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Quest to Become the Best


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'm missing the updates. Can I come to the apartment at all this weekend possibly? I can't make it to smash club and I wanna play some.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2007
Rochester, NY
What is "smash club"? And how close is Smash club to ct?
It's in Rochester, New York, which is about 11 hours away from Connecticut (and that's a liberal estimate).

Smash club is just a club run by RIT, which is the Rochester Institute of Technology.

In other words, good luck getting here.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Hey Jesse,

I just watched some of your matches recorded by SleepyK and they were really inspiring. I'll admit at one point I did think I could beat you in tournament, and didn't really subscribe to Upstate NY's idolization of your play, but that was a long time ago. Watching those tournament sets, I realized that you are now miles ahead, coming closer and closer to your goal.

I find myself gradually losing interest in smash, and haven't really bothered to try and improve in a long time. I'll try my very best to make the next upstate tournament to see everyone again, but I feel like my life is drifting away from smash. I'm usually at a loss for words in person, but I want you to know I'm proud to have at one point been able to take a game off of you, even in friendlies. Shoot to the top!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Jesse write about NC or we're not friends anymore <3

btw do you know if m2k is gonna be able to get that controller back to you? I think he liked it.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
hey that was a really personal message!! >:o

just kidding, but really camping only works if they're impatient. It's a dead end that took me an entire year to explore. My onstage game is weak as ever.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Well, Jiggs doesn't really have a good ground game, since she's technically in the air all the time anyway. So I think you'll be okay. :awesome:


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Guys- I seriously will reply to every one, and throughout the time since I've gotten back from NC I've written down a list of topics that I'm planning on talking about. There's so many now though, so I'm going to be making a video blog just for this trip, because it's going to be way easier.

I really want to stay committed to this blog, so thanks for everyone being on my a$$ about it.

Real quick- Dudu, if there's one thing I respect for you more than anything ( and i respect you for a lot) it's your honesty. Thanks a lot man, seriously.

I try to stay in a consistent, positive mood throughout my life. Very very rarely am I not in a good mood, but even when I'm not, the one thing I can count on to boost me up is when someone notices my improvement. You're the man and in all honesty I hope one day we get to train for like, an entire weekend.

With more exposure and hours of time to learn and adapt, I see you being able to push me very far in the Marth/Jiggs matchup.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Thoughts on My Marth

The best thing that happened to me this tournament was the fact that I now have videos of me to watch against good players, both wins and losses. This is by far the most I have ever learned bout my Marth and my playstyle.

After watching my matches, I feel motivated...Inspired, and determined. In times throughout this "quest," my motivation/determination level goes up and down. On average I'd say it's higher than most people's. I'm constantly thinking about Smash, playing it, or trying to improve somehow.

Sometimes though, rarely, it skyrockets through the roof. It's happened to me now. Why?

Because I now have a very clear direction to take my Marth in. I feel as if I know exactly what I need to work on to break through to that next level of play.

Watching my Marth, I was surprised. Very surprised. It's...like a wildfire. I just do whatever I want to do, and always go for the most lethal choice possible, even if the timing is super tight or the angle is hard. I'm not planned out. I'm creative and play with no boundaries, no concept of what "should or shouldn't" work.

Now, I am extremely excited about the above paragraph. First off, I wasn't bragging at all in the above paragraph. In fact, I feel like I could have done much better at the tournament if I DIDN'T play like that, so reckless and all over the place. I think if I took my time to think out more decisions and went for some simpler kills/combos, I would have won some matches that I lost.

However, it's not about the "now" that I'm worried about. The tourney's over with, what's done is done. But the POTENTIAL I now feel I have from watching myself is so overwhelming, I have an uncontrollable urge to realize it as fast as possible.

Looking at the top, top players, I feel after watching my Marth that my foundation is the same as theirs. Not the same as in I play the same, or choose the same moves. No, the qualities that make up the top player's foundation, at least I believe these to be true, are creativity, unpredictability, and intelligence.

Some skills can be worked on short term, like combos, edgeguarding, platform game, etc. You can work on those so much and bring them to such a high level that you can place very high in tournaments. But, then I feel there's going to be a plateau. The abstract elements of the game cannot just be practiced in a week. They take time to develop, they are a part of your playstyle's "identity," if you will.

I'm getting to a point here, so just bear with me.

Creativity, unpredictability, intelligence and a few more I can't think of right now. There can be a lot of debate about those terms and how they fit into a top player's playstyle. Debates that can go either way. But what is true about all top players that can almost never be argued? I'm talking about the TOP players. They all have one thing in common that even low level players can spot...

Uniqueness. It's the ultimate key. You don't strive to be unique, in fact I think by doing that you are hurting yourself. You can't "try" and be different because then you lose efficiency and general gameplan. But you CAN work on your creativity, your unpredictability, intelligence and others, and although they take a while to work on, these are the elements that I believe bind together to create the foundation of a top level Melee pro.

I feel that I've managed, over these years of playing with very limited people and not travelling much, in combination with thinking about Smash all the time, develop my Marth to the point where after watching it, I can't compare it to any other Marth, and that my friends, I see as a SIGN. A sign that the building blocks which I've worked so hard to develop and place carefully, have paid off.

Now it's time to study and sculpt. Rewatch my videos and smooth out everything that I possibly can. Where could I have gotten a kill earlier? How could I have recovered better? Do I have any habits that I've missed before? Where do I need to be more precise?

I'm going to look at my successes and study them, so I can replicate them at will, and also take what I'm good at and refine it to be unbeatable.

I'm super happy right now, because I always look at top Melee pros and admire their play, their thought processes, their movement and precision. It is an art form that I can watch for hours, and afterwards I am always inspired.

For me though, no matter what I can never see any beauty in my play. I never have for some reason, and it's depressing. Now though, I can see it beginning to emerge. For the first time ever, I'm looking at myself play and feeling at least a little fulfilled.

At any rate, thanks for reading that. I made a video blog last night about my trip to NC so hopefully I can get that up tonight.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Determination/motivation comes and goes for everyone. Do you honestly expect a hero to move forward all the time without having the slightest negative thoughts? lol.. They always re-question themselves. So, there is a saying that goes.. It's ok to give up as long as your feet keep moving forward.

What I did back in the day to improve my skill level drastically was that my friends always pointed out my bad habits whenever I did them.. and so with much fury I melted these bad habits. This is what I'm doing in SSF4.. everytime I make a mistake, I try to forcefully change my mind with anger so that I never do that same bull**** mistake again. It's definitely not detrimental to use anger as a tool to get better. =P I always try to make a conscious realization that what I did was bad.. and the only way for me to stop doing something stupid is by being angry at it. It's not frustration, it's like if you make a sword sharper by repeatedly banging at it. =P

Now as for the unique style that most top players have.. well.. to me I simply found myself with Ganon. I decided from the very beginning that he was my character that I need to play with.. since he's a big *** guy with lots of offensive power while his defense is not that great.. That's totally my style. In general, I would pick the warrior character in any game. So, now my style many people call it relentless and that every move I throw has a purpose behind it. My style is like... Hit before you get hit and then once you do get a hit.. destroy him in anyway possible. I like to shut down the opponent completely and making him feel hopeless and I know Ganon is a good char for that since I mean general one hit can be surprising and it can shift the momentum my way just like that. So ya my style brings me an insane amount of fun and love.

Well I hope that helps a little bit.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
just saying

i felt that EXACT same way after Good **** German in July

I was on that optimistic high from sleep-deprivation, and it had literally been seven hours since the tourney had ended, and i was just sitting by myself waiting for the bus back to Arizona with my laptop. In short: Smash was on my mind.

I have a notepad file on my computer that i use to write down smash notes (things to think about/work on/remember/etc), and I was typing furiously for like, an hour.

So yeah, it's good that you're having one of those moments :)


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Hey guys. Long time no blog. Hope everyone is doing well.

I stopped posting because it was right around Pound, and I wanted to spend more time practicing instead of typing stuff up, plus there were a lot of great threads in Melee Discussion at the time so I felt this kinda wasn't needed.

Anyways, there's an insane amount of stuff I want to say. Like, I could probably type for 2 days straight and be nowhere near talking about everything that's happened so far. I am going to be documenting nearly every single aspect of my journey to the top. I'll be writing/video blogging it if I have to save time, but I'm not going to be posting it all here immediately. There's a few reasons for this.

1.) Typing up blog posts takes a ton of time. That's time spent practicing.

2.) The better I get the more I realize, sharing every little thing with everyone is kinda like...Idk how to say it. I'll put it this way: I'm not on his level yet so I can't fully understand, but I'm beginning to understand why Mango only teaches certain people. It's like, you put all this time and effort in and you overcome all these challenges, and you don't just want to give that away to someone if they're not going to use it or appreciate it.

At any rate, I just want to touch on a few small things before I get back to work.

1.) I lost to Nintendude recently, and I'm glad I did. I learned a ridiculous amount, and I can see exactly what I needed to do to win that matchup. Nintendude said something like, "Learn the matchup and you'll be back on your quest to become the best."

To me though, losing is the biggest part in that quest.

2.) I've been saying I want to go in the hyperbolic time chamber for a while now, and I did for a bit. I watched all my vids from NC and began practicing. Then I started working out again after work, and after going to work from 7-3 everyday, coming home, going to the gym and getting out at 6, after that is my time for Melee...The only problem is, it's so hard to focus and not fall asleep after the gym so for a while I just didn't practice that much.

Then I started using a new controller I got and I just don't give a ****. I've been practicing tech skill and breaking it in for a while now, and I'll just say this: I don't know what's a better feeling for me: Going out of state and beating a good player, or literally watching and feeling myself get better at home.

It's unbelievable to me, fascinating even. The changes that occur after nonstop tech skill practice for like 8 hours straight, and just from thinking of new mindgames/answers to situations are both physical and mental. They astound me and I love it.

On the physical side of getting better: I'm starting to develop insane tech skill, even with a broken controller. It's interesting what happens. On one hand, you lose some appreciation for the top pros. Everything I was amazed at just even during the summer when I watched vids and played people, is not that special anymore. It's just a technique that needs to be mastered perfectly. I'm not super impressed by anything technical anymore. I just sit down and figure it out.

I don't use Smashboards, I don't use frames or any of that. I just figure out the timings and the executions myself.

On the other hand though, I actually gain appreciation for great players after I realize just how difficult these techniques are. It's a weird, sort of paradoxical concept if that makes sense. (I hope it does)

I'm saving up for a motorcycle right now. During the summer I want to travel the East Coast this time, only this time my job is very important to me so I'm not going to quit and leave. I'll travel to tournies and Smashfests on the weekend, and having a bike will be better than a car because I'll save gas. I can leave on Fridays after work at like 4ish, and return Sunday night. That's my goal for this summer. Except this time I'm not just going to learn while I'm on my trip. This time the main goal is to dominate. I have this killer instinct that's brewing in me now, and all I think about during my days at work now is going from region to region destroying everyone.

It's a weird feeling because I love top players and I love pretty much every smash community I've been to. But, the joy and fun of meeting new people and enjoying their company is gradually being overcome by the urge to obliterate them as players. Gotta harness it.

There's so much more I could say. So, so much more. I'm going to end on this though: The more I play, the better I get. The better I get, the more confidence I have, the more dangerous I feel, and the closer I get to my dream of becoming unstoppable and impacting Melee history. I'm starting to feel it on a different level now, and I'm running with it.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
And Snap I namesearched myself and saw your post about this blog, which inspired me to give this brief update. Means a lot man, can't wait to see you again.

P.S.S.- My loss to Nintendude was extremely inspiring to me. Losing to wobbling and IC's tricks I'm inexperienced with is a true testament to the depth of Melee, and what it means to be prepared for nearly infinite situations, possibilities and challenges. This is a huge change from my loss to Niko where I was so upset demotivated.

Sorry for the double post mods, in a hurry and didn't think about it.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgPbqiaEG9U (Obligatory)

This is a lesson of how to dominate your opponent. Yes even though you love them, there's no mercy in battle! You can't give them the slightest chance to recover!

With that said.. I think the tech skill you are refering to is combined with the decision they make with it.. That's the awesome part about it and will always awestruck me sometimes when something amazing happens.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
What character/s did you use against Nintendude?
The winners bracket set was 3-1 and I think he went Marth the first game and then Fox for the rest. In the unrecorded game of the grand finals he went Fox.

I'm pretty sure the winners bracket set actually was recorded but the guy's computer died before he could process the videos, or something like that.


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgPbqiaEG9U (Obligatory)

This is a lesson of how to dominate your opponent. Yes even though you love them, there's no mercy in battle! You can't give them the slightest chance to recover!

With that said.. I think the tech skill you are refering to is combined with the decision they make with it.. That's the awesome part about it and will always awestruck me sometimes when something amazing happens.
Why the hell do u think ur a warrior? U talk so annoyingly. Ur just a guy playing super smash bros


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgPbqiaEG9U (Obligatory)

This is a lesson of how to dominate your opponent. Yes even though you love them, there's no mercy in battle! You can't give them the slightest chance to recover!

With that said.. I think the tech skill you are refering to is combined with the decision they make with it.. That's the awesome part about it and will always awestruck me sometimes when something amazing happens.
I had a feeling that this vid you posted was your set with nintendude, so I had to watch it again. That **** was too funny!!

edit: Jesse I think you should stick with 1 character (marth IMO).

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
And Snap I namesearched myself and saw your post about this blog, which inspired me to give this brief update. Means a lot man, can't wait to see you again.
Yeah dude you know it :D Thanks for the kind words I was just being honest, Cant wait to see you again to bro, Looking forward to some marth dittos next time!

Deleted member

jesse, you're a marth player. your punishes with fox are pretty good but you just don't have the mentality for that character (and so very few people really do).

stick to marth.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I had a feeling that this vid you posted was your set with nintendude, so I had to watch it again. That **** was too funny!!

edit: Jesse I think you should stick with 1 character (marth IMO).
Punching ICs feels amazing actually lol.

I want a rematch:)
Haha anytime. =) Sorry I had to post the video earlier, I just wanted to make a point.. which is true for everyone.
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