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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
Dude, I played with a ton of guys from Peurto Rico at Genesis. Played friendlies with them for like the whole first night. I don't remember their names though :(

I played a ton of matches with a Diddy player, a DDD/Kirby player, a Shiek/ROB player, and then a few with a peach player and a fox player. You weren't at Genesis were you?
no I didn't go , but u played against Yubi(diddy), Ling ling( ddd/kirby) , MPD(sheik/ROB) , Zero( peach) and I think that the fox must be Negi. I am right?

I didn't go to genesis.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
PR is legit. And yeah, those are the people I played with. I recognize the names now, I just couldn't remember them off the top of my head. I got a pic with all of them. I'll have to post it if i can find it.
Aug 6, 2008
I have learned a very, very, very important lesson regarding food. Never try to make your own coconut flakes. Just buy them pre-made at a store. I learned this from personal experience just recently. 1 pound coconut = 2hrs of pain.

1)Screwdriver to open the eye to drain the liquid
2)20 minutes at 400 degrees just to be able to crack it open.
3) 30 minutes to figure out how to pry all the flesh out of the coconut husk
4) 40 to shave off all of the unediable skin from the flesh
5) 10 minutes to try and get the broken blender to work to grate the flesh
6) 20 minutes at 350 degrees to toast them to make them safe for eating

End result: 2 hours of fun and pain, $1.30 wasted or used?, and distasteful toasted coconut flakes

Ken Neth, what do you know of MN? And pretty much the rest of the midwest.

@EternalYoshi: The Toon Snake will always be your greatest creation in my eyes.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I don't know much about MN, besides that you and Nappy live there. But I know a person (my roommate in college) who now lives in kentucky. I know a lot of the really good players' names there, and have talked to quite a few people from there cause I was gonna fly out to kentucky to visit him and go to the MWC championships with kentucky, but the plane tickets quadrupled in price in the time it took me to make sure I could go :(

But my roommate has played a ton of MW players and says I'm just as good, if not better than most there (excluding the very top smashers of course XD).
Aug 6, 2008
I just don't attend tournies for various reasons. Like to, but can't.

I was just wondering about the rep that midwest has. I heard that East Coast has the best rep. Followed by the West Coast. Although with talent like Samurai Panda, Lain, Ally (soon to be M2K), Midwest seems to have plenty of talent.
Aug 6, 2008
we have Ally for a week and i think M2K is here already...
Next year I'll be moving out for college. Distance, cost, and majors are the major problems. Major more so. Only 33 colleges (according to the college search I did) countrywide offer what I'm looking for. Only 4 were even close to my location. MI, Tornato, MN, and WI. Of which Tornato and MI are a bit far. Plus, I don't get any special deal for in-state payments like I do for MN and WI.

The hard part I think will be getting accepted.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
i'm SE closer to detroit and livonia, from what my mom told me when i'm 18 she won't let me do what i want to do just because i'm going to be at home until i graduate from college... >.>


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
haha i doubt my parents would listen to some random guy showing up telling them to let their son go to tourneys and stuff >.>
Aug 6, 2008
So what did I miss? I just woke up. :x
*pokes my signature*

Edit: Also, post in the stage discussion people. Frigate Orpheon on now.

And you missed this great piece of advice by me:

I have learned a very, very, very important lesson regarding food. Never try to make your own coconut flakes. Just buy them pre-made at a store. I learned this from personal experience just recently. 1 pound coconut = 2hrs of pain.

1)Screwdriver to open the eye to drain the liquid
2)20 minutes at 400 degrees just to be able to crack it open.
3) 30 minutes to figure out how to pry all the flesh out of the coconut husk
4) 40 to shave off all of the unediable skin from the flesh
5) 10 minutes to try and get the broken blender to work to grate the flesh
6) 20 minutes at 350 degrees to toast them to make them safe for eating

End result: 2 hours of fun and pain, $1.30 wasted or used?, and distasteful toasted coconut flakes

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
So, today I figured out that the Xbox360 controller uses a 2.5mm headphone jack. This was after I spent $15 on a microphone that broke in 2 hours. I'm pretty pissed that I could have used one of my 21 (I counted...) 2.5mm cell phone headsets instead.
Aug 6, 2008
So, today I figured out that the Xbox360 controller uses a 2.5mm headphone jack. This was after I spent $15 on a microphone that broke in 2 hours. I'm pretty pissed that I could have used one of my 21 (I counted...) 2.5mm cell phone headsets instead.
That seems like one of the FML things lol


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
But my roommate has played a ton of MW players and says I'm just as good, if not better than most there (excluding the very top smashers of course XD).
That means nothing until you've played MI ^_~

I was just wondering about the rep that midwest has. I heard that East Coast has the best rep. Followed by the West Coast. Although with talent like Samurai Panda, Lain, Ally (soon to be M2K), Midwest seems to have plenty of talent.
MW "talent" is basically just MI plus a few random smashers here and there. Within MI we have Judge, Lain, Anther, Me, Omniswell, and NoJ. Outside of MI there is Shugo, Hunger, Quivo, and AlphaZealot (whenever he gets back from the East Coast). Outside of those names there are defintely a few other "talented" players, but the ones that can compete best with top players in other regions are the ones I named.

EDIT: Oh yeah, M2K also moved to Ohio recently. He'll be there for 2 years while attending college, so I guess he's 100% Midwest now. Ally is moving back to Canada after SNES this weekend though, so we'll only have 1 of the 2 best in the world living in our region.
Aug 6, 2008
MW "talent" is basically just MI plus a few random smashers here and there. Within MI we have Judge, Lain, Anther, Me, Omniswell, and NoJ. Outside of MI there is Shugo, Hunger, Quivo, and AlphaZealot (whenever he gets back from the East Coast). Outside of those names there are defintely a few other "talented" players, but the ones that can compete best with top players in other regions are the ones I named.
I blame the midwest for having a low population -_-


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I'm maining Sheik now. It's been a really long run with Snake, and I will continue to use him as a strong secondary... It's just... my Sheik performs better.

Brawl is 90% reading, 5% tech skill, and 5% of just knowing how to play.

People say camping is the best way to play this game. Well I believe that aggressive reading is. Not just aggressive, but ACTUALLY reading your opponent and deciding from there on what to do.

While Snake is arguably the best camper, and has a moderately good reading game (dthrow *****, but beyond that there isn't much reading for him) I just think Sheik suits my reading game better.

I've never been a great camper, and Meta Knight just bores me... and while I have other options, I feel Sheik relies the most on reading.

Sheik is a fantastic character, and while she has "problems killing" she has an excellent gimp game, and things that I don't feel her mains abuse enough. (Let's face it. Grab release DACUS ko's are sexy.)

People who go even with my Snake, or take a stock off my Snake - usually get 3 stocked by my Sheik.

I'm a reader. I read my opponents. This is the only reason I can even play Melee well (and at that - only with Jigglypuff really...) I just lack the tech skill for Melee. XD I can't play Fox, Falco at all. My Marth is pretty good but I dislike him. :p and while I main Mewtwo (secondary Jiggs) mewtwo only needs so much tech skill himself... he's largely reading opponents.

But... back to Sheik and Snake...

read my blog... "I think I just broke Sheik" in the blog boards. =p

and on that note. Who thinks my signature is awesome?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
that seems like a similar process to what I've gone through with snake over like a year or so except I never actually reduce him to a secondary because I like him too much, not even playstyle(I suck at and don't really like snake's style that much) I just like him from before brawl lol. I think characters like MK and Marth suit me better and a few others but MK is the only one I put the same kind of time into as Snake in spite of it, I keep trying to play less brawl anyway(was playing like 3-5 hours a day before...) so no point picking up new characters to me =/

from my pretty brief experience with both your snake was a lot harder for me though, that was before you went all sheik on ladder though so maybe it'd be different now

nice signature but no signature is the way to go IMO!

from the blog thread

Sheik isn't that combo orientated.

It's reading.
that's weird, I thought she was combo oriented from what I've heard, I myself never really bothered learning any sheik combo's because she's not really one of my characters, just a very distant afterthought, but it explains why I was able to do pretty well with her against some people(I had no idea wtf sheik has vs tornado though lmao)


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Sheik is absolutely horrible on WiFi, while Snake is godlike. :x So not letting people I've faced on WiFi affect my decision... but nearly every single person I've faced offline (excluding 1 person who wants me to main Ganon instead. lawl) said I should main Sheik.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Sheik is absolutely horrible on WiFi, while Snake is godlike
my snake isn't, apparently I'm doing it wrong, my snake has always been worse as lag increases : ( thankfully I have an ok lucario/wolf/ROB lol, I should put more effort into one of those so I have something against people with bad connections, I'm really easy to beat if you like download porn or something while playing me


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Punishing or getting around ftilt is like punishing Wolf's fsmash online. lol

People who rely "omfg heavily" on proper spacing get wrecked by wifi. One mis-spaced anything by Sheik and you get punished. :/


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
idk, I find I get rolled around a lot more in bad lag and snake usually attacking in one direction and being in a totally fixed position when ftilting makes it kind of hard to stop, even if I bait the roll and wait for it sometimes I lose to a buffered attack or shield, and just standing there waiting for it leaves you open to other things, and I think it messes me up more against people approaching from the air....and it just gets harder to punish things which I rely on a lot because snake only has a few things that are fairly safe to throw out, I think the way I play is more compatible with characters with more poking options too

my snake has also lost to people in lag that I can beat with characters I don't really play/know what I'm doing with, I'm backwards I guess...then again going all snake got me my highest aib ladder score yet, like 2-3 hundred points beyond what I had previously achieved using all MK...but I also got better during that period, too inconclusive, I should play more consistently so I have a good point of reference

so yeah, I fail at snake and only play him because I'm a fanboy? which is weird because I'm more of a fanboy of some low tiers that I don't play at all, fanboy/tier ***** combo!


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I was 110-10 with Snake, and I'm like 4-2 with Sheik.

I haven't really been playing WiFi... tourneys/smashfests every single weekend made adapting really hard.... and I've pretty much reached my peak of gameplay. :/ I haven't improved drastically in 1-2 months... just reading people. Actual gameplay has stagnated, but I could play Melee and it improves me playing Brawl because all that is left for me is how well I can read my opponent and react.... :/

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
That means nothing until you've played MI ^_~

MW "talent" is basically just MI plus a few random smashers here and there. Within MI we have Judge, Lain, Anther, Me, Omniswell, and NoJ. Outside of MI there is S hug o, Hunger, Quivo, and AlphaZealot (whenever he gets back from the East Coast). Outside of those names there are defintely a few other "talented" players, but the ones that can compete best with top players in other regions are the ones I named.

EDIT: Oh yeah, M2K also moved to Ohio recently. He'll be there for 2 years while attending college, so I guess he's 100% Midwest now. Ally is moving back to Canada after SNES this weekend though, so we'll only have 1 of the 2 best in the world living in our region.
Well I can guarantee I would beat S hug o if that means anything to you about my skill.

And you refused to play me at Genesis :(
Sheik is absolutely horrible on WiFi, while Snake is godlike. :x So not letting people I've faced on WiFi affect my decision... but nearly every single person I've faced offline (excluding 1 person who wants me to main Ganon instead. lawl) said I should main Sheik.
Of course people are going to tell you to main sheik! I would too if I kept getting wrecked by someone's omfgbroken snake. People tell me every time they see me playing a different character that I should main that character :ohwell:

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games

Brawl is 50% reading, 40% guesswork, and 10% of just knowing how to play.


If it REALLY involved technical skill, you wouldn't have reached your peak so quickly.

In other news, screwing around in Melee's debug mode made me more consistent with Fox's shine combos.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I spent my morning battling ice climbers, it makes me forget all my "oh god I can't play snake" crap and reminds me how much I love my thrower of pineapples : ) most characters vs IC's is so stupid, <3 snake


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
A good ZSS is so sexy.
i played zss since the start of brawl and i did kinda developed some of the groundwork for her game without posting on the boards (dash attack repeated buffers), spacing, double down smash combos.

to even the cheap bucket strat with g&w (video dates back to Feb, but uploaded in june...)

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