Thoughts about Tournament pt. 2
It's so funny that Cactuar posted what he did about character depth and not switching characters. I truly feel that was one of the main reasons why Niko beat me.
I chose Sheik vs his Marth for a few reasons. 1, it's obviously Marth's worst top tier matchup, and 2, I felt I was playing horribly that day and I rather my Sheik get embarassed than my Marth, which is dumb because the only way I'm going to feel less nervous in tournament with Marth is by playing him.
Maybe I was also nervous to lose in Marth dittos to him. That's a blow to the pride...Or maybe I'm just overthinking it, and I felt confident with Sheik. Whatever.
There were a lot of situations where when I go back and review them, it's clear to me that Niko has a more in depth grasp of Marth than I do of Sheik...I want to say that. If that's not true, then at the very least, he has a better grasp on the matchup from Marth's perspective than I do from Sheik's perspective.
And they were SO obvious to me looking at the videos because I play Marth, and he's definitely my character that I know the best. Cactuar, your post is so ridiculously true.
The higher you go in terms of fighting better players, the more advantageous it is to have an in depth understanding of your character in general, and specific matchups.
As Sheik, I can now truthfully say I have no learned how to deal with great spacing from a high level Marth. I have a general gameplan of throwing needles and grabbing when he lands, and spacing bairs sometimes...
But take some time to watch the videos and you'll see I had to resort to spot dodging a lot. I was surprised at how well it was working actually.
I actually felt if Niko was playing really good he could have obliterated me really really badly by just ****** my dodges. I just did things hoping he would retaliate so I could dodge. Sometimes it worked, a lot of the time actually...But it was more of an abuse of a shallow trick...Playing with a fleeting hope, rather than a bold confidence.
One of those small little situations that Niko outsmarted me on due to the character/matchup knowledge advantage he had that I mentioned above, is sometimes when I would try to intimidate him by standing in front of him, he'd just hit me LOL. Like, i even made a post about Marth's range before and how you have to understand the difference of being threatened by his range and knowing when he's goin to attack.
With Sheik, I haven't really gotten that understanding. With Marth I understand it. In that particular situation, with Fox I'd Dash dance in and out of his range to bait the attack, whether its an fsmash or dtilt or w/e...But the problem is, with Fox I'm not that good at beating high level DD'ing vs. Marth consistently. So, I've realized that, although I'm skilled with multiple characters, and I can **** a lot of people with a lot of characters, I really REALLY need to develop my Marth and focus on him.
And, by the way Niko managed to stay all Marth in a disadvantageous matchup and beat me, that just shows what dedication can do.
Also, I think this has put me on a different direction as well in terms of improvement. When I play now, which is a lot, I'm just focusing on being absolutely perfect now. I really have explored so much with the top 4 characters, it's not like I can be like, "Ok today I'm going to be working on shield pressure with Falco." because I have really really great shield pressure, it's just can I consistently do it today, and it's just part of my game now.
That's not to brag at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the situations that I'm put in by the players in my apartment/region I've gone through thousands of times, and for the most part I have mastered them. It's hard for me to really push my character depth when I'm just punishing the same situations over and over and death comboing over and over.
I need that practice where, both players know all the situations, it's just a matter of mindgames, baiting, pressuring and just outthinking. When I play in my apartment it's just a matter of how perfect can I be. When I play with people who are better/really good, it's more like a chess match, and that's what I need. I'll continue to **** people at my level and below, but I'm not going to be able to place higher in tournament unless my standard is even higher. So how am I going to do that? I'll explain after this important message.
Another thing that I want to mention is how discouraged I was after the tournament. I literally started missing work on accident or waking up late just because I was up all night drilling tech skill into me, telling myself I have to be perfect, always. It was bad.
I even thought about stopping, I felt my efforts might be better directed elsewhere. 3 things happened though that made me change my mind.
One, within a week I was already re-motivated. That's pretty damn quick for how bad I was feeling. Smash and "becoming the best" is a part of my identity now, I can't picture seriously pursuing anything else until it's accomplished.
Two, I started thinking about going online and asking other top players how they deal with inconsistency. I thought of M2K and how he's inconsistent a lot, and I thought, "Wow, even M2K is inconsistent. Maybe it's just something I'm going to have to deal with." And then I got pretty sad...But then I realized, M2K is ****ing ridiculous at this game. His times when he's playing bad still ***** 97% of players.
So yeah, maybe consistency will be a huge hurdle for me even when I get to the top level, but until then, instead of whining about it I'm just going to try to improve my max skill. I have no reason to be scared of being inconsistent when I can just get better in general, so even when I'm playing bad I can still win.
Third, Jman who as far as I can tell is really inconsistent, won a pretty big West Coast tournament. Imagine what he's had to go through, playing so long just wanting to be the best/win a national, and he just plays terribly in tourney sometimes. At ROM3 I was like wow, Jman is playing pretty bad right now. So much rolling and so many missed combos and tech errors. If anything, he's got more right to be upset than I do, and so do a lot of other people.
But, he won that tournament and that sort of gives me some sort of hope, if that's even what you'd call it.
So yeah, I'm completely back in action and I need to focus on developing my Marth to an insane level, by exposing him to player(s) who force me to think harder, faster and present me with new situations to learn in and out.
I can wait until I go to an OOS tourney, or wait till Pound, but I really don't feel like waiting. Gotta do as much as possible to become great, as soon as possible...So, in order to do