start up lag like pikachu's jolt, so it should be relatively easy to PS if you pay attention.

3) I personally think trying to camp rob in this match-up is stupid, but let others flame me for my opinion. Less camp means more chances to abuse tech chases.

4) I believe you can grab it as soon as it starts to wobble. If it is fresh at spinning I believe you can grab it with a properly timed dash attack. However, watch out for grabbing the gyro. Robs have learned to use it as bait to get you to use certain methods.

5) Pay attention that rob my try to plank, he cannot keep it up forever. His UpB does not recover energy from the edge. So before long he will be stuck with just a 2nd jump.

It is possible to approach rob. You simply stand just outside his range then try to punish the ending lag of the moves. Dsmash has 20 frames ending lag according to their boards. You can lower your shield then hit them in the endling lag with Ftilt :/ Also, get into the habit of always DIing UP as soon as you get grabbed. His bthrow and Fthrow can kill you if you are near the stage edge and you do not DI up. Only DI left and right if he rises up into the air, or drills you into the ground.

Random tid bit I just remembered. If you see rob in the start up frames to spike you go straight for an airdodge if it will place you on stage or the edge when you come out of it. If not, go straight for C4 recovery, when you do rob will get hit by the cypher, disrupting the spike


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
man my snake is getting pretty good. lol i found a way to rudder stall with fox..... purly out of boredom lol.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
3) I personally think trying to camp rob in this match-up is stupid, but let others flame me for my opinion. Less camp means more chances to abuse tech chases.

4) I believe you can grab it as soon as it starts to wobble. If it is fresh at spinning I believe you can grab it with a properly timed dash attack. However, watch out for grabbing the gyro. Robs have learned to use it as bait to get you to use certain methods.
3)Yes. For the most part. I think you can camp intermittently if you can time you grenades in between the lasers and gyro. Or if you have the gyro.

Strangely, ftilting the gyro when it's on the ground makes the hitbox clank and disappear.

4) Nair and bair work too(though the timing is much harder).


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2008
3)Yes. For the most part. I think you can camp intermittently if you can time you grenades in between the lasers and gyro. Or if you have the gyro.

Strangely, ftilting the gyro when it's on the ground makes the hitbox clank and disappear.

4) Nair and bair work too(though the timing is much harder).
where can i find a list of all the chars / how to ruder stall with each of them?

what is techchasing

I took a long break from brawl (about 1 year) and can no loner DAC...


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
tech chasing is simply put following what way someon erolls or techs after certain moves, snakes main one being dthrow


Feb 5, 2009
Thanks for the ROB advice guys. I guess I just need to learn to stay the perfect distance away from ROB.

Also, I admire Syx's coolness.
Aug 6, 2008
I already have JPEGs and I'll put them on Photobucket soon.

Nah, I was trying to get the representation of this. It's the image that Ken Neth ended up creating ages ago. In his post he says this.

1. The area furthest from snake (the "tip") results in the character being popped into the air by the first two hits, and it is impossible for any character to PS the last hit.

2. The area 2nd furthest away from snake (red) is an area where all characters can avoid the third jab because (a) they get knocked too far away by the 1st or 2nd hit for remaining jabs to connect, or (b) they have more time before the third hit hits them and they are able to PS the final hit. Note: This area is really small and hard to hit with, so I wouldn't worry too much about this.

3. The next area (yellow) is where the normal jab is. This area is what the following chart applies to, because this is the only section where there is variation depending on which character you are fighting.

4. The last area (green) is when the character is pretty much directly on top of snake. This "hit box" is almost exactly the same as the yellow one, and characters are rarely ever this close to snake for it to really make a difference. The only thing that changes is that some characters who are able to PS in the yellow section are not able to PS the last hit. But since the chances of getting a character that close to you in an actual match and how small the "hit box" actually is, I didn't bother including it in here.
The only difference in this is that the hitbox is much larger than we originally thought. And instead of it being made of 4 areas, it is 3. Anyway, I thought this info on the jab was rather good to have. It made me start thinking about what to do with the jab should it connect. After testing and messing around with the CPU lv 9 a lot I noticed they always PSed my Jab > Ftilt if I connected with the tip of the jab. If I used the jab when they were right on top of me my Ftilt connected.

Even messing around the jab (1st hit) always did two effects, it either popped them into the air (tip of jab) or it slide them along the ground (when I am on top of them).

Just tested it on Olimar in testing mode with dual controllers. I managed to jab -> ftilt without getting PSed when I tried to hit him with the non tip of the jab. When I used the tip I was able to PS it. I'm going to mess around with this some more.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Sorry to disrupt the awesome talk of hitboxes, but I think I found something really useless and interesting. Apparently, when you use down b to detonate your bomb, you can also pick up nades with it as if it is an aerial or airdodge. I think the hitbox you need to catch it is extremely small. its exactly where the detenator is in his hand.

I think this is utterly useless, but interesting nontheless.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Yeah, I think that Snake also has to face you when he detonates it, and the range is extremely small, I think out of like 30 tries I got it to work 3 times.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah

Nah, I was trying to get the representation of this. It's the image that Ken Neth ended up creating ages ago. In his post he says this.

The only difference in this is that the hitbox is much larger than we originally thought. And instead of it being made of 4 areas, it is 3. Anyway, I thought this info on the jab was rather good to have. It made me start thinking about what to do with the jab should it connect. After testing and messing around with the CPU lv 9 a lot I noticed they always PSed my Jab > Ftilt if I connected with the tip of the jab. If I used the jab when they were right on top of me my Ftilt connected.

Even messing around the jab (1st hit) always did two effects, it either popped them into the air (tip of jab) or it slide them along the ground (when I am on top of them).

Just tested it on Olimar in testing mode with dual controllers. I managed to jab -> ftilt without getting PSed when I tried to hit him with the non tip of the jab. When I used the tip I was able to PS it. I'm going to mess around with this some more.
LOL! I did that image and data collection soooooo long ago. I almost didn't recognize it. Then I was like "hey! wait a second... >_>" :laugh:
Jun 8, 2009
I saw the hitboxes of Snake's tilts, it's...... abnormally disjointed... and the range of the F-smash isn't that bad but compared to his other ground moves, it is O_O
Aug 6, 2008
It's actually really funny to look at MKs xD People have said MK has had a large grab range, but then I see this compared to his and Snake clearly has the bigger of the glowing effects lol


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
It's actually really funny to look at MKs xD People have said MK has had a large grab range, but then I see this compared to his and Snake clearly has the bigger of the glowing effects lol
Yeah, pivot grabbing with mk kind of sucks, his grab range doesnt really increase at all.
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