So what have I been working on? I've been in a bit of a rut, conveniently beginning with my tournament in Troy, specifically technically.
I haven't been working my *** off to improve. I haven't been identifying my problems and trying to fix them. Why?
The way I go through my life, I'm constantly analyzing everything. I'm figuring out different strategies to get ahead in life, whether it's socially, at work, at home, whatever...I'm never really just "relaxing." I'm always trying to solve random problems and look at things from different perspectives.
When I play Smash now, it's an escape...Not an escape, because that makes it seem like I don't enjoy my life, when really I love my life to death. It's a way to relax. It's ironic because this whole analyzing mindset came from Smash, and now I've been using Smash as a way to relax haha.
I've been playing a lot of Falco. I'm really good at Falco dittos and Falco vs Fox and Falcon. Against Marth and to an extent Sheik though, I hate playing those matchups. I try to avoid them because I'm never going to play them in tournament anyways, but I play them anyways just to get new perspectives I suppose.
I had a wake up call though, and through a lot of thought and via Cactuar's posting, I've decided to focus exclusively on Marth. I need to stop being scared to play him in tournament, and he's already by far my most developed character.
Niko really showed me that I was inexperienced in a lot of higher level situations in the Marth vs Sheik matchup. I'm really motivated to develop my Marth and play him exclusively in tournament. The only exception MIGHT be Falcon, because I'm randomly pretty good at Fox vs Falcon and the matchup's way easier. (Not really hard for Marth at all I don't feel, but Fox is just that much easier)
I've been playing Marth without grabs, mainly because I feel very limited using Marth sometimes, and Swiftbass really ***** me for it. My main strat is DD grab and I'm not really sure what to do other than that. It's something I've struggled with for a while, and since the people I play with mainly aren't at a ridiculously high level, I have a problem overcoming this obstacle because I can normally just DD grab to death, so I switch characters and try to improve my others.
So, playing without grabs. At first it was really hard, because I wasn't really sure exactly what to do besides Zone. I got much better at it though. I've been doing a lot of very controlled shorthopping when my opponent is in range. Say the situation is Fox vs Marth, I'm Marth.
My opponent is close, DD'ing. I do a shorthop forwards to approach. This was something I sucked at before. I had a one dimensional mindset a few months ago, and I'd just aim for where they were and jump and Fair them. Dumb.
Now, I jump forwards and chase them as they DD away. I don't swing with my fair immediately. I keep my eye on them as I'm jumping towards them.
A lot of the times, they will try and DD grab, and it's instinctive, not conscious. So a lot of the times, this is beat by a super delayed fair, as it catches them when they try to come in for the grab, after DD'ing way. They expect the fair earlier, and their instinct makes them dash in at that exact moment they think they fair would have missed. Delaying it hits them.
My training partner Vicious has thankfully stopped falling for it so much. So, now he switches his DD'ing to conscious DD'ing. (Which is way better) So, I jump in and he doesn't fall for the delayed fair. Now he dash dances that fair and grabs me. So, I waveland away now.
This is an amazing chasing strategy vs dash dancing that I want to perfect. Chase them with a SH, and then REACT to what they do. If I see them DD trying to punish an early fair, swing with Fair. If I see them wait for it, Waveland backwards and punish their attempt at grabbing the late fair.
My question I have is, will I have enough reaction time to pull this off? I have to have enough reaction time in two different situations in this strategy: One, if I see them trying to punish my initial fair, and two, if they don't fall for it and I see them try to punish the second one. By initial fair I mean, them thinking I am going to fair earlier than I will.
After I master that, I'm going to see if mixing in Side B with my shorthop will do anything. Kind of unorthodox but it's worth experimenting with.
That's just one strat I'm working on. Another is getting close and WD'ing backwards, mixed in with DD'ing. Pretty basic. Get close and threaten, bait them into attacking, and punish. The only difference is I only punished with DD grab before, or mainly. Wavedashing into Fsmash or Side B are alternatives. Generally not effective, but I'm playing without grabs so it's necessary. I wonder if WD back to Utilt would work? Must test.
Retreating Fair works well too, as it's very hard to punish. Retreating Nair works well for stuffing approaches.
If they don't fall the for the bait, I feel when they see me WD back or Fair and I whiff, it conveys that I'm baiting them and trying to punish. So, when I think they will least expect it, I approach with Dtilt or Dash attack. The problem I experience with this is, if they DO decide to approach and it happens to be at the time I approach, Fox's nair generally beats both of those moves. It sucks. Gotta figure out what to do about that...
The BIGGEST problem is punishing attacks. A lot of times I move out of the way instinctively, by dash dancing. I realized that DD'ing on reaction is just a way to move out of the way of an attack, a quick little reaction to keep spacing. I managed to stop grabbing on instinct, but i haven't stopped DD'ing on reaction which is actually good because moving out of the way last minute is better than shielding most of the time.
THE PROBLEM though, lies in the fact that I dd out of the way but I don't punish. I can't grab so I'm like uhhhhh...what now?
I sometimes do DD dolphin slash, but that's only if i've dd'd far enough away and they're at high percents. If I only slightly moved out of the way, then i'll be so close to them the dolphin slash won't sweetspot, so they'll just recover before me usually. If they're at low percents they may not even get knocked down.
Dash Dance side B is kind of good. It is good, but it's easy to CC or get out of. Steffon just CC's it until I'm close enough then jabs me into whatever, or Dtilts me.
It was super annoying playing without grabs at first, but now it's fun. I just hope I can integrate them back in even better than before. If anything, I'll use them more appropriately now instead of making them a main strategy.