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Quest to Become the Best

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
what does practical even mean

i like to double shine grab oos when i dont know what to do

it lets em know

"yea im in my sheild, but i can double shine grab out of it, dont mess with me"

then they sd


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Nah Jona knows whats up. Psychological factor is a huge part of the game

(and I actually have double shine grabbed OoS before >______>)


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
There's a difference between practical and useful. Waveshine out of shield is the most useful :)


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Hey cactuar, IDK if you'll read this, but does your advice of sticking to one character apply to low tier/unviable characters as well?


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
There is varying effectiveness of each character as far as how you will learn the game. I only really break it down into standard characters and dedication characters. Dedication characters are basically like... peach, samus, ness, yoshi, m2... any character that is considered an outlier as far as standard movement or approach/defense games. All that means is that a majority of the stuff you learn for that character will not be transferrable between characters. You will still learn the basics of the game, but your specific high level play stuff won't be as easily applied to other characters.

The benefit I've always seen from playing low tiers for a long time is that you learn the top/high tier matchups way better than most top/high tier players do. You won't necessarily do better than those top/high tier players because you have to work way harder for the same results... at least until you break the knowledge threshold where people not knowing how to fight your character really matters ;)


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
So you're saying that low tier peoples that know what they're doing are more effective at what they do? I think that's also to do with the fact they can't really take the chance to mess around with edge gaurd or punishment you really need that damage you can't mix it up like fox. Like lucky likes to up-throw nair when if fox was terrible that wouldn't happen because you'd HAVE to max out that punishment with as little possible risk.

I think if everyone were to just do the safest most sure way to punish like recoveries they'd win more. in fox dittos for edge gaurd I run up to the edge and wait for a side-B because I can always land the shine like I have a higher than 80% succes rate or had that kind of rate when I late played fox dittos if they up-B i'll drop down and shine if they're in that spot where I can easily do it before they up-b back and i'll bair whatever esle they'll do or roll if that' s unneeded.

I can do something crazy as fox and flashy which some people do. But that's what falco's for side-B edge gaurd : P

However I think flashiness is useful in some ways like a different way of doing something is always nice pls makes the game a lot funner and sometimes people are better at the flashy stuf and encourages people to start playing the game.

But most low tier players wouldn't be flashy because how hard it is to win normally. But vectorman's yoshi seems like it's a flashy sytle that works best for him.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Thoughts about Niko and Tournament, pt. 1

Ok, so it's been a really long time since I posted. Sorry guys. I've been playing nonstop though like usual...Well not really, my friend is here from Canada so I've been chilling with him. I also work 7-3 Mon-Fri so everyday it's like, how am I going to get to work at 7 AM when the **** is like 3 miles away and everyday in rochester is the worst blizzard ever...anyways though

i went to a tournament in some place, i think albany...and i managed to get to winners finals, where i lost to niko and then he beat me again in losers. both sets were 3-2.

ok first thing i want to say is how beastly and underrated nikos marth is. that kid WILL **** you up, and he's definitely someone on the "up and coming players" list to really keep an eye out for. Tuna is as well, but I think Niko's a little better at this point.

Both of them and also their friend OTG have a toooonnn of potential, and they're all already really good. OTG said they don't play THAT often, which makes me wonder 2 things. One, how the hell did they get so good, and two, will they play more to just become even better?

I was very upset when I lost to Niko. It must have been a combination of not having lost a local in a really long time, really wanting to win against all of TFS due to their awesome trash talking on smashboards, but most of all, i was upset because I felt I was playing terribly.

Here's the way I saw it at the tournament. When I first got there, I knew I was playing bad, but that happens at the beginning of every tournament. So, I just play and warm up until I start playing good, which luckily happened at ROM 3 and most locals and other tournies I go to. I haven't really played bad in a while, and if you read through the beginning of this blog, I felt I was over that hurdle...That hurdle of inconsistency.

It was a very painful feeling, because I thought to myself, " Do I really want to keep doing this? Do I really want to keep practicing and playing nonstop, just to go to tournaments and hope that I play good? Or should I devote my time and energy to something I'm either more consistent at, or something I can figure out why I'm inconsistent and fix it?"

I thought like that for a week. Don't get me wrong, I gave Niko credit. I was so impressed by him and his Marth and tbh, I was also very jealous of him for going all Marth. Not at the time, but afterwards. I really am a Marth main, I play him by far the most out of my characters, but I SUCK with him in tournament. Always. I get SOOOO nervous using Marth in tourney.

But then, after a while, I went to watch the vids. Once I stopped being a baby, I was like, "Ok, let's see how this went down compared to how well I remember it."

After expecting to be disgusted with how bad I was playing, I started watching the vids and I'm like..."Wtf I'm not even playing that bad." Seriously. It wasn't my best, but there's no way Niko was playing his best either. I was still playing pretty good though, and I'm actually happy that if that's my definition of playing bad, I guess I'm ok with it because I really wasn't doing that bad at all. I was playing good actually...Tech wise I mean.

Yeah, let me clarify. I'm talking about tech skill when I say playing good/bad.

Anyways, Niko out-thought me A LOT. His play was amazing in this set, and it makes me so happy to see another up and coming Marth player as good as he is. I analyzed some matches, and I can see why everything that went wrong did.

I'm posting more but I want to break this section off here.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Thoughts about Tournament pt. 2

It's so funny that Cactuar posted what he did about character depth and not switching characters. I truly feel that was one of the main reasons why Niko beat me.

I chose Sheik vs his Marth for a few reasons. 1, it's obviously Marth's worst top tier matchup, and 2, I felt I was playing horribly that day and I rather my Sheik get embarassed than my Marth, which is dumb because the only way I'm going to feel less nervous in tournament with Marth is by playing him.

Maybe I was also nervous to lose in Marth dittos to him. That's a blow to the pride...Or maybe I'm just overthinking it, and I felt confident with Sheik. Whatever.

There were a lot of situations where when I go back and review them, it's clear to me that Niko has a more in depth grasp of Marth than I do of Sheik...I want to say that. If that's not true, then at the very least, he has a better grasp on the matchup from Marth's perspective than I do from Sheik's perspective.

And they were SO obvious to me looking at the videos because I play Marth, and he's definitely my character that I know the best. Cactuar, your post is so ridiculously true.

The higher you go in terms of fighting better players, the more advantageous it is to have an in depth understanding of your character in general, and specific matchups.

As Sheik, I can now truthfully say I have no learned how to deal with great spacing from a high level Marth. I have a general gameplan of throwing needles and grabbing when he lands, and spacing bairs sometimes...

But take some time to watch the videos and you'll see I had to resort to spot dodging a lot. I was surprised at how well it was working actually.

I actually felt if Niko was playing really good he could have obliterated me really really badly by just ****** my dodges. I just did things hoping he would retaliate so I could dodge. Sometimes it worked, a lot of the time actually...But it was more of an abuse of a shallow trick...Playing with a fleeting hope, rather than a bold confidence.

One of those small little situations that Niko outsmarted me on due to the character/matchup knowledge advantage he had that I mentioned above, is sometimes when I would try to intimidate him by standing in front of him, he'd just hit me LOL. Like, i even made a post about Marth's range before and how you have to understand the difference of being threatened by his range and knowing when he's goin to attack.

With Sheik, I haven't really gotten that understanding. With Marth I understand it. In that particular situation, with Fox I'd Dash dance in and out of his range to bait the attack, whether its an fsmash or dtilt or w/e...But the problem is, with Fox I'm not that good at beating high level DD'ing vs. Marth consistently. So, I've realized that, although I'm skilled with multiple characters, and I can **** a lot of people with a lot of characters, I really REALLY need to develop my Marth and focus on him.

And, by the way Niko managed to stay all Marth in a disadvantageous matchup and beat me, that just shows what dedication can do.

Also, I think this has put me on a different direction as well in terms of improvement. When I play now, which is a lot, I'm just focusing on being absolutely perfect now. I really have explored so much with the top 4 characters, it's not like I can be like, "Ok today I'm going to be working on shield pressure with Falco." because I have really really great shield pressure, it's just can I consistently do it today, and it's just part of my game now.

That's not to brag at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the situations that I'm put in by the players in my apartment/region I've gone through thousands of times, and for the most part I have mastered them. It's hard for me to really push my character depth when I'm just punishing the same situations over and over and death comboing over and over.

I need that practice where, both players know all the situations, it's just a matter of mindgames, baiting, pressuring and just outthinking. When I play in my apartment it's just a matter of how perfect can I be. When I play with people who are better/really good, it's more like a chess match, and that's what I need. I'll continue to **** people at my level and below, but I'm not going to be able to place higher in tournament unless my standard is even higher. So how am I going to do that? I'll explain after this important message. :)


Another thing that I want to mention is how discouraged I was after the tournament. I literally started missing work on accident or waking up late just because I was up all night drilling tech skill into me, telling myself I have to be perfect, always. It was bad.

I even thought about stopping, I felt my efforts might be better directed elsewhere. 3 things happened though that made me change my mind.

One, within a week I was already re-motivated. That's pretty damn quick for how bad I was feeling. Smash and "becoming the best" is a part of my identity now, I can't picture seriously pursuing anything else until it's accomplished.

Two, I started thinking about going online and asking other top players how they deal with inconsistency. I thought of M2K and how he's inconsistent a lot, and I thought, "Wow, even M2K is inconsistent. Maybe it's just something I'm going to have to deal with." And then I got pretty sad...But then I realized, M2K is ****ing ridiculous at this game. His times when he's playing bad still ***** 97% of players.

So yeah, maybe consistency will be a huge hurdle for me even when I get to the top level, but until then, instead of whining about it I'm just going to try to improve my max skill. I have no reason to be scared of being inconsistent when I can just get better in general, so even when I'm playing bad I can still win.

Third, Jman who as far as I can tell is really inconsistent, won a pretty big West Coast tournament. Imagine what he's had to go through, playing so long just wanting to be the best/win a national, and he just plays terribly in tourney sometimes. At ROM3 I was like wow, Jman is playing pretty bad right now. So much rolling and so many missed combos and tech errors. If anything, he's got more right to be upset than I do, and so do a lot of other people.

But, he won that tournament and that sort of gives me some sort of hope, if that's even what you'd call it.

So yeah, I'm completely back in action and I need to focus on developing my Marth to an insane level, by exposing him to player(s) who force me to think harder, faster and present me with new situations to learn in and out.

I can wait until I go to an OOS tourney, or wait till Pound, but I really don't feel like waiting. Gotta do as much as possible to become great, as soon as possible...So, in order to do that..I...am...


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Power Training with PeePee!!

Going to NC and staying with PeePee for 3-4 days. Maybe I can convince him 5 :)

I met him at ROM2 and Tuar, him and I stayed up playing all night pretty much. We became friends and we share ideas a lot. It's awesome having a friend who's at the top of the metagame right now, especially when I'm trying so hard to get there haha.

I'll get a ton of Falco practice, his Fox and Falcon and Marth are all **** too though, so I'll have a lot of diversity to work with. In addition, I also play the top few characters so I'm really excited for both of us to play and test random things we want to, and just figure out even more about the game and make my Marth amazing so I feel confident using him in tournament.

I'm planning the trip for mid-late January. I'm having to work my *** off at work to pay for it and whatnot, but I don't care haha.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Jesiah I haven't read thru your posts yet (I will later tonight), but I just have to state that I was quite offended that you turned down my request to MM. It was pretty beat that you just dipped out the second GF was over, we drove 3 - 4 hours just to play with you guys and we didn't even get to play a serious set (and our pools match does not count at all, I knew I made bracket and was just having fun). Plus we didn't smoke enough weed.

NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!

edit: just read pt.1.

I can't comment on how well you were playing because we've never played before, but I didn't think you were playing badly at all. I also think that Nikos Marth > Yours on the whole, tho I'm way biased in that we play a lot and I have a ton of Marth practice. I just felt like on the whole, he is a stronger player, and I can't emphasize enough how salty I am that you denied me a MM. Who knows when that will happen again.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Rochester, NY
I can't comment on how well you were playing because we've never played before, but I didn't think you were playing badly at all. I also think that Nikos Marth > Yours on the whole, tho I'm way biased in that we play a lot and I have a ton of Marth practice. I just felt like on the whole, he is a stronger player, and I can't emphasize enough how salty I am that you denied me a MM. Who knows when that will happen again.
That'll make him push to play Marth harder.

I watched only a bit of the matches between Niko and you, Jesse and holy **** I could easily tell how nervous you were playing.

Dude, you're extremely good, don't act nervous, if you lose, you lose. So what? We don't give a f*ck, we all know how good you are and how good you're going to become.

Your rep wont go down and if it does, look at it as a goal to push harder.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Scarsdale, NY
Yeah I gotta comment, I was definitely sad when you pulled out that clutch gimp in LFs -- I was feeling SO good, and was so confident and sure I was gonna win that time. But you pulled it out, so good ****in dookie diarrhea doo doo **** JesiahTEMafiaPoFNezziah. The sad feeling passed quickly though -- the only thing that can be done is to practice for next time. I would say I'll keep working on those sheik dittos, but noone here (except a friend who doesn't come out that much) plays sheik so...yeah I can't really say that.

Come to think of it Jesse, I don't think I've EVER played you in Sheik/Marth ahah, you always give me those god damn dittos :( Next time let's get in some of those. It would be interesting to see the differences in playstyle between you and the kaka.

PS: But yes, maybe now you understand why I said I actually find Sheik/Marth to be so damn annoying...that match-up between me and Nikaka is pretty much who can breach the middle / center-point first


Deleted member

your tech looks fine, you just made many, many bad decisions vs niko. namely lots of jumping and dash attacking vs a character with stupid aerials and DD camping. next time just stick to ground needles and WD back > shield > react and you'll beat him.

still niko has come a long way for someone who didn't play melee at all when i met him.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I think you're talking about a different niko. Niko_k from canada probably.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca

something that i've come to believe is that all human beings are fundamentally inconsistent.

even the best/most consistent player, mango, had a random "bad loss" to shadowBTZO at oc3, a month before he won mad $$$ at super champ combo and went toe-to-toe with the best players in the nation

honestly, don't beat yourself up over it, because getting stressed over being an inconsistent player will just put you in a negative attitude. the most consistent players, IMO, are the ones who disregard the negative or use it as motivation, and who instead focus on improving, getting new tech skill, and adding more things into their game.

like, if i were to play smash with my little sister, for god damn sure i'd be a "consistent player," and a lot of times i think that people who play on a consistent level are really just better than the people they are playing, so long as there's no huge mental/mindset error.

everyone past a certain level is trying their asz off to get better, and the exciting thing about smash is that the metagame is always in flux. upsets happen all the time, players shoot up from out of nowhere to beat big names, then get ***** right as they're starting to seem invincible; the important thing to remember is that it's not a condemnation of them as an inconsistent player, but rather a testament to the strength of melee's tournament scene. :)

taking it as evidence of yourself being an "inconsistent player" seems like another way of discrediting your opponents; you're being more self-centered than realistic. (and this is coming from someone who is about the most inconsistent player i can think of LMAO.) i think that it's an exciting time to play smash right now, but then again i can remember like a million times i've thought that. it's because everyone's getting so frickin good it's unbelievable, and there are opportunities to get better at every corner. you just have to keep your eyes open while you're playing ;)


Nø Ca$h

Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2009
Philadelphia PA
tfs is pretty damn good. because theyre not beating hax jman eggm hbk ect every tourny they automatically arent really recognized. its stupid. untill u guys step it up ppl wont care.

tldr, be the best or be nobody


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
This is true, we're making moves. I just don't get where Jesse gets this high horse of "inconsistency" from. He's never played us before (besides Yaneev) and had no idea how good any of us actually were. If he had ***** Niko every single time before they played that day then I would by it, but gtfo with all these johns.

Nø Ca$h

Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2009
Philadelphia PA
wow thats actually a good point.. you were consistant jesse.. you consistantly lost to niko 3-2, right?

no disrespect intended. just study and try to beat him next time
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